The White Magician

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The White Magician
Image from Nirwest_Official

The White Magician

I would like to emphasize that the images accompanying this piece carry profound symbolic significance, particularly in relation to the ongoing spiritual battle humanity is facing. The White Dragon depicted in all the images, both above and below, serves as a representation of a dual nature. To delve deeper into this subject, you can find further information here:

The White Dragon and it’s consciousness represents the pristine awareness that harmonizes and restores the alignment of all chakras. As soon as every chakra achieves equilibrium with one another, the White Dragon consciousness is activated and courses through the chakra system effortlessly.

The White Dragon consciousness is a symbol found in Arthurian legend, depicting a battle between the White Dragon and the red dragon, symbolizing a conflict between the two dragon forms. The Red Dragon energy seeks to reverse the dragon consciousness and impede humanity’s evolution.

The White Dragon energy aims to restore the ancient ways and advance the consciousness of mankind. The Red Dragon, also known as the Muladhara, represents the densest and most concentrated form of your consciousness. Within this realm, your strongest and most intense emotions reside.

The Red Dragon is a representation of our most basic survival instincts, including the pursuit of material possessions. This is vividly portrayed by Smaug, the red dragon in the Hobbit, who amasses great wealth, illustrating the imbalanced nature of the Red Dragon’s mindset – marked by greed, combativeness, and a tendency to escape.

Living in their lower nature, the majority of humanity faces a blocked root chakra that persists throughout their entire life. The clash between the White Dragon, which embodies pure consciousness, and the Red Dragon, symbolizing man’s primal instincts, is the very source of this conflict.

To investigate further into the subject of the different dragon forms, please visit the following link:

Throughout the annals of history, myths from various countries have consistently conveyed a profound truth: the path to spiritual development requires conquering human passion and desire, often symbolized by the hero overcoming the dragon or its counterpart, the serpent.

The dragon or serpent is a symbol of the sexual fire of the Third Logos. This coiled serpentine fire resides three and a half times within the Muladhara Chakra, situated in the coccygeal bone. The consciousness of the root chakra is embodied by the Muladara Dragon.

The serpentine sexual fire that lies dormant within the coccygeal bone is commonly referred to as the Kundalini. The dragon, serpent, or Kundalini energy represents the divine fire of the Holy Spirit. It serves as a symbolic representation of the flaming sword wielded by the Cherubim, standing as a vigilant guardian at the entrance to Eden.

The Kundalini represents an aspect of Brahma, the enigmatic energy responsible for the existence of the world. This Brahma, also known as Tao, symbolizes the White Dragon and its consciousness. The Force, symbolized as the Brahma or Tao, is depicted in George Lucas’s Star Wars.

In Star Wars, the Jedi have represented the White Magicians, while the Sith have embodied the Black Magicians who have exerted control over our planet since ancient times.

The roots of Djedhi and Uadjet, “Dj” and Djed,” denoted serpent and column respectively. Thus designated a Djedhi as one who had raised the inner serpent (the Kundalini) up the human vertebral column to the spiritual centers within the head and thus became a Serpent of Wisdom or a Quetzalcoatl, the precious feathered serpent from Azetic Mysticism.

It was the Ancient Egyptian Order of Djedhi that inspired George Lucas’s Jedi in Star Wars. In the upcoming weeks, I will be dedicating my time to writing an article that delves into the teachings of the Egyptian Order of the Djedhi.

The state of the White Magician serves as our ultimate objective. This state represents the purpose of our existence – to transcend our base animalistic nature symbolized by the Red Dragon consciousness and awaken the dormant power within, whether we refer to it as the Dragon, Serpent, or Kundalini.

The task at hand is to conquer the Red Dragon and elevate the serpentine fire up our spine, in order to activate the white dragon consciousness also known as Christ consciousness. Achieving the state of a White Magician involves a combination of various factors.

These factors encompass activities like meditation, exercise, adopting a vegan diet, fasting, eliminating all addictions, taking cold showers, practicing sungazing, grounding oneself, engaging in shadow work, healing, practicing yoga and tai-chi, balancing your energy, and exploring ancient philosophy. Our blog provides comprehensive coverage of all these aspects.

The White Magician
Image from Nirwest_Official

The journey to discovering your inner spiritual warrior begins with obtaining awareness, knowledge, embracing an ideal, and envisioning a higher purpose. It is important to acknowledge that this entire system and those in control of it do not have humanity’s best interest at heart.

But even awareness, knowledge, embracing an ideal, and envisioning a higher purpose is still not enough. A spiritual warrior is either in you or not. In short, a spiritual warrior has a special kind of soul and passion, they are fearless and believe in fighting for what is right and just.

The current era is marked by an unprecedented level of psychological and spiritual warfare, which is unfolding before our very eyes. With that being said, these dark sorcerers possess unparalleled skills in manipulation, excelling specifically in the arts of mind control and disinformation.

Let’s be clear that any claim, including those made by AI software, stating that masturbation is healthy, is completely false. Masturbation is not a healthy practice; in fact, it is an ignorant misconception and can be likened to a deceptive trick of black magic.

It can be seen as a negative choice for your overall health to willingly subject yourself to a pervasive system and remain in a state of servitude. Opting to regress physically, mentally, and spiritually can have detrimental impact on your well-being.

Choosing to accept the constraints of mortality instead of striving for superhuman abilities and choosing devolution over evolution is fate that awaits those who persist in ejaculating.

Throughout history, celibacy has been acknowledged by every religion, ancient philosopher, and spiritual group as a crucial factor in attaining transcendence beyond mortal existence.

If you truly subscribe to the notion that masturbation is advantageous for your physical health and that withholding it is detrimental, it is plausible that you are either a victim of psychological manipulation or lack the fortitude to undergo the experience yourself.

The objective is to subjugate humanity, both spiritually and physically, under a more repressive form of totalitarian control. The evidence is undeniable, and it’s no longer a mere conspiracy theory. Observing the global scenario, it becomes abundantly clear that this is an indisputable fact.

There isn’t a single country or government on this planet that can be considered the good guys. Our governments, religions, and humanity as a whole have all fallen victim to the most twisted manifestation of black magic.

Throughout history, from the fall of Atlantis to Ancient Egypt and up until the present day, the so-called established authority has been under the influence of dark sorcery. The responsibility for all the wars that have plagued humanity throughout history lies with these black magicians and their corrupt banking systems.

It is the same power that controls both the East and the West. It is clear that this objective has been apparent since the decline of Atlantis and the emergence of Egypt. Its purpose is to prevent humanity from harnessing the power of Kundalini energy and experiencing spiritual enlightenment. Explore below the spiritual benefits of transmuting and harnessing sexual energy, a well-guarded powerful secret that black magicians don’t want us to unlock within ourselves.

By confining humanity to their lower three chakras, they have effectively suppressed the higher potential of human nature. Their primary tactic lies within the porn industry. In our presentation of the serpent’s way, the preservation and transmutation of sexual energy through celibacy and sexual alchemy hold a pivotal position. They serve as the fundamental principles underlying every spiritual journey throughout the ages.

Sexual energy serves as the ultimate key to liberating oneself from the matrix. Embracing the preservation of sexual energy represents the path followed by the White Magician. These dark sorcerers are well-versed in the power of sexual energy and semen.

They recognize the spiritual power that resides within every individual on this planet. They understand that if all humans were to harness this power, their control system would disintegrate.

Pornography serves as a ritualistic element within the realm of black magic. The act of semen ejaculation, unless for procreation purposes, is considered the practice of the black magician. Discover further information regarding these dark sorcerers and the influence of the adult entertainment industry at this location:

The White Magician
Image from Nirwest_Official

After providing awareness that humanity is embroiled in a psychological and spiritual warfare with an enemy who has taken over nearly every authoritarian institution to enslave us, it is time to share some knowledge.

Swami Sivananda stated, that death is hastened by letting out semen from the body; life is saved and prolonged by preserving it in the body. Therefore, semen must be preserved very carefully.

There is no doubt he stated, that people are born and live a healthy life by preserving semen and die prematurely for want of semen by letting it out of the body; knowing this the Yogi should always preserve semen and lead a life of strict celibacy.

The eminent European medical men also support the statements of Yogins of India. Dr. Louis says: “All eminent physiologists agree that the most precious atoms of the blood enter into composition of the semen.”

Dr. Nicole says, “It is a medical and physiological fact that the best blood in the body goes to form elements of reproduction in both sexes. In a pure and orderly life, the matter is reabsorbed.

It goes back into the circulation ready to form the finest brain, nerve and muscular tissues. This vital fluid of man carried back and diffused through his system makes him manly, strong, brave and heroic.

If wasted, it leaves him effeminate, weak and physically debilitated and prone to sexual irritation and disordered function, wretched nervous system, epilepsy and other various diseases and death.

The suspension of the use of the generative organs is attended with a notable increase of bodily and mental and spiritual vigour.” Dr. Louis refers to the ideal, moral character of St. Paul and Sir Isaac Newton saying: “Debility of intellect specially of memory characterizes the mental alienation of the licentious.”

Despite his intelligence, man must learn from birds and animals. Lions, elephants, and other powerful animals exhibit better self-control than humans. Lions mate only once a year, and after conception, female animals do not allow male animals near them until their young are weaned and they themselves are healthy and strong.

By violating the laws of nature, man suffers from numerous diseases. In this aspect, man has degraded himself to a level lower than animals. Reflecting back on Swami Sivananda’s teachings, he expressed the following:

The misuse of the reproductive function was addressed by C.J. Van Vliet, who had this to say:

Is it any wonder then, that as of 2020 according to, the adult industry generates $6 billion in annual revenue in the US the alone. As of 2020, more than 42 billion visits were made to Pornhub alone from all around the world.

There are over 420 million websites containing pornographic material globally. 28,258 users are watching pornography every second. It is clear that sexual energy can either destroy or elevate us to a state of superhuman spiritual prowess, it is evident that dark sorcery aims to keep us imprisoned in the physical realm, with the ultimate goal of absolute control.

The White Magician
Image from Nirwest_Official

It is apparent that there are two distinct routes ahead: one that leads upwards, away from entanglement, and another that descends deeper into it. Every individual faces the decision to either ascend towards the radiant yet seemingly solitary summit or descend into the alluring shadows of the crowded lower path.

The way of self-control and the ability to master one’s sexual desires is a path that leads to purity and advancement. Conversely, the other path promotes self-indulgence and being controlled by one’s sexual desires and a totalitarian system, resulting in a decline in conscious development and spiritual enslavement.

One can either acknowledge that sexual intercourse is not essential for personal well-being and promote abstinence, or recognize the regular need for such activity for all physically mature individuals and openly endorse promiscuity. Sexual acts should be limited to reproduction, or perversion should be accepted.

It is crucial to prioritize a clean and healthy living environment to prevent the spread of venereal disease. Neglecting purification will only lead to putrefaction. One path offers ethical refinement, mental clarity, and overall regeneration; the other path leads to moral decay, cognitive impairment, and widespread degeneration.

By harnessing the power of transmutation in the realm of sexuality, one can experience spiritual expansion. However, failing to abide by natural law will hinder the development of higher faculties and curtail any opportunity for progress.

Every individual has the power to actively contribute to the process of evolution and strive towards achieving the superhuman state. Alternatively, one can choose to resist and hinder the progress of evolution, ultimately regressing to a level lower than that of a sub-human.

The decision between these two paths lies within the hands of every human being. Each individual must decide to be part of the camp that upholds purity or the faction that embraces sensuality. Which option will result in a more favorable, more honorable, more perfect human race?

Without a doubt, an inner voice decisively and unmistakably supplies the answer in every situation; moral philosophy’s only duty is to mold it into a universal rational principle. The key to achieving advanced evolutionary growth lies in conquering passion and utilizing the generative organs exclusively for the act of generation.

To put it differently, any unused sexual energy, instead of being wasted, can be converted into a means for achieving greater evolutionary advancements. The sexual life resulting from this formula is spiritualized and impersonal, with actions motivated by spiritual reasons rather than selfish desires of the body, senses, or mind.

This ideal is applicable to everyone, although not immediately accessible to all individuals. Nonetheless, it serves as the ultimate destination for everyone. It is presented to us as a challenge that we must pursue, even if it exceeds our abilities.

While it may appear unattainable for most, there are still many who can make significant progress towards it. In certain instances, individuals have successfully approached it, always accompanied by substantial spiritual development.

Throughout history, there have been individuals who have truly embodied this concept and have left an everlasting mark of spiritual greatness on human civilization. These exceptional beings, the most enlightened guides to have ever walked this planet, serve as shining examples of the potential that lies within humanity and the ultimate destiny it can achieve through spiritual maturity.

As humanity evolves, it must gradually overcome its passions and reduce the misuse of sexuality in order to progress on this path of growth. For the human race to progress from a tiresome human-animal condition to a joyful spiritual-human state, purity must be acknowledged, pursued, and ultimately attained by everyone.

Each individual must confront reality, set purity as an aspiration, and actively strive to achieve it. Every person must take the first step towards this transformation at some stage. Rejecting this notion is denying oneself the possibility of evolving.

As one’s ambitions are fixed on the ideal, its distant allure becomes more defined and irresistibly attractive. Moving closer to it, every conscious effort made in its direction builds up, leading to a nearly godlike achievement.

Many may find all of this too idealistic, but what is considered ideal today will become reality in the future. It is true that “the ideal is distant… but those who do not reach it will still benefit from striving towards it.” As famously stated by Alan Moore in V for Vendetta, “Behind this mask there is more than just flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea… and ideas are bulletproof.”

The White Magician
Image from Nirwest_Official

For all of humanity, the primary objective should be spiritual growth and self-mastery in the physical form. Thus, the envisioned higher purpose of a spiritual warrior is to transcend matter, and the White Magician carries out this elevated purpose.

At their core, spirit and matter are simply different expressions of the same universal substance. They exemplify the essential law of polarity in nature, existing as interconnected states of a singular unity, perceived through the various ways they manifest.

It is fascinating to observe how the profoundest philosophies, the loftiest occult teachings, the most expansive religious outlooks, and the most extensive scientific investigations all converge towards remarkably akin conclusions.

They regard spirit and matter as fundamentally interconnected, forming a unified essence that can be transformed from one form to another by altering its vibrational frequency.

Looking at it from a concrete perspective, spiritual and material existence can be perceived as two distinct types of energy that have the potential to transform into each other, just like the conversion of mechanical motion into heat and vice versa.

When analyzed in a similar manner, steam and ice can be viewed as essentially identical; however, in everyday language and for practical reasons, they are clearly distinguishable and almost opposites.

The relative opposition between them and their fundamental unity can be demonstrated by labeling ice as the most basic form of what steam represents in a more advanced state. Similarly, matter can be referred to as the most basic form of what spirit embodies in its highest expression.

Only those with exceptional intellect can sometimes contemplate and even more rarely completely understand the ultimate truth of unity. To achieve a perfect understanding of unity, we must transcend the limitations of material existence, which is considered a lower form of spirit.

For the average human mind, duality is the more logical and comprehensible perspective, treating spirit and matter as opposites.

The rationale behind deeming matter as low and spirit as high can be attributed to the disparity in their vibrational frequencies: matter and its qualities resonate at a slow and low rate, whereas spirit and its attributes resonate at a rapid and high frequency that transcends all limits of perception.

In situations where two entities with disparate speeds are combined, like spirit and matter, conflict arises. Spirit pushes ahead while matter resists, causing a perpetual struggle for dominance. Ultimately, the faster entity triumphs, whether in the realm of evolution or competition.

The end state, symbolizing solidification, separateness, selfishness, and sensuousness, will be ultimately conquered by spirit, characterized by expansion, unification, self-effacement, and sublime purity.

In the triumph of spirit over matter, matter is not destroyed but is transformed into a tool for spiritual activities. Matter will cease to oppose and instead bolster spirit; it will undergo spiritualization and will only exhibit purity in accordance with spirit, which is indispensable for achieving genuine spirituality.

In the realm of humanology, the interplay between spirit and matter is depicted as a clash of cosmic elements. The human “spirit” is believed to originate from the divine, while the body embodies various desires and passions that are associated with the material world.

Similar to how matter is considered inferior to spirit due to its lower vibrational frequency, the physical human body is considered inferior to the spirit that dwells within it. Any factor that amplifies the dominance of materialism over individuals leads to a denser, less spiritually attuned body.

This includes the body’s most refined organs situated in the head, which become less open to spiritual guidance. The attraction towards matter is strongest in the organs located in the lower part of the trunk. This is why it is justified to attribute the sexual inclination to man’s lower nature.

It is this animalistic side of man that must be subdued by the inner spirit in order for him to reach his full human potential. “Controlling the lower nature is essential for the higher nature to manifest.” The task of defining the spirit within man is, unfortunately, an elusive one.

Mere words are inadequate in accurately encapsulating its true nature, as it can only be comprehended through spiritual means. When one is consumed by worldly desires, they are unable to connect with the realm of the spirit, thus remaining unaware of its existence.

The ability to truly understand the spiritual realm is possessed by only a select few, and the willingness to undergo the rigorous training required to develop this faculty is scarce. This reluctance may stem from the fact that the lower aspects of our being must be strictly governed by the higher aspects in order to attain spiritual enlightenment.

The wise ones who have attained spiritual understanding have expressed in various forms, consistently affirming “with absolute certainty that essentially we are spirit”; we are not a body that may or may not possess a soul, but a soul (or individualized spirit) temporarily utilizing a body; that “the body is simply an instrument existing for the benefit and purpose of the soul, and not for itself.”

Discovering our inner spirit requires us to strip away all that is unnecessary. This involves a rigorous commitment to ethical conduct, emphasizing the importance of inner purity through self-control and self-denial. The first step is to renounce anything that strengthens materialism’s influence over spirituality.

To progress spiritually, we must rid ourselves of sensuality and passions. In the language of a somewhat orthodox moral philosophy, it is believed that for the spirit to thrive, the physical desires must be restrained.

When one’s aspirations and objectives are focused on satisfying the fleshly cravings, they are unable to transcend beyond mere animalistic instincts. The term ‘flesh’ here denotes man’s materialistic nature that contradicts and excludes the spirit. The first step towards giving precedence to the spirit is to conquer the sexual impulses.

The impurity of the physical body prevents the soul from reaching perfection, leading to desires, passions, and vain thoughts. By eliminating the body’s foolishness, we can attain purity and comprehend the truth clearly. It is important to work towards gradually freeing oneself from the control and arrogance of the flesh.

Controlling the physical desires does not mean looking down upon, restraining, or ignoring the body. The appropriate outlook towards the body should not involve disdain or catering to its impulses.

The entire course of evolution illustrates nature’s careful nurturing in constructing superior, more intricate, and better organized bodies for the spirit to increasingly manifest itself. Evolution can be supported by disciplining and purifying the body, rather than neglecting it.

By raising its vibrations to a higher standard, refining and subliming it, the body can be heightened in its powers to be sensitive and responsive to spiritual manifestations. The body is not meant to be discarded, but to be made spiritual.

As the bearer’s inner growth advances, the living flesh itself becomes spiritualized. It is only through resolutely improving and perfecting the body as an instrument for the spirit that we can, while residing in a physical form, aim to comprehend and consciously demonstrate the invaluable faculties of the spirit.

Image from Nirwest_Official

The spiritual warrior is characterized by awareness, knowledge, embracing an ideal, and envisioning a higher purpose. Initially, he was just a man engaging in his typical interests and hobbies that we all share and find pleasure in. A factor from the external environment, usually beyond his influence, flickers like a tiny flame, prompting him to reflect on his own life and the world in general.

Over the past decade or so, a larger number of individuals may likely relate to my assertion that an external element is becoming aware of a global political occurrence or someone else revealing their awareness of the global landscape.

Humanity is currently engaged in a psychological and spiritual battle, with the ruling power being manipulated by black magic. Recognizing this truth and understanding that malevolence is plotting against us is sufficient to ignite a flame within.

Most people struggle to accept that everything they have believed or been told could be false. The average person would find it difficult to come to terms with the idea that their own government could cause them harm.

The average person, when presented with a substantial amount of evidence contradicting what they have been told by the mainstream news, tends to retreat into denial. It is a prevailing reality that the truth is often too challenging for most people to handle.

Even when it concerns small aspects of their individual lives, the majority find it difficult to confront their flaws and mistakes when they are pointed out by someone else. The majority of individuals struggle to confront their own inner selves. Carl Jung stated:

Recognizing the existence of a corrupt system, the warrior embraces it and advances towards the next level of enlightenment. This individual is dedicated to uncovering truths, both internally and externally, and will persist in the pursuit of knowledge across various fields, ancient and modern.

Having fully grasped the control system rooted in ancient times and acknowledging the potential manipulation of nonhuman forces over humanity, he remains steadfast in his acceptance of the truth and the boundless opportunities it holds.

With a profound understanding of the matrix and the realization that the history we were indoctrinated with is nothing but a web of lies too, the warrior finds themselves contemplating the notion of goodness.

They question whether there exists a realm beyond the clutches of corruption, falsehood, poverty, debt, and warfare. In their quest for enlightenment, they turn away from the controlling system and delve into the realm of philosophy.

With each passing year, the quest for wisdom and truth intensifies, igniting the flames within. Delving into ancient philosophy, mysteries, and religious studies fuels the fire within the warrior spirit.

After coming to the realization that all religions are created to uphold the control system, the warrior discovers fragments of truth in every religion that align with ancient philosophy and the ancient mystery schools.

The warrior comes to the profound realization that divinity resides within, not outside. They uncover hidden superhuman potential within their inner being. With a newfound focus, the warrior embarks on a journey of self-exploration through meditation and shadow work.

They confront their flaws, trauma, addictions, and desires, gaining the wisdom needed to overcome and rectify them. The warrior, who battled with their own carnal desires for a lifetime, has now come to understand that these desires originate from a mischievous serpent dwelling within.

The warrior comprehends that the serpent embodies the potent sexual fire of the Third Logos. He acknowledges that this malevolent serpent, when coiled inside him, entices and flirts with his desires.

The warrior realizes that if he can tame and unravel this serpent along his spine, it transforms into a force of benevolence that can elevate him to a superhuman status. The warrior, driven by a thirst for knowledge about the serpent, the harmful consequences of semen loss, and the superhuman benefits of celibacy, now embraces an ideal of triumphing over his desires by conquering the serpent.

Driven by a deep love for justice, truth, and freedom, the warrior fights peacefully to dismantle the flawed system. Standing in solidarity with humanity, the warrior advocates for unity, love, and empathy to bring about positive change. Through self-discipline and serving as a role model, the warrior aims to inspire others to pursue self-improvement and evolution.

The summary of the spiritual warrior is my personal awakening and journey, occurring in 2013 during my deployment in Afghanistan while serving in the U.S. Army. My expedition mirrors the many different journeys undertaken by countless individuals worldwide during this contemporary era, as they comprehend the intricate warfare, both physical and spiritual, that humanity is currently engaged in.

After introducing the serpent or dragon, it became clear that the key to advancing spiritually is to conquer this mythical beast. After introducing the spiritual warrior, who embodies awareness, knowledge, commitment to an ideal, and a vision of higher purpose, the White Magician emerges.

The White Magician
Image from Nirwest_Official

Through a journey of external and internal revelations, the spiritual warrior uncovers the oppressive system, confronts inner demons, and strives for a higher ideal that once kept them enslaved to the lust of their inner serpent. The White Magician represents the spiritual warrior’s evolution, focusing on raising the serpent up the spine or having already achieved this transformation.

The concept of the White Magician embodies the spiritual warrior’s aspiration for constant self-improvement, growth, and evolution. By conquering their own lust, this visionary individual commits themselves to serving humanity and contributing to its advancement.

Gandalf from Lord of the Rings, Yoda from Star Wars, the Architect from The Matrix, and Nicola Tesla share a common thread – they all embody the Magician archetype. An archetype encompasses a variety of patterns or psychic energy, comprising unique thoughts, emotions, visuals, urges, attitudes, and actions.

Consider an archetype as a subpersonality residing in the psyche, while also serving as a prevalent theme or character in storytelling. Numerous archetypes are present in our psyche, yet only a select few possess the significance and power that the Magician holds.

The Magician holds both ancient wisdom and modern knowledge. This archetype is associated with mental prowess. At its utmost manifestation, the Magician personifies wisdom, thoughtfulness, understanding, reflection, healing, and profound contemplation. It stands as the epitome of transformation and the enigmatic.

With mastery in technology, the Magician can manipulate the elements and harness incredible power for creative purposes. The magician archetype holds secret knowledge that goes beyond the realm of the occult.

This knowledge is acquired through specialized training, allowing one to delve into a realm of profound understanding. Robert Moore and Douglas Gillette delve into the depths of human psychology in their book, King Warrior Magician Lover:

Society descends into chaos when we fail to embody the genuine magician archetype and instead embrace its shadow. This principle also applies to individuals.

This has been the exact scenario unfolding since the era of ancient Atlantis. Across the annals of time, a select group of wealthy bloodline families have persistently delved into the hidden depths of magic, exploiting its darker aspects for their own personal gain.

Derived from the ancient word “mag,” the term “magic” refers to a priest. Genuine magic involves the ability of a priest or a holy person to offer assistance to others. The work of a priest constitutes real magic.

Ultimately, a genuine magician is synonymous with a priest. Magic is the incredible power of consciousness to shape and impact the four realms of nature: mineral, plant, animal, and human. Magic, just like the ‘force’ in Star Wars or the Tao, is neutral.

The outcome of using this power ultimately depends on how one chooses to wield it. According to the Law of One, there are two choices before us as humans: either we can prioritize serving ourselves or we can prioritize serving others.

George Lucas astutely depicted the clash between the Jedi and Sith. Clearly, the Jedi employed this extraordinary power to benefit others, while the Sith manipulated it solely for their own personal gain.

At the beginning of this article, it was clarified that this is not merely a product of movie imagination. George Lucas actually drew inspiration for the magic, Jedi, and Sith in Star Wars from the Ancient Egyptian Order of Djedhi. As previously mentioned:

White magic is referred to as “white” due to its inherent purity. It encompasses the power of consciousness to manifest divinity for the betterment of others. White Magicians consistently uphold the principles of respecting individuals’ free will, upholding the utmost ethical standards, and adhering to superior, divine laws.

Black magic, in contrast to white magic, involves the forceful manipulation of our selfish desires, aiming to fulfill their deepest subconscious, unconscious, and infraconscious urges by draining others’ energy. By disrupting the harmonious equilibrium of divine law, black magic leads to increased conditioning and suffering.

It has been mentioned in other sections of this blog that humanity has been under the influence of black magic practitioners ever since the decline of Ancient Atlantis.

The term “priest” does not align with the typical understanding of the word. We are not talking about a priest in a traditional church setting. We are referring here to a Theurgist whose internal master is the innermost. Our Divine Spirit, our True Self, our Inner Angel, is personified by the Innermost. Its capabilities are undeniably divine.

The Theurgist venerates the Innermost. The Theurgist harnesses the power of their Innermost to carry out impressive feats of practical magic. Theurgy is the opposite of Necromancy, but I won’t elaborate on that. I simply want to discuss in this article how black magic is linked to the current state of our planet.

To achieve Theurgy, one must first become an Alchemist, and being an Alchemist without a spouse is not possible. The White Magician practices alchemy, but the discussion of sex magic is not relevant to our current topic.

To engage in the practices of alchemy and sex magic, individuals must first prove their ability to retain sexual energy for years, showcasing their spiritual, mental, and physical resilience.

In simpler terms, as mentioned earlier in this blog, sex magic is a spiritual act of lovemaking that emphasizes the divine bond between a man and a woman. It entails a profound sexual union that goes beyond carnal desires and ejaculation.

Both partners consciously abstain from reaching orgasm, focusing instead on the spiritual and transformative aspects of their connection. The scope of this article does not encompass the subject of sex magic.

To reach the level of sexual alchemy without ejaculation and lust, white magicians must first achieve mastery in brahmacharya. If you are interested in delving deeper into sex magic, you can find relevant information here:

The White Magician
Image from Nirwest_Official

We’ll briefly discuss the functions of sexual energy, as it is a key aspect of the White Magician we are focusing on in this article. The White Magician, as mentioned earlier, is a Theurgist. In this role, the White Magician directs their attention towards the Innermost or Divine Spirit.

The Theurgist cultivates and utilizes the strength of their Innermost. The evolution and potency of the Divine Spirit is known as psychogenesis. The role of sexual energy encompasses three essential functions: 1) Procreation 2) Pleasure 3) Psychogenesis.

The fundamental roles of sexual energy are well-known to all: procreation and pleasure. There is no requirement to provide a detailed explanation on the methods of reproduction, or on how to derive pleasure from sexual encounters, as these are widely recognized aspects.

Let’s now turn our attention to the third point that needs to be addressed: Psychogenesis. This particular word can be deconstructed into two elements: psycho and genesis. Genesis signifies the act of creation, while psycho refers to the soul.

Therefore, psychogenesis denotes the development or creation of our soul. Alternatively, we can substitute psychogenesis with spiritual development or spiritual realization. Spiritual development is indispensable in constructing the soul.

As we are now, we are incomplete beings. Despite having a physical body, mind, and emotions, our development is still ongoing. To reach our full potential, we must consciously direct and manage our sexual energy.

Mechanically speaking, sexual energy can only evolve to a certain extent, akin to that of an animal. To transcend this limitation, awaken in the inner worlds, and achieve our ultimate goals, we require something more.

We need to be conscious of our sexual energy and utilize it wisely. This energy carries the essence of our true selves, offering us the guidance and resources necessary to nurture our soul and achieve spiritual fulfillment. By practicing transmutation, we can unlock our internal potential and grow into the best version of ourselves.

We are not implying that believing in sexual transmutation is inherently good, as if it were a moral code. Our message is quite different. We are emphasizing that within the energy lies the essential material for the growth of our soul. This energy originates from the Absolute and permeates through us.

As vessels, it is our responsibility and choice to harness this energy and cultivate something spiritual within ourselves. Psychogenesis becomes feasible as a result of various avenues for sexual energy to circulate within us, apart from the usual method.

The usual method, which involves orgasm and ejaculation, depletes the body’s energy in the pursuit of procreation and pleasure. There is an alternative route, the explanation for this alternative lies in our creation with a different path.

Subtle energy channels run through our bodies, allowing for a distinct flow of energy compared to the release experienced during orgasm or ejaculation. In order to practice sexual transmutation, the first thing you need to do is stop engaging in that behavior.

Once you have done so, you will then have the necessary material to work with. Transformed sexual energy primarily travels through two energy channels known as Ida and Pingala in Sanskrit, with one being Solar and the other Lunar.

In different traditions, the solar channel can be referred to as Pingala, Adam, Od, or Rasana, while the lunar channel can be called Ida, Eve, Obd, or Lalana. It is important to understand that these channels are polarized and run between the gonads and the nasal cavity.

In the male body, Pingala is related to the left testicle and the right nostril, whereas Ida is associated with the right testicle and the left nasal cavity. However, in females, this polarization is reversed. Pingala connects to the right ovary, which leads to the left nasal cavity, while Ida is linked to the left ovary, connecting it to the right nasal cavity.

The iconic Caduceus of Mercury, often associated with health care and medicine, showcases a staff with two serpents wrapped around it, representing the two channels. Another illustration portrays a Tibetan image of three energy channels ascending the yogi’s back, with fire resting on his head.

Sometimes depicted as a serpent winding around, and other times as straight in Tibetan iconography. The essential detail is the connection of the channel from the sexual organs up to the root of the nose, which is situated right next to the brain.

When a man and a woman engage in sexual connection, they activate the energy channels within themselves. However, these channels can only be fully utilized if the energy is not released. If the energy is expelled from the body, the process of transmutation does not take place. It is as simple as that.

The inner serpent is awakened, ascending the spine, and activating all seven chakras. This is the practice of alchemy, the domain of the White Magician. It is a challenging pursuit, as it mandates the retention of sexual energy, avoidance of orgasm, and a departure from conventional sexual behaviors.

This type of intimacy is sacred, slow, and contemplative connection without primal urges. The primal instinct must be subdued. From an ancient standpoint, engaging in sexual activity is considered a sacred exchange of energy that necessitates both parties to maintain a state of purity.

Ideally, they should adhere to a vegan or vegetarian diet, and have addressed any emotional, mental, and spiritual traumas. It is essential for both individuals to break free from any dependencies, especially those related to tobacco and alcohol.

It was mentioned earlier that individuals looking to partake in alchemy and sex magic must exhibit the capability to maintain sexual energy for an extended period of time, demonstrating their spiritual, mental, and physical endurance. It is crucial to understand that sexual alchemy is a serious practice that should not be underestimated.

In his book The Sexual Teachings of the Jade Dragon, Hsi Lai explores Taoist techniques for male sexual revitalization stated the following in reference to time periods: “A Jade Dragon engages in the sexual practices for three years (without ejaculation or orgasm) in order to develop and intensify his sexual energy, his ching.

After the three-year period, he will practice Taoist methods of inner alchemy and meditation.” Hsi Lai further states: “In almost all spiritual traditions there appear frequent references to those who achieved spiritual enlightenment in nine years of practice.

We see this, for example, in Bodhidharma’s nine years of wall gazing and in the Taoists Chang San Feng’s and Lu Tung Pin’s nine years of refining the elixir of immortality. The Jade Dragon too looks at his career of achieving immortality within nine years, three of which he spends with a White Tigress (female who invests the same amount of time perfecting and developing her sexual power).

White Tigresses themselves practice for nine years. But to the Jade Dragon the first three years of practicing with a White Tigress are the most important, for they lay the foundation for fully developing ching, the first of three major energies to be developed – the other two being qi and shen, breath and spirit.”

My intention was to emphasize that sexual alchemy should never be treated as a mere plaything when it comes to harnessing energy, awakening the dormant serpent within, activating the enlightened White Dragon consciousness, transcending the physical realm, and ultimately achieving immortality.

It is essential to understand that practicing sexual alchemy is not a quick fix that can be achieved after reading this article. It requires a commitment of one to three years of semen retention to establish a strong foundation of sexual energy and showcase one’s physical, mental, and spiritual endurance. Ideally, a minimum of two years of individual meditation and cultivation is recommended to fully embrace sexual alchemy.

Within the realm of the White Magician, sexual alchemy holds a significant place. However, it is important to note that this is just one aspect of the White Magician. Additionally, it leads us to explore the White Magician as a Brahmacharya.

The White Magician
Image from Nirwest_Official

To start off, I’ll translate the quote above in connection to the vibration of the magician’s body. The Kybalion asserts that everything is in constant motion, vibrating ceaselessly, and nothing remains at rest. These principles align with the findings of modern science, as each new scientific breakthrough further confirms these facts.

From the highest realm of Pure Spirit to the densest form of matter, everything is in a state of vibration – the higher the vibration, the higher the position in the hierarchy. The vibration of Spirit is so intense and rapid that it seems motionless, akin to a swiftly rotating wheel.

On the other end of the spectrum, there are forms of matter with such low vibrations that they appear to be completely still. A vast array of vibrations exists between these two opposing poles.

From the minute corpuscles and electrons, to atoms, molecules, and the vast expanse of worlds and universes, everything is constantly vibrating. This principle holds true not only in the realms of energy and force, but also on the mental and spiritual planes, where the different states of existence are determined by varying degrees of vibration.

We’ve already mentioned it in the vision of the spiritual warrior that the distinction between matter and spirit lies in their vibrational frequencies: matter resonates at a slow, low rate, while spirit resonates at a fast, high frequency that goes beyond our perception. This is the exact message of the Ancient Kybalion.

The aura of a magician resonates with a distinct energy that distinguishes them from the average person. By harnessing and elevating their sexual energy, they have transcended their primal instincts and achieved a higher state of being. In simpler terms, they have become adept at preserving their sexual energy.

The White Magician, similar to a Brahmachari, never expels his semen. To understand the concept of a Brahmachari, it is essential to first define what Brahmacharya means. This is because a Brahmachari, who practices Brahmacharya, is essentially a White Magician.

Swami Sivananda teaches that Brahmacharya is the practice of purity in thought, speech, and behavior. It involves celibacy and self-discipline, encompassing the regulation of not only sexual desires but also all other bodily functions.

Brahmacharya holds immense significance for individuals desiring success in both their material and spiritual lives. Without adhering to it, one becomes entirely unsuitable for worldly activities or, more importantly, spiritual practices.

Brahmacharya is the commitment to celibacy in thought, speech, and behavior, which ultimately leads to Self-realization and the realization of Brahman. As mentioned previously, this state of Brahman or Tao is synonymous with the awakened White Dragon consciousness, which is awakened when one transcends their lower instincts.

Just like Swami Sivananda affirms, this awakened state can only be attained and activated by retaining one’s seed and eradicating lust. ‘Celibacy’ is derived from the Latin word calebs, which translates to unmarried or single, and represents the state of being unmarried.

Brahmacharya can be divided into two forms: physical and mental. Physical Brahmacharya involves discipline over the body, while mental Brahmacharya involves discipline over negative thoughts.

In mental Brahmacharya, the mind remains untainted by any harmful thoughts. Brahmacharya encompasses not only the control of reproductive organs but also the control of senses in thoughts, words, and actions.

Achieving perfection and attaining Nirvana is only possible through the practice of complete Brahmacharya. By embracing total celibacy, one unlocks the gateway to experience the divine bliss of Elysium. The path to ultimate serenity starts with the practice of Brahmacharya.

Brahmacharya, like a blooming spring flower, emits the fragrance of immortality through its delicate petals. The practice of chastity is intricately linked with the noble qualities of endurance and courage.

Total abstinence means abstaining not only from sexual intercourse, but also from self-gratification, masturbation, homosexual behaviors, and all unconventional sexual practices. It also involves a lasting refraining from indulging in erotic fantasies and sensual daydreams.

Brahmacharya is key to attaining Kaya Siddhi, the perfection of the body. Complete celibacy is a must. Through the practice of Yoga, the semen or ovum is transformed into Ojas Shakti, resulting in a perfect body.

The foundation of attaining immortality lies in practicing Brahmacharya. The secret key to good health lies in conserving one’s vital energy. Those who squander this energy will not experience growth in their physical, mental, moral, and spiritual aspects.

Embracing celibacy offers a solid defense against temptation. It acts as a potent weapon against lustful desires. Failing to uphold celibacy can leave the mind vulnerable to constant temptation. Yet, this protection transcends mere temptation. Celibacy will safeguard and empower you against dark forces in both the physical and spiritual planes.

The distinction between a White Magician and a Brahmachari lies in their peaceful nature, yet the White Magician possesses the soul of a spiritual warrior. Similar to the Jedi and Gandalf, the White Magician serves humanity as a protector, ready to combat the forces of darkness in their mission of service and safeguarding.

The Gnostics mention a nonhuman group known as the Archons, which is far from being just a movie fantasy. I will explore this further in a future article. I bring up this concept of empowerment to highlight that as you continue to practice long-term retention, you will experience out-of-body occurrences and potentially face psychic and interdimensional assaults.

What exactly is a Brahmachari? A brahmachari is one who is attempting to realize or activate the White Dragon consciousness also known as Brahman, Tao, or Christ Consciousness by conducting a life of absolute celibacy.

The White Magician
Image from Nirwest_Official

Apart from aiding humanity and employing their spiritual powers for benevolent reasons, The White Magician also seeks immortality. Essentially, we exist as spirits. As spirits are eternal and immortal, we possess inherent immortality. Our mortality is solely due to our physical bodies, but our essential selves remain immortal.

Despite our eternal existence, we often overlook our immortality due to our strong attachment to our mortal bodies; thus the more we emphasize our mortal aspect, the less we harmonize our minds with the concept of immortality.

Consequently, in order to awaken to his spiritual immortal nature, man must transcend his bond to the transient life in the physical body. Furthermore, he or she should transition from amassing knowledge to pursuing wisdom, for immortality is achieved through wisdom.

Above all, he must strive for an exceptionally high moral quality, as moral elevation is accompanied by a sense of immortality. Attaining a true understanding of immortality requires the complete renunciation of immorality and the transcendence of the moral limitations imposed on ordinary mortals.

Immortality is only achieved when all desires come to an end. By crucifying the physical self and its passions, and by exercising control over the senses, one becomes prepared for the state of immortality. Through the practice of eternal chastity, mortals will eventually be clothed in immortality.

Throughout the customs of numerous societies, it is believed that the serpent cunningly deprives mankind of the invaluable blessing of immortality. Thus, the primary endeavor in attaining eternal life is to gain absolute control over one’s sexual impulses. In order to live consciously for eternity, the fervor of passions must fade away.

Immortality is the hidden key to transformation; only those who completely transform their sexual energy can unlock that key. Those who steadfastly follow the path of purity will undoubtedly attain the awareness of eternal life, along with an everlasting conscious existence filled with profound wisdom, boundless freedom, immense power, and unparalleled joy.

In his book Alchemy and Kabbalah In the Tarot, Samael Aun Weor explains that: “whosoever possesses the astral and mental bodies becomes absolutely immortal. When we study these Christic vehicles and compare them with the astral and mental vehicles that are used by the defunct, then we find the following differences:

The Astral-Christ shines marvelously, whereas the astral of death does not shine because it is just a fatal shadow.

The Mind-Christ shines gloriously, whereas the mind of death does not shine.

The Astral-Christ is clean from passions, whereas the astral of death is a vehicle for animal passions.

The Mind-Christ has an angelical, divine figure, whereas the mind of death has an animal figure.

The Astral-Christ has the Kundalini and the chakras awakened, whereas the astral of death does not have the Kundalini awakened and if by chance it has the chakras awakened (by means of any genre of esoteric discipline) they shine like fatuous fires within the darkness of the abyss.

The Human-Christ is immortal, whereas the terrestrial human is not. The Human-Christ shines like the Sun, whereas the terrestrial human is just a shadow. The Human-Christ is a Self-realized Being!” Furthermore, in his book The Revolution of Beelzebub, Samael Aun Weor articulates the following:

“The Master Zanoni acquired his Chaldean initiation in very remote ages. As a result, he preserved his youthfulness for thousands of years. Megnour, who was Zanoni’s comrade, also lived through entire ages.

These masters were invincible; death could not do anything against them. They were citizens of an already-vanished ancient nation (Chaldea). What was their secret? What was their power? People have never comprehended—neither have they wanted to admit—that the Elixir of Long Life, the Philosophical Stone, and the Clue of Perpetual Movement are found within the male testicles and within the female uterus.

The Masters Kout Humi, Morya, Saint Germain, etc. have physical bodies that have existed for thousands of years. All of them have an indescribable age. What would a Master of Major Mysteries do if he had to constantly change his physical body?

The author of The Dayspring of Youth tells us that in Egypt there are two Masters who have a really indescribable age. He states that one of them is mentioned within very ancient religious scriptures.

A Master can preserve his physical body for millions of years because he possesses the Elixir of Long Life, which resides in the Kundalini. The Master engenders his own body daily, by means of his Kundalini. Thus, the cells of the body of a Master never wither, because the fire of the Kundalini does not allow them to do so.

The Kundalini is then the Elixir of Long Life. This fire is the potable gold of ancient Alchemists. The Tree of Life is the Kundalini, and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is the semen. Both trees are from the garden of God.”

The White Magician
Image from Nirwest_Official




Raising & Activating The Kundalini


Activation Of All Seven Chakras


Activation Of The White Dragon Consciousness


Ability For The Physical Body To Be Placed In A Jinn State
















Power of the Four Elements


Astral Projection


Remote Viewing






Telekinesis & Telepahty

The White Magician
Image from Nirwest_Official


  1. Increased Testosterone.
  2. Deletion of all Physical Pain.
  3. Immune to diseases.
  4. Immense Physical Strength.
  5. Unrivaled Endurance.
  6. Deeper Voice.
  7. Body heals faster.
  8. Creation of New Antioxidants in the Body.
  9. Superior Vitality
  10. Robust Libido
  11. Increased Bone Density
  12. Fuller Head of Hair
  13. Glowing Skin
  14. Sparkling Eyes
  15. Ravishing Facial & Physical Beauty.
  16. Physical Regeneration
  17. Increased Muscle Density & Growth.
  18. Less Recovery time between Workouts.


  1. Splendid Focus.
  2. Majestic Concentration.
  3. Remarkable Increase In Memory.
  4. Stronger & Deeper Meditation Sessions.
  5. Activation of the Flow State or what Athletes refer to it as ‘The Zone’.
  6. Clarity of mind. Deletion of Brain Fog.
  7. Long-term retention leads to manifestation of thoughts.
  8. Unlock immense artistic creative energy.
  9. Purity of Mind & Thoughts.
  10. Regeneration of the Mind.
  11. Increased Learning Capacity.
  12. Terrific Attention Span towards Conversations.
  13. Greater need for Solitude for Spiritual, Intellectual, & Creative Endeavors.
  14. More intensity towards Mental Activities & Situations with Less Stress.
  15. Elevated Consciousness.
  16. Expanded Awareness.
  1. Extraordinary Confidence.
  2. Absolutely No Fear.
  3. No Anxiety.
  4. Deletion of all Depression.
  5. The Gift of Positive Aggression.
  6. Unlocking of the Divine Masculine.
  7. Access to Empathic Emotions & Abilities.
  8. Generation of Magnetism.
  9. Expanded Aura.
  10. The more one retains the higher they raise their vibrational frequency.
  11. Stronger Will-Power after long-term retention.
  12. Shorter hours of sleep but better quality of sleep.
  13. Charisma.
  14. Spectacular Energy Levels.
  15. More Respect Towards You People will feel and sense your presence.
  16. Deeper more trustworthy connection from animals. They too sense your expanded aura.
  17. Superb Motivation, Passion and Drive.
  18. Ability to Read Energy & Intentions of Others.

The White Magician
Image from Nirwest_Official

The Magician archetype possesses dual energies that manifest themselves wherever and whenever we come across them. This archetype embodies both the role of the Knower and the mastery of technology. Moreover, individuals who are guided by the power of the Magician can effectively carry out these functions through the utilization of ritual initiatory processes.

The Gnostics were individuals who possessed knowledge of the inner workings of the human psyche and the hidden dynamics of the universe. In her book, The Gnostic Gospels, Elaine Pagels pointed out that Gnosis is not primarily rational knowledge.

The Greek language Pagels states, distinguishes between scientific or reflective knowledge. (“He knows mathematics”) and knowing through observation or experience (“He knows me”), which is Gnosis. Pagels added, as the Gnostics use the term, we could translate it as “insight,” or Gnosis involves an intuitive process of knowing oneself.

And to know oneself, the Gnostics claimed, is to know human nature and human destiny. Yet to know oneself, at the deepest level, states Pagels, is simultaneously to know God; this is the secret of Gnosis.

The Gnostics personified the Magician archetype, embodying intuitive or psychic knowledge known as Gnosis, which is accessed through the activation of the chakras, particularly the opened third-eye chakra.

Gnosis is only achievable for the Magician through the transmutation and preservation of sexual energy. Retaining semen or ovum can be described as a psychedelic experience. In The Apocalypse Unsealed, James M. Pryse declared:

Or as mentioned in Occult Philosophy by Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa:

Alternatively, as stated in Problems with Mysticism by Herbert Silberer:

In spite of the persecution of the magician classes by the Roman Catholic Church, the Magician archetype could not, of course, be cast out; none of the instinctual energies of the psyche can be.

The ancient practice of hidden wisdom reemerged during the Middle Ages in Europe under the guise of “alchemy.” It is widely understood that alchemy was, in essence, an endeavor to transmute base metals into gold. However, this pursuit was ultimately destined for disappointment.

Many fail to recognize that alchemy encompassed more than just its conventional aspects. It held a profound significance as a spiritual practice, enabling alchemists to gain insight, self-awareness, and undergo personal transformation. Ultimately, it served as a gateway to greater maturity.

In its essence, alchemy is the process of preserving and transmuting energy within a material substance (physical body) to achieve the transformation of spirit into gold. It is captivating to recognize that our so-called modern science, much like the pursuits of the ancient magicians, is also split into two facets.

The initial aspect of the Magician energy is known as “theoretical science,” which represents the realm of knowledge. On the other hand, the second aspect, referred to as “applied science,” encompasses the technological side of the Magician energy. It involves the practical understanding of harnessing and directing power.

The realm of magic extended beyond just Gnostics and Alchemists. Mystic groups like the Djedhi of Egypt, the Nagas of India, and the Lung Dragons of China, as well as the Amaurs of Peru, the Kukucans of Mesoamerica, the Serpent Clans and Tribes of North America, and Shamans all recognized the power of the Inner Serpent and were Magicians.

It is crucial to point out that when individuals decided to explore black magic in ancient Atlantis and Egypt, and this practice continued into modern times, it wasn’t solely ‘The State’ that was hijacked. Ancient wisdom, religions, and the Roman Catholic Church were also influenced by black magic.

Today’s religions blend truth with deception, as their teachings are manipulated to further dark motives. Instead of encouraging self-empowerment, these religions foster fear and devotion to external forces. Our spiritual salvation resides within ourselves.

In the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas, it is mentioned that Jesus, in his Gnostic form, declared:

“If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you”― Gospel of Thomas

Don’t forget, I have mentioned in different sections of this blog that the aim of these black magicians is to hinder us from tapping into our divine power, the awakening of the serpent, and its spiritual abilities.

Their agenda centers around the complete enslavement of humanity in the digital realm, utilizing AI as their tool. The entire purpose behind the COVID ‘plandemic’ was to administer a poisonous vaccine that manipulated the structure of individuals’ sacred DNA, and to inject those who opted for the vaccine with nanotechnology.

In a future article, I will delve into the hazards posed by vaccines, not only to our physical and mental health but also to our spiritual awakening. Just like the porn industry, vaccines can be viewed as a form of dark magic that perpetuates our enslavement to our bodies and primal instincts.

The black magic wielded by the Roman Catholic Church has been a clear indication of their agenda to hinder us from awakening our serpent, tapping into its abilities, and realizing our evolutionary potential throughout history.

In the realm of the Magician, as I mentioned a few sentences ago, the Roman Catholic Church mercilessly annihilated all these enigmatic mystical groups, branding them and their wisdom about the serpent as evil.

By examining the spiritual teachings of different groups, one can easily discern the underlying agenda. Whether it’s corrupt banking practices, orchestrated terror attacks, propaganda disguised as news, GMOs, fluoride, vaccines, the adult entertainment industry, mindless entertainment, or other strategies, the true intentions are revealed.

Since the ancient civilization of Atlantis vanished, it has become increasingly evident that black magicians have continuously obstructed humanity’s journey towards realizing their own innate power.

The Orthodox religions, especially Christianity, are seen as interpretations of dark sorcery and deception, concealing the true wisdom beneath a veil. Yeshua, also called Jesus, was a Gnostic figure who emphasized the concept of transcendence in his teachings. Regrettably, the church later twisted his message.

The Zohar precisely asserted with regards to all World Religions:

In addition, per Clement of Alexandria’s assertion:

The Magician, as mentioned earlier, is a practitioner of undisclosed and concealed wisdom in various forms. The Magician possesses a vast reserve of hidden wisdom, which grants him an immense level of authority.

With his understanding of energy dynamics in nature, human beings, societies, and even the divine forces of the unconscious, he excels in harnessing and directing power.

The Magician uncovers the esoteric knowledge within the scriptures of various faiths, while also recognizing the misleading facade and misconceptions linked to the idea of a external savior.

According to Robert Moore’s book “King, Warrior, Magician, Lover,” it was stated, the Magician archetype in a man or woman is his “bullshit detector”; it sees through denial and exercises discernment. There is another issue that I would like to discuss which falls outside the scope of this already lengthy article.

I addressed the spiritual benefits of transmuting and retaining sexual energy, shedding light on extraordinary abilities that might appear absurd to the average person. The White Magician and the retaining of his sexual energy goes beyond the physical body.

The knowledge I speak goes back to the ancient mystery schools and is occult knowledge. Prior to giving a brief overview of this information within the context of a White Magician, it is important to discuss the terms Occult and Occultism. Many uninformed individuals mistakenly associate this term with evil.

I will provide the most accurate explanation I have come across throughout my years of research, originating from Will Keller.

I will share some occulted wisdom from the spiritually enlightened Gnostic Samael Aun Weor, who founded the International Gnostic Movement and authored more than sixty books.

Keep in mind, as mentioned earlier, the White Magician is a Theurgist who reveres their Innermost. The Theurgist utilizes the strength of their Innermost to accomplish remarkable acts of practical magic.

According to Samael Aun Weor:

So the true man, or the human being that the bible talks about, has seven bodies:

the physical body, the ethereal body, the emotional body, the mental body, the body of will, the body of consciousness and the spiritual body.

We have to build solar bodies. Solar bodies are in Greek called To Soma Heliakon (σῶμα ἡλιακόν). They shine like gold. The great goal of alchemists is to transform all the solar bodies, to make them of pure gold, metallic. 

So, according to the alchemical purified degree that we manage to transform the inner bodies; physical body, vital body, astral body, mental body, causal body, divine soul and spirit into pure gold, at that rank, as gold, we become a living expression of the seven metals of the Earth, a solar vehicle of Christ Consciousness. 

When the candidate becomes successful in all the introductory ordeals to the Path, he has the absolute right to enter into the Minor Mysteries. Each of the nine Initiations of Minor Mysteries are attained within the Innermost consciousness.

Thus, if the student has a good memory, he then can bring into his physical brain the memory of those initiations. However, when the candidate’s memory is not good, then the poor neophyte is unaware in the physical world of all that which he learns and receives in the Superior Worlds.

Therefore, those who wish to be aware in the physical world of all that happens to them during initiation have to develop their memory. It is urgent that the candidate develop his memory. It is urgent for the candidate to learn how to consciously depart within the Astral Body. It is urgent for the candidate to awake his consciousness.

The nine Initiations of Minor Mysteries constitute the probationary path. The nine Initiations of Minor Mysteries are for the disciples who are on trial.

Five great Initiations of the Major Mysteries exist. Seven serpents exist. Two groups of three, with the sublime coronation of the seventh tongue of fire that unites us with the One, with the Law, with the Father. We need to climb the septenary scale of fire.

The First Initiation is related with the first serpent, the Second Initiation with the second serpent, the Third Initiation with the third serpent, the Fourth Initiation with the fourth serpent, the Fifth Initiation with the fifth serpent (the Sixth and Seventh belong to Buddhi, or Soul consciousness, and to Atman, or the Innermost of the human being).

There are numerous serpents (Kundalini) awaiting awakening, hinting at the existence of concealed knowledge. The veiled esoteric wisdom is frequently labeled as malevolent due to the negative connotations associated with the term ‘occult,’ which arose from individuals exploiting this knowledge for their own selfish gains.

However, it is important to note that occult knowledge, such as magic, is inherently neutral. The dark sorcerers willingly accept the association with evil, as it allows them to protect this hidden wisdom regarding the laws of nature from being discovered by the majority.

The revelation of this hidden wisdom, similar to our spiritual enlightenment, presents a danger to their riches, influence, and dominion over mankind. If individuals were to uncover, comprehend, and utilize this knowledge to awaken their authentic selves and uplift humanity, their power would be undermined.

The reveiling of occulted (hidden) wisdom is the product of the White Magician’s work, resembling the spiritually awakened Jedi, who utilized their abilities to combat darkness and serve humanity.

In brief, every single human being possesses an extraordinary reservoir of power within themselves, which is frequently undervalued as they cling to dogmatic, twisted, and manipulated religious beliefs centered on an external savior.

Our spiritual salvation is our own responsibility, as it is solely the inner serpent that has the potential to either save us or bring about our destruction. The key to making all the possibilities outlined in this article a reality lies in the transmutation and preservation of sexual energy. It is absolutely necessary to refrain from ejaculating semen or ovum either individually or while engaging in sexual alchemy.

It is an absolute falsehood for any person, AI program, so-called establishment authorities, self-proclaimed health experts, or online publications to claim that masturbation is beneficial while suggesting that conserving sexual energy is detrimental or leads to prostate cancer. Thinking that masturbation is good for you is a result of ignorance and misinformation, akin to dark magic.

If you argue that masturbation has health benefits but are not open to abstaining for a period of thirty to ninety days to confirm this, then you are demonstrating weakness and should refrain from expressing opinions on the topic.

In the realm of semen or ovum retention, the White Magician assumes the role of a Jedi, skillfully wielding spiritual power. This visionary figure represents an embodiment of aspiration, an archetype to be embraced by all retainers.

Just as a Jedi serves as a source of inspiration, the White Magician becomes the driving force behind your journey of transmuting and preserving sexual energy.

The path to retention success has been paved with our steadfast belief in a visionary ideal. In times of potential relapse, the White Magician acts as a beacon of inspiration, reminding us of our goals and motivating us to stay the course.

Success is attained through sheer willpower. I intend to write a future article focusing on willpower. It takes a Warrior Magician to conquer the inner Dragon. When this dragon is tamed and led up the spine, it will bestow abilities, protection, magic, and it’s consciousness.

Are you sufficiently powerful to overcome and tame this mystical creature, or do you favor complete enslavement under the control of sinister forces?

The White Magician
Image from Nirwest_Official


“The Kundalini only descends when the initiate lets himself fall. The initiate falls when he spills the semen” – Samael Aun Weor


“Evolution is the triumph of human qualities over animal qualities” – Peter Kropotkin


“Sex today is slimed over with the thought of pleasure” – Edward Carpenter


“We are given over to the world of sense, we neglect the spiritual world” – Roger Bacon


“The reabsorption of semen can scarcely be said to be a part of the modern physiological doctrine” – Havelock Ellis


“Sexual intercourse is not essential to preservation of virility” – Kenelm Winslow


“My highest respect to the ascetic ideal in so far as it is honest” – Friedrich Nietzsche


“The world over, celibacy is the key to the higher spheres of life” – Otto Dahlke


“The demand for sexual abstinence on the part of both sexes is put forward with good reason” – Otto Weininger


“The greatest cause of crimes is lust” – Plato


“As an ethical being man is naturally superior to passion” – Hermann Keyserling


“The moral law must be the expression of supreme purity” – Immanuel Kant


“Fire being incorrupt…the chastest of all mortal things must look after the fire” – Dionysius


“Walk in the spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh” – Galatians, v, 16


“Whoever is afflicted with lust is veiled from all spiritual things” – Al Hujwiri, Kashf


“If man purifies himself he will receive the assistance of the holy soul” – The Zohar


“Sexual regeneration activates the powers we had in Eden. We lost those powers when we fell into animal generation. We re-conquer those powers when we regenerate ourselves” – Samael Aun Weor


“Let the state of the shining ones be obtained…in place of the satisfying of the longing of lust” – Book of the Dead


“Cut down the whole forest of lust! When you have cut down every tree and every shrub, then you will be free” – Buddha


“When a man follows…the way of the body, true wisdom is not born” – Sankaracharya


“To be guileless and pure…this is the way to nourish the spirit” – Kwang-Tze


“The true votaries of philosophy abstain from all fleshly lusts” – Plato


“How much more are the perceiver and obeyer of truth than the foolish and sensual millions around them” – Ralph Waldo Emerson


“Take the sword and smite the serpent” – Saint Germain


“In the mystic rites initiated, life’s best delight I place in chastity alone” – Euripides


“The true Rosicrucians bound themselves to absolute chastity” – Hargrave Jennings


“Pure chastity is beauty to our souls, grace to our bodies, and peace to our desires” – Solon


“The heavens eternally witness the promise of the final redemption of man from his earthly animal soul” – Coulson Turnbull


“The sexual relation is a thing to be put aside the moment a person becomes wise” – Helena Blavatsky


“At least half the world’s misery is in some way connected with the sexual sphere” – William J. Robinson


“Yoga manuals know the symbol of the serpent which the individual has to overcome in order to acquire valuable powers” – Herbert Silberer


“All sexual intercourse is forbidden in practical occultism” – Helena Blavatsky


“Having conquered the desires of the outer senses…prepare now to enter upon the path” – Mabel Collins


“When you have conquered entirely all sex desires then the regenerate body becomes a vessel to hold spirit” – Hiram E. Butler


“Purity…highest of all that is; although despised by the ignorant…held by the wise in great glory” – Paracelsus


“The development of man towards superman cannot consist in the growth of the intellect alone. The expansion of consciousness, the inner growth, is the ascent towards superman. It requires spiritual faculties to even vaguely sense the transcendent superiority of the superman” – C.J. Van Vliet


“When the alchemist spills the Cup of Hermes, the fire of the laboratory burner is turned off and all work is lost” – Samael Aun Weor


“Destroy the sex glands whether in man or beast and you have removed the major source of action” – Napoleon Hill


“The reabsorption of semen by the blood is the strongest nourishment and, perhaps more than any other factor, it prompts the stimulus of power, the unrest toward the overcoming of resistances, the thirst for contradiction and resistance. The feeling of power has so far mounted highest in abstinent priests and hermits (for example among the Brahmans).” ​— ​Friedrich Nietzsche


“The “masturbation is healthy” pornographic culture that disguises itself as “freedom of expression” only seeks to enslave people to the lowest aspect of themselves, and in doing so, drain them of their energy at every turn so they remained weakened, demoralized, and mindless consumers – Shiraz Hussain


“For a man to conquer himself is the first and noblest of all victories” ​- Plato


“The successful warrior is the average man with laser-like focus” – ​Bruce Lee


“Hindu mythology explains that a Brahmachari must maintain the greatest mental and physical strength. In order to achieve this, the retention of semen is necessary. The most powerful fluid in the human body cannot be wasted on masturbation or prostitution” – Arcan Scriverius


“Arcanum: A deep secret; a mystery. Knowledge that is mysterious to the average person. A secret essence, remedy, or elixir” ​- Djhardcoretruth


“I don’t ejaculate for six weeks before the fight. No sex, no masturbation, no nothing. It releases too much tension. It releases a lot of minerals and nutrients that your body needs, and it releases them cheaply. Releasing weakens the knees and your legs. Find a lion that hasn’t had some food for a while, and you’ve got a dangerous cat. So there won’t be a drip from me. Even in my sleep—if there are girls all over me in my dream, I say to them, ‘I’ve got a fight next week, I can’t do anything. I can’t do it.’ That’s control. I’ve been doing that since I was fifteen and it’s part and parcel of my preparation now. That’s why I am who I am today—it’s down to all those little sacrifices. Find me another boxer who makes that sacrifice, and you’ll find another champion” ​- David Haye World Heavyweight  Champion


“Energy can’t be created or destroyed, and energy flows. It must be in a direction, with some kind of internal, emotive, spiritual direction. It must have some effect somewhere” ​- Keanu Reeves


“The body can become a vehicle to that which is beyond body, and sex energy can become a spiritual force” – Osho


“Desire is never satisfied by the enjoyment of lust, just as fire surely increases the more one gives it fuel” – Hinduism, The Laws of Manu


“Chastity is the flowering of man and what are called genius, heroism, holiness, and the like, are but various fruits which succeed it” – Henry David Thoreau


“A tree draws the essence from the earth. This essence is circulated throughout the tree, its twigs, branches, leaves, flowers and fruits. The shining colours and life in the leaves, flowers and fruits are due to this essence. Similarly, the semen that is manufactured by the cells of the testes out of blood gives color and vitality to the human body and its different organs” ​- Swami Sivananda


“The sexual glands are all the time secreting semen. This secretion should be utilized for enhancing one’s mental, physical, and spiritual powers” ​- Mahatma Gandhi


“Ask Muhammed Ali! ​- If he ejaculates, he can’t fight two minutes. Shit, he couldn’t even whip me…You give up all of your energy when you ejaculate. I mean, you give up all of it” – Miles Davis


“The generative force is the most precious thing. For the human body that contains it, lives, and the body without it dies; because it nourishes and preserves the root of nature and life” – Taoist Yoga


“The vital sexual energy is what creates life! — LiterallyWhen you expel this vital sexual energy on short-term sexual acts, you do not allow the life energy to build inside of yourself. When you do not participate in short-term sexual relationships, you allow this tremendous energy to build… giving you incredible vitality and inner life” – Victor Pride

The White Magician
Image from Nirwest_Official

The Coiled Serpent –

Practice of Brahmacharya –

The SR Manuscript –

King, Warrior, Magician, Lover –

The Revolution of Beelzebub –

Alchemy and Kabbalah in the Tarot –

The Perfect Matrimony –


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One response to “The White Magician”

  1. […] Some of the newly empowered Djedhi priests and priestesses made the choice to direct their spiritual powers towards benefiting themselves instead of others. They ultimately decided to follow the route of the dark sorcerer that I mentioned in this article: […]

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