The Djedhi of Egypt

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The Djedhi of Egypt
Image from Nirwest Official

The Djedhi of Egypt

In my earlier blog posts, I have made references to the Ancient Order of the Egyptian Djedhi and its profound influence on George Lucas, who found inspiration in it for the creation of the Jedi in Star Wars. As promised, I will now dedicate an entire article to explore this order in detail.

Through my studies, I have immersed myself in the profound teachings of indigenous religious philosophies, cosmologies, and sacred histories, I have assimilated a multitude of spiritual disciplines into my own belief system. This amalgamation has given rise to The Serpent’s Way, a path that I now walk with reverence and dedication.

I have found a common thread connecting various religious traditions and spiritual teachings. The serpent symbol is closely associated with the masters and adepts in diverse spiritual traditions around the world.

Historically, these distinct masters have been closely linked to the snake, serpent, or dragon, and have been identified by regional designations indicating “serpent.”

Known by various names in diverse cultures, these mystical entities have been called the Nagas in India, the Quetzlcoatls in Mexico, the Djedhi in Egypt, the Adders (Druids) in Britain, the Lung Dragons in China, and Naaseni and Ophite Gnostics to name a few.

According to Mark Pinkham in his book The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom, all these various spiritual groups are recognized as the “Serpents of Wisdom” and are associated with a global network of spiritual adepts known as the Solar or Great White Brotherhood.

Pinkham mentions that the story of the Serpent’s of Wisdom begins with their appearance on Earth at the beginning of a long cycle which was destined to last 104,000 years.

They initially manifested upon dual Motherlands, two large continents which once existed in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, where they began the dissemination of sacred teachings which would assist fledgling humankind in its quest to achieve spiritual enlightenment throughout the cycle.

When their Motherlands eventually collapsed and began to sink to the bottom of their respective seas, the Serpents of Wisdom bundled up their ancient wisdom and migrated to various parts of the globe, where they were welcomed by the indigenous people as Serpent prophets.

Under their guidance numerous Dragon Cultures, which were comprised of colossal pyramids, multudinous serpent motifs, and ruled over by Dragon Kings, eventually came into existence. These Dragon Cultures continued to survive for many thousands of years.

Moreover, Pinkham asserts that beginning approximately two thousand years ago, the Serpents of Wisdom and their Dragon Cultures encountered an inimical foe in the Christian Church.

The patriarchs of the new Christian faith judged the old serpent wisdom to be heretical and began an initiative to completely stamp it out. Fortunately, before these upstarts were successful in their iconoclastic campaign, many of the Serpents of Wisdom disappeared in hiding and were able to safely preserve their ancient knowledge.

The long story of the Serpents of Wisdom is about to come full circle as a New Age of Wisdom commences. This coming Golden Age, which is scheduled to begin at the start of the next millennium (The Return of the Serpent’s of Wisdom was published in 1997) (the next millennium coinciding with the completion of the 104,000 year cycle), will herald a global Return of the Serpents of Wisdom.

Then once again the planet will be inhabited by dynamic spiritual stalwarts aligned with the Will of Spirit and embodying the Wisdom and Power of the Serpent. Before we transition our conversation to the subject of this article, there are a few matters that require attention.

All aspects, and I do mean all aspects, of this reality have been flipped upside down by the dark magic that I have discussed in multiple places on this blog. Through extensive research, I have discovered that the fall of Atlantis and its resurgence in Ancient Egypt were both influenced by the malevolent forces of dark sorcery.

This nefarious magic has been responsible for the downfall of civilizations worldwide, and it persists as a menacing presence in our current era. The words of Chris Hedges, both an author and minister, affirm, “We now live in a world where doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the press destroys information, religion destroys morals, and our banks destroy the economy.”

My focus is on his assertion that religion undermines morals, as I highlight the fact that the Christian Church has been impacted by dark sorcery from early on. This is the reason behind the existence of two contrasting interpretations of Jesus or Yeshua’s teachings: the Gnostic genuine one and the church’s orthodox version, which emphasized external salvation and supported a more sinister agenda.

Throughout history, what religion has ruthlessly exterminated diverse spiritual groups? What religion would inhibit human evolution by emphasizing an external savior, instead of acknowledging the significance of the serpent’s wisdom and the elevation of our inner serpent along the spine for salvation?

The demiurge and the devil were the terms used by true Christians, including the early Gnostics and the twelfth century Cathars, to refer to the god of the bible. What led them to make this connection? The Christian faith fell victim to dark sorcery, leading to a distortion of Yeshua’s gnostic teachings into a more exoteric perspective.

Gnostics view the bible as esoteric, not intended for widespread comprehension by the masses. In several of his literary works, Samael Aun Weor proclaimed that the bible is not just a mere book, but rather a profound alchemical text, embodying an esoteric path towards individual salvation, guided by the enlightening wisdom of the serpent.

I mention all of this to illustrate how mainstream religion not only corrupts morals but also corrupts genuine spirituality. I also mention it to demonstrate that the serpent and its teachings are not related to a fairytale red figure with horns.

Throughout the ages, dark sorcerers, both human and nonhuman, have distorted and demonized the serpent and its teachings. William Bramley, in his book The Gods of Eden, describes the events that coincide with my own research on the subject.

The snake was the logo of a group which had become very influential in early human societies of both hemispheres. That group was a disciplined Brotherhood dedicated to the dissemination of spiritual knowledge and the attainment of spiritual freedom.

This Brotherhood of the Snake or “Brotherhood of the Serpent,” opposed the enslavement of spiritual beings and, according to Egyptian writings, it sought to liberate the human race from Custodial bondage.

The Brotherhood also imparted scientific knowledge and encouraged the high aesthetics that existed in many ancient societies. For these and other reasons, the snake had become a venerated symbol to humans and, according to Egyptian and biblical texts, an object of Custodial hatred.

Bramley simply refers to them as the “Custodial” society, meaning that specific extraterrestrial society (or succession of societies) which appears to have had ownership and custody of the Earth since prehistory.

There is no requirement to explore the theory of humanity’s creation by the Annunaki, a group of beings who allegedly enslaved humans and were revered as deities. Bramley further states that we therefore find a being known as Ea or Enki was designated as the reputed culprit who tried to teach early man (Adam) the way to spiritual freedom.

This suggests that Ea intented his creation, Homo Sapiens, to be suited for Earth labor, but at some point he changed his mind about using spiritual enslavement as a means. If Ea was a true historical personality as the Sumerians claimed, then he was the probable leader of the Brotherhood of the Snake at its founding on Earth.

The Brotherhood may have adopted the snake as its logo because Ea’s first home on Earth was said to have been constructed by a serpent-infested swampland which Ea called Snake Marsh.

The land and its city were famously recognized as Eridu. Despite all of their reported good intentions, the legendary Ea and early Brotherhood clearly failed to free the human race. Ancient Mesopotamian, Egyptian, and biblical texts relate that the “snake” was quickly defeated by other Custodial factions (dark sorcerers).

The Bible informs us that the serpent in the Garden of Eden was overcome before it was able to complete its mission and give Adam and Eve the “fruit” from the second “tree.”

According to Bramley, if Ea were a tangible being, then he appears to have been a genius who could get things done, but who was often careless about anticipating the consequences of how he went about accomplishing his goals.

By engineering a work race (Homo Sapiens), Ea wound up giving his enemies a powerful tool of spiritual repression. Ea then appears to have compounded the blunder by founding and/or empowering the early Snake Brotherhood which, after its reported defeat, continued to remain a powerful force in human affairs, but under the domination of the very Custodial factions that Ea and the original Brotherhood were said to have opposed.

History indicates that the Brotherhood was turned under its new Custodial “gods” into a chilling weapon of spiritual repression and betrayal (Orthodox Christianity), despite the efforts of many sincere humanitarians to bring about true spiritual reform through Brotherhood channels all the way up until today.

In any case, my intention was solely to present Bramley’s research, which aligns with the emphasis I have been placing here and in other sections of this blog. The Custodial faction mentioned by Bramley is none other than the dark sorcerers I have been discussing in this blog.

They are the ones responsible for all the evil, corruption, and subversion that has occurred throughout history. In this blog, I have made it abundantly clear that these nefarious sorcerers are actively working against our spiritual awakening, as that is their underlying agenda. Their objective is to exercise complete digital control over every dimension of our existence.

For centuries, Orthodox Christianity and the corrupted Roman Catholic Church have ruthlessly targeted spiritual communities that embraced the teachings of the Serpent. Why?

The mystical being responsible for creating us granted mankind an incredible power through Charkas and Kundalini, known as the Divine Serpent Energy. If activated by all, this power could metamorphose us into divine entities, posing a significant threat to the wealth, supremacy, and authority of dark sorcerers.

Without any more hesitation, let’s now delve into the Ancient Order that sparked George Lucas’s Jedi.

The Djedhi of Egypt
Image from Nirwest Official

As per Mark Amaur Pinkham’s analysis, once established in Egypt, the Dragon Culture engendered a brotherhood of priest kings and spiritual masters called the Djedhi whose definitive symbol was Uadjet, the Ureaus, a golden likeness of the indigenous desert asp.

The roots of Djedhi and Uadjet, “Dj” and “Djed,” denoted serpent and column respectively, and thus designated a Djedhi as one who had raised the inner serpent (the kundalini) up the human vertebral column to the spiritual centers within the head and thus become a Serpent of Wisdom.

The mark of such an evolved Djedhi was the golden asp or golden band which was honorably worn over the seat of wisdom, the third eye. As Isa Shwaller de Lubicz, one of the foremost authorities on Egyptian mysticism, inform us: “the victorious rising of this fire (the serpent fire) to the frontal lobe is symbolized by the Ureaus (the golden serpent) on the forehead of the Pharaoh.”

The emissaries of the Dragon Culture in Egypt, the Djedhi, considered their land to be pulsing with life force and venerated it as the living body of Osiris, a nature god or cosmic man and manifestation of the Primal Dragon (Osiris’s sacred number was seven; both the word “dragon” and the name Osiris denote “many eyed”).

The country was divided into two territories, symbolic of Osiris’s higher (Lower Egypt) and lower selves (Upper Egypt). His backbone was associated with the powerful Nile River, and many of the major cities built along the river’s course were placed in areas which corresponded to the cosmic man’s power centers or chakras.

Other important cities were constructed by the Djedhi in vortex areas which corresponded to Osiris’s numerous acupuncture points. Collectively, all these empowered cities on the body of Osiris were “Serpent Cities.”

Each was home to a serpent god, the city’s patron deity, which was the inhabitant of the dragon’s lair upon which the city was built. Joseph Jochmans, an author and Egyptian tour guide who is responsible for re-discovering many of the ancient correspondences between Osiris’s chakras and the Serpent Cities listed below, believes that special chakra initiations may have occurred in temples built at these power spots.

His accumulated evidence reveals that within these sacred enclosures the same chakra a Serpent City corresponded to within the body of Osiris was activated within worthy seekers of wisdom.

One of the earliest and most important of the Serpent Cities in the north of Egypt was Per-uadjet (later called Buto), the “City of Uadjet.” Uadjet was a name of the Serpent Goddess and within her sacred city was built one of the most glorious serpent shrines in all of Egypt.

Per-uadjet served as the ancient political capital of lower Egypt, Osiris’s “Higher Self,” and it is said that the early Egyptian kings were crowned by the city’s protectress, Uadjet. Per-uadjet was also the capital city of the 19th nome or territory, which was anciently called Ammt, “the two eyebrows,” perhaps in reference to the Serpent Goddess’s seat between Osiris’s eyebrows.

In its location in the Nile Delta region the city of Per-uadjet was presumably associated with the nature god’s sixth chakra or Third Eye.

Another important northern Serpent City was Anu, also known as On by the Hebrews and Heliopolis by the Greeks. This was the city of Ra, the Solar Spirit and Atum, the infinite Spirit who took physical form as the Primal Serpent.

Atum, “the all and the nothing” (both transcendental and manifest), merged with Ra to become the solar god Ra-Atum, with the name Ra designating the early rising of the Sun and Atum denoting the orb’s evening descent into the underworld.

The great city of Heliopolis was the principal seat of serpent wisdom during Egypt’s earliest ages. As such, both it and the Great Pyramid which sat across the Nile River from it were intimately associated with Osiris’s sixth and seventh chakras and assisted in their opening within worthy initiates.

Stored within the city of Anu was the most esoteric wisdom of alchemy, the science of how to spiritually transmute a person through the purifying influence of the serpent fire, which had anciently been transported from Atlantis by the Thoth-Hermes adepts.

The symbol of these masters, the caduceus, was a diagram of the human spine, path of the Kundalini and the twin nadis which spiral along its course. Thoth-Hermes’ alchemical wisdom was taught at Heliopolis within a temple/school of the Djedhi priesthood and used within the Great Pyramid during initiations.

From a planetary perspective the City of the Solar Spirit served as the western headquarters of the entire worldwide organization of Serpents of Wisdom or Solar Brotherhood.

It was specially chosen by the incipient Serpent missionaries of the Western Motherland to be their principal Control Central and initiation center for all aspiring seekers around the globe. Three of the greatest western Serpents of Wisdom to study and undergo initiation there are Plato, Pythagoras and Jesus Christ.

The Djedhi of Egypt
Image from Nirwest Official

The main temple at Heliopolis was the Sun Temple, a huge structure which served as both temple and academy for the Djedhi priesthood. This colossal, pillared temple had a seating capacity of 13,000, the number of the dragon-phoenix, the bird which anciently emanated from the Solar Spirit.

When filled with a sea of enthusiastic chanting priests, the temple virtually exploded with the sacred name of Ra-Atum. Leading the chorus was the “Great One of Visions of Ra-Atum,” the chief priest, who sat at the front of the temple near the symbol of the Solar Spirit, a huge metallic disc made of solid gold.

Adjacent to the Sun Temple was another sanctuary of Ra-Atum called the Het Benben or “Temple of the Phoenix.” The Temple of the Phoenix was a roofless temple used primarily for calendrical purposes.

The Sun’s rays would reflect off a large obelisk (one of Atum’s forms) which was situated in the center of the temple and its resulting shadows along the ground would reveal the time of year and hour of the day.

A third northern Serpent City of renown was Memphis. Along with the pyramid of Sakkara and its adjoining healing temple of sound and color, Memphis is believed to have corresponded to Osiris’s fifth chakra, the chakra of sound and communication.

As the early capital of Egypt, Memphis communicated with all of Khem as well as much of the known world. Memphis was the city of the fire god Ptah, an evolution of the ancient fire serpent of Atlantis, Volcan, which was transported to North Africa by the Serpents of Pan.

One popular manifestation ascribed to the serpent Ptah was the primeval mound, an incipient form taken by the Primal Serpent when it initially precipitated out of the cosmic sea. In honor of Ptah’s mound form, Memphis was built upon an earthen knoll and named Hi-Ku-Ptah, the “mansion of the Ka (soul) of Ptah.”

Ptah ruled in Memphis with his consort, Sekhmet, whose name means “the power” or “the powerful.” Sekhmet was Ptah’s serpent power, his fiery feminine energy, and therefore referred to by the alternate epithets of Mehenet, the fire serpent, and Nesert, the flame.

Sekhmet’s priests were medical doctors who called upon the fire serpent’s power to effect a complete and rapid healing within their patients. They and the other devotees of Ptah’s consort would also call forth her destructive/transformative power to destroy evil, annihilate the enemies of truth, and awaken the inner Kundalini.

Ptah’s principal anthropomorphic form in Memphis was that of a pygmysized man. His diminutive image, which is better known by its later Roman evolution, the dwarfish Vulcan, was worshipped in the south end of the city in a temple adjacent to a library containing countless, valuable scrolls.

These buildings were located in front of another very sacred shrine, the temple of the fire god’s twin sons, the Kaberoi. Among the priests of Khemi, the Kaberoi Twins were venerated as members of the Kaberoi Brotherhood who, as “sons” of the Atlantean fire serpent, had brought to Egypt both the worship of their “father,” Volcan, as well as the priceless records of their motherland.

The Carthaginian historian Sanconiathon referred to these renown Kaberoi missionaries as the “Seven Sons of Sydyk” who were requested by a member of the Thoth-Hermes lineage to set down their sacred records once they had reached Egypt. Presumably their records were then stored in Ptah’s library.

Twenty five miles south of Memphis the Djedhis constructed a huge manmade lake called Lake Moeris and founded a city of the water dragon or crocodile upon its shores. Later the Greeks of the Hellenic Empire designated this city as Crocodilopolis, “the place of the Crocodile-dragon.”

The patron deity of Crocodilopolis was Sebek, a manifestation of the Primal Dragon when it initially emerged from the Cosmic Sea. Sebek, the crocodile god of time and cycles, was intimately associated with an ancient Egyptian cycle of 60 days, a Serpent Cycle based upon the crocodile’s 60 teeth.

Sebek’s celestial constellation was part of the Big Dipper and served as an important indicator of the annual cycles of nature. At Moeris the dragon god Sebek was worshipped as the numerous live crocodiles which inhabited the depths of the holy lake and occasionally sunbathed upon its sandy shores.

According to the historian Strabo, the priests of Sebek treated the crocodiles as pets and affectionately served them a daily ration of bread, meat and wine. When they died, their bodies were mummified and interred in a nearby mausoleum. 

The Djedhi of Egypt
Image from Nirwest Official

Situated at the east end of Lake Moeris was the famous Egyptian Labyrinth, a glorious monument to the Zodiac, another incipient form of the Primal Serpent after it had expanded to become the physical universe.

The Labyrinth was a huge cluster of buildings which, according to Pliny, was built in shimmering marble and energizing granite, thus making full use of the vortexual power it was built upon.

Strabo commented that the labyrinth rivalled the pyramids of Giza in stature and Herodutus allowed that it was greater in architectural beauty than “all the works and buildings of the Greeks put together.”

During the time period that Herodutus visited the Labyrinth, the edifice was a cluster of 12 temples joined together in a circular or horseshoe shape and surrounded by one continuous wall.

These 12 temples represented the 12 nomes or divisions of Egypt and the twelve divisions of the Zodiacal Dragon. For this reason, the historian Pliny maintained that the twelve temples were dedicated to Ra, the Sun god, who traveled through the twelve “temples” or divisions of the Zodiacal Dragon during the course of each annual cycle.

While the twelve temples of the labyrinth represented the journey of the soul on the physical or earth plane, another, more secretive labyrinth built directly below it symbolized the journey of the soul in the Duat or “underworld” dimension which lies between Earth and the Heaven or Hell realms.

This labyrinth was comprised of a meandering network of water channels, each of which represented one of the various “paths” taken by the soul of the deceased. Within these waterways swam a live crocodile, a living representation of Sebek.

According to Egyptian tradition, the deceased soul was destined to encounter Sebek in the Duat and needed to find a way to bypass or defeat the crocodile of time and death if it was to ascend into the paradise realms and enjoy everlasting life.

According to the famous occult researcher and Rosicrucian Lewis Spence the lower labyrinth, as well as its upper counterpart, were important sites for the enactment of initiation rites among the priesthood of Lake Moeris.

Here the triumphant initiates would achieve victory over both time and death by defeating live manifestations of Sebek.

The principal Serpent City in the middle of Egypt was Khemenu or Hermoplois, the location of Osiris’ fourth chakra. This Serpent City was the meeting point of Upper and Lower Egypt, i.e., the polarity, which united at Hermopolis to produce the androgenous Primal Serpent.

Near the city was Tell El Amarna, the site of Pharaoh Akhenaten’s huge temple which was built in the shape of a cross, the symbol of polarity union. Hermopolis was the quintessential Serpent City. It was a vortexual “Garden of Eden” and some Egyptian texts even claimed that it was the center of the entire universe.

Ancient artists portrayed the city as being situated within the coils of the great Primal Serpent which protected Hermopolis as though it was its premier lair. Legends maintained that it was here that the Primal Serpent was born and then divided into four serpent progeny called Nothing, Inertness, Infinity, and Invisibility.

These four serpents further divided into male and female halves to bring the total number of serpents to eight. Together this family of eight serpents swam together and their home, Hermopolis, thus acquired the nickname of Shmunu or “Eight Town.”

Herme-opolis, the “City of Hermes,” became a city of serpent wisdom and home to many of the greatest philosophical minds of Egypt. It was a mecca for philosophical speculation and, along with Heliopolis, Memphis and Thebes, produced the country’s four definitive systems of theology.

Throughout its history the city continually distinguished itself as a crucible for the further fermentation of the wisdom brought to Egypt by the lineage of Thoth-Hermes Masters.

Thebes, the location of Osiris’s third chakra, was a southern Serpent City of high regard. It was to this dragon’s lair that Ammon, one of the eight serpents born in Hermopolis, swam and founded its own city.

In ancient times the city was commonly referred to as No-Ammon or Nut-Ammon meaning “the Town of Ammon.” Here the Serpent Ammon was worshipped as two serpent gods: Ammon Irta and Ammon Kematef.

Similar to the Jewish Amen and the Hindu AUM, Ammon was the sound signature of Spirit traveling in the form of a great serpent. Thebes is sometimes referred to as “the southern Heliopolis.”

Like its sister city to the north, it was home to a colossal Sun Temple and an important temple/school of the Djedhi priesthood. A second temple at Thebes, now in Luxor, has been called the “Temple of Man” by the brilliant archeologist R.A. Shwaller de Lubiz.

After extensive research, Shwaller de Lubiz discovered that this temple of wisdom was built in the exact proportions of the human body, thus revealing that the infinite Spirit, as well as all sacred knowledge, exists right within the human form.

The sister city to the northern Crocodilopolis, and Sebek’s theological capital in southern Egypt, was Kom-Ombo (both Kom and Om are universal names of the Primal Serpent), location of Osiris’s second chakra.

It was at Kom-Ombo that the Primal Dragon’s priests united Sebek, the crocodile (the Serpent Goddess), with the Solar Spirit Ra (the God) to produce the androgenous Sebek-Ra, the Primeval Mother/Father Serpent.

An inscription on one of the temples of Kom-Ombo described the androgenous first serpent: “Sebek-Ra, (the one) who came forth out of the primordial Nu (the Cosmic Ocean), (is) the first of all divinities.”

The main temple of Sebek’s complex at Kom-Ombo consisted of a large building from which issued out two identical wings, each of which was dedicated to one of the dual aspects of Spirit.

One wing was built in honor of Horus, the unmanifest Spirit, and the other glorified Sebek, the Primal Dragon. In proximity to this building was a network of water canals within which swam live crocodiles.

In order to gain mastery over time and water (the element of the second chakra) an initiate in training was expected to swim through these channels without getting devoured by the deadly incarnations of Sebek.

The Djedhi of Egypt
Image from Nirwest Official

As in many Dragon Cultures worldwide, the goal of an aspiring seeker of wisdom in ancient Egypt was eventual ordination into the Order of Serpents. To gain entrance into the indigenous Order of the Djedhi serious candidates were required to undergo an arduous process of yogic purification culminating in an initiation within the Great Pyramid at Giza.

To begin their respective spiritual quests, the Egyptian aspirants would first travel from their homes to the feet of the Pharaoh, the highest Djedhi initiate, for a preliminary interview.

If the aspirant reflected the spiritual qualities sought after by the discriminating priest king he or she would then be sent off to a temple in one of the Serpent Cities in order to serve an apprenticeship and perhaps undergo an initiation in accordance with the city’s associated chakra.

Intensive purificatory disciplines were thereafter observed as the chosen candidate prepared for a possible future induction into the Order of the Djedhis. For months or even years the lives of the Djedhi candidates were monitored closely as they underwent a strict regimen which included: daily sweeping the temple floors, bathing twice a day, shaving the entire body every other day, periodic fasts, celibacy, numerous yogic exercises and hundreds of hours of contemplation and prayer.

Academic and scriptural study was also required and the candidates were expected to decipher and memorize the hieroglyphic scriptures which decorated the walls and pillars of temple complexes.

Many of these hieroglyphs comprised the 36,000 books of Thoth-Hermes, the greatest of which was The Book of Thoth, a book of alchemical secrets believed to have been composed by one of the original Thoth-Hermes missionaries from Atlantis. 

Another “book” adorning the walls of Egyptian temples and most likely studied by Djedhi candidates in some form was the Book of Am-Duat. This text was recently found embellishing the tomb walls of the Pharaohs of the 18th and 19th Dynasties and then interpreted by Lucy Lamy, daughter of R.A. Shwaller de Lubiz.

Through a series of instructive hieroglyphs the text recounts the journey of Ra, the Spirit, as it takes on a material body and then proceeds to assume the successive forms of larva, cocoon and winged beetle.

According to Lamy, this “journey” depicts an esoteric process; its classical symbols of metamorphosis denote the progressive stages of human transmutation. She contends that the Kundalini is represented near the end of the text as the serpent Mehen, Ra’s “support” during his final metamorphosis into Khephri, the winged beetle.

Other hieroglyphic Egyptian texts which have recently come to light and were also presumably studied by the Djedhi candidates in training are alluded to in the writings of Isa Shwaller de Lubiz, wife of R.A. Shwaller de Lubiz.

Within these texts the twin primary channels, known as the Ida and Pingala Nadis in yogic esoterica, are cryptically referred to as “the path of the soul of Osiris” (the Ida) and “the path of the soul of Ra (the Pingala).”

They are also called Seth and Horus, the “Twin Serpents” or the “Twin Columns” which unite their polarities during the course of spiritual evolution to become the singular Djed column (the spine), path of the serpent fire.

The Kundalini, which is also mentioned in many of these texts, is cryptically referred to as Iart or Aart, two names of the Ureaus serpent. The roots of its serpentine names, iar or aar, mean to “to rise” and, adds Shwaller de Lubiz, “alluded to the rising of the snake of fire along the spinal column.”

Certain Egyptian texts also allude to the immutable and immortal bodies. The immutable physical body is referred to as the Djet, and the two etheric Dragon Bodies are alluded to as the Ka (lower Dragon Body) and the Ba (higher Dragon Body).

According to Isa Shwaller de Lubiz, the Dragon Body of a fully enlightened Djedhi Master is alternately given the name of Akhu, “the luminous spiritual body.” This name is an apparent counterpart to the Kumara Body, the name of the Dragon Body within the Hindu tradition of the Nagas.

One additional instructive tool used by the teachers of the Djedhi candidates was attendance at the staged production of King Osiris’s legend at Sais, Philae, Busiris or Abydos.

Osiris, the cosmic dragon-man and life force, was depicted in the drama as an ancient pharaoh who was murdered by Seth, his brother, and then entombed within a coffin before eventually being brought back to life.

This poignant allegory represented both the annual death and rebirth of the life force as well as the process of initiation undergone by a Djedhi initiate. The climax of Osiris’s drama was the raising of the Djed column, an event which symbolized the rebirth of the life force as well as the resurrection of a Djedhi initiate.

Through the lifting up of an actual pillar, representing Osiris’s spine and its indwelling serpent power, the actors of the drama symbolized that the archetypal initiate had overcome death through the redeeming power of the Kundalini.

The name by which they referred to the column/spine, Djed, includes the root Dj, a epithet of the fire serpent which dwells within the spine as its root and innermost essence.

After years of study and purification some Egyptian candidates were finally judged eligible for initiation into the Order of the Djedhi. They were then escorted from their respective Serpent Cities to the worldwide headquarters of the Serpents at Heliopolis and there awaited initiation within the Great Pyramid.

Following the onset of a powerfully energetic night, the initiation process was consummated as a chosen candidate was led blindfolded to the paws of the Sphinx, which, according to the Egyptian priest Iamblichus, was the “entrance to the secret vaults where the priests held their tests.”

After a Djedhi priest chanted some mysterious mantras a hidden door would magically fly open and the candidate would then be ushered into a hallway which ran under the Sphinx and into the Great Pyramid.

His or her passage beyond the Sphinx (symbol of the Zodiacal Dragon) symbolized that the candidate had now mastered material existence and completed the 12 stages of soul evolution (represented by the 12 signs of the Zodiac).

He or she was now ready for spiritual ascension. Upon entering the inner precincts of the pyramid, the candidate was led to a room either below or above ground to begin the initiation rites.

Ancient texts and recent discoveries point to there being a mirror image pyramid below ground as well as numerous chambers yet to be discovered within the Great Pyramid.

According to the testimony of the Crata Repoa, a Renaissance period text of Egyptian initiation rites compiled from the writings of Herodutus, Plutarch and others, the tests of a Djedhi candidate took place within many of these chambers as well as within their adjoining passageways.

The culminating rite was administered within the Great Pyramid’s principal initiation chamber, now known as the King’s Chamber. Here the alchemical powers were most potent within the pyramid.

Two star shafts inclined at an angle near the sacred thirty-seven degrees, the initiation angle for “meeting the serpent,” led from the room to the outer cosmos and served as passageways for star energies arriving from Alpha Draconis, the heavenly seat of Seth-matter, and from Orion, the celestial abode of Horus-Spirit (Orion was also associated with Osiris who, along with his evil brother Seth, represented the duality of Spirit/matter).

Within the King’s Chamber these opposing essences united to produce a balanced ambiance which was conducive to the awakening of the androgenous fire serpent. The polarity union of the chamber also precipitated a “zero point” of magnetism, the optimum condition for spiritual awakening. In the middle of the initiation chamber stood a solitary stone sarcophagus, the “tomb” and alchemical crucible for the candidate’s spiritual transformation.

Built with dimensions similar to those of the Ark of the Covenant, this Egyptian tomb was the perfect vessel for uniting the polarity.

The Djedhi of Egypt
Image from Nirwest Official

After a candidate had entered the sarcophagus and its ponderous stone lid was replaced, he or she was declared officially dead by the presiding Djedhi priest.

The chief priest would then commence the recitation of the redeeming words of Thoth-Hermes contained within The Book of Thoth in order to precipitate the union of the polarity and the activation of the inner Kundalini at the base of the spine.

A three day process was thereby consummated as the dynamic fire serpent began its upward march to the summit of the head. As the awakened serpent fire rose up the spine to pierce each successive chakra, visions and feelings associated with that specific center would flood into the consciousness of the aspiring Djedhi.

If he or she was sufficiently prepared for this unfolding process, these evocative visions and feelings would pass in and out of consciousness without any problem. If the candidate was ill prepared however, he or she was likely to become attached or overwhelmed by the inner scenarios.

This could stall the ascent of the Kundalini and potentially end the initiation process prematurely. In recent times Elisabeth Haich, a respected spiritual teacher in Germany, received vivid past-life recall of an Egyptian initiation she had undergone in the Great Pyramid, a remembrance which apparently included the experiences of the Kundalini as it moved through each of her chakras.

In her spiritual autobiography, Initiation, she writes movingly of having been closed up within the darkness of the sarcophagus in the King’s Chamber while visions reflecting the nature of the Kundalini and each chakra moved in and out of her consciousness.

When the serpent power first stirred at the base of the spine, she described having the vision of a dark, goat-faced, “satanic monster,” symbolic of the destructive nature of the serpent fire.

Then, as the Kundalini’s corresponding chakra, the “Earth Chakra,” was opened, she found herself overcome by the distinct sensation of being cold, paralyzed and inert, like a solid rock within the dense Earth.

When the serpent fire ascended through her second chakra, the “Water Chakra” and sexual center, she was transported into the middle of a lucid dream scenario in which she and a group of participants embraced each other lustfully while enjoying a sexually explicit, primal dance.

When the Kundalini presumably reached the fourth or “Air Chakra,” the “Heart Chakra,” she experienced a profound love between herself and a visionary lover. And so it went, with each succeeding chakra being pierced by the serpent fire and providing an experience of the element and emotion it was associated with. SOARING WITHIN THE IMMORTAL DRAGON BODY.

As the Kundalini worked its way up through the chakras, a Djedhi candidate was also likely to experience activation of the immortal Dragon Body and the Ba’s separation from its physical sheath.

When this occurred, the candidate would arise out the stone sarcophagus within his or her Ba and experience immortality first-hand as it soared around the King’s Chamber and up through the star shafts to the heavenly realms of the immortals.

There is ample evidence suggesting that during these ethereal flights some of the candidates ascended to certain star bases of the Extraterrestrial Serpents, such as those within the Orion constellation.

In the 1930’s the British author Dr. Paul Brunton experienced his own “death” within the King’s Chamber and the subsequent release of his eternal Ba. In his book A Search in Ancient Egypt, Dr. Brunton recounts in detail this pivotal experience which began by being shut up alone in the forbidding darkness of the Great Pyramid.

After succeeding in groping along the pyramid’s perilous corridors to the King’s Chamber, the doctor initially encountered denizens of inimical spirits which had apparently stationed themselves there to keep intruders out, but the ambiance soon turned peaceful with the arrival of an etheric Djedhi Master.

Upon entering the chamber, the phantom guide telepathically instructed Dr. Brunton to lie down in the empty stone sarcophagus before proceeding to catalyze the initiation process through the repetition of the ancient mantras of Thoth-Hermes.

Under this adept’s guidance Dr. Brunton was quickly engulfed by a death-like catatonic stupor, perhaps the result of awakening the Earth Chakra. This was followed by a sensation of being “caught up in a tropical whirlwind” as the doctor’s Ba catapulted out of its physical sheath and floated above the sarcophagus.

Then, states Dr. Brunton in his own words: “I was free. No other word will express the delightful sense of liberation which became mine. I had changed into a mental being, a creature of thought and feeling yet without the clogging handicap of the heavy flesh body in which I had been shut up…I knew, at last, why those wise Egyptians of old had given, in their hieroglyphs, the pictured symbol of the bird to man’s soul-form (symbol of the Ba).

I experienced a sense of increased height and breadth, a spreading out just as though I had a pair of wings.”

At the conclusion of a Djedhi candidate’s three days of entombment, the rising serpent fire would finally arrive at its destination within the head and dissolve into pure Spirit.

At that moment the candidate would finally achieve the fruit of all his arduous spiritual practices and become an immortal Djedhi and “Stable One,” i.e., one who had raised the djed, elevated the serpent, and overcome death.

From that point onwards the new Djedhi was known as a Kheper or “Arisen One,” a term derived from Khephri, the “resurrected” beetle. Following the candidate’s full illumination, the lid of the sarcophagus was removed.

The newly resurrected Djedhi would then arise from the granite coffin and be warmly welcomed by members of the Egyptian Order of the Djedhi who had stationed themselves around the tomb.

Stepping forward, the Grandmaster of the Djedhi, the Pharaoh or a member of his royal family, would formally christen the new initiate a high priest or priestess by bestowing upon him or her the symbol of the order, the golden band of wisdom which was honorably worn over the third eye.

The Djedhi of Egypt
Image from Nirwest Official

As new Serpents of Wisdom, the initiated Djedhi priests and priestesses left Heliopolis with the wisdom, power and tools to perform tasks assigned to them by the Djedhi hierarchy.

With the power of the serpent at their disposal and such tools as snake-like staffs, serpentine wands and books of mantric incantations, the new Djedhi priests and priestesses were assigned to certain temple complexes around Egypt within which they would assume the roles of healers, magicians, spiritual teachers and/or temple administrators.

Within their new sacred habitations the Djedhi priests were given certain privileges denied lesser ranking priests, such as access to an esoteric library called the House of Life.

Contained within this library were a variety of ancient alchemical texts, such as the books of Thoth-Hermes, and a multitude of magical recipe books full of mantric incantations for amplifying and directing the serpent power. Some of these texts listed prescriptions for casting almost any spell and/or placating almost any god or goddess.

They were filed away under such titles as: “The Book of Appeasing Sekhmet,” “The Book of Magical Protection of the King and his Palace,” “The Book of Knowing the Secret Forms of the Deity,” and “The Book of Spells for Warding off the Evil Eye.”

So closely did the Djedhi priests become associated with this library that Seshperonch or “Scribe of the House of Life” became the common coptic term for an initiated magician priest.

With both the power of the serpent and an infinite number of mantric recipes at their disposal, the Djedhi priests and priestesses could effectively enact their magic as long as they began their rites with a strict protocol.

They were first required to purify themselves by washing out their mouths with pungent natron and then inscribing the symbol of truth upon their tongues with green ink. The magician priests would then proceed to trace a circle or geometrical figure on the ground with their wooden staff or rod, symbol of their serpent power.

Stepping into the center of this figure which was dedicated to a protective god ruling the hour, they would recite an incantation multiple times or until they were convinced that they had evoked the deity of the mantra and their spell had born fruit.

Many adept priests and priestesses became extremely successful with their magic and even gained legendary renown throughout Egypt. According to the Westcar Papyrus, during the time of the Pharaoh Khufu one magician priest, known simply as “Djedhi,” gained notoriety for successfully reattaching severed heads to animals.

This same Djedhi was also famous for knowing the “secret chambers of the sanctuary of Thoth” at Heliopolis where the sacred books of Thoth-Hermes were kept. A second initiate and magician mentioned in the Westcar Papyrus was famous for having magically animated a wax crocodile which attacked and devoured his wife’s lover, thereby putting an end to their illicit affair.

A Greek reference to the power of the Egyptian priests can be found in Lucian’s biography of the adventurer Eucrates who traveled from Greece to Thebes and personally witnessed two colossal statues speak seven oracular verses under the animating spell of the Theban priests.

Later, during a boat ride up the Nile, Eucrates met an accomplished magician priest who claimed to have studied the magical arts for over 23 years. The priest demonstrated his powers to Eucrates by magically controlling all the fishes in the river and playfully riding upon the back of a dangerous crocodile.

Intrigued with the priest’s display of powers, Eucrates followed him home. There the surprised Greek adventurer encountered a magically animated broom dressed in human clothing which was busily performing all the priest’s household chores. 

The Djedhi of Egypt
Image from Nirwest Official

The Djedhi of Egypt represents one of the many spiritually advanced Serpent’s of Wisdom groups that will be showcased on this blog. They all align with our path, The Serpent’s Way, which focuses on achieving self-mastery in all areas and awakening the Kundalini.

As stated in the introduction of this article and in ‘our about’ section of this blog, through our studies of all religions, ancient philosophies, and the knowledge from the ancient mystery schools we have discovered one unifying common theme, that of the serpent or dragon.

Throughout history, the serpent or dragon and it’s associated teachings have been prevalent in all religions and spiritual beliefs, regardless of the time, location, or setting. The Bible contains it’s teachings, but only those with esoteric vision can grasp the true meaning.

Three of the most prominent Western figures who sought wisdom and underwent initiation in Egypt include Plato, Pythagoras, and Jesus Christ. It’s no wonder that in Matthew 10:16, the Gnostic Jesus (Yeshua) declared, Be ye therefore wise as serpents and simple as doves.”

The Solar or Great White Brotherhood is a group of nonhuman and human beings whose sole purpose was humanity’s conscious evolution. Raising the Kundalini energy up the spine towards the head and igniting the seven chakras represents humanity’s progression towards heightened states of consciousness.

In accordance with Samael Aun Weor’s teachings, the Kundalini is characterized by its seven degrees of power and its profound association with sexuality. The Kundalini is the sum total of the seven serpents, two groups of three with the sublime coronation of the seventh tongue of fire which unites us with the One, with the Law, with the Father.

This is related to the septenary constitution of the human being which Theosophy talks to us about. The first serpent belongs to the physical body; the second serpent to the Ethereal Body; the third to the Astral Body; the fourth to the Mental Body; the fifth to the Body of Willpower; the sixth to the Body of the Consciousness; the seventh to the Innermost, our real inner Being.

These are the seven portals of initiation. These seven serpents rise in a successive order; these are related to the first seven great Initiations of Major Mysteries. Before concluding this article, it is worth noting that George Lucas demonstrated his brilliance with the creation of Star Wars.

His creation of the Jedi actually derived from the ancient order we spoke about in this article. Throughout this blog, I have made reference to the reappearance of dark sorcery in Egyptian civilization following the downfall of Atlantis.

Some of the newly empowered Djedhi priests and priestesses made the choice to direct their spiritual powers towards benefiting themselves instead of others. They ultimately decided to follow the route of the dark sorcerer that I mentioned in this article:

The contrast between light and dark magic was exquisitely showcased in the Star Wars saga. Awakening the dormant Kundalini unleashes immense divine power within the individual, and with great power comes great responsibility.

In accordance with the Law of One, as outlined in the White Magician article, we, as human beings, are faced with a decision between two paths: serving others or serving ourselves.White and black magic are grounded in these two paths, as magic, akin to the force (Brahman or Tao), is inherently neutral.

The Jedi, also known as the White Magician, use their power to serve others, while the Sith, referred to as the Black Magician or Today’s Rulers, exploit this power for personal gain and to manipulate those around them. George Lucas once mentioned in an interview that he studied a variety of religions, spiritual texts, and ancient knowledge.

He discovered a common theme connecting them all – a cosmic energy responsible for creating life, which he named the force. It’s evident that he explored spiritual groups with foundations in the Serpent’s of Wisdom.

Concluding this article, our upcoming Serpent’s of Wisdom discussion will focus on either the Adders (Druids) in Britain or the Naaseni and Ophite Gnostics. I’ve uploaded two clips based on the real Egyptian Order of the Djedhi and three inspirational clips on Lucas’s Jedi whose were based off the Egyptian Djedhi.

Lucas, a mastermind, dedicated himself to researching ancient teachings. Yoda imparts profound spiritual truths to his Jedi, one of which emphasizes that failure is the most powerful teacher. The foundation of our path, as well as all spiritual paths, lies in the preservation and transmutation of sexual energy.

It is crucial to mention that after a lifelong struggle with addiction to pornography and constantly seeking out women, my life took a transformative turn when I started practicing semen retention four years ago. Nevertheless, the first year was filled with numerous failures and relapses.

Each time I experienced a relapse, I grew stronger by enduring weeks of depression, exhaustion, and anger. The second Jedi video, titled “failure,” is dedicated to all the semen retainers who are just beginning their journey. Never give up, transform your relapses into a deeper and stronger focus. Believe me, you will return with even greater power.

The Djedhi of Egypt
Image from Nirwest Official

The Djedhi of Egypt
Image from Nirwest Official

The Djedhi of Egypt

YouTube Channel – 4biddenknowledge – Billy Carson

YouTube Channel – Puralive – Tyler Tollman

YouTube Channel – Hero Fan Productions

YouTube Channel – Darth Porg

Images from Nirwest_Official

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