Decalcify Your Pineal Gland

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Decalcify Your Pineal Gland

Decalcify Your Pineal Gland

The pineal gland, a profound enigma, continues to elude our understanding. Among the various glands within our brain, it remains the most enigmatic, yet it has captivated the curiosity of our ancient forebears, dating back to the early days of ancient Egypt. Its potential and capabilities can be considered as one of the most closely guarded secrets in the annals of human history.

Resembling a pinecone, this small gland has been referred to as the “Seat of the Soul” by Renee Descartes. Remarkably, the pineal gland possesses the ability to discern the nuances of light and darkness in our surroundings and transmit this information to our cognitive faculties.

The third eye chakra, also known as the ‘brow chakra’, is the sixth chakra in the traditional seven chakra system. In Sanskrit, it is referred to as ‘Ajna’, which translates to ‘perceiving’ or ‘command’. This name is quite fitting considering the properties and powers associated with this ambiguous energy center.

Positioned just above the center of the brows, this chakra functions as a conduit between our tangible reality and the profound insights and meanings that may elude our ordinary sight. This whirling energy center bestows upon us unique abilities that may remain untapped or incomprehensible to most individuals, primarily because of factors like calcification.

Experiencing what is often described as “brain fog”, a condition marked by difficulty in concentrating, meditating, or maintaining focus, may indicate that your pineal gland is calcified and lacking proper nutrition intake.

Apart from keeping you in a state of spiritual darkness and cutting off your link to the source/creator, a calcified pineal gland negatively affects our sleep, cognitive skills, reflexes, decision-making, perception, and productivity.

The calcification of the pineal gland is frequently caused by the use of pharmaceutical drugs, consumption of fluoridated water, exposure to negative electromagnetic frequencies, lack of grounding or consumption of organic foods, and accumulation of toxins in the body.

Processed food, meat, alcohol, and smoking are just a few examples of the sources from which toxins accumulate. Additionally, the pineal gland is negatively affected by the excessive intake of caffeine.

For those who find themselves unable to function on just a single cup of morning coffee or tea, turning to multiple servings throughout the day to power through work or school, it is probable that your pineal gland is not in equilibrium.

So what exactly is calcification? In short, the accumulation of calcium deposits and other toxins within the pineal gland can result in pineal gland calcification.

The third eye chakra is linked to numerous abilities, with clairvoyance being perhaps the primary one. Clairvoyance is a psychic power that grants the ability to witness ethereal phenomena or receive psychic messages in the form of visual imagery.

The phenomenon of clairvoyance grants you the extraordinary power to perceive the invisible realm, where tangible objects cease to exist yet remain undeniably real. As mentioned in R.E. Guiley’s encyclopedia, clairvoyance is the paranormal capacity to perceive objects, events, places, and individuals that are not visible through ordinary sight.

Later on, we will delve into a detailed article about the third eye chakra and the advantages of unlocking it. However, at this moment, we consider decalcification and fluoride, which were discussed in a previous article, to be more important.

It is essential to bear in mind that we have repeatedly mentioned in this blog the presence of dark sorcerers who have maintained their hold on power since the ancient times of Atlantis and Egypt. Their agenda revolves around the spiritual enslavement of humanity. These controllers possess extensive knowledge. and see our shadow dragon consciousness page here.

Decalcify Your Pineal Gland

Let me make it clear that in order to undergo this pineal gland detox, you must first eliminate any sources of calcification. Detoxification is only achievable if you have switched to a raw food diet that primarily includes fruits, nuts, and plants. It is impossible to detoxify if you still consume processed garbage pretending to be food. Furthermore, removing fluoride from your daily life is crucial for the detoxification process. Lastly, detoxification cannot occur if you continue to consume alcohol and smoke.

I will include fluoride-free toothpaste in the sources section below. It’s important to avoid drinking tap water. Natural water can be deceiving, especially plastic bottled water. Many plastic bottled water brands contain fluoride, and if you’re not careful. Additionally, plastic bottled water is unhealthy and, let’s not forget, tastes absolutely terrible.

The availability of your water source ultimately depends on your specific location. Unfortunately, I cannot suggest a natural glass bottle water source as it may not be available in another country. However, I would recommend obtaining glass bottled water from a small, local shop. It is important to note that the food supply has been significantly influenced by those in control of the system. If you are confident in your decision to purchase a water filter, then by all means proceed. Nevertheless, I highly advise selecting a filter that can effectively remove all impurities.

Cleansing the pineal gland must:

  • Back decalcification efforts
  • Utilize chelation to eliminate heavy metals
  • Eliminate fluoride
  • Enhance and purify the bloodstream
  • Revitalize the body with minerals

Let me begin by stating that the content of this article is not meant to be taken as medical advice. I have personally tested all the supplements discussed below and have been using them since I embarked on the decalcification process in 2018.

Found in sea vegetables like seaweed and kelp, iodine is a vital mineral that aids in hormone regulation by assisting the thyroid gland and is highly effective in removing heavy metals from the body as a chelator.

Heavy metals like mercury, lead, cadmium, and aluminum, along with fluoride, are chelated by iodine. It also exhibits anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and antiparasitic properties. It is widely believed that iodine is a vital supplement for detoxifying the pineal gland.

The best option for iodine that I have been taking is (5% solution) by J.CROW’S. Lugol’s Solution of Iodine is the most widely recognized form of iodine. It’s made from distilled water, potassium iodide, and iodine crystals. When taking iodine supplements, it is crucial to boost your calcium levels. This can be achieved by consuming calcium-rich foods like broccoli, kale, and almonds.

Take the initiative to delve into iodine and its dosing guidelines through comprehensive research. As per my own experience, I encountered no difficulties by adding a few drops to a small glass of water. I purchase J. CROW’S Lugol’s Solution directly of Amazon:

Known as the “King of Plants” in China, the “Gift from God” in Siberia, and the “Diamond of the Forest” in Japan, this remarkable plant holds great significance in different cultures.

Numerous scientific studies have provided compelling evidence of the powerful impact that the Chaga mushroom has on the immune, hormonal, and central nervous systems. Research conducted in Finland and Russia has specifically highlighted Chaga’s remarkable effectiveness as both an anti-tumor agent and antiviral solution.

Chaga supplies us with phytochemicals, nutrients, and melanin. Melanin gives color to our skin, hair, and eyes. The pineal gland employs melanin to safeguard us from UV light.

For the most effective and traditional Chaga consumption, tea is the way to go. Personally, I have been buying a fine powder from Amazon that is specifically crafted for tea consumption.

Turmeric is a top-notch supplement for detoxing your pineal gland.

In addition to pineal detox, there are various advantages such as being a natural anti-inflammatory, natural antibiotic, natural antiseptic, natural analgesic, promoting faster wound healing, enhancing digestion, purifying blood, strengthening ligaments, toning the skin, relieving coughs, improving asthma, antiarthritic properties, slowing down the progression of MS, aiding in preventing gas and bloating, reducing cholesterol, healing stomach ulcers, enhancing skin conditions, helping prevent cancer, halting the progression of Alzheimer’s, assisting in fat metabolism, and managing weight.

Turmeric is an essential part of my everyday diet, whether I blend it into my vegetable smoothies or include it in the vegan dishes I cook. I usually opt for purchasing one-pound bags of turmeric powder from Amazon.

Raw apple cider vinegar acts as a powerful natural detoxifier for heavy metals. Through the chelating properties of malic acid, it effectively removes these harmful substances from your body. Additionally, the abundance of natural vitamins, minerals, and enzymes in raw apple cider vinegar helps replenish your body with essential nutrients.

The binding properties of malic acid enable it to effectively attach to toxins, aiding in their efficient elimination from the body. Additionally, apple cider vinegar assists in the purification of lymph nodes, facilitating improved lymph circulation. This process is vital for eliminating toxins and enhancing your immune response. The detoxifying benefits of apple cider vinegar are particularly advantageous for detoxifying the pineal gland.

Ensure you purchase apple cider vinegar that is labeled as “raw” and is packaged in a glass container, not a plastic one. For a few years, I used to mix apple cider vinegar with freshly squeezed lemon juice to maximize its health benefits. However, in the past couple of months, I have switched to consuming it raw. I now take two shot glasses of apple cider vinegar daily, one in the morning and one in the evening.

During their research in 1942, Marcovitch and Stanley stumbled upon a remarkable finding – boric acid acts as an antidote to fluorine. This compound, which is the most abundant form of boron, is considered a trace mineral.

Foods abundant in boron consist of: walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, raisins, dates, prunes, chickpeas, beets, beans, avocados, and bananas.

Borax, a sodium salt derived from boric acid, contains a significant amount of boron. This abundant element makes borax a popular choice for various commercial cleaning purposes. Borax is sold by the brand 20 Mule Team for cleaning and laundry needs. Yet, is it possible to use borax for fluoride detoxification as well?

Chemist Walter Last explains that borax has the ability to react with fluoride ions, resulting in the formation of boron fluorides that are subsequently eliminated through urine. This highlights the potential of borax as a potent tool for detoxifying the pineal gland.

Back in 1987, a study was carried out in China with 31 patients afflicted by skeletal fluorosis. The Borax intake was escalated from 300 to 1,100 mg per day for a duration of three months, with a week-long break each month. The therapy exhibited notable success, resulting in 50 to 80% enhancement. Borax has demonstrated efficacy in managing arthritis and osteoporosis.

Over the past six years, I have consistently incorporated Borax into my routine. Despite experiencing pineal gland decalcification, I am pleased to share that at the age of 46, I have managed to avoid arthritis and joint pain, even after years of rigorous weight-training.

In this particular protocol, men are advised to consume 1/4 teaspoon of Borax dissolved in one liter of water, while women are recommended to take 1/8 teaspoon. This dose should be consumed throughout the day. Following this regimen, it is important to take a break of two days before commencing the cycle again.

Note: I have successfully followed this borax protocol for the last six years without experiencing any adverse effects.

A study conducted in the early 2000s revealed that tamarind led to higher fluoride excretion in urine when compared to the control group. Subsequent research validated these results.

Researchers suggest that tamarind has the potential to reverse the impacts of skeletal fluorosis resulting from fluoride consumption. Additionally, a study indicates that a substance found in the tamarind fruit shell can effectively remove fluoride from groundwater.

Countless scientific studies have revealed that raw cacao, known for its high flavonoid content, offers significant benefits in terms of lowering blood pressure and improving the condition of blood vessels. By stimulating the release of nitric oxide, raw cacao effectively enlarges the diameter of blood vessels.

Enhanced blood flow and oxygen delivery to the pineal gland are facilitated by the presence of larger blood vessels. This plays a crucial role in supporting the gland’s optimal functioning and detoxification. Furthermore, raw cacao is packed with antioxidants and anandamide, further augmenting its beneficial effects on overall health.

Anandamide, commonly called the “bliss molecule,” is a neurotransmitter that is naturally generated in the brain. It is responsible for the elevated state of happiness individuals feel when they indulge in delectable chocolate. Not every type of chocolate is made the same. Cocoa powder is actually raw cacao that has been roasted at high temperatures. This roasting alters the chemical composition of the bean, removing a lot of the enzymes and nutrients.

Raw cacao powder is made by cold-pressing unroasted cocoa beans. For optimal detox effects on your pineal gland, choose organic raw cacao. Raw cacao is a fantastic addition to shakes and smoothies. Once we begin sharing recipes for fruit and vegetable smoothies, we’ll definitely include an amazing raw cacao smoothie.

During the year 1945, Weston Price, a former dentist who earned the title of the “Isaac Newton of Nutrition,” elucidated a vitamin-like substance that plays a pivotal role in various aspects of our well-being: growth, reproduction, brain function, tooth decay prevention, and protection against calcification of the arteries.

Price named this compound Activator X and found it present in the butterfats, organs, and fat of animals that feed on rapidly growing green grass.

Activator X is a blend of vitamins K1 and K2. Vitamin K1 is found in fast-growing green, leafy vegetables. Vitamin K2 is produced by intestinal microflora in animal tissues. Sources of vitamin K2 include organ meats, fermented dairy products such as cheese or grass-fed butter, sauerkraut, and marine oils.

The scientific community has gained knowledge that the absence of vitamin K2 results in the calcification of the cardiovascular system. By consuming vitamin K2 in its Activator X form, we can effectively combat the accumulation of calcium in our arteries. It is plausible to assume that this mechanism also applies to the pineal gland.

The role of Activator X is not to eliminate calcium, but rather to direct it towards our bones and teeth, where it is vital. This is how it effectively reverses the process of tooth decay. Price’s findings demonstrated that the true potential of vitamin K2 is unlocked when it is combined with vitamins A and D, two other fat-soluble activators.

Fulvic acid plays a role in getting rid of toxins and heavy metals, which in turn helps with the decalcification process. Moreover, it seems to provide antioxidants and minerals directly to the cells that require them.

Consuming raw, green foods packed with chlorophyll can aid in detoxifying heavy metals from your blood and providing essential nutrients. Foods such as chlorella, spirulina, and wheatgrass are rich in chlorophyll and can enhance oxygen levels, promote tissue repair, and strengthen the immune system.

In theory, any approach that enhances oxygen and immune function should aid in reversing pineal gland calcification. Furthermore, consuming foods charged with sunlight should also support the healthy functioning of the pineal gland. This is why The Serpents Way advocates daily sungazing, as it allows the pineal gland to thrive in sunlight.

Incorporating a raw food diet into one’s spiritual and mystical path is imperative for various reasons, including the awakening of the inner serpent. It is crucial to understand that processed and low-vibrational food cannot facilitate the activation of the third eye.

When it comes to pineal gland decalcification, chlorella, spirulina, and wheatgrass are absolutely crucial. Every time I have my vegetable smoothie, I make sure to include these three powders, no matter which vegetable recipes I’m blending. You can easily find all three of them on Amazon.

Chlorella –

Spirulina –

Wheatgrass –

When I embarked on the process of pineal gland decalcification six years ago, I discovered various effective techniques. Among these techniques, the use of amethyst crystals stood out as they possess the ability to stimulate the pineal gland. It is worth mentioning that crystals are available for each chakra, offering a holistic approach to spiritual well-being.

Your kundalini and chakras will truly appreciate any nourishment that originates from the earth. However, there are exceptional products available that greatly aid in the decalcification and activation process.

There are: watercrest (lettuce), pineapple, oranges, grapefruit, banana, coconut oil, watermelon, lemon, coconuts, avocado, oregano oil, neem extract, organic blue ice skate fish oil and vitamin D12, zeolite, hemp seed and hemp powder, garlic, cilantro, bentonite clay, and haritaki.

As previously stated, incorporating daily sungazing into your routine is not only beneficial for the pineal gland, but also promotes overall health, which is why it is a key component of The Serpents Way.

The consumption of ayahuasca plants or ayahuasca tea, a practice commonly employed by shamans, can result in profound experiences and vivid hallucinations due to its ability to quickly unlock your third eye. Keep an eye out for our forthcoming piece on Jeremy Narby’s ayahuasca journeys. He authored an intriguing book chronicling his adventures with shamans titled the Cosmic Serpent.

When it comes to meditation, the most effective technique involves fixating on a candle in complete darkness, while concentrating on the breath and attaining a state of mental calmness. The early morning hours at dawn are particularly beneficial for meditation as they actively stimulate the pineal gland.

Lightly tapping the center of your forehead, right between your eyebrows, triggers the pineal gland and all three parts of the Crystal Palace. This vibration creates a wave that goes straight to the pineal gland, activating it. The vibration also travels through the bones to the sphenoid, which then stimulates the pituitary gland located in the sella turcica.

Activating the pineal and other glands through toning or chanting can energize the Cerebral Spinal Fluid by sending vibrations into the Crystal Palace.

When you press your tongue against the roof of your mouth, you stimulate the pituitary gland, leading to the activation of the pineal gland and hypothalamus via their physical and chemical pathways.

The act of squeezing our eyes creates a muscular connection with the sphenoid bone, activating the pituitary gland. When we suck in our cheeks, it moves the jaw and stimulates the neck and cranial pumps. By contracting the anal sphincter and perineum, vibrations are sent to the muscles surrounding the anus and the pelvic floor. These vibrations then travel up the spine and dural tube from the pelvis to the occiput. The intracranial membrane system transfers these vibrations to the center of the head, activating the pineal and pituitary glands.

Increased melatonin levels are a response to darkness, causing the pineal gland to release pinoline and DMT, thus assisting in the activation of the third eye. You can find a variety of frequency music on YouTube that can help with decalcification.

In order to truly embark on The Serpents Way and attain kundalini awakening and self-mastery, the conservation and transmutation of sexual energy are paramount. Without this crucial foundation, all other endeavors are in vain. By embracing celibacy and/or sexual alchemy, one can conquer lust and safeguard their seed, ensuring progress and fulfillment on this transformative path. Preserving and transforming sexual energy is the key to awakening the inner serpent, which in turn activates all chakras.

The Art of Seeing –

Third Eye Awakening –

Human Race Get Off Your Knees –

Fluoride-Free Toothpaste I personally Use –

Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water Filter System –

Culligan FM-25 Faucet-Mount Advanced Water Filtration System –

I recently purchased this product for hiking. It’s fantastic – GRAYL UltraPress 16.9 oz Water Purifier & Filter Bottle for Hiking, Backpacking, Survival, Travel –

2. Chaga Mushrooms

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