Alkaline Water Recipe

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Alkaline Water Recipe

Alkaline Water Recipe

“Alkaline water has become the most important advancement in health care since Penicillin” – Dr. William Kelly

pH, short for potential hydrogen, represents the number of electrons (life force) accessible in the fluidic structure. When the pH is neutral or slightly alkaline, it signifies an abundance of free electrons in the body. Conversely, an acidic pH indicates an electron deficit within the organism.

The pH level of our body is significantly influenced by the acidity and alkalinity of the food we consume. Acidosis can manifest through symptoms such as headaches, lethargy, weakness, stiffness, fatigue, breathing problems, confusion, and anxiety.

In order to stabilize pH levels, the body extracts minerals (cell salts) like potassium, sodium, calcium, and magnesium from tissues to counteract acidity in the bloodstream. The kidneys play a crucial role in eliminating surplus acid from the body via urine, which highlights the immense effort required by these vital organs when our diets are excessively acidic. While our bodies possess remarkable mechanisms to regulate pH levels, it is our responsibility to support this process by nourishing ourselves with wholesome, alkaline-rich foods.

Animal products contain high levels of acidity, which can disrupt the natural balance in our bodies. By adopting a vegan diet, we can restore this balance and promote overall well-being. However, it is important to avoid overeating, consuming excessive amounts of processed acidic food, and indulging in alcohol, as these habits can hinder the development of our super consciousness.

Alkaline Water Recipe

Adequate hydration is crucial, therefore it is recommended to consume a sufficient amount of high-quality water. It is advisable to drink at least 3 liters of water per day. It is important to be cautious about the pH levels in bottled water and opt for water with a pH of 7 or higher. Furthermore, it is strongly advised to avoid consuming water that contains fluoride. We will soon provide a comprehensive article on fluoride, as it is another deceptive tactic employed by the dark sorcerers we previously mentioned in this blog.

Water in its undisturbed environment (source) remains unaltered and possesses a high alkaline nature (typically with a pH level of 9 or above), along with an abundance of minerals. In this pristine condition, such water inherently aids in the preservation, rejuvenation, and revitalization of the body due to its elevated electron and mineral content.

As the human body consists of 70% water, one effective method to support the internal alchemical process is by promoting a neutral pH level within the body. This can be achieved by consuming water infused with alkalizing foods.

Given that the water we obtain from our taps and stores undergoes extensive processing, including distillation for purification and fluoridation, it has become exceedingly challenging to find water with a natural pH level of 9 or higher. Consequently, after conducting extensive research and experimentation, we have discovered that a blend of lemon, ginger, cinnamon, and pink Himalayan salt effectively enhances the quality of our water.

Specific quantities of each ingredient added to the water are not required. It is sufficient to thoroughly rinse the ingredients, then use a large jug or container to prepare the drink and store it in the refrigerator for future use.

Take a few lemons and slice them into quarters. Proceed to extract the juice from the lemons and pour it into your water jug. Furthermore, don’t forget to incorporate the lemon peel into the water to enhance its taste.

1. Lemon possesses potent antioxidant properties and enhances the immune system.

2. Lemons are alkaline-forming fruits that produce alkaline by-products during metabolism.

3. The aroma of lemon triggers the release of pheromones and oxytocin, which stimulates pineal metabolism.

You have the option to either place a few Ceylon cinnamon sticks directly into your water jug or incorporate a few spoonfuls of powder. I utilize powder for the sake of simplicity.

Cinnamon enhances the sensitivity of insulin, which in turn promotes the expression of DNA genes.

Prepare a large ginger root by peeling and chopping it, then place the resulting pieces into your water. Alternatively, ginger powder can be utilized.

1. Ginger enhances blood flow in the body.

2. Ginger acts as a potent antioxidant and cleanser of essential bodily fluids.

3. Ginger supports the purification of the endocrine glands, facilitating the distribution of nutrients to areas requiring healing.

Incorporate 1-2 teaspoons of finely ground pink Himalayan salt into your water.

Salt acts as a conductor of electricity and has the potential to boost your piezoelectric charge. Nevertheless, standard table salt is devoid of numerous minerals that are abundant in Himalayan salt. Pink Himalayan Salt can also aid in regulating iodine levels in the body, which plays a vital role in generating ATP and energy, as well as kickstarting all essential bodily processes. Maintaining a proper iodine balance is crucial for fostering a beneficial bio-electrical vibration.

Insufficient iodine levels can have detrimental effects on our bodies. To put it simply, iodine is an indispensable, dynamic, and astonishing element. Nevertheless, it is important to conduct your own research as certain types of iodine can be harmful.

Iodine is widely distributed in the body, exhibiting antimicrobial, antibacterial, anti-mucus, anti-parasitic properties, while also supporting brain function, enhancing the immune system, and acting as an antiviral agent. Furthermore, it plays a role in the decalcification of the pineal gland.

The accumulation of “lime scale” from fluoride and other calcifying agents can visibly affect showerheads and shower doors, just as acidosis and fluoride can lead to calcification of the body and pineal gland.

To maintain a long and healthy life, it is essential to keep the body’s channels free from calcification. Consuming clean alkalizing foods, especially organic ones, helps in detoxifying the body and improving Pineal, Pituitary, and Thalamic functions.

In an upcoming article, we will discuss the importance of decalcifying the pineal gland for opening the third eye. The calcification of the pineal gland as stated above, is primarily caused by fluoride, a tool used by those who seek to control the planet through dark sorcery. Stay tuned for our future article on fluoride and its harmful effects.

The Iodine product I have been using for the last six years can be found in the sources listed below.

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