Warrior Affirmations

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Warrior Affirmations
Image from Aicharactersart

Practicing positive affirmations daily is crucial as your cells are influenced by everything you say. Just like they were exposed to negativity repeatedly, you can reprogram them with positivity through consistent repetition. Even if you have doubts, keep saying the affirmations until you start believing in them.

Consider your subconscious as a recording device that retains all it hears. Recite affirmations with firm belief. Envision the entity or concept mentioned in the affirmation while speaking.

For example, when affirming “I AM completely loved, safe and secure,” visualize yourself surrounded by love from all creatures, including animals, birds, plants, oceans, and the inhabitants of the seas, notably dolphins.

Having understood that words, images, and sounds possess energetic frequencies, consider this scenario: imagine yourself being showered with love by a dolphin. If you sincerely and confidently express this visualization, have faith that the dolphins’ loving energy will reach you.

In the quantum field, time and distance are irrelevant. It is advisable to vocalize these thoughts, but even if you silently contemplate them, it remains beneficial. Unlock the true potential of your intentions and emotions by expressing them verbally.

By investing your genuine intentions and emotions, you can expect to see remarkable results. Keep in mind that while some individuals may witness immediate outcomes, others may experience them at a later date, depending on the strength of their vibrations. Remember, consistent practice is the key to unlocking the rewards you desire.

I recommend creating your own affirmations or check out the gender specific Warrior Affirmations below from YouTube.. The Samurai Warrior Affirmations are specifically designed for men and the Alpha Female for women. I personally downloaded the Samurai Affirmation session onto my phone. The profound impact of affirmations became clear to me once I committed to listening to these Samurai Affirmations at least twice a day.

After a year, I can effortlessly recite the entire session from memory without the need to listen. The Samurai Affirmations have been a valuable resource for me during challenging and stressful situations, as I find comfort in repeating them to myself.

They have also been instrumental in supporting semen retention. Despite my involvement in different semen retention communities on social media, I often notice men sharing about relapses and seeking help, with very few giving guidance on the effectiveness of affirmations.

Affirmations have a positive impact on all areas of life, and for the purpose of this discussion, I use semen retention as an example, given its significance in the Serpent’s Way and other spiritual practices.

It is essential for women to prioritize sexual retention, just as it is for men. Nevertheless, there is a difference that prompts me to use the term “semen retention” rather than incorporating ovum retention. In his book “The Tao of Health, Sex and Longevity,” Daniel Reid presents the following information. The essential difference between the sexual nature of man woman lies in the different nature of male and female orgasm.

When a man ejaculates, he ejects his semen-essence from his body. When a woman reaches orgasm, she too “ejaculates” all sorts of sexual secretions internally, but these are retained within her body. For both men and women, sexual essence is an important storage battery for vital energy and a major source of resistance and immunity.

In conventional sexual relations, a man ejaculates every time he has intercourse, regardless of whether or not his partner reaches orgasm and regardless of his own age or condition.

This habit gradually robs him of his primary source of vitality and immunity, leaving him weak and vulnerable to disease and shortening his life span. Meanwhile, the woman gets stronger and stronger, from both her own orgasmic secretions and her assimilation of potent male semen-essence.

That’s why I usually prioritize semen retention over ovum retention but despite the internal ejaculation of female sexual secretions, ovum retention should still be considered important. In his book “Practice of Brahmacharya,” Swami Sivananda states the following answer to a question written by an aspirant.

 “I would like to know whether the same theory regarding the formation of Veerya (seminal fluid) and loss of the same holds good in the case of women also. Are they actually affected to the same extent as men?”

Yes, indulgence in the sexual act is exhausting to the female system and a drain upon the vitality as in man. The nervous strain it imposes on the system is very great indeed. The female gonads, the ovaries corresponding to the testes in males, produce, develop and mature precious, vital force like semen. This is the ovum.

Though the woman does not actually lose this out of her body, as in the case of semen in man, yet, due to the sexual act, it leaves the ovaries and is taken up in the process of conception to form the embryo. And one knows only too well what a strain and drain on strength childbearing is to a woman.

Repeated depletion this force and strain of childbirth makes wrecks of healthy ladies, and works havoc with their strength, beauty and grace as well as their youth and mental power. Eyes lose the lustre and sparkle that are indicative of the inner forces. 

The intense sensuous excitement of the act shatters the nervous system and causes debility too. Their system being more delicate and high-strung, females are often more affected than men.

Women should preserve their precious vital force. The ovum and the hormones secreted by the ovaries are very essential for the maximum physical and mental well-being of women.

I may have gotten a bit carried away, but let’s refocus on the main topic. Affirmations are declarations in statement form. You declare to be and do what you think, say, or act. With daily affirmations, you will cultivate a sense of belief. And with belief, manifestation is bound to happen.

Feel free to craft your own empowering affirmations take a look at the ones I provided from YouTube for both genders. For the past year, I have faithfully incorporated the Samurai Affirmations into my routine, even though I have reached a point where I can effortlessly recite them without relying on the audio.

Here are a few of these empowering sample affirmations:

Don’t hesitate to create affirmations that resonate with different aspects of your life, whether it’s for boosting self-confidence or enhancing social skills. You can integrate affirmations into your daily schedule or listen to them multiple times a day. One advantage of audio affirmations is that you can listen to them while falling asleep.

This piece is titled Warrior Affirmations because of the select few I have chosen. These affirmations are incredibly empowering and can be applied to every area of your life. Consistency is key when it comes to listening and hearing affirmations. Daily practice is essential for their power to take effect and for your mind to truly embrace them.

Apex Affirmations

Apex Affirmations

Alpha Affirmations

Activation Vibration
Warrior Affirmations
Image from Aicharactersart

Apex Affirmations YouTube Channel

Alpha Affirmations YouTube Channel

Activation Vibration YouTube Channel

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