Solar Plexus Meditation

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Solar Plexus Meditation

Solar Plexus Meditation

The solar plexus serves as the core of your vitality and strength, as well as your link to purpose. When this area is empowered, you experience a surge of motivation and energy, enabling you to materialize your desires in the physical realm. Conversely, a blocked solar plexus often leads to feelings of exhaustion and depletion.

Your internal battery may be depleted, resulting in feelings of anxiety and uncertainty about your journey. Decision-making may be a struggle, and you may also be dealing with issues related to digestion, adrenal glands, or kidneys.

Identified as the church of Pergamos in the book of revelation, this chakra is recognized as the church of fire. It resides in the region of the navel and governs the functioning of the liver, stomach, and other organs. The color of this chakra resembles the vividness of clouds charged with rays, lightning, and a vibrant flame.

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Solar Plexus Meditation
Image from Essential Chakra Meditation by April Pfender

Throughout various cultures, both in the past and present, festivities have been held to honor the sun and celebrate the summer solstice. These celebrations express gratitude towards the sun for its vital role in supplying energy to our planet and all living beings.

Today, you will rejuvenate yourself by basking in the sun’s revitalizing wavelengths. It is recommended to stand during this meditation to fully embrace its energizing effects. However, if you prefer a seated position, that is acceptable, although the intention of this exercise is to adopt an invigorating posture.

Ensure that you are positioned close to a window or a natural source of light, regardless of whether you are standing or sitting. If you happen to be outdoors, make sure to face the sun.

Let your eyelids grow heavy, elongate your spine, release tension in your shoulders, unclench your jaw, and let your tongue rest at the bottom of your mouth. Keep your palms either by your sides, facing the light, or facing upwards on your lap.

Quiet any racing thoughts in your mind and refocus on your breath whenever you find yourself getting distracted. Embrace the sun’s warmth on your face. Even on cloudy days, make a conscious effort to welcome solar energy.

Take deep breaths into your belly, mid-back, and side body. Pay attention to the movement of your belly as you breathe in and out. Inhale new prana with each breath, and exhale any old energy. Feel your inner battery recharging as you absorb the golden sunlight.

Absorb all the energy you need to strengthen yourself and empower your ability to live, grow, and flourish. Keep drawing in sunlight until you feel a change in your vitality and energy levels. How do you perceive vitality? How is it reflected in your facial expression, posture, heart rate, stance, and breath?

Identify at least three sensations of vitality within you. Every inhale sends radiant golden sun energy to every cell in your body, making you brighter, more vibrant, and revitalized. Be mindful of your breath as you exhale, cherishing every conscious inhale and exhale.

If you notice energy flowing to different parts of your body, acknowledge it before shifting your attention back to your belly or back. Inhale deeply into your core, then release your breath back to the Earth. Conclude your practice with a solar plexus mantra that resonates with you.

Express your appreciation by giving thanks to Father Sun sincerely. If your eyes were shut, open them and, with a gentle look, enter a state of mindfulness, recognizing what you observed during your meditation. Now is the ideal moment to evaluate your current emotions.

Solar Plexus Meditation

Purpose is not a destination to be reached, but rather the guiding light that shapes your life based on your passions and priorities. Your solar plexus serves as the gateway to connecting with and embodying this purpose-driven life.

During this meditation, you will delve into the exploration of your purpose and the experience of manifesting that purpose in your daily life. Whether you prefer to meditate in a seated or lying position, start by taking deep breaths, filling your lungs and directing the breath down your spine to your belly.

As you breathe out, visualize your breath flowing down your legs, grounding the prana back to Earth through the soles of your feet. Connect with your inner wisdom.

Focus on the purpose and intention you wish to nurture and bring to life in your reality, whether it’s fostering a loving relationship, acing a job interview, working on a creative endeavor, attracting wealth, or nurturing yourself and your loved ones.

Reflect on your personal definition of success when it comes to your intention. Imagine the sensation of being completely satisfied and having an abundance of happiness and well-being, which are essential for feeling fulfilled in your pursuit.

Take the time to connect with the underlying purpose behind your intention, recognizing that it may evolve and unfold in new and unexpected ways. Visualize every aspect of your intention materializing, while remaining open to the different paths your vision may guide you towards.

Embrace the potential of this journey to break down barriers and open up new possibilities. Finally, think about one way you could celebrate this complete intention, or a milestone associated with it. Imagine this happening for you now.

Follow the feelings of joy and be open to experiencing other sensations and emotions that come with celebrating your achievement. If you have trouble finding your joy, try to sit with another intention that fulfills your greater underlying purpose more completely.

Express appreciation for your presence today with love and gratitude. Use your chosen mantra to mark the end of your practice. Reflect on your current feelings compared to when you started, and jot down any fresh insights if you feel compelled.

Solar Plexus Meditation

The sun holds a central position in our solar system and is intertwined with every dimension of life. It is theorized that each sun is linked to a central sun, with our sun’s connection being to Alcyone from the Pleiadian star system.

While there are countless galactic and central suns, the crucial point is that these suns function as repositories of knowledge and wisdom, sending out energy and love to the planets within their influence. This emphasizes the potential for us to unlock greater levels of love.

This meditation beckons you to align with the radiant energy of your own central sun, enabling you to embrace its love, joy, courage, and warmth. Whether you choose to practice this meditation while seated or lying down, start by taking deep breaths, filling your lungs and guiding the breath down your spine to the very core of your being located in your belly and diaphragm.

As you exhale, allow your breath to flow down through your legs, sending the vital life-force energy back to the Earth through the soles of your feet. Take a few deep breaths and experience a sense of grounding and balance. Take note of this feeling.

Are there any areas of resistance? Direct your breath towards those areas to promote relaxation. Embrace the vibrant and revitalizing golden yellow light, ablaze with the intensity of the sun, as it enters the core of your being.

Inhale purposefully, allowing the light to permeate your belly and expand effortlessly. With each breath, sense the heat growing, akin to the blazing inferno of your central sun, enlivening your core. Your radiant light shines brightly, a blazing flame that resides at the very heart of your universe.

Let it expand beyond your physical form, surpassing the immediate environment, and transcending the confines of the room as it ventures back into the vastness of the universe.

Delicately infuse each targeted organ with a radiant golden hue, individually and without any specific sequence, ensuring that the light reaches the stomach, adrenal glands, liver, and the muscles in your side body and mid-back.

Welcome the light energy to cut through anything blocking your path. Allow your anxieties, fears, nerves, and worries to melt away in your brilliance. Release something with every exhale.

Take three additional deep breaths to direct your energy towards specific areas needing healing, such as strengthening your back muscles or toning your abdomen after pregnancy. If you’re struggling to visualize the color of light, focus on the sensation rather than the hues.

Take deep breaths into your solar plexus area. Are you feeling energized and powerful, or drained? Remember, you’re simply observing, not fixing. After filling yourself with healing light, expand by accessing your highest energy and awareness potential.

As you sink deeper into your meditation, embrace thoughts that resonate with your greatest potential. Allow any other thoughts to pass through your consciousness without attachment. Discover your innermost core value.

Reflect on restorative and empowering qualities like autonomy, respect, optimism, connection, pleasure, leadership, love, openness, abundance, or success. Choose one or two empowering qualities to center your focus on, as too many may overwhelm the meditation experience.

To find fulfillment in each area, it is crucial to determine your needs. Take a moment to reflect on what you require and identify one or two actionable measures you can implement. Keep in mind that solar power is all about aligned action and activation.

Merely recognizing your values is insufficient; you must take action to manifest the change you desire. As you conclude your session, embrace an empowering mantra or mudra. Repeat your chosen mantra three times to fully unleash its power and activate its influence. With this, your session concludes successfully.

Solar Plexus Meditation

Essential Chakra Meditation –

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