Crown Chakra Meditation

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Crown Chakra Meditation

Crown Chakra Meditation

“Enlightenment is blossoming the thousand petaled lotus flower on the top of the head” – Amit Ray

The crown chakra, located at the top of your head and extending a few inches above, governs the top of your head, your nervous and lymphatic systems, and your brain. It is considered the gateway to divine oneness, the universe, and cosmic consciousness, as it receives and transmits universal energy to your entire chakra system.

An open crown chakra indicates a strong connection with your Higher Self and spiritual progress. Your crown is responsible for your metaphysical energy, while your root is responsible for your physical energy.

The crown chakra, referred to as the church of Laodicea in the book of revelation, is activated upon the Kundalini energy reaching the pineal gland located in the brain. A subtle and small canal exists between the pituitary gland and the pineal gland, but it disappears in cadavers.

The flame must travel through this narrow canal towards the base of the nose. According to Samael Aun Weor, the root of the nose is home to a distinct magnetic field, where the atom of the Father is believed to reside.

As we strive for the radiant light, we breathe in countless atoms of aspiration that journey through our nasal passages towards the magnetic field at the base of our nose, where the Father’s atom resides.

The sexual glands and the pineal gland are intricately linked. The potency of the pineal gland is reliant on the potency of the sexual glands. Within the pineal gland lies the atom of the Holy Spirit. The pituitary gland houses the atom of the Son (Christ). The magnetic field of the root of the nose is where the atom of the Father resides.

Check out our dragon consciousness page for further insights on the chakras:

Crown Chakra Meditation
Image from Essential Chakra Meditation by April Pfender

Your crown space embodies the vibration of your Highest Self. To open up to higher guidance, clear any mental chaos. Sit in meditation with a straight spine for optimal energy flow from your crown to other energy centers. Keep your hands palms up in your lap or in mudra.

Prepare for your meditation by manually opening your crown chakra with your hands, visualizing it like opening a book above your head. Slowly move your hands towards each other to feel the boundaries of your crown space.

Acknowledge the resistance you encounter – that is your crown chakra. Quiet your mind from any distractions. Recenter your attention on your breath whenever you find yourself becoming distracted. Inhale deeply, drawing in a fresh breath through the crown of your head.

As you exhale, feel your energy spreading outwards, reaching in all directions. Take a few breaths to expand your awareness to your expanded crown. This practice is referred to as clearing your mental energy. With each exhale, envision your thoughts departing from your mind and drifting away on the breeze.

Visualize your worries, cynicism, judgments, and mental stress dissipating like a passing cloud. See if you can simply exist in the present moment. Avoid attempting to “correct” anything.

As you breathe in, absorb the immense beauty of unity, receptiveness, interconnectedness, and enlightenment that is accessible to you through this sacred pathway. Embrace the rejuvenating energy arriving in tranquil waves of happiness.

Submit to the delight and elegance streaming towards you at this moment. Inhale deeply through your crown one final time, then exhale your breath back to the Earth. Sense the unobstructed flow of energy from your crown down your spine.

Uphold your vibrancy by concluding your practice with a potent crown mantra. If your eyes were shut, softly open them and enter a reflective state of awareness, acknowledging what you were able to perceive during your meditation.

Now is the perfect moment to evaluate how you are presently feeling. Throughout the day, be mindful of the universal connection you have established and your ability to tap into the qualities of peace you cultivated during your sit.

Crown Chakra Meditation

The moment has arrived for you to embrace your destiny and transform into the embodiment of everything you have ever aspired to be – the true manifestation of your soul’s mission. Each and every one of us possesses infinite potential, and within us lies a unique gift that holds the power to positively impact humanity.

Despite the many individuals who find themselves trapped in fear, limited consciousness, and altered vibrations, by actively seeking enlightenment and expanding our awakened consciousness, we can successfully construct our dreams and transform our visions into reality.

The merkaba, a sacred symbol, represents duality – encompassing the positive, active, electric, and masculine aspects, as well as the negative, passive, magnetic, and feminine aspects. In the grand tapestry of creation, the merkaba embodies both the law of spirit and the law of matter.

The meditation technique resembles the shape of two intersecting tetrahedrons, which are three-dimensional triangles. You have the option to practice this meditation either seated or standing, ensuring that your spine remains straight and aligned vertically.

To begin, take deep breaths, allowing your lungs to fill up, and guide your breath down your spine towards your belly. As you exhale, imagine releasing your breath through your legs, allowing the prana (the life-force energy carried by your breath) to return to the Earth through the soles of your feet.

Visualize two radiant white tetrahedrons intertwined, with one pointing downwards and the other pointing upwards. From an external perspective, a white, six-sided, three-dimensional star surrounds your body. You are seated at the center, creating a point of equilibrium.

The intersecting points gleam in a golden light, with interconnected bands of luminous light. The tetrahedrons symbolize pure divine energy, spinning continuously – initially at a slow pace, then increasing in speed.

As you reside within this lightbody vehicle, the energy of the merkaba shifts and flows, harmonizing with you, providing support, and balancing your energy. While engaging with the merkaba, focus on cultivating positive thoughts and visualize the multidimensional star spinning and expanding.

What unfolds when a negative thought arises during this experience? How does it impact your lightbody? This exercise strengthens your aura and enhances your connection to your inner light. With a fortified aura, you navigate life with unwavering faith and remain unaffected by others’ opinions.

The merkaba represents a perfect fusion of energies, with you as its core, empowering you to transform thoughts and actions spanning the past, present, and future. As the bridge connecting spirit and matter, you harmonize your lightbody.

Any negative words or restrictive beliefs absorbed from others will fade away, resembling sparks or bursts of light. Observe as thought paradoxes, conflicts, and limitations are expelled from your orbit. Gradually, you will experience a sense of liberation, both in your mind and soul.

Visualize yourself emanating radiant light, boundless love, and selflessness to the world. Capture a mental image of the energy you currently feel, and revisit it whenever you seek to reconnect with your authentic, limitless, and divine essence.

The merkaba serves as a vehicle designed to cleanse your energy, and it operates effortlessly without any action required from you. It remains energetically present in your daily life. To summon it, simply visualize it in your mind’s eye. Show gratitude towards yourself for being present today.

To signal the completion of your practice, you may choose to chant or say aloud your crown mantra. Take three deep breaths to clear your mind before returning to your surroundings. If you wish, take a few moments to compare your current feelings to how you felt at the beginning of your meditation.

If you feel compelled, write down any new insights that may have emerged.

Crown Chakra Meditation

The purpose of your soul’s incarnation in this lifetime is to experience personal growth. Some individuals encounter hardship, struggle, and density throughout their life, while others embark on a journey filled with light, peace, and joyful circumstances.

Your soul has intricately planned its path back to its true essence, perfectly tailored for your unique journey. You are arriving at the precise moment and you are exactly where you need to be in the present moment.

Regardless of the choices you make, always remember that you are unconditionally loved and supported by your Higher Self. If possible, find a comfortable seated position, such as lotus or cross-legged, for this meditation. Allow your hands to rest gently in your lap, palms facing upwards.

Take a moment to begin by taking deep breaths, allowing your lungs to fill completely. As you exhale, imagine your breath flowing down your spine and leaving your body. With each breath out, visualize the energy within your breath returning to the Earth through the soles of your feet.

After a few breaths, you will start to feel a sense of calm and centeredness. Take note of this feeling. Are there any areas of resistance? If so, focus your breath on those areas to help release tension and promote relaxation.

Now, picture yourself seated on a magnificent lotus throne, surrounded by soft petals. You are at the very center of this beautiful flower. Notice the light around you glowing so brightly that your whole body begins to radiate with this white light frequency.

A space opens above you, and you recognize this as a portal to the cosmos. Visualize a golden thread dropping down from the sky, running into your head, down the back of your spinal column, and out below you to Earth, anchoring you.

You may feel tingles, pulsating energy, or electricity as the thread aligns all your other chakras with your crown space. Notice how this feels and any other sensations. Receive the balancing and healing energy coming to you from your Higher Self. Today, make a choice to elevate your decision-making.

Your individual life choices will resonate with you in a meaningful way. This is because you are drawing in the energy of each potential outcome into your reality. To align yourself with your Highest Self, it is important to consistently pursue your passions.

By doing so, you will remain in a state of constant growth and expansion, flowing with perfect timing and grace. As you visualize yourself on your lotus throne, begin to manifest your greatest joys.

Whether it’s a recent pursuit or an upcoming experience, take the time to explore if there are deeper layers for you to uncover. For example, if you are planning a weekend getaway, consider what other exciting possibilities may await you.

Think of all the details; who else is going, what places you would like to see there, an extra stop on your trip. This exercise is not a master to-do list. Rather, it’s a download from your Highest Self, a transmission of what lights you up, because what excites you is a key to your revelatory soul-journey.

Gather any insights you can. Continue to breathe in and out, peacefully enjoying the ecstatic communion of this intersection of joy, creativity, spirituality, and divine exchange. You may close your sit with an empowering mantra or mudra. 

Chant your mantra three times for maximum expression and activation. Take three deep breaths, letting the white light energy from your crown cleanse and flow through you, releasing any vibrations that need to be released.

Show appreciation to your Higher Self for being present with you today, and request for this version of yourself to merge into your consciousness even after your meditation session has ended. Your session is officially over.

Crown Chakra Meditation

Essential Chakra Meditation –

Eastern Body, Western Mind –

The Aquarian Message –

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