Third Eye Meditation

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Third Eye Meditation

Third Eye Meditation

“When your mind is clear and your third eye is open, you can see and know things that are taking place thousands of miles away from you” – Frederick Lenz

Located between the eyebrows on the forehead, the third eye is the core of intuition and the ability to see beyond obstacles. Opening up to imagination and embracing new perspectives is key to unlocking its potential.

This center allows us to break free from limited consciousness of time and is associated with light, representing the essence of all material forms. In the book of revelation, the third eye chakra is known as the church of Philadelphia and is said to have eight primary powers and thirty-six secondary powers, enabling clairvoyance.

The third eye chakra is aligned with clear vision, intuition, and a direct ethereal connection to universal energy. When this chakra is unblocked, you embody openness and creativity. You possess the capacity to look beyond obstacles that may hinder your progress.

It is associated with dreams and aspirations for the future, a creative state of mind, openness in the present, and an understanding of your spiritual purpose. To learn more about this chakra, visit our dragon consciousness page here:

Third Eye Meditation
Image from Essential Chakra Meditation by April Pfender

The pineal gland acts as a link between our physical and spiritual functions. It serves as our internal compass and plays a vital role in the proper functioning of the endocrine system. Due to its sensitivity to magnets and vibration, playing soft background music can activate the pineal gland.

Opt for tones or binaural beats that have a rhythmic quality and no lyrics. For optimal effectiveness, practice this meditation in a dark environment, as the pineal gland functions as a light receptor. Whether you prefer to be seated or lying down, both positions are suitable for this meditation.

Start by closing your eyes and feeling the weight of your eyelids, lengthening your spine, relaxing your shoulders, unclenching your jaw, and dropping your tongue from the roof of your mouth. Keep your hands with palms facing up in your lap or in your third eye mudra.

Clear your mind of any busy thoughts. Bring your attention back to your breath if you get sidetracked. Picture a small violet flame surrounded by a deep indigo glowing halo in your third eye center.

Feel the comforting light radiate beyond your closed eyelids and towards the sides of your face and the back of your head. Visualize the light illuminating your head, see the flame moving behind your eyeballs at the center of your brain.

Focus on guiding the flame towards your pineal gland, even if you’re uncertain of where it is. Imagine the flame, noticing any changes in color, size, shape, or its unwavering presence. Envision this transformative flame igniting your cognitive abilities.

Let go of old memories or false beliefs in the violet flame to make room for higher vibrations. Sync your breath with the tones for added impact. After you’ve allowed the flame to burn for a few minutes, bring your hands together in front of you and gently touch your closed palms to your forehead.

This signals your activation is complete. Take a few moments to thank yourself and notice how you are feeling. Open your eyes if they were closed and, with a soft gaze, come into a reflective space of awareness, acknowledging what you were able to perceive during your meditation.

Third Eye Meditation

Your Higher Self is an extraordinary being, unrestricted by the limitations of time, resources, or constraints. By summoning your Higher Self, you can seek guidance in creating a roadmap for your journey and understanding the rationale behind your choices.

Rather than second-guessing your decisions, focus on embracing your intentions. To bolster your confidence, remain present with your inner vision. This meditation invites you to embark on a quest to connect with your visionary state and receive navigational direction.

You have the option to practice while seated or lying down. Start by taking deep breaths, filling your lungs and guiding your breath from the top of your head to your third eye. Exhale, releasing your breath through your eyelids and the sides of your face, extending it out to your aura.

Connect with your inner wisdom and seek guidance on a current situation or challenge. Pick a past event that could impact a future scenario. This could involve altering the outcome of a problematic work situation or resolving an ongoing relationship conflict.

Clearly define your desired objective, whether it’s resolution, reconciliation, understanding, or closure. Take into consideration all relevant details, including the individuals involved, timelines, your efforts, focus, intentions, external factors, and the specific outcome you are striving for.

Once you have brought these details into focus, take three deep breaths into your third eye, exhaling and releasing all that no longer serves you. Allow yourself to relax into the resulting stillness. Have you observed any messages from your Higher Self?

These messages can manifest as visions, emotions, or thoughts. Remember to seek clarity if necessary. Concentrate on gathering the details and don’t concern yourself with explanations. The aim is to view these visions as valuable resources to assist you on your journey.

Make sure to remember everything that comes to mind. Jot down any thoughts or images after your meditation so you can stay focused. Once you’re finished, end your meditation by chanting three times.

Thank your Higher Self for being present and sharing insights. If you didn’t receive any messages, try again later and imagine disconnecting your analytical mind before starting. Although you may not be able to perceive your Higher Self audibly, you might still experience sensations of colors or an overall emotion.

Have faith that things are being resolved on a quantum level during this period. If you desire, take a brief moment to compare your current feelings with those you had at the start of your meditation. If you feel compelled, jot down any fresh realizations.

Third Eye Meditation

Your third eye is a center that bypasses your “I” consciousness and moves into your “super” consciousness. The “I” consciousness includes an awareness of oneself. “Super” consciousness is a state that rests above the conscious and subconscious mind states.

From this framework, you can begin to view yourself through an observational lens. You may practice this meditation seated or lying down. Start by deeply breathing in, filling your lungs and guiding the breath up to your third eye.

Exhale, releasing the breath past your eyelids and face, extending out to your aura. After a few deep breaths, you will feel centered. Take note of any resistance you may feel. Inhale into those areas to help relax. Introduce a vibrant violet light into your third eye.

Inhale the light into your brow line with your next breath, allowing it to expand through your exhale, radiating throughout your head. Visualize pushing this violet light in and out through your third eye, filling the chakra vortex and completely cleansing this energetic center. See it, feel it.

Allow it to grow beyond your body, the surrounding space, and the walls of the room as it travels back out into the cosmos. Gently fill your sinuses, the space behind your eyes, and your brain as you prepare to dispel any discordant energies (unhealthy thoughts or patterns or anything weighing you down mentally). 

Allow the violet light frequency to soak up any imbalanced energies. Release with every exhale. If visualizing the color proves challenging, concentrate on the emotion rather than the specific hue.

Once you’ve absorbed the healing light energy, envision it expanding to form a violet bubble surrounding your entire auric field, reaching out six feet around you. Inside your radiant bubble, delicate strands of violet light particles sparkle and mirror the glow of the see-through walls.

Consider this area a sanctuary where you can focus without interruption. Embrace any ideas that resonate with your ultimate potential and creativity. Let all other distractions simply flow past your consciousness.

Today, you will surpass the limitations of the self and enter a deeper comprehension that links you to the universal consciousness. Through your third eye, you gain a higher perspective. By honing your skills, you have the ability to broaden your view to encompass not only humanity but also the universe.

The power of the third eye is centered on intuition and gaining access to profound understanding. What do you need to perceive clearly at this moment? Envision it right in front of you, and envelop this individual or object with a violet bubble.

Then, tune in to your intuition or higher consciousness. What message does your intuition wish to convey regarding what lies before you? What knowledge can you acquire? Keep breathing steadily as you calm your mind and simply listen.

After achieving a sense of wholeness, transition to the next subject by placing it in the violet bubble before you. Be receptive to any messages or information that you are able to perceive. You can repeat this process with up to five subjects in one sitting.

Consider keeping a journal or paper nearby to record your experiences and any action items that come to mind during your session. Conclude your session with an empowering mantra or mudra. To fully activate its potential, repeat your mantra three times. Your session is now finished.

Third Eye Meditation

Essential Chakra Meditation –

Eastern Body, Western Mind –

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