Author: The Serpent’s Way

  • Shadow Self Introduction


    Shadow Self Introduction “People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own souls. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious” – C.G. Jung INTRODUCTION Confronting and integrating the shadow is essential for personal growth, as it allows us to expand… Read more

  • Regeneration & Uncoiling The Serpent

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    Regeneration & Uncoiling The Serpent “When you have conquered entirely all sex desires then the regenerate body becomes a vessel to hold spirit” – Hiram Butler INTRODUCTION In numerous instances within this blog, we have stressed the significance of sexual energy as the foundation of mystical and spiritual practices. It was a shared belief among… Read more

  • Healing Power of The Serpent

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    Healing Power of The Serpent “It is possible that the product of the serpent may be everything needed for the healing of man” – James Taylor Kent, Physician and Homeopathist Introduction It is important for mainstream Christians to recognize the presence of a serpent within themselves. Without a doubt, the serpent reigns supreme as the… Read more

  • Inner Suns / Chakras


    Inner Suns / Chakras Read more

  • Decalcify Your Pineal Gland


    Decalcify Your Pineal Gland “The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light” – Matthew 6.22 Introduction The pineal gland, a profound enigma, continues to elude our understanding. Among the various glands within our brain, it remains the most enigmatic, yet it… Read more

  • Fluoride & Pineal Gland

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    Fluoride & Pineal Gland “Fluoride, commonly found in most municipal water as well as pesticides, accumulates in the pineal more than any other part of the body. This accumulation of fluoride forms phosphate crystals, creating a hard shell around the pineal called calcification” – Scott Jeffrey At the forefront of this post is a striking… Read more

  • Born of Water and Spirit


    Born of Water and Spirit “The old texts of ancient wisdom say that in the supreme moment of metaphysical copula, the man and woman withdrew from the chemical copulation without ejaculating the semen. The sperm was considered sacred, and nobody in those times dared to profane sex” – Samael Aun Weor To Be Born of… Read more

  • Alkaline Water Recipe


    Alkaline Water Recipe “Alkaline water has become the most important advancement in health care since Penicillin” – Dr. William Kelly The context of pH level The human body experiences an ongoing exchange between blood, Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF), sexual vital essences, and lymph. It is crucial to acknowledge that our eating habits directly impact these fluids.… Read more

  • Warrior’s Meditation

    Warrior’s Meditation “Silence is the warrior’s art – and meditation is his sword. With it, you’ll cut through your illusions. But understand this: the sword’s usefulness depends upon the swordsman” – Dan Millman Why Meditate? Meditation is an essential prerequisite for attaining kundalini, chakra, and higher conscious activation. Delving into the profound essence of one’s… Read more

  • The Allegory of The Cave

    The Allegory of The Cave “The sun is the true source of light in the world, the cause of the seasons and the annual cycle of things. And he would come to feel sorry for those who remain behind in the cave and are content to believe that the shadows on the cave wall are… Read more

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