Masturbation & Degeneration

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Masturbation & Degeneration

Masturbation & Degeneration


Initially, the chosen images in this specific post represent degeneration through their gloomy, dark, and depressive nature. This selection serves a dual purpose: firstly, it accurately portrays the decline of reproductive energy, with masturbation and orgasm being viewed as forms of degeneration and decay. Secondly, the images also serve as symbols of black magic, reflecting the ritualistic nature of pornography as a form of dark magic.

During our conversation on the Shadow Dragon page, it was mentioned by Thoth, an Atlantean Priest-King, that upon establishing a province in ancient Egypt following the sinking of Atlantis, he declared that individuals were resorting to black magic in order to acquire power and wealth.

In addition, we discussed Manly P. Hall’s explanation of ceremonial magic in ancient times. He distinguished between White Magic, which is used for the benefit of others, and Black Magic, which is focused on self-serving purposes. Hall suggested that the positive aspects of White Magic from ancient ceremonial practices deteriorated into corruption and distortion due to the influence of Black Magic.

It is clear that a logical mind can deduce that following the fall of Atlantis, the use of black magic persisted. In ancient Egypt, black magic took over the spiritual leadership and eventually became the dominant force in the state religion.

This state religion of black magicians incapacitated the intellectual and spiritual growth of the Egyptian citizens. As we learned, the Pharaohs’ became a marionette controlled by the Scarlet Council. This council of dark arch-sorcerers was raised to power by the corrupted priesthood.

The current state of humanity is a result of the negative impact of black magic practices from ancient civilizations like Atlantis and Egypt. These practices have led to a degenerated and highly controlled condition that has persisted through the ages.

In the present day, politicians and national governments are mere pawns, carrying out the desires of a hidden and influential power structure that operates in secrecy. The Ancient Scarlet Council of Egypt can be seen as comparable to what is commonly referred to as the ‘Deep State’ or the term ‘Shadow Government’.

Since we referred to national governments and this sinister power structure. Matthew Lacroix, in his book The Illusion of Us: The Suppression and Evolution of Human Consciousness stated the following. This concept of nationalism that has been stoked in our society for thousands of years has led to LUST, gluttony, severe poverty, and instability across the planet.

This structure is reinforced by the intense promotion of competition which begins when we are only children. Whether it is with sports, business, or even societal status, humanity is engineered into a constant state of survival against one another.

Instead of a friendly collaboration of ideas with peers, students are pitted against one another in a barbaric population who is dominated by ego and greed for themselves. This toxic viewpoint has turned social interactions into a ceaseless barrage of insults and attacks, as we continuously compete for everything.

There has been a deliberate suppression of consciousness for all developed countries and instability and war in virtually all the rest. To achieve this state of consciousness with an awakened Kundalini, chakras, and all human spiritual abilities activated requires first-and-foremost the preservation of sexual energy.

The deliberate suppression of humanity’s spiritual potential by these black sorcerers has been ongoing since the fall of Atlantis. Throughout various civilizations, we can extensively discuss the actions and impact of these sorcerers, even encompassing the disintegration of the contemporary power structure.

Our current focus lies solely on establishing a connection with the subject matter discussed in this post. Please visit our Shadow Dragon Consciousness page to learn more about the black sorcerers and their key involvement in the porn industry. The page contains alarming statistics regarding the degradation within the industry.

Prior to unlocking the door to The World Health Organization, it is essential to confront a significant misconception. Presently, the general population associates the term Occult with malevolence. The exploration of the Occult can actually contribute to the spiritual advancement of humanity.

Occultism according to Will Keller, is the study of the hidden Laws of Nature, specifically those laws which are at work in the visible/mental/spiritual domain far more than those at work in the visible/physical world.

Therefore Occultism involves the acceptance of a much wider worldview than that which is ordinarily taken by the everyday person. Occultists, then, may be defined as those who study ALL the Laws of Nature, both those are readily seen, and those which are much more difficult to see with the eyes or measuring instruments alone. Let’s move along to some more detrimental misinformation and lies that have caused many to be deceived.


By now, you may be wondering how masturbation relates to the content of this article. However, as we progress further, we will connect all the dots. It is important to acknowledge the intellect and strategic approach employed by these dark sorcerers. They possess a profound understanding of the immense power that lies within sexual energy.

The key to human spiritual evolution lies in harnessing sexual energy. Since ancient times, there has been a deliberate agenda to prevent individuals from unlocking their spiritual potential. This suppression is aimed at maintaining control over humanity by keeping them in a state of degeneration.

As with other world organizations born from the ruins of the war of 1940-45 (the World Trade Organization, International Monetary Fund, The World Bank, and The United Nations) The World Health Organization is a transnational superministry, in the case of health.

Beneath the façade of these so-called global institutions lie individuals who, under the guise of humanitarian organizations, are actually black sorcerers. Their sole purpose in creating these entities was to advance an agenda of enslavement, a plan that traces its roots back to the ancient city of Babylon.

The World Health Organization’s influence trumps that of its national counterparts, operating without regard for democratic electoral processes. These organizations are undeniably totalitarian in essence.

These organizations hold authority over all national governments. Unfortunately, both these global institutions and national governments have succumbed to corruption. The agenda of the black sorcerers, which these global bodies represent, aims to establish a totalitarian regime of digital control over humanity, reminiscent of a fascist/communist Orwellian society. It is crucial to verify the information I provide by conducting your own research.

According to, the standing director-general of the World Health Organization is a man named Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. Tedros, as he is frequently called, was elected to the position of director-general on May 23, 2017, becoming the first WHO director-general in history to not be a medical doctor.

Instead of having been a medical doctor, Tedros served ministerial positions for Ethiopia under the regime of the Tigray Peoples’ Liberation Front (TPLF), a prolifically violent Marxist organization of which he was a prominent (top three, per the Ethiopian Registrar member of the politburo. 

TPLF is currently designated a terrorist organization by the Ethiopian government, and was designated a Tier III terrorist organization by the US Department of Homeland Security on the basis of its violent quest to become the main party of the ruling coalition of Ethiopia, a position it held on to with an iron fist for the better part of three decades.

The US has issued a statement lamenting TPLF’s post-reign violence as well. After holding regional and state positions in the early 2000s, Tedros was promoted to Minister of Health of Ethiopia by Prime Minister and chairman of the TPLF, Meles Zenawi, in October of 2005.

During his tenure as health minister, the government referred to Cholera as “acute watery diarrhea”, preventing the country from receiving international medical resources, potentially protecting tourism and/or other sources of revenue dear to party leadership. 

Since a cholera outbreak in 2006 in the Oromia region, Ethiopia has referred to the disease as “acute watery diarrhea” (AWD), essentially a symptom of the deadly waterborne cholera, which is caused by the Vibrio cholerae bacterium.

Tests at the time by the United Nations confirmed that it was actually cholera.” Responsiveness was severely limited by the government’s refusal to declare a Cholera epidemic on multiple occasions, and many Ethiopians became sick and succumbed to the disease.

TPLF’s manifesto labelled the Amharas, one of the two largest ethnic groups in Ethiopia, the enemy of the Tigray people. Their history of participating in genocide against the Amhara people is well-documented. 

According to the Amhara Professionals Union, Tedros appears to share the inclination of the party of which he was third most important member of the standing committee of the politbureau.

The organization released a lengthy research document, which will be touched on briefly, as it is too extensive to detail in full here, although readers are encouraged to review it in full on their own time.

The Amhara Professionals Union further accused Tedros of being responsible for a de facto “chemical genocide” during his tenure on account of presiding over “poorly treated and handled chemical waste” in the region. 

While this accusation of a secretive depopulation agenda under the guise of family planning and/or poor waste-handling may seem outlandish to sheltered readers, it is far more humane and less incredible than the other more brazen methods of achieving the same end that appear to have been carried out in the region.

As reported to Genocide Watch, the means of ethnic cleansing that have been perpetrated on the Amhara are often of a spectacularly gruesome character.

The APU’s treatise also references an audit report from the Global Health Fund’s Office of the Inspector General stating, “Dr. Ghebreyesus frequently mentions his role as Chair for Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria from 2009-2011 but instead of being proud he should rather have been ashamed given the mismanagement of the fund and poor accounting found during his tenure as Minister of FMOH.

Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria granted Ethiopia $1,306,035, 989 over the years. However, according to the 2012 audit report of the Global Fund’s Office of the Inspector General, the office led by Dr. Ghebreyesus and other partner organizations actually inappropriately used the money generously donated by tax payers and requested the Ethiopian government to refund $7,026,929.00.

The inappropriate actions include misappropriation of funds and use of donor funds for unsound programs most of which were used for political purpose, substandard quality of constructed health facilities suggesting Dr. Ghebreyesus government plays with numbers not with quality and ineligible expenditures.

The report stated over $5.5 million was advanced by HAPCO to the FMOH and was still outstanding by February 2011 although the grant expired in August 2010. Overall, the organization led by Dr. Ghebreyesus was noted to have weakness in accounting, poor budget preparation and monitoring, inadequacies of internal audit and overall poor financial management.”

Late in 2012, Tedros became Minister of Foreign Affairs, operating with the same level of integrity as he had as Health Minister. A subset of the highlights follow. 

Early in his tenure at the position, Saudi Arabia sought to repatriate foreign workers in response to unemployment of native Saudis. Nearly a million Bangladeshis, Indians, Filipinos, Nepalis, Pakistanis and Yemenis are estimated to have left the country.

The Ethiopian government failed to respond, despite a deadline extension. When violence broke out against the Ethiopians in Saudi Arabia, the Ethiopian government didn’t bother to respond until Ethiopians started to protest peacefully outside the Saudi embassy in Ethiopia’s capital, at which point protesters were promptly beaten and arrested.

“Whilst thousands of its nationals are detained, beaten, killed and raped, the Ethiopian government hangs its negligent head in silence in Addis Ababa, does not act to protect or swiftly repatriate their nationals, and criminalises those protesting in Addis Ababa against the Saudi actions.” 

In 2014, Tedros personally orchestrated the kidnapping of Andargachew Tsege, as well as reportedly north of 760 additional dissidents by colluding with Yemeni leaders. Then when civil war broke out in Yemen, the Ethiopian prime minister unsurprisingly publicly backed the Yemeni government leaving the hundreds of thousands of Ethiopians in the country an acutely dangerous situation. 

When South Africans began killing foreigners on 11 April 2015, including victims from Ethiopia, Mozambique, Bangladesh, and Zimbabwe, other notable African nations sprang into action, with Malawi and Kenya evacuating their citizens Zimbabwe dispatching police and Nigeria issuing a 48 hour ultimatum threatening to shut down their South African operating businesses all within a week of the violence. For his part, Tedros put out a self-and-party-aggrandizing Facebook post. 

On April 20th, in lieu of any real response from the Ethiopian government, the Global Alliance for the Rights of Ethiopians, which had formed in response to the government’s lack of response to the Saudi situation under Tedros put out a statement both acknowledging that the “grim socio-economic and political situation in Ethiopia is driving thousands of young girls and boys from their home land and exposing them to inhuman treatment abroad” and pleading that the government “take responsibility and take appropriate and immediate action to protect the rights of its citizens”. 

In November, when Ethiopians were again attacked in South Africa, resulting in half a dozen Ethiopian being murdered in particularly brutal fashion, the response was similarly apathetic. Aboye said the Ethiopian embassy has not given enough help. “We see our brothers getting killed, doused with a three-liter jerrican of kerosene, and no one is helping us when this happens,” he said. “We haven’t seen anyone sticking up for Ethiopian citizens here.”

After a number of Christian Ethiopians were famously beheaded or shot by ISIL extremists in Libya, the government facilitated a rally at the nation’s capitol. First decrying what it presents as the government’s original repressive response toward the families of the victims, E-Veracity summed up the event’s conclusion succinctly, “As it always does, the government started attacking Ethiopans.” 

Then at the Ireecha Cultural Festival of 2016, the government did some more of what “it always does”, attacking and firing into the crowd. Tedros went on record to state “Indeed, it is quite clear from the videos that there was no shooting and the police were unarmed” despite that the video provided by Human Rights Watch showed precisely the opposite. 

In 2017, Forbes put out an article showing that though the TPLF-led government received close to $30 billion since coming to power, the same amount, roughly $30 billion, was stolen by TPLF-led government officials.

Its author was David Steinman, a Nobel Peace Prize-nominated economist who directly advised Ethiopia’s democracy movement for nearly three decades until it finally broke free of the shackles of the TPLF-led government regime in 2018.

Having a uniquely qualified understanding of the situation among westerners, Steinman lodged a complaint with the International Criminal Court in Hague calling for Tedros to be prosecuted for genocide.

Per British publications, The Times and the Daily Mail, Steinman stated that Tedros “was a crucial decision maker in relation to security service actions that included killing, arbitrarily detaining and torturing Ethopians” and that the WHO chief oversaw the “killing, and causing serious bodily and mental harm to, members of the Amhara, Konso, Oromo and Somali tribes with intent to destroy those tribes in whole or in part” along with “intimidation of opposition candidates and supporters”, including “arbitrary arrest . . . and lengthy pre-trial detention”. 

This is only a partial resume of the storied pre-WHO career of Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. Sure it’s odd that the same Health Minister leading the only country in the horn of Africa not to have cholera was also the Foreign minister of what was routinely the only country uninterested in repatriating its distressed citizens, and sure kidnapping dissidents and lying about events with publicly available video footage looks bad.

And sure providing disproportionately high levels of healthcare for your native region for virtually every indicator except for injectable contraceptives used in unprecedented abundance for the ethnic group your party has appeared to be hellbent on genociding since its inception looks suspicious, but have you seen this face? 

Clearly, when it came to the brutal crimes and methods of Tedros’s party, including those perpetrated under the divisions of the government he was head of, he should have been told—only then could he have truly known!

Of course, if he didn’t know the methods used by his own regime, that would imply that he was a half-witted lackey who mindlessly did the bidding of whoever pulled the levers of power.

This presents the uncomfortable binary whereby he was either a genocidal thug, or a half-witted lackey somehow unwittingly complicit in brutality, and one would think in neither circumstance would it make any sense to put this non-medical-doctor at the helm of something like the World Health Organization. 

In fact, to anyone with any neural activity at all it appears unmistakable that the only reason to hire Tedros for anything would be in the event that one planned on grotesquely trampling ethical and/or legal standards and needed a lieutenant who could be relied on for unwavering complicity. 

Do you truly trust that the organizations affiliated with the United Nations prioritize the well-being of humanity? Do you have confidence in the World Health Organization’s commitment to safeguarding individual health interests? Are you convinced that vaccines and self-pleasure contribute to good health? Do you truly believe that the World Health Organization functions as a health-focused entity? Do you sincerely think that these groups would expose the great power of harnessing your sexual energy?


Kenneth Saladin stated simply, “If you want to destroy any nation without war, make adultery or nudity common in the young generation.” Having said that, let’s now examine the agenda set forth by individuals who have been involved in the practice of black magic since the time of Atlantis. Specifically, we will focus on the degenerative sexual propaganda promoted by the World Health Organization.

Comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) as it is called by the World Health Organization gives young people so-called accurate, age-appropriate information about sexuality and their sexual and reproductive health, which is critical for their so-called health and survival.

While CSE programmes will be different everywhere, the United Nations’ technical guidance – which was developed together by UNESCO, UNFPA, UNICEF, UN Women, UNAIDS and WHO – recommends that these programmes should be based on an established curriculum; scientifically accurate; tailored for different ages; and comprehensive, meaning they cover a range of topics on sexuality and sexual and reproductive health, throughout childhood and adolescence.

Topics covered by CSE, which can also be called so-called life skills, family life education and a variety of other names, include, but are not limited to, families and relationships; respect, consent and bodily autonomy; anatomy, puberty and menstruation; contraception and pregnancy; and sexually transmitted infections, including HIV.

Sexuality education equips children and young people with the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values that help them to protect their health, develop respectful social and sexual relationships, make responsible choices and understand and protect the rights of others. 

Evidence consistently shows that high-quality sexuality education delivers positive health outcomes, with lifelong impacts. Young people are more likely to delay the onset of sexual activity – and when they do have sex, to practice safer sex – when they are better informed about their sexuality, sexual health and their rights.

The World Health Organization doesn’t prioritize your rights and health; they are merely a front for black sorcery. If they truly cared, they wouldn’t be pushing chemical poison like vaccines during the orchestrated COVID scam. Once you truly tap into the power of harnessing your sexual energy, you’ll realize it’s the ultimate medicine that can make you immune to all illnesses and diseases.

In an upcoming post, we will delve into the topic of vaccines. Vaccines can have a detrimental impact on the path of Kundalini awakening, but this is intentional. Just like masturbation, vaccines can impede your spiritual progress. Many courageous doctors have already brought attention to the dangers associated with vaccines.

Sexuality education also helps them prepare for and manage physical and emotional changes as they grow up, including during puberty and adolescence, while teaching them about respect, consent and where to go if they need help. This in turn reduces risks from violence, exploitation and abuse.

When should sexuality education begin? According to the World Health Organization, children and adolescents have the right to be educated about themselves and the world around them in any age – and developmentally appropriate manner – and they need this learning for their health and well-being.

Intended to support school-based curricula, the UN’s global guidance indicates starting CSE at the age of 5 when formal education typically begins. However, sexuality education is a lifelong process, sometimes beginning earlier, at home, with trusted caregivers. Learning is incremental; what is taught at the earliest ages is very different from what is taught during puberty and adolescence.

With younger learners, teaching about sexuality does not necessarily mean teaching about sex. For instance, for younger age groups, CSE may help children learn about their bodies and to recognize their feelings and emotions, while discussing family life and different types of relationships, decision-making, the basic principles of consent and what to do if violence, bullying or abuse occur. This type of learning establishes the foundation for healthy relationships throughout life.

Does sexuality education encourage masturbation? According to the World Health Organization, CSE does not promote masturbation. However, in our documents, WHO recognizes that children start to explore their bodies through sight and touch at a relatively early age. This is an observation, not a recommendation. 

The UN’s guidance on sexuality education aims to help countries, practitioners and families provide accurate, up-to-date information related to young people’s sexuality, which is appropriate to their stage of development. This may include correcting misperceptions relating to masturbation such as that it is harmful to health, and – without shaming children – teaching them about their bodies, boundaries and privacy in an age-appropriate way.

What is the impact of abstinence-based programmes? According to the World Health Organization, there is clear evidence that abstinence-only programmes – which instruct young people to not have sex outside of marriage – are ineffective in preventing early sexual activity and risk-taking behaviour, and potentially harmful to young people’s sexual and reproductive health.

CSE therefore addresses safer sex, preparing young people – after careful decision-making – for intimate relationships that may include sexual intercourse or other sexual activity. Evidence shows that such an approach is associated with later onset of sexual activity, reduced practice of risky sexual behaviours (which also helps reduce the incidence of sexually transmitted infections), and increased contraception use.

How can countries use the UN’s guidance on sexuality education? According to the World Health Organization, sexuality education, as with all other issues, WHO provides guidance for policies and programmes based on extensive research evidence and programmatic experience.

The UN global guidance on sexuality education outlines a set of learning objectives beginning at the age of 5. These are intended to be adapted to a country’s local context and curriculum. The document itself details how this process of adaptation should occur, including through consultation with experts, parents and young people, alongside research to ensure programmes meet young people’s needs.

To control the world’s population by weakening them, teach them that masturbation being harmful is nothing but a misperception. The Communist Organization asserts that hindering the spiritual evolution of humanity towards higher consciousness can be achieved by imparting the knowledge that abstinence-only programs are ineffective in deterring early sexual activity and risky behavior, and may pose potential harm to the sexual and reproductive health of young individuals.

Numerous search results emerge when conducting a Google search on “Masturbation and Health,” showcasing an abundance of information highlighting the purported positive health impacts of this practice. However, such claims are based on misinformation. Throughout history, various ancient philosophies, religions, and mystery schools have long recognized the detrimental consequences associated with squandering one’s seed.

In an article titled 10 Benefits of Masturbation, Men’s Health magazine describes for following benefits of masturbation. 1) It can help lower prostate cancer risk 2) It makes you harder 3) It helps you last longer during sex 4) It boosts Immunity 5) It boosts Mood 6) It can Help You Fall Asleep 7) It can Increase Your Life Span 8) It Can Improve Your Skin 9) It Helps You To Get to Know Your Body Better 10) It Improves Your Heart Health. These are all false except for number six which should be obvious as to why.

David Wilcock stated in his book Financial Tyranny, the following about Media Consolidation. In 1983, there were 50 different independent media companies in the United States. By 2004, this number had reduced to five key players: Time Warner, Disney, News Corporation (FOX), Bertelsmann of Germany and Viacom (formerly CBS).

These five huge corporations – Time, Warner, Disney, Murdoch’s News Corporation, Bertelsmann of Germany, and Viacom (formerly CBS) – own most of the newspapers, magazines, books, radio and TV stations, and movie studios of the United States.

These five are not just large – though they are all among the 325 largest corporations in the world – they are unique among all huge corporations: they are a major factor in changing the politics of the United States, and they condition the social values of children and adults alike.

We find ourselves engaged in a battle on two fronts – a spiritual war and an information war. These sources are owned by the dark sorcerers who are well aware of immense power of sexual energy.

On the contrary, the claim that an orgasm a day keeps the doctor away is absurd and false. For a man, orgasm causes degeneration and decay. It is important to note that the only benefit out of ten is that orgasms can aid in falling asleep, as they deplete your vitality. Engaging in self-pleasure or experiencing orgasm with a partner can have detrimental effects on the body, mind, and spirit.

Throughout our practice, we have delved deep into the teachings of various cultures and traditions to understand the profound effects of semen retention. By immersing ourselves in this knowledge and incorporating it into our daily lives, we have experienced firsthand the transformative power of harnessing sexual energy. Through our journey, we have sought to not only understand the theoretical aspects of this practice but also to embody its principles in our own lives.

Moreover, through our own personal journeys, we have discovered the transformative power of semen retention. By breaking free from the cycle of addiction to porn and masturbation ourselves, we have experienced a profound shift in our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. This newfound awareness has enabled us to fully appreciate the importance of preserving and harnessing our sexual energy for personal growth and vitality.

Despite being classified as 100% disabled upon retiring from the military, I have managed to maintain a sense of vitality and youthfulness. This includes feeling mentally, physically, and spiritually akin to someone much younger. However, despite my overall well-being, I have not sought medical attention in the past six years.

After years of enduring the physical strain from military service, particularly the impact on my knees from parachute jumps, I found myself in a state of physical discomfort and exhaustion. The wear and tear on my body had taken a toll, leading me to seek alternative methods to improve my health and well-being. This realization prompted me to explore the practice of semen retention as a means to rejuvenate my body and mind.

Over the years, the wear and tear from weightlifting began to manifest in my body, especially in my elbows, knees, and back. This physical strain served as a constant reminder of the years I dedicated to weight training. Additionally, my struggle with an extreme masturbation addiction took a toll on my body as well. As I entered my late thirties, the consequences of this addiction became more severe, impacting not just my physical health but also my overall well-being.

With the elimination of pain and discomfort through semen retention, I have been able to tap into a wellspring of vitality and energy that has revitalized my body. This surge in strength and resilience has not only transformed my physical well-being but has also empowered me to push my limits in activities like biking, where I now effortlessly tackle lengthy bike rides (25 to 35 miles) multiple times a week.

Since incorporating semen retention into my lifestyle, I have noticed a significant increase in my energy levels and overall productivity. This newfound vigor allows me to hit my home gym regularly throughout the day, maximizing my workouts and seeing better results than ever before.

Despite only getting five hours of sleep each night due to the immense energy levels from retaining, I am amazed by how energized I feel, even as I prepare to rest for the night. This shift in my routine has truly revolutionized my life, allowing me to achieve more and feel better than I ever thought possible.


In his book titled “The Virile Powers of Superb Manhood,” Bernarr A. Macfadden expressed his thoughts on the subject of masturbation. The loss of physical manhood resulting from this one evil is horrible to contemplate.

The laws of sex should be as plain as the alphabet to every human being, even from early childhood. Boys grow up without a word said on this important subject. They come in contact with the most horrible and most destructive evils of life almost before the real struggle of life begins.

They enter it without a word of warning. “Masturbation outrages nature’s sexual ordinances more than any or all the other norms of sexual sin man can perpetrate, and inflicts consequences the most terrible.

It is man’s sin of sins, and vice of vices; and has caused incomparably more sexual dilapidation, paralysis, and disease, as well as demoralization, than all the other sexual depravities combined.

Neither Christendom nor heathendom suffers any evil at all to compare with this; because of its universality, and its terrible ravages on body and mind; and because it attacks the young idols of our hearts, and hopes of our future years. Pile all other evils together – drunkenness upon cheateries, swindlings, robberies, and murders; and tobacco upon both, for it is the greatest scourge.

All sickness, diseases and pestilences upon all; and war as the cap sheaf of them all – and all combined cause not a tithe as much human deterioration and misery as does this secret sin. “Private fornication causes twenty times more misery than any other sexual sin. And this is substantially the opinion of all who have examined this subject, including the creators of this blog.

The force of sexual energy reigns supreme in the vast expanse of the universe. The very substance that sparked your creation is also the very substance that propels your continuous growth and rejuvenation.

When one learns to harness sexual energy, they unlock a path to a life abundant in health, strength, prosperity, power, and godliness. This energy serves as the wellspring of vitality. Conversely, if this energy is squandered, the individual will experience depletion and weakness, marked by a lack of vigor and plagued by disease and imbalance.

Lust, undoubtedly, wields immense power as a weapon. It cunningly exploits your deepest carnal desires, leading you to squander your very essence. Consider this: a single sperm cell has the potential to give birth to an entirely new life!

And within you, there exist hundreds of millions of these cells. Can you fathom the consequences of allowing your body to absorb such a vast reserve? What sort of individual would you transform into, possessing such boundless creative power?

In his book Semen Retention: A Gentleman’s Weapon for Superb Manhood, Self Help, Mental Health and Well Being, Maldezin Rirnasqu had this to stay about the subject.

Masturbation, also commonly known as self-abuse, is the greatest of all sexual evils, not only because of its widespread practice and the opportunity for excesses, but especially because of the fact that it generally works its harm during the period of growth, when the results of any sexual mistake or abuse are far more serious than they would be in adult life.

The practice is detrimental at any phase of life, however, due to the drain upon the organism and the weakening or fatigue of the nerve centers which it implies. With semen retention, we recover our vitality and constitution one day at a time.

Masturbation is genuinely an assault against the body to such a degree that the ramifications are not just bodily, but moral or emotional as well. The mind and soul of the victim appear to be polluted at the same time as the body is weakened and sexual strength reduced by this horrible practice.

Masturbation is frequently regarded to be more detrimental to males than to girls, because of the direct drain upon the resources of the body in the case of the male via the loss of the seminal fluid.

But when one examines the destruction done upon the more fragile neurological systems of young women, it is not necessarily so obvious that they suffer less profoundly from the practice than do young males.

Naturally, the hurt that occurs from this specific evil is determined, to a very considerable amount, by two aspects, first the overall vital vigor of the sufferer, and second by the impacts on the complete bodily fabric.

The world is filled with young men and women suffering from the infirmities and mental tortures that accompany excessive early transgressions and screaming out, if I only had known, if I only had known.

I don’t know how many thousands of letters I have received from men and women begging for assistance, most of them outlining the method in which they begun this habit, and declaring, in nearly all instances, that they had no notion that it was dangerous.

The secrecy on sex matters maintained by their elders had been such that they had had no opportunity to learn that it was wrong. This is why this channel provides you the knowledge of semen retention or abstinence, because the epidemic of masturbation has devastated countless lives.

The detrimental repercussions of masturbation are dual in type, the practice being first damaging to the sexual function itself, and second debilitating to the constitution. In other words, the behavior is unsexing on the one hand, and on the other hand, tends to erode the vigor of the body generally.

It would be impossible to state that each sort of weakness preceded the other, given circumstances differ. As a rule, the two findings go side by side. The fact that a man may survive an event does not indicate that it has been beneficial for him, or without harmful repercussions.

Many authors of the current day are clearly doing tremendous damage by dismissing the repercussions of self-abuse. They have so much to say about the exaggerations of the early authors, that the readers likely to acquire the sense that the habit is not that detrimental after all, and therefore does not strive to stop it.

This is why many individuals would dispute the practice of semen retention until they become sick, or fail horribly on their work, or have marital issues. They will then have to go within, and recognize that the issue arises from their bad practice of masturbation, or the excessive flow of the seminal fluid.

The reality is that masturbation is always damaging, even in the most minor degree, and when taken far, is exceedingly destructive. If not began until after mature years, then the outcomes will be less severe.

Unfortunately, however, it is done, in almost all instances, before the age of 18 years, more typically from 14 to 16, and sometimes it is kept up from the age of 12 or 14 till marriage, and sometimes even beyond that.

It is really true that when practiced extensively in the early years of youth, the results are often almost serious enough to justify the horrible pen pictures painted by the sensational and exaggerating writers of a generation ago, and even in adult life it is sufficiently debilitating, robbing a man of his bodily energies, his mental strength, his spirit, and his ambition, besides weakening the sex function itself, and inducing a condition of general unfitness for marriage.

It is a significant subject, especially in adult life. It is good to note too, that certain constitutions appear to be much stronger than others in this sense, and can bear considerably more abuse, just as some men can handle more alcohol and tobacco without displaying the immediate symptoms, even if these poisons are perpetually hurting them.

There are others who declare that masturbating never caused them any damage, thus they swiftly overlook the advantages of semen retention. The guy thinks this way about it, was presumably blessed by nature with great sexual power, but I don’t believe this can ever be genuinely acknowledged.

I cannot concur with those who claim that it is only the excess that is detrimental. This habit is dangerous, no matter with what moderation it may be engaged in, just as alcohol and nicotine, even in tiny doses, are hazardous, in spite of the fact that the user may not be able to detect the consequences immediately.

The reality is that masturbation is constantly weakening and devitalizing, either in adolescence or in adult life. It is a procedure of completing gradually what castration achieves immediately.

It entails the steady eroding of masculinity and everything that goes with it. That the damage is sometimes overstated is probably true, but in light of the fact that the practice, when pursued far enough, entirely unfits a man for marriage and for life, any effort to diminish its significance may be criminally false.

The fact that the sufferer may still be able to dress himself and go about and eat, does not necessarily suggest that he is a man. Let the young guy who finds himself completely impotent ask some of these doctors what they mean by suggesting that the behavior is not very dangerous.

What is known as prematurity or premature ejaculation, a condition which is almost as bad as full impotence in disqualifying the sufferer for marriage, is one of the most prevalent of the outcomes of masturbation in males.

There are of course varying degrees of prematurity, ranging from a moderate instance to an extreme sensitive ness or hair trigger condition, in which the ejaculation may take place with little excitation or even before initiating the connection.

More or less premature ejaculation is generally the outcome when masturbation has been performed, to any meaningful amount, such as routinely perusing pornographic materials. In due time the masturbator trains his body to attain orgasm without the penetration that happens in intercourse.

A frequent misunderstanding concerning semen retention is that it promotes premature ejaculation, this is entirely false. A semen retention practitioner has closed his valve in comparison to a tap in contrast to the masturbator who has consistently conditioned his body to have an open valve.

Masturbation tends to exhaust the nerve centers of the spine, it also produces such a congestion of the various organs and glands of the reproductive system and taxes their strength to such an extent as to cause varicoccal, prostate enlargement and urethral inflammation, especially of the posterior urethra, possible atrophy of the testicles or other parts.

The general bodily effects of masturbation, apart from the effect on the generative system itself, are to be seen in a lack of energy or general lassitude, a weakened muscular system, an all around lack of development, sometimes a dragging gait, weakness of the bladder or urinary symptoms, a pale or sallow complexion often with dark rings around the eyes as well as pimples and blackheads, poor memory, difficulty in study or mental concentration, lack of self-confidence, a tendency to avoid the society of others, especially that of the opposite sex, and an inability to look other people in the eye.

On the other side, semen retention replenishes our skin and eyes, giving us that shine that many attest to. The mental or psychic symptoms are extremely essential and may be experienced in varied degrees.

A naturally strong-minded individual may overcome some of these, like for instance the lack of confidence by force of will, but in many situations these antisocial characteristics are quite apparent.

Weakened memory and impaired mental attention are among the most chronic and prevalent of such symptoms. The physical look does not, however, usually imply addiction to this habit, contrary to the comments of some of the ancient literature.

When the person has inherited great vitality, his inherent strength may allow him to tolerate severe abuse without displaying it visibly, so that we cannot, as a rule, determine by appearances.


The essential issue is, how may the habit be conquered? Following that comes the issue, how may one overcome the weakness coming from it, because we will have to deal, not only with the actual habit, but with the many abnormalities of the generative system which it leaves behind.

The restorative methods must be of a double nature, physical and mental. It would be impossible to determine which of these is the more significant aspect of the therapy, because both are extremely vital.

In the first place, the building up of physical vitality is important. Not just for its own sake, but for the sake of the stronger mind that will arise from it, and which is vital for the struggle against this evil.

Semen retention or abstinence has been proved as a method that boosts testosterone levels, hence giving a basis for physique growth. Strength of will and intellect, you will discover, are difficult to develop in a badly functioning body with an insufficient blood supply to the brain and a broken down system of nerves.

One should consequently do all necessary to promote muscular vitality and strength. The more closely you may achieve to a physique properly developed in other aspects, the more possibility you may have of restoring your sexual power.

Take pride in your physique and its strength. Build yourself up as closely as possible into the state of an athlete by varied sports exercises in the open air that are suitable to your strength and physical capabilities.

Keep in mind that maximizing the growth of any biological element is most effectively done by boosting the quality of blood and stimulating greater circulation. Therefore, adding workouts and holistic measures targeted at reinforcing the overall constitution is vital in reducing the impacts of self-abuse.

When practicing semen retention, the food is vital and should be non-stimulating in nature. Meat and eggs should not be used too freely and in a few tough cases in which the assimilation is extremely poor it would be best to avoid them completely.

The red foods are extremely stimulating and disagreeable in certain situations, while they may be useful in a case of impotence. Accumulations in the colon naturally pushing onto the prostate and crowding the other structures in such a manner as to induce agitation of the parts or at least to exacerbate it.

Therefore, the bowel should be maintained open and regular, there should be no irritation of the components via an over-distended colon. So far as the mental therapy of masturbation is concerned, the first important prerequisite is to come into the struggle with the unfaltering decision that you are going to quit the habit and then stick to it until you have done so.

The second requirement is to quit thinking about it and the third is to become so busy filling your life with so many types of mental activity that the old habit will not have any time to express itself or to concern you.

Your mind must be so engaged with other tasks that there will be no chance for lingering on licentious ideas. The fourth criterion is to avoid being too much alone yourself and to nurture the society of sophisticated people just as much as you reasonably can.

If the habit has taken a firm grip, you may be saddened to learn that in spite of your best intentions, you have been unable to break from its bondage. This is a frequent predicament for folks who have been hooked to this behavior for a time.

Don’t become disillusioned by occasional failures. Instead, each time, begin afresh with even deeper desire to eliminate the habit and develop both physical strength and mental stamina. This will make it simpler for you to succeed.

Remember why you began the practice of semen retention. Remember that each time you reject the temptation, you are helping to build the habit of resistance. Each time you grow in the capacity to resist, and even if you may backslide periodically, nevertheless by consistently rejecting the desire and fighting the good fight, you will eventually build the strength of will that will allow you to abandon the practice totally.

Cultivate pride and self-respect. Hold up your head. Make people respect you. No matter what your task may be, even if it is merely study of some type, make up your mind that you will accomplish the best that can be done.

In that manner, you will acquire the respect of others as well as of yourself. The psychological influence of your attitude toward people is a major factor. Anything that will tend to add to your sense of pride will help you powerfully.

A nice chest will do more than anything in the way of apparel to give you pride. If you develop a physique that you can be proud of, you will be less motivated to mistreat it. Mental activity is the finest thing in the world by which to battle either this habit or any other.

Idleness is the huge insurmountable impediment. If you have nothing to do, find something. Inactivity will offer your mind an opportunity either to linger upon sensual ideas or to worry about your situation, and both of these should be carefully avoided.

One of the most successful tactics when presented with the temptation of the old habit is to instantly immerse oneself in the company of others whenever possible.

Minimize lonely time and be careful of the psychological ramifications of masturbation, which include lowering self-confidence, promoting shyness in social interactions, and inducing a predisposition to avoid others, especially those of the opposite sex. This remark highlights that the behavior is not merely a breach against bodily well-being, but also represents a spiritual and moral affront.


By simply observing the current state of the world, one can unmistakably perceive an ancient dark agenda at play. Corruption, debt, war, and orchestrated events are running rampant, leaving no room for doubt.

Humanity finds itself embroiled in a profound struggle for its soul and consciousness. The very institutions and governments that should protect us have been turned against us, manipulating our desires and ensnaring us in a web of addiction. By keeping our focus on our primal instincts, symbolized by the lower three chakras, they hinder our spiritual evolution.

Throughout history, ancient philosophies, religions, mystery schools, and spiritual groups have all provided clues on how to achieve liberation. Their message was clear: we must transcend our base desires, particularly lust.

There are those who doubt the health benefits of masturbation and semen loss during conventional sex. However, ancient teachings frequently advocated for celibacy and sex magic.

Based on research and personal experience of overcoming addiction to masturbation and porn, it is apparent that excessive masturbation and semen loss can result in degeneration of the mind, body, and soul. In contrast, retention and sexual alchemy are viewed as generative practices.

“If you want to destroy any nation without war, make adultery or nudity common in the young generation.” – Kenneth Saladin




Relapsing On Semen Retention? By Ancient Archives

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