Meditation for Kundalini and Christ Consciousness Awakening

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Meditation for Kundalini and Christ Consciousness Awakening

Meditation for Kundalini and Christ Consciousness Awakening

One of the many requirements to activate the Kundalini is by breath meditation sessions. It is not difficult (the meditation) at all; all it needs is your time and your love for yourself and the world.

These things have them, for free, these were given to you since the moment that you were born. Make sure that you do this when there in a quite location if your house, so you don’t get distracted by anything or anyone.

It takes only a few minutes a day either before or after a normal meditation session. The purpose of this meditation is to cause the CFS to travel down the spine so it can awaken the Kundalini.

CFS means CerebroSpinal Fluid or otherwise known as the ‘Chrism Oil’ or ‘The Water of Life’. Practicing deep conscious breathing. Ionizes the CSF and causes the Kundalini to rise. The Kundalini needs food, and this magnetic, ionized powerful oil/substance feeds it.

When it is fed, it feels alive and it moves upward the spine and into the pineal gland which causes the piezoelectric crystals of the pineal gland to be energized and this way the pineal gland fully opens up, the brain gets bathed in magnetized fluid transforming you to Super Consciousness or Christ Consciousness.

This meditation has tremendous benefits. The chrism oil or the sacred secretion is the water life. It will revitalize your body at a deep cellular level lie you’ve never experienced before.

The heart and brain will be harmonized, it will be a coherence between the two as opposed to now where society lives in the rational deceptive mind.

When this Kundalini awakens it will flood your whole body with super conscious energy, it will awaken also dormant neurons in the brain. We will cover this scared secretion in various blog articles but for this meditation is primary concern for now.

It will elevate your light body (aura) and lymphatic water system. Your parasympathetic healing system (which governs healing, digestion and energetic clearance) will fully function.

Your CSF will freely flow without any blockage, it’s function will be boosted. With an awakened Kundalini you will have visions, you could also develop remote viewing ability and many other psychic abilities. You can even move things with your mind.

I have witnessed people moving objects without touching them. Movies have showed us many times this ability. Find a quiet place in the house or out in nature. Sit on the ground or on a carpet, pillow, or chair where your spine is nice and straight.

INHALE for 7 seconds (inhale by using all the capacity of your lungs, including your diaphragm) through your nose while visualizing a bright white light/energy from your crown going down the spine to the root charka, where the Serpent/Kundalini is laying dormant.

When you begin counting, open your heart, your shoulders must go back, arch, and chin slightly up. At the end of your 7 counts when you take all your breath in, you must engage the root triple lock steps by…holding

HOLD for 7 seconds your breath while squeezing/contracting at the same time your:

(1) Pelvis floor Muscles (2) Perineum/Anus Muscles and (3) Stomach Muscles

While you hold your breath for 7 seconds in this triple root lock, your energy, will multiply, it will stir the Serpent that is coiled at your root.

In these 7 seconds that you are holding your breath, visualize that white light/energy that you previously brought down the spine from the crown chakra, visualize it in your root chakra as if it is getting even brighter and bigger like a giant diamond shining.

After the 7 seconds of holding your breath…exhale

EXHALE through your mouth for the duration of another 7 seconds. While you exhale through the mouth curve your spine toward the front into a ‘C’ shape while your bring your arms on top of your thighs.

As you do this exhale, visualize that dazzling magnificent white light traveling bac up the spine and to the crown. All this root triple lock and the circular motion of the spine will stimulate your cerebrospinal fluid and your kundalini nerves (Ida, Pingala, Sushumna)/energy.

Your spinal cords floats in that living water (CFS). Water is life, most people use the words ‘life’ and ‘alive’ but they don’t have any idea what truly being alive means.

Repeat this Inhale-Hold-Exhale practice for about 7 minutes by visualizing brilliant light for the whole duration of this meditation practice. It takes me about 20-30 seconds to feel the Kundalini. It must not be a challenge.

Take your time. In my case I have been practicing meditating and creativity for a while. If you cannot visualize any bright light (with your eyes closed of course) then you must work on doing creative activities so that you are not predominantly left brained individual.

The only right way to heaven is within, and is through your right side of the brain which is responsible for creativity, nurturing, empathy etc. To know where exactly the diaphragm is, hold one hand two inches (5cm) away from your mouth, and the other hand on your belly where the belly button is.

Pretend you are blowing out a candle, when you do this, you should feel with your other hand/palm the location of your diaphragm contracting a little bit. Most people are chest/short breathers.

You must practice taking full breaths, whether you are meditating or not. Also, to practice this meditation, your body and mind must be relaxed.

You can’t do this as soon as you finished a workout or if you were in an environment with lots of people shouting/talking or if you were listening to dance or heavy metal music. Your mind must be in Alpha brain wave, where you are relaxed.

Even better if you do this after a bath/shower. This inhale-hold-exhale mediation can even be in the backyard or anytime, anywhere as long as its quite outside and inside your mind. Practice this breathing technique not only when the Moon enters your zodiac sign (including practicing it every time there is a full moon), but also other times. Meditation should be as normal as breathing is.

Meditation for Kundalini and Christ Consciousness Awakening

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