Category: Sexual Alchemy

  • The White Magician


    The White Magician “From the dawn of life, a great battle has raged between the powers of light and the powers of darkness. The secret root of the battle lies in sex. The correct interpretation of the mysteries of sex exists. The white magicians never ejaculate the semen. The black magician always ejaculate the semen.… Read more

  • Sexual Transmutation


    Sexual Transmutation “Sexual energy should be wisely grown, prudently cultivated, and profitably expressed. Learn the art of sexual Transmutation, and channeling the sexual energy from root chakra to crown chakra.” – Hendrith Vanlon Smith INTRODUCTION Sexual energy transmutation involves transforming sexual energy into a more elevated drive, motivation, or energy. Before diving into sexual transmutation,… Read more

  • Born of Water and Spirit


    Born of Water and Spirit “The old texts of ancient wisdom say that in the supreme moment of metaphysical copula, the man and woman withdrew from the chemical copulation without ejaculating the semen. The sperm was considered sacred, and nobody in those times dared to profane sex” – Samael Aun Weor To Be Born of… Read more

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