Fluoride & Pineal Gland

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Fluoride & Pineal Gland

“Fluoride, commonly found in most municipal water as well as pesticides, accumulates in the pineal more than any other part of the body. This accumulation of fluoride forms phosphate crystals, creating a hard shell around the pineal called calcification” – Scott Jeffrey

At the forefront of this post is a striking image featuring an indigo dragon eye. Referred to as the Anja Dragon, it embodies qualities of intuition, vision, and psychic awareness. By embracing the indigo dragon consciousness, we can expand our visual consciousness and elevate our psychic abilities, harmonizing them with our inner knowing.

In numerous sections of this blog, we have made mention of the shadow dragon consciousness and the malevolent dark sorcerers. We have provided compelling evidence of their direct involvement in the tragic downfall of the ancient civilization of Atlantis. Additionally, we have thoroughly examined the insidious rise of black magic, which eventually supplanted the spiritual authority and became the prevailing force in the state religion of ancient Egypt.

The shadow dragon consciousness discussed in this blog is characterized by its dual essence. Firstly, we demonstrate the method to confront the personal shadow that resides within each of us by engaging in shadow work. Recognizing, accepting, and assimilating this individual shadow is essential as it holds great significance in any spiritual journey.

Secondly, it exposes the collective shadow consciousness that has been manipulating humanity since the era of Atlantis. This consciousness has adopted different aliases to obscure its presence throughout history. While some may recognize it as the ‘Cabal’ or ‘Illuminati’, the authors of this blog choose not to align with conventional or mainstream terminology. Therefore, we shall always refer to this faction as the shadow dragon consciousness, dark sorcerers, or black magicians.

It has been clearly stated in this blog that their primary objective, dating back to the era of Atlantis, is the complete enslavement of the human race. Their ultimate objective is not focused on physical enslavement, but rather on enslaving our souls. To put it differently, their intention is to hinder humanity from attaining spiritual awakening, progressing towards higher consciousness, and accessing the spiritual powers bestowed upon us by the divine serpent, including the activation of our Kundalini energy.

In our blog, we uncover fragments of this shadow consciousness, which stands in direct contrast to our beliefs. The creators of this platform pose a significant threat to this shadow consciousness. We serve the light by making the darkness conscious. By familiarizing yourself with their tactics, you will be better equipped to navigate the challenges and obstacles that may arise along the way, ultimately leading to a deeper sense of self-awareness and spiritual awakening.

For example, discovering our blog will open your eyes to the fact that fear blocks the root chakra. This realization will also shed light on the orchestrated nature of major global events, terrorism, and wars, all aimed at perpetuating a fear-based consciousness. It is essential to acknowledge that those in control manipulate both the east and west to maintain this state of fear. Yet another illustration is the hypersexualized environment of society and the pornography sector. We shared staggering data on the global porn consumption on the shadow dragon page situated here: https://theserpentsway.com/shadow-dragon-consciousness/

The essence of sexual energy plays a pivotal role in any spiritual quest. Without the conservation and transmutation of this energy, the awakening of Kundalini holds no value. By acknowledging this truth, the true motives behind a society obsessed with hypersexuality and the porn industry becomes glaringly apparent. In due course, we will reveal ample information to enhance your spiritual growth and guide you on your personal quest to awaken your inner potential.

As a valued reader of our blog, you will gain insights into the pitfalls of mindless entertainment, the fallacies of materialism, the questionable efficacy of vaccines, the influence of Rockefeller’s petroleum-driven medicine, the concerns surrounding genetically-modified organisms (GMOs), the aspects of meat consumption and livestock slaughter, the reasons behind the high cost of healthy plant-based foods, and the exploitation of our addictions and vulnerabilities, among other topics.

The Archons, as known by the Christian Gnostics, are cunning masters of deception and the puppeteers behind these human dark sorcerers. It is crucial to understand that these beings pose as gods within various religious groups. By awakening the Kundalini and Christ Consciousness, you embrace your true essence as gods and goddesses. Stay tuned for an upcoming article where we will delve into the shadow conscious and the Archons. But now, let’s uncover another deceptive maneuver they employ – fluoride.

Fluoride & Pineal Gland

There exist two distinct forms of fluoride. Calcium Fluoride, found naturally in underground water sources, is generally harmless. Nevertheless, excessive daily intake can result in dental or bone issues. Calcium is employed as an antidote for fluoride poisoning when it arises. This positive aspect suggests that the calcium present in naturally occurring calcium fluoride counteracts a significant portion of fluoride’s harmful impacts.

Conversely, the fluorides incorporated into water supplies, beverages, and food products are derived from waste materials produced by the nuclear, aluminum, and predominantly the phosphate (fertilizer) industries. These substances, namely fluorosilicate acid, sodium silicofluoride, and sodium fluoride, have been classified as toxins by the EPA.

Sodium Fluoride encompasses all three variants. It serves as both a rat poison and a pesticide. A scientific study conducted a few years back, titled “Comparative Toxicity of Fluorine Compounds,” revealed that industrial waste sodium fluorides are 85 times more toxic than naturally existing calcium fluoride.

The majority of fluoride that enters the body is not readily excreted, leading to its accumulation in the bones and teeth. Interestingly, recent studies have shown that fluoride can also build up in the pineal gland, which is located in the brain.

Extensive evidence has been gathered documenting the detrimental effects of dental fluorosis, a condition that severely damages teeth, resulting from the daily use of fluoride. Despite this, the American Dental Association (AMA) persistently advocates for the use of fluoride, seemingly oblivious to the fact that it exacerbates dental problems rather than preventing tooth decay.

In addition to the well-known condition of fluorosis, the excessive presence of sodium fluoride in water and food has been found to contribute to several other serious health issues. Despite being largely undisclosed or deliberately suppressed, reputable researchers and independent labs have established a correlation between prolonged daily consumption of sodium fluoride and the following health problems:

Genetic DNA Damage
Thyroid Disruption  – The endocrine system is profoundly influenced, ultimately resulting in obesity.
Neurological  – A decrease in IQ and the inability to concentrate, accompanied by feelings of fatigue and exhaustion.
Alzheimer’s Disease
Melatonin Disruption – Reduces the immune system’s ability to fight cancer, hastens the aging process, causes disturbances in sleep.
Pineal Gland – This gland at the core of the brain is being clogged by calcification. It directly obstructs the activation of the third eye and the spiritual capabilities linked to it.

Fluoride, originally an industrial byproduct manufactured by fertilizer industries, is a hazardous waste containing aluminium, phosphoric acid, and phosphates. Its improper disposal in the past resulted in severe health damage, including the destruction of the immune, digestive, and respiratory systems, the development of cancer, impairment of blood circulation, harm to vital organs like the liver, kidneys, and thyroid, compromised brain function, and premature aging.

To avoid costly legal battles, manufacturers shrewdly influenced the Government and Medical Institutions to brainwash the general population into believing that fluoride is safe and beneficial for maintaining oral hygiene. As a consequence, it is now widely employed worldwide.

The Jews were initially introduced to fluoride during World War II, which was added to their drinking water in order to make them compliant, submissive, and easily manageable. The primary ingredient in rat poison, sodium fluoride, is also present in the anti-depressant drug known as ‘Prozac’.

Hyperactivity and lower IQ in children have been associated with fluoride exposure. Furthermore, unborn babies are vulnerable to the effects of fluoride if their mothers ingest it, as the neurotoxin can easily cross their underdeveloped blood-brain barrier and harm their developing brains.

Christopher Bryson, an investigative journalist and author of The Fluoride Deception, reveals that the deliberate introduction of significant amounts of sodium fluoride into our water and food system was a calculated strategy orchestrated by industries burdened with disposing of hazardous substances.

Fluoride played a crucial role in the production and enhancement of uranium. The promotion of fluoride began during the Manhattan Project, aimed at developing the initial atomic bombs in the 1940s. The objective was to persuade employees and residents near the biggest nuclear facility in Tennessee that fluoride was not only harmless, but also beneficial for children’s dental well-being.

During the early 1950s, Edward Bernays, the influential spin master and pioneer of advertising, pushed for the addition of fluorides to water supplies in an effort to manipulate public opinion. The American Medical Association later supported the idea of adding sodium fluoride to water supplies, despite some health studies and reports that raised concerns being ignored or suppressed. Those who disagreed were often labeled as quacks, regardless of their qualifications.

Roughly two-thirds of the water supply in the United States is contaminated with sodium fluoride, a commonly used pesticide. Consequently, this residue can be found in certain food items. Fluoride additives are commonly found in sodas, packaged orange juices, and even bottled drinking water specifically formulated for infants.

Fluoride & Pineal Gland

The pineal gland, also referred to as the third eye, serves as the portal to a stronger spiritual bond and increased intuition. The term “pineal” originates from the Latin word “Pena,” which translates to pinecone. Positioned in the middle of the brain, the pineal gland takes on the shape of a pinecone and is roughly the size of a pea. Its primary function is to produce melatonin, the hormone responsible for managing your sleep and wakefulness patterns.

The indigo dragon, symbolizing the sixth chakra, is often associated with the pineal gland. This connection is explored in detail in our dragon consciousness section: https://theserpentsway.com/dragons-consciousness/

Acting as a vital regulator of your body’s internal clock, the pineal gland is commonly known as the third eye. Situated in the center of your brain, it houses light-sensitive nerve endings, non-visual photoreceptors, a cornea, and a retina.

Throughout the ages, mystics have long believed in the profound connection between the third eye and heightened intuition and clarity. It is often described as a powerful lens that enables us to perceive beyond the boundaries of our physical reality.

The importance of this concept is present in various ancient societies across the globe. It is suggested that if the third eye remains closed, one may face issues such as overthinking, a lack of direction, and a failure to establish a strong connection with their spiritual self.

Opening the third eye allows one to transcend the limitations of the five senses and access hidden otherworldly knowledge. The human body perceives the material world, but the third eye enables us to tap into alternate realms filled with vast information and heightened intuitive understanding.

Known as the seat of the soul, the third eye acts as a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms. By awakening this mystical center, you gain the extraordinary ability to connect with heightened senses and explore the wondrous beauty they unveil in our material world. The separation between the self and the spirit is believed to disappear when the third eye is consciously opened, enabling us to engage in activities like astral travel, lucid dreaming, and shifting realities.

Contrary to the majority of our brain, the blood-brain barrier does not cut off the pineal gland from the rest of the body. Instead, the pineal gland experiences a high volume of blood flow, coming in second only to the kidneys. Positioned within a cramped cavernous region above and behind the pituitary gland, this gland finds itself completely enveloped and immersed in cerebrospinal fluid.

British scientist Jennifer Luke’s research in the 1990s brought to light a remarkable observation as she detected elevated levels of fluoride in the pineal gland of her study participants. The accumulation of fluoride is significantly higher in the pineal gland compared to any other part of the body, and this can be found in both municipal water and pesticides. Phosphate crystals are created due to the excess fluoride, leading to the formation of a protective shell around the pineal gland known as calcification.

Due to the pineal gland’s vital role in the endocrine system, Jennifer’s discoveries were revolutionary. Her study successfully established the missing link between sodium fluoride and the numerous physiological damages that were previously only theorized. This breakthrough allowed for the identification of the primary source responsible for the disrupted chain of endocrine activity.

Fluoride in water is thought to be a major factor in the calcification of the pineal gland. Studies indicate that children are hitting puberty sooner due to the presence of fluoride in water. Research on animals has revealed that exposure to fluoride can lower melatonin production and cause premature sexual development in female animals. The findings of a study released in November 2019 by Biological Trace Element Research indicated that male rats showed heightened pineal growth when fed a fluoride-free diet.

In essence, if our pineal gland becomes calcified, it disrupts the harmony between our body and nature, hindering the optimal functioning of our biology and brain. When the pineal gland becomes calcified, it severs our link to intuition, clarity, and our higher selves. Additionally, a calcified pineal gland blocks our capacity to communicate with the source or creator, also referred to as the cosmic mind.

Great news! Regularly spending time in the sun, around 20 minutes each session, can boost the function of your pineal gland, which is crucial for various bodily processes. Remember to remove your hat for maximum benefit. This is just one of the numerous reasons why it is absolutely essential to practice daily sungazing along the Serpent’s Way. For further details on the advantages of sungazing that we have previously discussed, please refer to the following information: https://theserpentsway.com/body/.


Fluoride is intentionally added to toothpaste, tap water, bottled water, and processed food for a specific purpose. This blog highlights the presence of dark sorcerers, both human and non-human, who aim to hinder humanity’s evolution towards higher levels of consciousness. We will devote an entire article to delve into the enigmatic dark sorcerers and their interdimensional masters, the Archons. In recent years, humanity has been experiencing a profound global awakening.

However, it is important to note that this blog does not aim to awaken individuals to the realm of shadow consciousness. We strive to be the antithesis of those dark sorcerers, offering you the wisdom to implement just as we have in order to awaken your higher consciousness. The inner serpent, or Kundalini, is the key to reaching this elevated level of awareness.

Our purpose in unveiling this shadow consciousness is to enlighten you about the spiritual warfare tactics, enabling you to overcome their black magic. Fluoride is merely one example of their deceitful methods. The key point here is that fluoride disrupts your link to the cosmic mind, hindering your access to your multidimensional self, mystic abilities, and expanded awareness through your pineal gland, or third eye.

Stay tuned for an article specifically addressing the complete decalcification of your pineal gland, featuring the earth-based natural foods and herbs that have been instrumental in our decalcification journey. While we briefly discussed daily sungazing, we will explore many other methods in greater depth.

The Fluoride Deception – https://amzn.to/3VUvwmO

Human Race Get Off Your Knees – https://amzn.to/4cUsRzl

Understanding The Pineal Gland – https://lyndondavis.com/understanding-the-pineal-gland/

How to Decalcify the Pineal Gland – https://scottjeffrey.com/decalcify-your-pineal-gland/

A Fluoride-Free Pineal Gland is More Important than Ever – https://wakeup-world.com/2012/09/10/a-fluoride-free-pineal-gland-is-more-important-than-ever/?expand_article=1#google_vignette

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One response to “Fluoride & Pineal Gland”

  1. […] around the spiritual enslavement of humanity. These controllers possess extensive knowledge. https://theserpentsway.com/2024/04/10/fluoride-pineal-gland/ and see our shadow dragon consciousness page here. […]

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