Alkaline Plant-Based Diet

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Alkaline Plant-Based Diet

Alkaline Plant-Based Diet


Aqiyl Aniys stated in his book Alkaline Plant Based Diet that the Western reductionist paradigm reinforced the notion that if science hadn’t given its stamp of approval, then the idea was not worth much.

The problem was there was little science being done to uncover the benefits of plant foods, and most of the studies done were industry driven and promoted the consumption of animal and processed foods.

Dr. Sebi’s methodology supports the idea that illness begins where the mucous membrane of organs has been compromised. The constant consumption of acidic foods, meat, dairy, and processed foods, deprives the body of minerals, acidifies the body, and leads to development of chronic inflammation.

This causes the over production of mucus and compromises organs’ protective mucous membrane. The combination of reactions in the body provides and environment hospitable to disease because it paralyzes white blood cells. This allows for the proliferation of pathogens and leaves weakened organs susceptible to the pathogens.

The Western medical point of view looks at disease as being infected with a virus, bacteria, or fungus. People constantly encounter viruses, bacteria, and fungus, but that doesn’t mean a person necessarily has to become sick.

This means that pathogens are not the reason themselves that lead to illness. Sickness occurs when the body’s natural defenses are not enough to keep it from succumbing to pathogens.

Western medicine uses acidic and unnatural chemicals to kill the pathogens that undermine organ health, instead of focusing on what the body needs to fortify its own natural defenses.

Susceptibility to disease will remain when the integrity of organs and the immune system are weakened. Western pharmaceutical medicine is designed to attack specific pathogens but its medicine sets up conditions that further undermine the integrity of organs.

It essence Western medicine’s approach keeps the body in a constant state of internal weakness, leaving it susceptible to future pathogens.

Sickness sets in when the pathogens can penetrate organs and disrupt cell function. The role of the mucous membrane is to protect organs by producing mucus to trap and neutralize pathogens for their removal from the body.

Dr. Sebi explained if the mucous membrane in the lungs was compromised, the resulting illness would be pneumonia. A compromised mucous membrane in the bronchial tubes would result in bronchitis. In the pancreas, the result would be diabetes.

In the joints, the result would be arthritis. The consumption of meat, dairy, and processed foods acidifies the body, causes chronic inflammation, compromises the mucous membrane, and results in susceptibility to disease and deterioration of organ function.

The body responds to heavy milk consumption and its toxins with increased mucous production and inflammatory processes to combat the threat. Casein, a protein in milk, has been linked to an increased risk of developing cancer. Casein consumption has also been implicated in the overproduction of mucus in the gut and respiratory glands.

Continuous consumption of meat and processed foods also compromise the mucous membrane because of the chronic acidic environment they develop. An acidic environment in the blood supports the proliferation of disease by shutting down white blood cells.

Dr. Marcial-Vega, a renowned oncologist trained at Johns Hopkins University, gave a perfect example of this. Through his studies, he realized that an acidic environment wreaked havoc on the immune system and aided in the proliferation of disease.

Dr. Marcial-Vega examined the blood of his cancer patients and found red blood cells lost hemoglobin, became anemic, and clumped together to protect themselves against the acidic environment.

This interfered with proper oxygenation of red blood cells and the delivery of oxygen to organs to support cell function. The acidic environment also paralyzed white blood cells, which allowed for uric acid and cholesterol and other toxins and pathogens to build up.

Dr. Marcial-Vega raised his patient’s blood pH level to 7.4 simply by having them drink goji-berry juice. He used goji-berry juice at the time because he found it was the quickest natural way to turn the acidic environment of his patient’s bodies into a slightly alkaline environment.

The change helped to protect and strengthen their immune systems. The change to an alkaline environment allowed the red blood cells to separate and become properly oxygenated.

This allowed for the proper delivery of oxygen and nutrients to organs to support healthy cell function. White blood cells woke up from their dormant state and could seek and neutralize uric acid, cholesterol, and other harmful organisms.

Dr. Marcial-Vega’s patients experienced the following while participating in the goji-berry experiment:

Ninety percent of his patients had a reversal of acidity to alkalinity.

Eighty-five percent of his obese patients experienced significant weight reduction with an increase in lean body mass (no loss of muscle).

Eighty percent maintained constant levels of hemoglobin, platelets, and white blood cells. That was significant considering cancer patients undergoing cancer treatment usually experience an 80–100 percent drop in these blood levels.

Eighty percent of his patients with high blood pressure experienced a drop in their blood pressure. Fifty percent had to decrease or eliminate their high-blood-pressure medication.

Seventy-five percent of all his patients experienced an increase in libido.

Sixty-seven percent of his patients with high cholesterol experienced a minimum drop of fifty points in four weeks.

Sixty-four percent of his diabetic patients experienced a decrease in blood-sugar levels.

Dr. Marcial-Vega’s experiment supported Dr. Sebi’s position that an acidic environment supported the proliferation of disease and undermined organ integrity. His treatment also supported the notion that alkaline foods were supportive of the immune system and that they created an environment that was inhospitable to disease.

Alkaline Plant-Based Diet


Aqiyl Aniys stated that Dr. Sebi’s African Bio-Mineral Balance methodology introduced him to the concept that an acidic body supports the proliferation of disease, and an alkaline body protects against disease.

The issue is a bit more complex, which gave people who wanted to be divisive ammunition to attack his methodology. More specifically acidic blood supports the proliferation of disease. Science supports that there are alkaline parts of the body and acidic parts.

Stomach: Has a pH of 1.35 to 3.5, but the “Mucous Neck Cells” that are right below the surface of the stomach ling have a neutral pH.

︎Skin: The outer layer has a pH around 4 to protect it from the bacteria in the environment and the inner layer has a pH around 6.9.

︎Vagina: Has a pH around 4.5 to protect against microbial overgrowth.

︎Pancreas: PH is between 8 – 8.3.

︎Intestines: Small intestine has range of 6-7.4pH, and the large intestine has a pH range of 5.7 -6.7.

︎Blood: Has a pH range between 7.35 and 7.45 (7.4 is the number commonly used).

Acid and alkaline are opposite sides of the pH scale. The scale for pH ranges from 0pH to 14pH. 0pH represents the highest acidic level, and 14pH represents the highest alkaline level. 7.0pH is neutral. Though different areas of the body are acidic it is very important to eat alkaline foods to maintain a blood pH around 7.4. The pH of the blood is the reference point for homeostasis, or optimal functioning of the organs in the body.

The body works diligently to keep the blood in a slightly alkaline state near a pH of 7.4 to support homeostasis and health. pH stands for “potential hydrogen” and is the ability of molecules to attract hydrogen ions.

Too many hydrogen ions floating around the bloodstream makes the blood acidic and interferes with the proper oxygenation of cells in the body. Eating meat, dairy, processed foods, and even highly hybridized starchy plant foods acidify the blood because of their molecule structure.

They also lack vital minerals, vitamins, and phytonutrients the body needs to properly perform metabolic functions.

The body uses oxygen to release energy from nutrients so cells can use components from the nutrients to heal, repair, and sustain themselves. Without the required energy, organ function is compromised, resulting in sluggishness and illness.

An acidic environment wreaks havoc on the immune system’s white blood cells and causes them to go into a dormant state. This allows bacteria, viruses, and fungi to proliferate, attack weakened organs, and interfere with normal and healthy bodily functions.

The pH of the blood sets the stage for the health of the whole body. When the body doesn’t get enough alkaline material to maintain a blood pH around 7.4, the body will leach alkaline material from other areas of the body to maintain homeostasis.

For example, the body will leach calcium from bones, at the expense of bones, to maintain the proper pH in the blood.[79], [80], [81] This leaching can lead to the development of osteoporosis and result in a reduction of bone density and bone fractures.

The body uses buffering mechanisms, like the kidneys production of bicarbonate to maintain the desired alkalinity in the blood. When those systems are overwhelmed the body resorts to leaching alkaline material from fluids and tissues throughout the body.

The leaching compromises other areas in the body, leaving them susceptible to pathogens and toxins. The body will compromise other areas of the body because it is vitally important to maintain a blood pH around 7.4. Metabolic acidosis occurs when the pH in the blood drops below 7.4, which can result in stroke and death.

The chronic consumption of acidifying foods compromises the health of the entire body, and supports the manifestation of disease in any part of the body.

Natural plant foods properly alkalize the blood and maintain its desired pH, and support an environment that is inhospitable to disease. The consumption of natural plant foods optimally supports homeostasis or peak operation of organs.

Plants derive their nutrients from minerals they absorb from the earth, water, and air. Each type of plant is made up of different ratios and combinations of nutrients, which is determined by its genetic structure.

Plant foods are loaded with micronutrients: minerals, vitamins, phytonutrients, and the carbohydrate macronutrient. These are the primary nutrients the body uses to support cell health and energy.

Plants also contain fat, and nitrogen based compounds called proteins, but in smaller concentrations. Meat, dairy, and processed foods on the other hand contain mostly fat and protein and are deficient in minerals, vitamins, phytonutrients, and carbohydrates.

The chemical structure of animal fat and protein also differ from plant fat and protein that alkalize the blood instead of acidifying it.

Plants’ minerals and vitamins help them to grow strong and vibrant, while plants’ phytonutrients protect them against environmental pathogens. Plants absorb the sun’s energy through the process called photosynthesis and convert its energy into physical forms of energy it uses for growth and to support chemical processes.

People consume the plants and absorb their natural balance of elements, compounds, and energy that are manifested in their minerals, vitamins phytonutrients, carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.

As with plants, the human body is derived from these same elements and compounds When people consume plant life, they consume elements and compounds that support the healthy function of organs. The chemical structure of natural plants has chemical affinity with the body, so their digestion doesn’t produce harmful.

Meat, dairy, and processed foods are deficient in the minerals, vitamins, and phytonutrients necessary to support optimal organ function. The food industry was aware of the deficiency and developed vitamin and mineral supplements.

Plant foods naturally provide nutrients in combinations the body recognizes, but artificial supplementation does not. Numerous studies have shown that vitamin supplementation increased mortality, while the nutrients in plant-based foods supported health.

A well-balanced, whole-food, alkaline plant-based diet is naturally high in minerals, vitamins, and phytonutrients. The diet is also high in natural carbohydrates the body burns quickly for energy. Natural carbohydrates are the body’s primary fuel source.

The diet is also naturally low in fat and protein and provides a ratio of 80 percent carbohydrates, 10 percent fat, and 10 percent protein. This is the ratio nature provides to optimally support the healthy function of organs.

An alkaline plant based diet supplies the small amount of fat needed to support bodily functions, such as providing insulation for organs, storage of fat-soluble vitamins, and supporting brain function, growth, and cell functions.

It also supplies the small amount of protein needed to support antibody and enzyme production, transport of components, building and maintenance of cells, and transmission of messages throughout the body.

The plant protein an alkaline plant-based diet provides fully supported the longstanding recommended daily allowance (RDA) of 10 percent protein. This was the recommendation for protein up until industry pressure influenced the Food and Nutrition Board to change the recommendation in 2002.

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