Author: The Serpent’s Way

  • Masturbation & Degeneration

    Masturbation & Degeneration “Wastage of semen brings nervous weakness, exhaustion, and premature death. The sexual act destroys the vigour of your mind, body and indriyas and annihilates memory, understanding, and the intellect. Semen is a dynamic force. It should be converted into spiritual energy with pure thoughts and meditation. Those who are very eager to… Read more

  • Saint Germain on Creating

    Saint Germain On Creating ____________ “True alchemy lies in this formula: Your memory and your senses are but the nourishment of your creative impulse.” ____________ When the Great Alchemist’s (the true Creator of everything) Spirit breathed into man’s nostrils the breath of life, the fire of creative Spirit filled the clay tabernacle. An embryonic god… Read more

  • Are You a Teacher or a Student?

    Are You a Teacher or Student? “The student and the teacher are mirrors of each other. They cannot progress without one another. The student helps the teacher progress as a student. The teacher helps the student to become a better teacher.” – Rimias K. Neo When the student seeks the path leading to higher knowledge,… Read more

  • Alkaline Plant-Based Diet

    Alkaline Plant-Based Diet “No disease, including cancer, can exist in an alkaline environment” – Dr. Otto Warburg ALKALINE PLANT-BASED DIET Aqiyl Aniys stated in his book Alkaline Plant Based Diet that the Western reductionist paradigm reinforced the notion that if science hadn’t given its stamp of approval, then the idea was not worth much. The… Read more

  • Attention and Self-observation

    Attention and Self-observation “If one wants to get rid of this or that undesirable psychological element, first of all, one has to learn to observe with the purpose of obtaining a change; because, certainly, if one does not learn to self-observe, any possibility of change becomes impossible” – Samael Aun Weor OBSERVATION: DIRECTED ATTENTION In… Read more

  • Meditation for Kundalini and Christ Consciousness Awakening

    Meditation for Kundalini and Christ Consciousness Awakening “Kundalini is the biological- psychological- spiritual mechanism driving human evolution, transforming humanity’s consciousness, and making it possible for us to attain the tremendously expanded states of awareness, higher consciousness” – Gopi Krishna One of the many requirements to activate the Kundalini is by breath meditation sessions. It is… Read more

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