Category: Raw Food Diet

  • Spiritual Fasting

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    Spiritual Fasting “The principle of fasting is straightforward: health restored through cleansing. Our bodies have a limited capacity to store and/or to eliminate non-digestible or foreign matter taken through the diet. These materials, if left to circulate through the system, are antagonists to cells and organs and are collectively described as toxins. Fasting reverses this… Read more

  • Animal Protein Subverts Health

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    Animal Protein Subverts Health “Flesh food creates a tamasic (dull and heavy) effect on the physical body and mind. It clogs the channels of the subtle body, the 72,000 nadis through which the Kundalini needs to move freely to do it’s spiritualizing work, and tends to make the mind insensitive. Heavier foods and meats slow… Read more

  • Alkaline Water Recipe


    Alkaline Water Recipe “Alkaline water has become the most important advancement in health care since Penicillin” – Dr. William Kelly The context of pH level The human body experiences an ongoing exchange between blood, Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF), sexual vital essences, and lymph. It is crucial to acknowledge that our eating habits directly impact these fluids.… Read more

  • Alkaline Plant-Based Diet

    Alkaline Plant-Based Diet “No disease, including cancer, can exist in an alkaline environment” – Dr. Otto Warburg ALKALINE PLANT-BASED DIET Aqiyl Aniys stated in his book Alkaline Plant Based Diet that the Western reductionist paradigm reinforced the notion that if science hadn’t given its stamp of approval, then the idea was not worth much. The… Read more

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