Category: Spiritual

  • The Spiritual Fire

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    The Spiritual Fire “Few realize that even at the present stage of civilization in this world, there are souls who, like the priests of the ancient temples, walk the earth and watch and guard the sacred fires that burn upon the altar of humanity. Purified ones they are, who have renounced the life of this… Read more

  • Philosophy of Jainism


    Philosophy of Jainism “Jain teachings do not stand or fall on rational arguments; rather, the sole and sufficient guarantee of their validity is the Tirthankar’s omniscience. These teachings are not only regarded as unconditionally true; they are also enunciated for one specific purpose and for no other reason. That purpose is the attainment of liberation… Read more

  • Path Of The Hermit

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    Path Of The Hermit “Through the hostile landscapes in the dead of the night; a lantern in one hand guided by light; a staff in the other; he wanders the heights; in solitude seeking, the secrets of life” – Edward Green Introduction His life is not merely what it seems to be. Hidden from our… Read more

  • Spiritual Fasting

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    Spiritual Fasting “The principle of fasting is straightforward: health restored through cleansing. Our bodies have a limited capacity to store and/or to eliminate non-digestible or foreign matter taken through the diet. These materials, if left to circulate through the system, are antagonists to cells and organs and are collectively described as toxins. Fasting reverses this… Read more

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