The Sacred Secretion

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The Sacred Secretion

The Sacred Secretion

The Sacred Secretion process, synonymous with Kundalini Energy and Christ Oil, is commonly known as the Great Regeneration, Super Consciousness Awakening, and the Threefold Enlightenment. It is labeled as “threefold” due to its profound impact on the body, mind, and spirit.

Preserving this Sacred Secretion is a biological enhancement; the path to attaining holiness (wholeness). Given that this alchemical process occurs monthly, it is considered a natural rhythm of the body, and holds immense significance in the realm of spiritual development.

The awakening of this spiritual essence begins with the vital fluid network of the nervous system, known as the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).

Every 12 hours, the CSF moves up and down the spinal column, but what sets this process apart is the influence of lunar energy on our sun energy (star sign), causing the minerals in the body to vibrate in sync and enhance the production of spiritual essence. Through this process, the daily secretion is elevated to a sacred status. Essentially, the Sacred Secretion is a biochemical response that thrives in a harmonious environment.

At the peak of super consciousness awakening, tingles are experienced all over the body, accompanied by an intense feeling of bliss that permeates every aspect of one’s existence. Following the initial surge, a remarkable sensation of rejuvenation and mental clarity permeates the body, mind, and soul, defying any attempt to put it into words.

Additional benefits consist of healing and purifying on various levels, enhanced intuition, and reflection, heightened mental capacities, heightened levels of excitement and drive, creative thoughts and motivations flowing to you effortlessly, enhanced memory retention and concentration, increased empathy, and discernment, for instance, you may still feel chills or tingling sensations when encountering spiritual truths or sense a gut feeling when faced with falsehoods.

You will experience numerous divine synchronicities, a significant enhancement in your ability to bring your dreams and desires to reality, and observe your challenges effortlessly fading away as you connect with boundless power and grace.

The Preservation of the Sacred Secretion has been hailed by experts as the ultimate secret that holds immense significance for humanity. Across different cultures and time periods, throughout history, this method has been passed down and recognized by various secret names:

Manna from Heaven, Merkabah Ascension, The Alchemical Wedding, Kundalini Rising,144 DNA Activation, Naronia, The Crystalline Dew, The Anionting Oil (Christ Oil), Christ Witin, Oil of Gladness, Chrism, Crystal Waters, The Tibetan Rainbow Body of Light, and The Christian Resurrection Body to name a few.

These teachings are all in harmony with the core principles of inner alchemy or the preservation of Sacred Secretion, which ultimately leads to the awakening of Super Consciousness.

This teaching is rooted in the concept that within each individual resides a consciousness that surpasses worldly limitations, and this can be unlocked through the practice of preserving and enhancing the Sacred Secretion (inner alchemy).

The essence of your being, referred to as the “Christ” or “Super” self, is the genius that resides within you. It represents your divine nature, the masterful force that guides you, and the completeness that defines your true self.

Each month, this occurrence transpires when the moon moves into your zodiac sign, prompting the regeneration of every cell in your body and activating dormant brain cells. The term “Christ” (Anointed one) was used by the ancients to describe individuals who had this extraordinary experience.

The Sacred Secretion

In the head, flanking the Thalamus, are two glands – the Pineal at the back and the Pituitary at the front. The Pineal gland is cone-shaped and produces a yellow or golden fluid, while the Pituitary Body, located on the anterior side, is ellipsoid and contains a whitish secretion resembling milk.

The origin of the fluids in both these entities is the Claustrum, a term meaning “barrier” or “cloister.” It is appropriately referred to as a cloister because it is where a valuable and sacred substance is concealed or isolated. This valuable fluid, also known as Saint Claus or Santa Claus, is truly a divine blessing within every individual’s body.

The Claustrum releases a valuable fluid that divides into two parts, with one portion flowing into the Pineal gland and the other into the Pituitary body. These two regions, acting as specialized laboratories within the brain, transform the fluid from the Claustrum, resulting in the aforementioned colors. In the Pineal gland, the fluid turns yellow and gains electric properties, while the Pituitary body acquires magnetic properties due to its milk-like fluid.

In the physical body, there are two glands representing the male and female energies, often referred to as Joseph and Mary. These glands serve as the parents of the spiritual son, who emerges within the solar plexus of each human being, usually around the age of twelve.

The milk and honey mentioned in the Bible, symbolizing abundance and prosperity, is represented by this yellow and white substance. The children of Israel were promised a land flowing with milk and honey, which finally finds its way to the solar plexus through the semi-lunar ganglia, the Bethlehem of the physical body.

Bethlehem, in Hebrew, translates to “house” (Beth) of bread (lehem). Jesus, in an allegorical sense, declared, “I am the bread of life.” Within the solar plexus lies a thimble-shaped hollow—a CAVE—or manger, where the psychophysical Seed, or holy child, born of this immaculate conception, is placed.

The psycho-physical Seed, also referred to as a “fish,” emits a fish-like odor and is developed in the midst of pure water. St. Augustine likened Jesus to a fish in the waters.

Prior to birth, the human fetus resides in a state of buoyancy, akin to that of a fish, within the surrounding fluids. Just as it is with the child conceived in the physical realm, the same holds true for the spiritual child born within the solar plexus—the Bethlehem.

The Sacred Secretion

The letters “W. O. R. D.” do not refer to voice, sound, or speech in their original meaning. From a physiological perspective, they symbolize a precious substance. To achieve mental and spiritual well-being, it is crucial for mankind to first establish physical stability. Thus, it is important to delve into the physiological interpretation of W. O. R. D.

In Hebrew, there are 22 letters, each with its own distinct meaning. The selection of letters in Hebrew characters was done thoughtfully to accurately convey the intended idea. Let’s examine W. O. R. D., deconstruct it, and uncover the significance of each letter. It’s worth mentioning that the Hebrew alphabet does not contain the letter “W”.

The letter “W” was denoted by the symbol VV (double V), which is also present in modern French. It signifies a “hook,” representing the arms and legs as hooks of the body. In the Hebrew alphabet, VV or double V stands as the 18th letter, and it was represented by the characters TZADDI, which were quite challenging to pronounce.

This letter, being the eighteenth in our alphabet, has a profound significance. Just as the Hebrew letter Teth represents balance between male and female energies, the eighteenth letter, Tzaddi, symbolizes the descent of spirit into the material realm.

In astrology, it aligns with the zodiac sign Aquarius. Vav, the sixth letter of the alphabet, symbolizes the conflict between desires and morals, the clash of beliefs. Conversely, the eighteenth letter, VV, equivalent to three times six or 666, represents the “beast” described in Revelation, the original man Adam.

On the mental realm, we refer to this number as He Phren, representing the lower mind or the material mind. In the field of astronomy, the corresponding symbol for this letter (6) is the bull, which is associated with Taurus.

As humanity resides solely on the material plane, we can be considered as beasts – physically, mentally, and emotionally. We exhibit animalistic traits across all three planes. In the Tarot, the number 18 symbolizes “Antagonism.”

When the two V’s are combined, with one on top of the other, they represent the unregenerated man’s arms and legs. The upper V or triangle points downward. However, in the regenerated man, the hands are folded over the head in adoration of divinity, and the apex points upward.

The transformation occurs in the lower triangle as the previously misdirected forces now flow downwards and outwards, only to be redirected upwards and returned to the sacred center.

This results in the closure of the triangle at the bottom and its opening towards the heavens. Symbolically, the letter “W” or “VV” represents the earthly or Adam man, encompassing the physical body and the lower intellect.

The sixteenth letter of the alphabet, the letter “O,” known as Ayin in Hebrew, carries a similar meaning to the first letter. However, it symbolizes a material structure and an action in the physical world on a deeper level. The Tarot suggests that it represents the manifestation of God, the Holy Spirit, entering the visible world.

God, being One, indivisible, and undifferentiated, must divide into two halves of the circle in order to manifest in the material plane as positive and negative, male and female, electricity and magnetism.

We can infer the concept of “dual power” or “dual operation” as “dual force.” In astrology, this is symbolized by the Capricorn sign. These opposing forces, working within us, manifest as the Goat, which symbolically “Bears away the sins of the world” (physical body). Unfortunately, in most people, this dual power is not in sync.

The lack of balance in operation is apparent. If these two currents worked in unison within the human body, the transformed individual would be made manifest, the physical form would embody the very essence of the WORD. The letter “R” is the twentieth letter, known as “Resh,” and its symbolism is truly remarkable. It represents the human head and is thus associated with the concept of original and purposeful movement.

Motion, whether positive or negative, is a symbol of renewal and the inherent ability to move forward. This concept is associated with Saturn. The Hebrew letter “Resh” also represents rest, like a ship resting on moving water.

The interpretation of the hidden message within this letter, in the Tarot, sheds a great deal of insight on its current significance in W.O.R.D., revealing its profound esoteric meaning. As stated: “A tomb emerges from the ground, and a trio – man, woman, and child – emerge from it, their hands clasped in a gesture of reverence.”

In what ways can we more effectively convey the rejuvenation of nature through the influence of language? The way the symbol aligns with the Hebrew hieroglyphic is truly remarkable. The tomb, cave, or manger is where the Seed, the WORD, the “Son of Man” is born, bringing redemption to Adam man, as long as there is no interference.

The carnal man, previously dead in trespass and sin, experiences a rebirth into a new life under the influence of the Word. The Hebrew letter “D,” also known as “Daleth,” represents the womb, door, and mouth, symbolizing abundance through division. Daleth signifies creation in accordance with divine laws and the supremacy of spirit over matter.

The Tarot masterfully interprets its meaning in the following manner: “Within the Divine realm, it signifies the will of the Father. Within the realm of humanity, it embodies the power of Adam. Within the realm of nature, it encompasses the universal creative fluid, the soul of the Universe. In the realm of astronomy, it aligns with Jupiter.”

To summarize, the letter “D” represents the solar plexus within the human body, reflecting the true sun (the Father) and serving as the origin of all things.

W.O.R.D., in essence, symbolizes the creation of the immaculate being (SEED, fish, fruit, Jesus) Vishnu, Joshua, Moses, Horus, etc., etc., within the depths of the earth (solar plexus) – the tomb, cave, or manger – through the utilization of the universal creative fluid and in accordance with divine laws. Which has the power to elevate and transform the Adam man, enabling him to embody the celestial “Lord God from heaven” – the tangible manifestation of the WORD MADE FLESH.

John 1:14 declares that the divine essence took on human form and dwelled among us. This passage emphasizes that the term “Word” extends beyond mere speech. In Hebrew, the seventeenth letter, Phe, represents speech. Nevertheless, in this context, it signifies the force that dispenses life’s essence, enabling perpetual renewal of creations even after destruction.

Our ability to communicate allows us to either destruct or construct. The combination of the letters “O” and “R” symbolizes a precious substance, originally known as “gold,” as our ancestors understood that the sun’s radiant rays, referred to as “golden,” transformed within us, giving birth to creative matter.

The Bible reminds us that our survival is not solely dependent on physical nourishment, such as bread, but also on the spiritual sustenance that originates from God. This underscores the need to preserve this invaluable essence in order to truly thrive.

From an anatomical perspective, the pathway beneath the sutures that descends into the thalamus can be seen as the mouth of God. It is through the cerebrum, the higher brain, that the most extraordinary “gift” is bestowed upon the human body. The solar plexus serves as the visible mouth, while the hidden “mouth” remains unseen.

By referring to reputable medical sources like Gray’s Anatomy or a reliable medical dictionary, one can observe the detailed illustration of a 26-day old fetus. Upon examination, it becomes evident that the majority of the body is composed of brain matter, resembling an elongated brain.

The Father-Mother substance, also known as the upper brain, provides the essential building blocks for the body. It is truly the Alpha, the very foundation. Those who indulge in excesses and lead degenerate lives suffer from a severe lack of this invaluable substance, and their physical appearance clearly reflects the disrespect shown towards their own bodies.

The Sacred Secretion

Through regeneration, man has the ability to save his soul from corruption and elevate it to a state free from corruption. The power of speech can be likened to the intricate workings of the planets. As it is said, “The heavens proclaim the magnificence of God, and the sky displays his craftsmanship.”

Day after day, words are spoken and knowledge is revealed during the night. Their voice is heard in every speech and language. The celestial bodies, including the planets, possess their unique power, impact, or communication on our planet.

We acknowledge the moon’s control over the tides and the sun’s vital role in sustaining life. Therefore, it would be illogical to disregard the influence of the remaining planets.

From the preceding analysis, it becomes apparent that Word and voice or speech are completely separate concepts. John used the term “WORD” to denote the invaluable creative substance. The parable in Luke 8:11 explains that the Seed represents the Word of God.

Seed, Word, and God are interchangeable terms for the universal creative substance from which all things originate and exist. The Bible provides insight into the nature of the Word of God through its allegories and parables.

The Seed, which is considered the origin of all things. The Seed is essentially “the beginning.” The WORD was present at the start. The fluid, oil, or marrow that descends from the upper brain through the spinal cord is derived from the Creator or Father, also known as the “Most High.”

In physiology, this substance is referred to as ovum or generative Seed, the essence of life that shapes the mortal human body. In the Greek language of the New Testament, the marrow is referred to as Christ, meaning oil.

Through refinement and elevation, this oil becomes highly vitalized, capable of regenerating the body and conquering death. The key to lifting it up lies in raising the Son of Man, the Seed, the Word, the Savior.

The salt mentioned in the Bible symbolizes the oil in the spinal cord, representing Christ, while the Seed, or Jesus, the Savior. Both the salt and the savior originate from the Father, located in the upper brain.

According to the Bible allegory, Jesus, the Seed, declares, “Without my Father I can do nothing.” The material forming the Seed has undergone a different process from that forming the oil.

The oil’s chemical formula is J.O.H.N., and it is important to note that Jesus was baptized or anointed of John, not by John, as some may mistakenly quote. When we elevate or uplift the oil within our spinal cord, through the power of the Seed and by preserving it, it becomes a physiological and chemical process that occurs within each individual’s body.

The greatness of man surpasses any mystery or marvel in the entire universe. Throughout history, the phrase “Man know thyself” has echoed, yet only a select few have truly heeded the wisdom of the Delphic oracle and explored their inner selves.

There is a wonderful “Strait and narrow way,” a real strait, not straight, which extends from the upper brain, the cerebrum, to the end of the spinal cord, otherwise named Jordan, in the Bible.

The Hebrew translation reveals that this signifies a descender or the “River of God.” The path of the “Strait and Narrow Way” is essentially the River of God, as it guides towards the Father – the Most High – the higher mind. Just like the Jordan River flows into the Dead Sea, the spinal cord ends in the area known in medical terms as Sodom. Josephus called this area the “Lake of Sodom,” while other texts mention it as the “Sea of Lot” or “Lake Asphaltus.”

The symbology student can easily observe that the murky pool gives rise to the lotus, a magnificent flower with countless petals that reflects the image of its creator in its golden core.

The remarkable pneumogastric nerve, originating from the floor of the fourth ventricle in the head and connected to the cerebellum, traverses the spinal cord (known as Jordan) at the base of the Skull Golgotha.

It then extends its numerous branches to the throat, lungs, heart, and stomach, ultimately terminating in a plexus beneath the latter organ. This plexus is referred to as the androgynous brain, the stomach brain, or the solar plexus.

This remarkable nerve possesses six distinct physical functions, in addition to its profound role as the conduit for the Holy Breath, or Holy Ghost, which is essential for the conception of the Holy Child, the WORD.

In biblical terms, the solar plexus is also symbolic of a manger, cave, and Bethlehem, as it is located at the center of this network of nerves, housing a thimble-shaped cavity or depression from which the redeemer of mankind, Adam, emerges.

In a dual sense, it serves as the “house of bread,” where the divine bread or Seed is created, positioned directly behind the physical house of bread, the stomach.

“Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every WORD (Seed) that cometh from the mouth of God.” Jesus was born in Bethlehem, and this Word means in Hebrew “house (Beth) of bread (lehem).”

See how wonderfully the Hebrew words expressed the true meaning of the hidden truth. “I am the bread of life.” In the central part of the head is the wonderful chamber or bed, called the “thalamus.”

Santee’s Anatomy of the Brain and Spinal Cord” describes it thus: “It is the great ganglion of the inter-brain. The thalamus is an important sensory relay station. Its medial part is concerned with smell and its lateral part with common sensation and taste.

Head and Holmes stated that the thalamus serves as an organ of consciousness for pain and temperature impulses. The third ventricle divides the thalami, connecting them at the mid-point with the MASSA INTERMEDIA.

Positioned behind and towards the middle of the corpus striatum, the thalamus extends over the mid-brain. It is adjacent to the superior lamina of the internal capsule laterally, separating it from the lentiform nucleus. The thalamus has an egg-like shape, with the narrow end facing forward.

Measuring 4 cm in length and 2.5 cm in width and thickness, the thalamus has interior and posterior extremities, along with four distinct surfaces: superior, inferior, medial, and lateral. The striking resemblance to an egg shape is why ancient religions often reference the thalamus, as it looks like a beetle in cross sections of the brain.

The scarabaeus in Egypt symbolizes the egg of immortality, the light of the world. It is the sacred chamber, the HOLY OF HOLIES, where the ark of the covenant is hidden. In the Egyptian Book of the Dead, it is known as the “Boat of Seker.”

Every religion throughout history has narrated, in its own language, the same tale – the same physiological process occurring within the human body. Located on the back side of the thalamus is the pineal body, a cone-shaped structure measuring 6 mm (0.25 in.) in height and 4 mm (0.17 in.) in diameter, connected to the roof of the third ventricle by a flattened stalk called the habenula.

Santee describes the interior of the pineal body as consisting of closed follicles surrounded by connective tissue. Within the follicles, one can observe a combination of epithelial cells and calcareous matter, commonly referred to as brain-sand.

This particular detail holds great significance for those who delve into esoteric knowledge. It serves as a confirmation of the prophetic words of Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, a renowned occultist, whose writings from nearly half a century ago have been vindicated by the advancements of modern science.

This realization challenges us to reconsider the dismissal of seers and mystics, as their teachings may contain profound and accurate insights. The top part of the pineal gland is known as the optic, or eye, the “All-seeing Eye,” representing the illuminating light of the candle that “Shines light throughout the entire house.”

This pineal gland is considered the male spiritual organ. Evidence of its male nature can be found in any reputable physiological chart or anatomy, where you will notice that the lower sections of this organ are named “corpora quadrigemina,” which translates to “four-fold bodies” – two nates (buttocks), and two testes (testicles).

This demonstrates that, despite skepticism, even the mocking scientist has inadvertently validated the findings of occult studies regarding this gland. In both esoteric and physiological contexts, this is Joseph, symbolizing growth, the father of Jesus, the Seed, the Savior.

It serves as the conduit through which the body’s electrical energies flow. It serves as one of the distinguishing features of THAT – the universal essence that is stored, materialized, in the cerebrum, the upper brain.

In Medieval Hebrew, it is known as “The Crystalline Dew” from heaven, deposited in the cranium, as mentioned in the Sacred Books of the East. The symbolic representation found in our Bible is mirrored in ancient Scriptures across all nations.

A portion of this remarkable essence, this Father, descends from the upper brain to the pineal body, where it transforms – taking on masculine, positive, electrical qualities and functions.

Across from the thalamus lies the pituitary body, the feminine spiritual organ. This small, reddish, ellipsoid organ is situated in a depression of the sphenoid bone and is connected to the brain by a peduncle. It consists of two lobes, one yellowish-gray and the other reddish-gray in color.

The gland, known as the pineal gland, secretes a substance called mucous or phlegm, which is responsible for its name. This gland receives its secretion from the Father, the universal ESSE, the undifferentiated substance from which all things originate.

When this substance flows into the gland, it takes on a magnetic, feminine quality and action. It is often referred to as the Mare, Mary, representing pure sea or water, and is considered the Mother of the Holy Child.

In the Bible, the pineal gland is directly mentioned as Mount Penial, where Jacob wrestled with the Angel of the Lord. In Hebrew, the Word for this gland means “Face of God,” emphasizing its divine nature.

The top of the gland is associated with the eye, as it is located in the face. Additionally, there is a nerve connected to the pineal gland called the “pingala,” mentioned in secret writings. This nerve crosses the spinal cord at the base of the skull, in the medulla oblongata, and runs down the right side of the spinal cord until its end.

Similarly, linked to the pituitary body is the Ida nerve, crossing the spinal cord where the Pingala crosses, descending down the left side of the spinal cord to its base. The two nerves converge at the semi-luna ganglion, merging into the solar plexus.

The divine essence, differentiated by entering these glands, becomes Mary and Joseph, the parents of the holy child. This material substance enters the solar plexus, combining with the Holy Breath to give birth to the Seed—the bread meant to be consumed in the “Father’s Kingdom.”

The first Seed forms in the solar plexus of each individual at the age of twelve, known as puberty. Afterwards, it occurs every 29½ days, happening in each person when the moon is in the same sign as the sun was at their birth.

Herod, Pharaoh, desires, and emotions all attempt to destroy this Divine Child. The Sanskrit text from Vol. II of the Secret Doctrine by H. P. Blavatsky warns of the constant danger faced by the Seed, child, fruit, or fish. “While Vaivasvata was meditating by the river, a FISH seeks protection from a larger FISH.

He saves it and places it in a jar (solar plexus) which grows larger and larger, forewarning him of the impending flood. (Note the gold fish in the jar). Vaivasvata Manu, the Son of Surya, the Sun, and the Savior of our race, is intricately linked to the Seed of life, both physically and spiritually.”

The importance of the above is clear. In the Bible, we come across this phrase: “Joseph shall have a double portion.” Joseph was among the offspring of Jacob, whose name means “circle” in Hebrew. Later on, his name was changed to Israel, making the sons of Jacob also the sons of Israel.

The Zodiac signs are also linked to the children of Jacob, and when related to physiology, they pertain to the solar plexus and the twelve forces concentrated there. All the energies that enter the human body are absorbed in this region and then emanate from there.

Joseph symbolizes one of these divisions or centers, and this is one of his portions. The other is the pineal gland, which is also Joseph. All the tribes mentioned, such as Gad, Reuben, Levi, etc., actually symbolize the forces at work within the human body, not actual groups of people.

The Seed, Fruit, Fish, Bread, and Savior are all found within the solar plexus. It is crucial to elevate, save, or raise this Seed, as stated in John 12:32. This Seed must be brought into the spinal cord, baptized by JOHN, and anointed with oil.

The story of the Ark of the MOST HIGH GOD being carried by the Priests of the Twelve Tribes into the Jordan in the book of Joshua mirrors the baptism of Jesus by John in the New Testament.

The Hebrews recounted their tale in the Old Testament, while the Greeks shared theirs in the New Testament. In the story of Joshua (meaning fish in Hebrew), we see him ordering the sun and moon to halt as he defeated his enemies.

The ganglion attached to the solar plexus, known as the semi-lunar ganglion, is associated with the moon. Nerves from this plexus reach the lower body and connect with the reproductive organs. It is no surprise that Joshua commanded these forces to be still, allowing the Seed to safely pass into the Jordan.

Just below this pathway to the spinal cord lies another passage known as the “fish-gate,” leading directly to the genitals. If the lower desires are not subdued, the Seed or Fish will be “swallowed” by the generative fish.

By controlling these lower forces, the High Priests of the body, the higher forces, take charge, guiding the Seed into the Jordan. During the flood, when the Jordan overflowed its banks and the Ark was carried into the Jordan, it clearly indicates the precise location of the entrance into the spinal cord.

This specific part of the cord is the widest – where it “stands up” or connects with the area known as Sodom and Gomorrah anatomically. At the spot where the ARK entered the “water,” twelve men were selected to erect stones, and according to the Bible, “They are there to this day.”

These twelve stones correspond to the twelve Dorsal vertebrae, with each vertebra having a nerve attached to it that is part of the solar plexus. These twelve nerves end in the solar plexus. They are the twelve priests whose actions allowed the Ark to enter the “River of God.” These twelve forces, therefore, lifted the ARK out of the water.

They destroyed the walls of Jericho and entered the city with the ARK of the MOST HIGH GOD. In the New Testament, Jesus was baptized in the Jordan River. Later, before His crucifixion, He prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane.

In terms of anatomy, this location is close to the Medulla Oblongata, with olives on each side, a fact supported by anatomy. There are also two “pyramids” in this area. Golgotha, meaning “place of the skull” in Hebrew, is located at the base of the skull where the spinal cord enters the head.

Here, a double cross is formed by the Adi, Pingala, and pneumogastric nerves, resembling the crosses of St. George and St. Andrew, with a human form displayed within. The ancient amulets and seals of Chaldea, Babylon, Assyria, Persia, and India all bear the same eight-pointed star or combined crosses.

This undeniable evidence leaves no room for doubt that these ancient records convey the same story as our own Scriptures. It is clear that they all revolve around one central theme – the mastery of the body.

The crucifixion of the Seed on the cross signifies its transformation and empowerment, as death is not its outcome. Just as we cross animals to enhance their qualities, crossed electric wires generate a stronger current.

Through the process of crossing or crucifixion, this Seed gains amplified power and attains the sought-after “illumination” it had previously desired. During the moment of glorification or illumination, the Seed did not utter the words “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me.”

This is a significant mistranslation and does not align with the request made just before the crucifixion. The accurate translation of this exclamation is “My God, my God, how thou dost glorify me.”

Doesn’t this interpretation better match the calm and sincere request “Father, the hour has come, glorify thy Son that thy Son may glorify thee?” If you read the book of John, you will notice the recurring themes of glory and glorification. John, or Ioannes, symbolizes ointment or oil in this context.

Glorify signifies illumination, the act of giving light and radiance. When the Seed passes over the crossed nerves and enters the pineal gland, it truly triggers illumination – a flash of light that elevates and expands the individual’s consciousness.

Man is the obstacle to its fulfillment. After Jesus’ crucifixion, Joseph claims his “body” and places it in his own tomb, which had never been used before. This Joseph is the same Joseph, the pineal gland, as no other man’s Seed had been absorbed by the gland before.

This is the first saved Seed, symbolizing the Son’s return to the Father, reuniting as one. Only a physiological explanation can truly clarify Jesus’ statement: “And greater things than I do, ye shall do, for I go unto my Father.”The first saved Seed brings about a transformation in the entire body, raising its vibration and purifying its fluids.

In 29½ days, a new Seed is born, made of a more refined and powerful material than the first Seed. Therefore, when it is crucified, it possesses greater power. The third Seed will also be raised to the third power, and so forth.

The entire body undergoes transformation with each Seed’s raising or saving. Paul states, “You are transformed by the renewing of your minds.” The mind, the brain, is indeed renewed by each Seed carried into the pineal gland along with the accompanying oil.

This, then, is the process whereby the WORD, which is also GOD AND SEED, regenerated, transforms the Adam man, so that he becomes the “LORD GOD from heaven.”

There are many direct references to the process, among which are the following: Corinthians 11:28, “But let a man examine himself and so eat of that bread and drink of that cup.” 11:29, “For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord’s body.”

Damn or damnation simply means to check or stop the “going on” or procedure. Cor. 11:30, “For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep.” Acts I, “Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven?

This same Jesus, which is taken up from you, into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.” II John, 7th verse, “He that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh, the same is Anti-Christ.” 

John 3:3, “Jesus answered and said unto him, verily, verily I say unto thee, except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of heaven.” 1st John 3:9, “Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin, for his Seed remaineth in him, and he cannot sin because he is born of God.”

Peter 1:23, “Being born again, not of corruptible Seed, but of incorruptible, by the WORD OF GOD, which liveth and abideth forever.” Luke 4:4, “And Jesus answered him, saying, it is written that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every WORD of God.”

Galatians 3:16, “Now to Abraham and his Seed were these promises made, and to thy Seed which is Christ.” Luke 8:11, “Now the parable is this; the Seed is the WORD OF GOD.” Colossians 1:26–27, “Even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and generations, but now is made manifest to his saints.

To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is CHRIST IN YOU, THE HOPE OF GLORY.” Deut. 28:38, “Thou shalt carry much Seed out into the field, and thou shalt gather but little in; for the locust shall consume it.”

Eating, devouring or gluttony. (See John the Baptist.) Matthew 13:27, “He answered and said unto them. He that soweth the good Seed is the Son of man.” (The Seed is the Son of Man.)

II Cor. 9:10, “Now he that ministereth Seed to the sower doth minister bread for your food, and multiply your Seed sown, and increase the fruits of your righteousness.” 

John 6:58, “This is that bread which came down from heaven; not as your fathers did eat manna and are dead. He that eateth of this bread shall LIVE FOREVER.” John 6:51, “I am the LIVING BREAD WHICH CAME DOWN FROM HEAVEN.

If any man eat of this bread he shall live forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.” 1st Cor. 15:21, “For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead.”

Isaiah 45:23, “The Word is gone out of my mouth.” Matthew 34:25, “My Word shall not pass away.” John 17:8, “I have given them the Word thou gavest me.” Psalms 119:130, “The entrance of thy Word giveth light.” The phrase, “The truth in a nut shell,” has a deep occult meaning. “I am the truth.”

“My WORD shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that whereunto it was sent.” Acts 13:26, “To you is the WORD of salvation sent.” Hebrews 2:2, “The WORD of God is quick and powerful.” Hebrews 6:5, “Have tasted the good WORD of God.”

Peter 2:2, “The sincere milk of the WORD.” Isaiah 30:23, “Thou shalt be given the rain of thy Seed, that thou shalt sow the ground withal; and bread of the increase of the earth and it shall be fat and plenteous.”

Psalms 68:11, “The Lord gave the WORD.” And yet Smith’s Bible Dictionary, in its seeming efforts to find the meaning of “WORD,” fails to quote Luke 8:11 “The SEED IS THE WORD OF GOD” Why is it? Was it because the immortal statement proves beyond peradventure that the Seed within us is the savior and not a man without? Error dies hard, but it always dies, and “Amid its worshippers.” 

The Sacred Secretion

There is a perpetual “Sacred Secretion” cycle occuring in the body. This inner alchemical cycle causes degeneration or regeneration physically, mentally, and spiritually depending on your vibration and choices.

The monthly cranial respiration cycle, controlled by your fluidic (lunar) body, corresponds with the moon’s movements. When the moon enters your zodiac sign every 29.53 days and for about 3.5 days afterwards, you have an opportunity to preserve and elevate your Sacred Secretion, leading to the awakening of Super Consciousness.

During this scheduled monthly period, you are infused with a unique blend of stellar, planetary, and lunar energy that is tailored to your individual astral self. This cosmic energy, in the form of photons, is essentially “Light” composed of electromagnetic energy.

The quality of this energy varies for each zodiac sign based on the atomic properties and strengths of the stars and planets within or close to each constellation. It is the distinctions within this energy that give rise to the unique traits, skills, passions, and quirks of each individual.

In occultism, the term used for this astral influx is “solar seeds,” whereas modern science refers to it as the “solar wind.” Scientifically speaking, the earth’s magnetosphere deflects the “solar wind,” which is a supersonic stream of charged particles, towards our planet.

The solar wind, consisting of charged atoms, is originally formed by photons. When observed under a microscope, these photon-light-particles take the shape of the sacred geometry’s “Seed of Life.” This “Seed of Life” is composed of seven interconnected circles, also known as the “Genesis Pattern,” and aligns with the cross section of DNA.

The scale of the moon (from crescent to full) impacts the strength of the astral influence as well. Each month, you receive your unique astral influx through the Earth’s satellite, the moon (which acts as a massive reflector for cosmic rays to reach you).

The reason behind the monthly chance for heightened consciousness awakening lies in the moon’s orbit interacting with the magnetic crystals in your brain. When the moon aligns with the exact position it occupied during your birth, the astral influx carries the identical influences or energies that were bestowed upon you by Source (God) at the time of your arrival.

Your unique astral influence is completely personalized and determined by your birth time, location, and date. Therefore, when the moon passes through your specific zodiac sign every month, you receive a customized boost of energy that is tailored just for you!

By embracing and embodying the teachings of enlightenment, this personalized astral influence can enhance your skills, cleanse your entire being, and provide you with a deeper understanding of yourself.

For those who are skeptical, let’s explore the scientific plausibility of this idea. In Quantum physics, the Implicate Order suggests that there is a connection between the physical, psychic, and spiritual realms.

This connection makes us open to various energetic influences from stars, planets, and the moon. The Implicate Order offers a holistic explanation of the human being and their environment. It reveals that information is received not just through sense receptors, but also through every cell of the human organism as organic piezoelectricity.

You may be familiar with the fact that there are various systems for monitoring astrological movements. Therefore, which system should be adhered to and for what reasons? The response encompasses both the tropical and sidereal perspectives:

The Tropical Zodiac is based on the sun’s position compared to the earth’s horizon. The Sidereal Zodiac measures the sun’s location in relation to the stars. These two systems can be compared to each other by superimposing them as wheels with the sun as the shared point of reference.

The alignment between the sidereal zodiac and the earth’s shadow reveals a comprehensive calculator, demonstrating the connection between the two and giving rise to the tropical zodiac.

Both systems are utilized in Biodynamic Agriculture, and both systems are essential for discovering the optimal time for your super consciousness awakening (Sacred Secretion) practice.

As the tropical period approaches, you will ready your body while the moon moves through the edges of your zodiac. In the sidereal phase, you will be set for a powerful rejuvenation.

The tropical/sidereal overlap’s importance is highlighted by Dr. George Carey in his book God-Man: The Word Made Flesh:

The tropical system is roughly 2.5 days ahead of the sidereal system, however, the distinction between the two systems is primarily based on space, distance, and perspective. Both systems are important in our existence because of the hermetic law of correspondence (implicate order).

For an effective Super Cconsciousness awakening practice, make sure to align it with the movement of the moon through your zodiac sign on both the tropical and sidereal calendars.

Calculate Your Sacred Secretion Timing

Find your TROPICAL sun sign by matching your birthdate with the corresponding sign on this list:

  • Aries (March 21 – April 19)
  • Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
  • Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
  • Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
  • Leo (July 23 – August 22)
  • Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
  • Libra (September 23 – October 22)
  • Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
  • Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
  • Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
  • Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
  • Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Find out the next time the moon will enter your birth sign by using a Tropical calendar or an App such as Deluxe Moon. Use a Sidereal calendar or an App to determine when the moon will move into your birth sign next.

The Deluxe Moon App is exceptional as it offers both a tropical mode and a sidereal mode, enabling users to access both time phases conveniently in one place. Now, let’s combine the durations of these two modes.

This is the exact and correct time for you to dedicate to your Sacred Secretion practice. It is important to note that the tropical phase lasts for a couple of days, the sidereal phase also lasts for a couple of days, and when you combine these two time-phases, you will have a period that ranges from 3.5-5 days.

Begin your practice for Deluxe Moon App when the moon enters tropical Pisces on October 7th. Conclude your practice when the moon departs sidereal Pisces on October 11th.

The tropical timing precedes the sidereal timing, so it is crucial to engage in regeneration practice throughout both systems to fully unlock your potential. This entails practicing during both tropical and sidereal days.

The Sacred Secretion

The body undergoes a continuous cycle that can lead to either degeneration or regeneration in physical, mental, and spiritual aspects based on our vibration and decisions. The lunar body’s regeneration occurs monthly in sync with the moon.

The solar body undergoes annual regeneration, aligning with the sun every 13 lunar cycles. Photons, in the form of light and electromagnetic energy, are absorbed by the brain, transforming into cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) within the body, and subsequently processed by the pineal and pituitary glands.

The autonomic nervous system serves as a pathway for the two potencies, namely the pineal and pituitary, as they flow through the body. These potencies merge and create the Seed in the spleen within the solar plexus. Following conception, a portion of the Seed will naturally ascend the spinal cord from the T12 (thoracic vertebrae), which Percival refers to as “automatic reclaiming”.

The leftover portion travels through the vagus nerve and moves down to the reproductive organs, where it receives more life force (unless it is expelled). According to Percival, through a process known as “voluntary reclaiming”, the revitalized Seed is reabsorbed back into the body, starting its journey upwards towards the cervical vertebrae (C4) for the baptism.

The journey to C4 involves passing through essential organs such as the kidneys and heart. Affection in the heart triggers the release of oxytocin by the pituitary gland, which acts as the trigger for pineal metabolism. Following its transformation by thyroxine, the Seed reaches the intersection of Ida and Pingala, as well as the vagus nerve, where it undergoes a crucifixion.

Following the crucifixion, the Seed is transported to the tomb, also known as the cerebellum. The cerebellum then allows the “resurrected” Seed to enter through the cerebellar lingula and into the fourth ventricle, which acts as a reservoir for cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). From there, the Seed is distributed throughout the CSF, as well as to the pituitary gland and the posterior commissure. This process triggers the pituitary gland to release abundant amounts of oxytocin and vasopressin, ultimately revitalizing the pineal gland.

Nitric oxide stimulates the pineal gland, resulting in a radiant glow and the formation of a link between these significant endocrine glands. Consequently, the pineal gland enhances melatonin production, generating DMT and other biochemicals associated with transcendent consciousness. The intensified cerebrospinal fluid is referred to as “Amrita – the elixir of the Gods” – magnetized and charged (ionized).

The CSF is greatly enhanced and infused with DMT, pinoline, and other biochemicals of heightened awareness, thanks to the powerful catalyst of nitric oxide. Without delay, the cycle restarts…and repeats… With each iteration, a portion of the essence descends through the central CSF canal via the ventricles, gradually purifying the body.

After the thirteenth round, the sushumna is fully cleared, enabling the Seed to travel directly from the coccygeal body to the brain. The Sacred Secretion’s biochemicals have powerful healing and rejuvenating properties, enhancing consciousness, cognitive abilities, higher senses, and overall health.

The entire process is influenced by two primary inputs – external and internal! The outcomes of chosen inputs will always be reflected in our bodies and circumstances.

The Sacred Secretion

Anyone aiming to safeguard and elevate the Sacred Secretion must be mindful of and control the two primary inputs with great care. Those who faithfully follow our blog and embrace the ways of the serpent should have no difficulty controlling these two inputs.

The way in which outside forces can influence all aspects of our being is a significant consideration:

  • Food
  • Drink
  • Media
  • Politics
  • Human Influence
  • Environment

How we let things influence us on every level internally:

  • Thought
  • Emotion
  • Sensations

The things listed here have an influence on our thoughts, emotions, habits, and behaviors, which then have an impact on our vibratory frequency and biochemistry. All inputs must be carefully considered and managed, particularly during your Sacred Secretion or super consciousness awakening practice.

All of the inputs come under ten simple guidelines, principles, or fundamentals for awakening the super consciousness:

  1. Semen and Ovum Retention
  2. Food and Water
  3. Fasting
  4. Attitude, State of Mind, and Emotions
  5. Sunlight
  6. Walking barefooted on the grass and Nature Solitude
  7. Sleep and Relaxation
  8. Exercise (Any form of cardiovascular activity and/or weight lifting)
  9. Breathwork and Meditation
  10. Yoga and/or Tai-Chi

To learn more about our journey, visit this page to get acquainted with the Serpent’s Way:

The Serpent’s Way is about doing everything that one should be doing when the moon enters your zodiac for 2.5 days each month. The creators of this blog perceive this direction as a way of life that transcends the notion of living purely due to the monthly occurrence of the moon in your zodiac sign.

If one is sincerely following the path we have set forth on this blog, then those who adhere to this path should face no obstacles in utilizing the Sacred Secretion. I would like to touch on two crucial points before wrapping up this article. Firstly, it is recommended to fast for 48 to 72 hours. This involves fasting one day before the moon enters your zodiac sign and an additional day after it exits.

It is important to only consume water during this period, as dry fasting is not advisable for beginners. When practicing sexual alchemy (sexual connection without ejaculation) to awaken the kundalini, it is important to refrain from sexual activities for 48 to 72 hours starting one day before and ending one day after the moon enters your zodiac sign. Those who follow celibacy as a way of life should not experience any issues on a monthly basis.

Daily meditation is a significant aspect of the Serpent’s Way, especially when the moon aligns with your zodiac sign and the Sacred Secretion. It is crucial to meditate intensely during this period.

In order for the Sacred Secretion process to occur, semen or ovum must be preserved through sexual alchemy or celibacy, as has been the case with all spiritual practices throughout history. Serpent’s Way and self-mastery are built upon the practice of retaining semen and ovum.

The Sacred Secretion

God-Man: The Word Made Flesh –

The Sacred Secretion –

The Science of The Sacred Secretion (Christ Oil) –

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