Regeneration & Uncoiling The Serpent

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Regeneration & Uncoiling The Serpent

Regeneration & Uncoiling The Serpent

In numerous instances within this blog, we have stressed the significance of sexual energy as the foundation of mystical and spiritual practices. It was a shared belief among ancient civilizations that in order for individuals to evolve and unlock their hidden potential, they must conquer their desires and lust.

Moreover, we have emphasized in this blog that there exist influential figures who have practiced black magic since ancient times and oppose the idea of man preserving his seed and uncoiling the serpent.

By now, it should be clear that there exists an AI Agenda with the intention of enslaving humanity through digital means. The individuals in power, who can be likened to dark sorcerers, have a vested interest in suppressing the spiritual evolution of humanity and keeping their hidden potentials locked away.

In our discussion on the shadow dragon consciousness, we shed light on the porn industry, revealing disturbing statistics from this morally corrupt and depraved sector. Pornography is associated with dark rituals in black magic. These dark sorcerers are highly conscious of the power held within the seed of man:

The power structure has a vested interest in keeping you lustfully ignorant, which is why it perpetuates a pornographic culture under the guise of “freedom of expression” and advocates for the health benefits of masturbation. There is a large number of people, including both men and women, who falsely believe that masturbation is good for health.

Masturbation, particularly for men, can result in degeneration, devolution, and ultimately mortality due to the nature of their ejaculation. For further insights into this subject, we recommend reading our comprehensive article:

This insidious culture seeks to enslave individuals to their lowest instincts, draining them of their vitality and transforming them into mindless consumers. Undoubtedly, pornography stands as the most sophisticated weapon ever created in the annals of humanity.

Consider this scenario: if you were the one in charge, you would not prefer individuals who possess immense power, creativity, and an unparalleled drive to revolutionize the world. Instead, you would favor individuals who possess only enough strength to barely rise in the morning, fulfill their work duties, and return home.

The aim is to have loyal customers who never challenge your authority. This is why you flood them with pornographic material and normalize sexual immorality. This deceptive tactic gives the appearance of freedom while depleting their life force, which holds the potential for unlocking superhuman capabilities.

Through our profound experience, we have come to realize the extraordinary potency of semen retention on the physical, mental, and spiritual levels. It is astonishing how a single human body, when fully harnessed, can bend this entire system according to their own will.

Reflect on Pythagorus, Plato, Beethoven, Newton, Da Vinci, Nietzsche, and Einstein, just to name a few. The idea that a single component can influence the entire entity is a testament to the immense power that lies within each person. Your body and life-force, if preserved and transmuted, act as a channel for energy, capable of accessing unimaginable levels of power.

It is crucial to recognize that when talking about semen retention, the intention is not to diminish the strength of women who are also capable of overcoming their desires and achieving extraordinary abilities by awakening their inner energy. Rather, it is due to the inherent differences between male and female orgasms.

During male ejaculation, the semen-essence is expelled from the man’s body. On the other hand, when a woman experiences orgasm, she internally releases various sexual secretions, which, unlike in men, are retained within her body. In French, the term La Petite Mort translates to “the little death” is a term used to refer to the male sexual orgasm.

Regeneration & Uncoiling The Serpent

The powerful grip of the giant serpent of Sex has humanity teetering on the brink of destruction. Initially meant to assist in human development, this serpent was naively taken in as a pet and lavished with excessive affection. Through overindulgence and submission to its every desire, the pet has evolved into a monstrous force that now looms over its master, poised to bring about their downfall.

Emerging from the suffocating grip of humanity’s plight, a desperate plea for help resonates within the inner recesses of our being. It is a cry tinged with fear, rising and falling, beseeching liberation from the unyielding clasp of a malevolent force. Yet, no answer comes, no external assistance arrives.

Man’s precarious position is entirely self-inflicted. It is he who bestowed upon this creature its current power by habitually yielding to its escalating demands. Therefore, it is solely up to him to remedy this self-created anguish through unwavering self-exertion.

The serpent, representing the formidable foe, can be triumphed over if man so desires. Through sheer willpower, he can weaken its dominance and stand firm against its eerie entanglement. In fact, by resisting its corrupt longings, he can still assert control over the cumbersome and unruly reptile.

By exerting his willpower, he can once again bring it under his control. As a result, its hidden power will greatly assist him in his pursuit of evolution. Indeed, “once conquered, the serpent becomes a source of life.”

Instead of appropriating man’s life force, it will then provide him with the greatest catalyst for attaining a higher level of human existence. The turbulent serpent of Sex will transform into the submissive serpent of Wisdom, guiding the way from the human realm to a state beyond.

Various civilizations incorporate the image of a snake as a metaphor for human existence in their myths. In Eastern texts, there is mention of a serpent coiled within a mysterious core of energy within the human body. While not exactly the same, the release of this serpent within oneself, like a twisting beast, is believed to be humanity’s path to evolution.

Serpent symbolism has been discovered in various cultures across the globe. One common theme is the legends of heroes triumphing over evil serpents. These legends serve as a powerful symbol of mankind’s need to overcome the overpowering influence of sexuality. Throughout history, folklore has consistently associated serpents with the sexual function.

Knowledgeable investigators have arrived at the conclusion that the serpent always carries a phallic connotation. However, what often perplexes students of symbolism is that, despite being portrayed as the embodiment of evil, the serpent is also seen in a contrasting light. However, in cases where the symbolism remains unchanged, there is a noticeable difference between the two depictions.

While the malevolent serpent is coiled, the benevolent serpent is consistently depicted as upright. This transformed serpent, no longer coiled but standing on its tail with a slightly curved body, bears resemblance to the human spine, which plays a crucial role in the actual uncoiling of the serpent. It remains a phallic symbol, albeit one that has been conquered, tamed, and transformed into the most valuable asset for humanity.

Through a reflective exploration of various depictions of serpents, it becomes clear that they encapsulate a principle of paramount importance. This principle asserts that resisting the demands of the sexual urge will progressively unwind the serpent, leading to spiritual liberation and unhindered evolutionary advancement. However, attaining this ultimate outcome necessitates a conscious recognition of the essentiality of purifying oneself.

The key to unlocking spirituality lies in its remarkable purity. This often-neglected factor of evolutionary growth is essential and should be pursued after the acquisition of intellect. Unfortunately, mankind has largely overlooked its importance.

Regeneration & Uncoiling The Serpent

Degeneration, generation, and regeneration are closely intertwined, all influenced by the same force. The distinction lies in the way this force is utilized. Misusing it for sexual gratification leads to degeneration, while using it for reproduction results in generation. To achieve regeneration, the very same force needs to be converted into spiritual power within the individual.

Regeneration involves redirecting the generative force towards spiritual enlightenment, signifying the awakening of higher consciousness. To be regenerated is to be reborn into spiritual existence.

Individuals who have undergone this transformative experience have attested to the undeniable reality of a new birth that can occur within human beings, enabling the profound development of their spiritual essence. This second birth leads to the harmonization of one’s consciousness with the universal and divine.

The new birth in all possible ways enhances the potential of both mind and body; it results in immense mental and spiritual power, which when wisely utilized can unlock extraordinary abilities. Even the physical body will undergo purification. The rejuvenating energies dormant within one’s inner self, once awakened, will eventually elevate him to a divine state.

Through the process of regeneration, a person constructs a brand new body for themselves. Cell by cell, they are revitalized and elevated to a higher vibration by the transmuted life force.

The utmost crucial evolutionary feat of mankind is the prioritization of utilizing one’s generative energy to perpetually reproduce and maintain their own body, relegating propagation to a subordinate role.

Regeneration is like being born again without the need for death. It involves transitioning into a fresh existence in a different realm, governed by new principles and filled with novel encounters, all through an internal transformation while still inhabiting the physical form.

The transformation occurs without physical death, but something must still die in order for rebirth to occur. Man’s renewal hinges on shedding all that hides his authentic self. None of the old, worldly desires can accompany the spiritual awakening.

The birth process involves purging lower tendencies and replacing them with divine energies. Only after this transformation can a new spiritual being emerge within the earthly body. The physical body then becomes a vessel for the spiritual self, which is recognized as the true identity.

The sage who reaches this spiritual state transcends the ordinary existence of man, just as human life surpasses the foetal stage. In this state, life is lived to its fullest potential, free from mere sensory experiences. However, one must first eliminate all animalistic tendencies to attain this state of being.

Each individual must prepare for their own rebirth. When the life energy is focused on creating new life, it splits into male and female components, which must work together. As evolution progresses, sexual energy redirects itself inward within the organism, resulting in the creation of a new life form with the potential for regeneration.

The force is equal in both women and men in this new form. Not only is the spiritual energy the same in both sexes, but the organs for regeneration are also identical. Thus, each individual must achieve regeneration independently.

Not all individuals can successfully and promptly undergo the process of new birth. This can only be achieved by those who have attained a high level of mental and physical purity.

Progress in this endeavor is only possible once one recognizes the necessity of overcoming physical desires and completely ceasing any wastage of energy. In essence, celibacy is the initial and essential prerequisite for the task of self-renewal.

The requirement stems from the fact that, as previously mentioned in both generation and regeneration, the powerful force of nature at play is the one related to the sexual organism.

This energy has the ability to be channeled towards the physical generative organs located in the lower regions of the body or towards the spiritual regenerative organs in the head. The functions of regeneration and generation are so different that they are incompatible. Spiritual regeneration can only be achieved if all sexual expression ceases.

The universal emphasis on chastity by great spiritual leaders can be traced back to the core principle of regeneration. A spiritual leader must uphold strict standards of chastity, as it is crucial for the mystical rebirth of individuals. The transmutation of sexual energy is at the heart of regeneration, making it impossible for man to achieve true regeneration without perfect chastity.

Regeneration & Uncoiling The Serpent

Through the accumulation of evidence, it has been revealed that absolute purity is crucial when one seeks to follow the path of spiritual growth. Each piece of evidence adds to the credibility of the concept of perfect chastity.

Based on the extensive evidence provided, this concept could stand on its own without further validation. However, one key reason for the importance of sexual purity in spiritual progress has not yet been discussed. The very basis of this entire blog, encompassing its domain name, is firmly grounded in this underlying principle.

All applications of chastity must have a foundation in physiological phenomena. The physiology of the Occident, with its understanding of the internal secretions of the sex glands, provides a close approximation to this ultimate basis. The internal secretions are not only crucial for the body and mind, but they also hold the key to our deepest secrets.

There is a growing recognition that the reproductive system is a source of vital energy, which plays a pivotal role in all aspects of life, including spirituality. However, Western science’s general neglect of the spiritual element has resulted in a lack of understanding regarding the essential factors of sexuality.

The rationale behind sex purification can be comprehended by exploring the metaphysical aspects of the less materialistic Orient. Throughout thousands of years, the Oriental mind has extensively studied the process of spiritualization. In the realm of spiritual science, it is imperative for our Nordic intellect to show reverence towards the claims and assertions put forth by the Oriental mind.

There one can learn of the intricate workings of nature’s subtle energies within the human body, uncover the true functions of often misunderstood organs in the head, explore the chakras and psychic nerve centers, delve into the force channels and currents along the spinal column, and unlock the secrets of the Kundalini, the enigmatic serpent fire at the base of the spine.

The existence of psychic centers is not acknowledged by so-called Western scientists due to their invisibility, non-dissectibility, and non-measurability with physical instruments. However, the fact that these centers are made of matter finer than what can be observed by any physical means renders microscope detection inconsequential.

The forces and fires of occult physiology can be acknowledged for the same reasons we accept nerve force and mind – they are intangible and known only through their outcomes. Similarly, the existence of secret fires and forces has been demonstrated through the results achieved by those who have mastered their use.

It is possible to demonstrate the existence of these forces within oneself. However, the challenge lies in the fact that comprehending “the functioning of the spinal fires” is extremely complex, requiring many years to grasp even the basic principles.

Essentially, in the Far East, it is believed that both men and women possess a power known as Kundalini. This powerful occult force is said to be dormant, coiled like a serpent, at the base of the spinal column.

The all-important force known as Kundalini holds both a collective and personal significance. It is not only the creator and sustainer of the universe, but also the universal life principle that manifests in nature. Within the human body, Kundalini represents the most powerful manifestation of creative energy.

Kundalini can be considered as the personalized divine power, residing in the body like a seed from which a flawless human flower is meant to blossom. This sacred seed is often abandoned in the reproductive area, where it may be consumed by the worms of sensuality or wasted due to neglect, never given the opportunity to grow.

Nevertheless, a knowledgeable individual should raise it from its original position and bring it to rest at the midpoint of the eyebrows. Diligent care is necessary to facilitate its germination and the emergence of a stem along the spine.

The spinal cord, serving as a crucial conduit for nerve energy, extends from the lower part of the torso to the head for a specific purpose. It is through this pathway that the life force must be redirected from the reproductive system and conveyed to the regenerative organs located near the uppermost part of the skull.

Once the serpent power awakens, it ascends through the psychic nerve centers until it reaches the thousand-petalled lotus in the brain. However, as long as man is dominated by his senses, reviving the dormant center in the head necessary for controlling creative forces remains impossible. When the serpent power reaches this pinnacle, it unlocks the highest spiritual center of man – the thinker, the knower, the creator, finally reflecting the image of God.

The liberation of humanity is in the passing of fire from the base of the spine. Through the elevation of Kundalini, through the release of the serpent fire, humanity advances towards a state of superhuman excellence as ordained by the laws of evolution.

Caution must be exercised when it comes to intentionally awakening Kundalini until a thorough purification of one’s being is achieved. An in-depth understanding of the intricate ways in which Kundalini manifests is not necessarily essential for advanced evolutionary growth. Regardless of one’s knowledge or aspirations for spiritual development, the serpent power becomes active in the body.

Regardless of awareness, nature answers spiritual aspirations by triggering a force when the individual is prepared. The journey to the brain is intertwined with the ongoing evolution. Achieving the uncoiling of the serpent, even with the individual’s conscious cooperation, is still a slow and challenging process.

Those who aim to perfect it must be prepared to repeat the procedure for years, ensuring no impurity taints them mentally or physically. The purification of thought, will, and morality is essential before they can be intensified by the awakened force.

Unleashing the immense power of the higher aspects of this energy should only be done after one has achieved the utmost purity of life and thought. Prior to awakening this potent force, it is crucial to undergo a rigorous process of purification. Failing to do so can result in grave dangers and severe consequences.

As long as the power of Kundalini remains confined to the reproductive organs due to sexual acts or thoughts, it will be incapable of ascending to the higher organs responsible for regeneration and creation.

Moreover, if it is forcefully brought down after starting to rise, the disruptive effects on the subtle energy currents will inevitably impact the entire body, particularly the brain, leading to the manifestation of both physical and mental ailments.

When Kundalini energy starts to ascend, it is crucial to remember the strong link between the brain and the reproductive system, requiring a complete preservation of life force. The ultimate and foundational reason why achieving perfect sexual purity is crucial for individuals aiming to accelerate their evolutionary development lies in these physiological, or at least meta-physiological, truths.

It is important for everyone to realize that playing with the sacred serpent fire will result in suffering and the struggles of human existence. Oriental meta-physiology teaches us that true happiness can only be attained by letting go of worldly desires. Indulging in sexual pleasures and seeking self-gratification only hinders the journey towards freedom from suffering.

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The Coiled Serpent –

Purity is Power –

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