Path Of The Hermit

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Path of The Hermit

Path Of The Hermit

His life is not merely what it seems to be. Hidden from our eyes by the cloak of materiality is a wonderful world which only the eyes of the dreamer can see and the soul of the mystic comprehend. The stony walls of conventionalized thought and commercialized ideas shut from the view life’s noble path.

But as the ages pass, some see the greatness of the Divine Plan and comprehend the glorious destiny of the human soul. Sorrow, suffering, and loneliness are the great builders of character. Man never becomes truly great until his heart is broken. That is the supreme test. Those who are deepened and broadened by their experiences rise triumphant from the ruins of their dreams and pass on to fuller destiny.

There are theories which appeal to the reason, and there are truths which the mind can never know. Through the ages the emotion and intellect have struggled with each other for dominion over the soul and man has foolishly allowed his servants to become his masters.

Religion is not merely intellectual—although it must be logical and reasonable: religion, in order to unfold the spiritual nature, must be enshrined within the heart.

Every individual who comes into the world is a Lonely One—a stranger in a strange land. At birth he begins a search which continues until he is laid away in death—and probably afterwards. Few can define the object they seek. If they only realized one thing, the quest would be ended—each searches for himself.

We live in a world of shadows. These phantoms are our not-selves, but most of us mistake them for the real Self. Only ages of sorrow and suffering can bring that discrimination which shows us what is really worth while, and develops that determination which strengthens us for the attainment of the greatest good.

Path of The Hermit
Image from Nirwest Official

To the retainer. You are transitioning away from the world you have been accustomed to for a significant period of time. The bonds of desire that constrained you for many years, are being undone. Your fundamental life essence is in the process of being renewed.

The essence that brought you to this realm, which has been absent for so many years, is now beginning to grow and flourish again from within you. This strength will empower you to accomplish your life’s mission.

With each day that passes, it strengthens. By tapping into preserved energies, subtle changes start to manifest from deep within you. You might start perceiving things in a new light, viewing individuals in a different way, and experiencing emotions you’ve never experienced before.

You might distance yourself from the individuals in your life and feel the urge to withdraw to a solitary place. Eventually, you will evolve into a hermit. Initiating the practice of semen retention or ovum retention is like embarking on a journey.

A physical journey will bring you to a physical destination, but the process of self-transformation will bring you to a new state of existence. You are in the process of transforming into a spiritual alchemist. You are being given an offer without any monetary charge.

You barter your mundane pleasures, and in exchange are elevated to a superior state of existence, a state closer to that of the gods. You transform into a potent conduit, directing the energy of the universe into tangible forms.

As a retainer, you will channel the essence of the universal life force through your body and fingertips, which will be evident to others through your face, aura, words, actions, and creations.

Others acknowledge this important presence in everything that is made by your hands. You have the power to generate masterpieces in any endeavor you choose. The exceptional gift that ran through the blood of Leonardo Da Vinci, Nikola Tesla, Isaac Newton, all celibates and hermits, is within reach of those who can harness it.

Nonetheless, this is not a simple task. It demands a high level of self-discipline to conserve one’s vital energy. The skill to resist the allure of lustful desires is a rare quality in modern humans.

As you begin to retain semen or ovum, you will immerse yourself in solitude. You will find it impossible to resist the allure of daydreaming and self-stimulation for temporary solace. You will confront your true self and uncover deep, serene solitude.

At first, solitude may feel unbearable, but with time it becomes the most exquisite flavor that life has to offer. It is an acquired taste that will nurse your spirit back to health.

People who are more advanced in their retention journey may be quite comfortable with solitude and find joy in it. Preserving semen and ovum will amplify the sensation as you gradually detach from the draining pathways of your vitality that have kept you distracted and unproductive for so long.

A journey into solitude and spiritual enlightenment is symbolized by the hermit walking through the night. The retainer will inevitably find himself walking the path of the hermit.

The essence within you is akin to the light carried by a hermit, illuminating the path through the darkness. You may not see the destination, but the light is luminous enough to show you the next step. For many, solitude is a dark place. This journey covers countless miles.

You will trek along what seems like an infinite path through the dense forests of the mountains, sometimes braving snow storms, powerful winds, and all the challenges that nature presents. The hermit will stay on the trail, unfazed by whatever obstacles may arise, as the hermit understands this is simply a trial.

Path of The Hermit
Image from Nirwest Official

By initiating this journey, you boldly asserted your commitment to embodying the essence of life, and now nature is putting your resolve to the test. Declaring renunciation is one thing, but executing it is another.

As you progress down the lonely road, you start to realize that obstacles are turning into allies, the world is reacting positively to your positive mindset, and the path becomes smoother with each passing moment.

The elements within your peripheral vision, the figures, the backdrop, seem to undergo a metamorphosis as you travel. Yet, it’s not the external world that is evolving, but it is you, possibly experiencing change for the first time.

You are starting to perceive deeper layers within the very core of existence. You are beginning to understand what it means to be alive. The energies of people are becoming visible to you, and your heightened sensitivity allows you to sense the intentions of anyone you encounter.

Solitude is a valuable teacher that can lead you to profound insights about life. Don’t fear it, but instead embrace it and learn from it. Take the time to get comfortable with being alone before the inevitable moment when we all leave this world.

As you awaken, you access God’s wisdom and uncover knowledge beyond words. While the ultimate destination may be obscured during your journey, it will eventually become apparent to you.

Prior to that juncture, you will carry on down the road, a lone traveler, a hermit, aware that the essential forces will materialize without your conscious involvement. All you have to do is create the circumstances for its manifestation.

In the words of Henry David Thoreau:

Embrace solitude and be at peace with your own presence. Being alone doesn’t equate to loneliness. Invest time in yourself and you will uncover the answers you seek. The seeds of originality and genius lie within you, but you must quiet your mind to let your ideas flourish. Solitude is where creativity blossoms.

By preserving your life energy and delving into the question of your existence, your physical and mental abilities will significantly improve as you uncover the true purpose of your life and gain insight into your own essence.

This is the spark that will ignite your most crucial deeds in this world. Take the time to deeply ponder what you desire, or better yet, how you can make a difference. This is the true goal of the hermit’s quest.

Path of The Hermit
Image from Nirwest Official


Solitude is the Opportunity To Triumph Over Lust

On the road to retaining semen or ovum, the opposite sex is a distraction. Furthermore, if solitude is practiced properly, one must disconnect from all electronic devices. This will guarantee, especially for men, that access to pornography is cut off. The purpose of each of us is to evolve. It is an undeniable fact present in the legends of all cultures that one must conquer their own inner passions to progress spiritually. In mythological terms, personal growth is achieved when the hero defeats the dragon. The dragon or serpent serves as a representation of our primal urges, our lustful tendencies.


Solitude Centers You

Isolation offers a firm focal point, an inner core, that allows your focus to remain steady instead of being swayed by external distractions.


Solitude Connects You With Yourself

Technology is constantly stimulating us in this modern age, making it effortless to get lost for hours scrolling through social media, playing games, or binge-watching TV shows. The reality is that technology can disconnect us from our true selves.


Solitude Makes You Authentic

Realizing the impact of external influences on our personal identity can be both surprising and unsettling. Many people have shared that their career decisions or living arrangements were greatly influenced by the preferences of their social circle or family. While it may seem like an easy choice to align with their wishes, it may not always be a true reflection of our authentic selves. The most accessible options may not always be the most genuine ones. It is important to remember to prioritize our own desires and aspirations amidst the influence of others.


Solitude Creates Space To Grow

We are all interconnected in various ways, but at times, we need to create space for our personal growth. Many of us have responsibilities as friends, partners, parents, or children, but these responsibilities can be limiting. Meeting the expectations of those around you can hinder your ability to discover your true limits. Navigating social dynamics requires a lot of energy and focus, and in order to truly grow and evolve, you will need to use that intensity to push yourself beyond your current boundaries.


Solitude Inspires Creativity

In the midst of solitude, the most remarkable artistic works and inspired inventions are born. Solitude acts as a catalyst, providing the essential time, space, and intensity of focus required to bring ideas to fruition. Without external distractions, it allows for deep introspection and observation of inner truths.


Solitude Makes You Better Company

Delving into Solitude unveils unknown facets of your being, sparking the emergence of fresh interests and enthusiasms. By fostering these passions, you evolve into a fascinating individual. Engaging in solitary pursuits grants you the freedom to explore unconventional realms of knowledge, resulting in the acquisition of insightful information to impart to others.


Solitude Teaches You To Be Alone

While many people equate being alone with loneliness, the truth is quite different. Loneliness can deplete your energy and weigh you down, but solitude can actually rejuvenate both your body and mind. It teaches you how to find happiness in your own company and appreciate being alone without feeling lonely. Embracing solitude can also have a positive impact on your social life by reducing your dependence on others to dispel feelings of loneliness.


Solitude Affords Opportunity For Innerwork

Without inner work, purging, healing, transformation, and balanced awakening are not possible. Embracing inner work transforms your pain into strength, just like a genuine spiritual alchemist. This inner work naturally brings about genuine, profound change in the world, bit by bit.


Solitude & Reading Philosophy

Solitude serves as a spiritual practice for self-awareness, personal development, transformation, authenticity, and healing. Delving into philosophy is like feeding your soul. Philosophy is an integral component of The Serpent’s Way as it serves to ignite the inner flame within oneself. It provides the reasoning behind pursuing the path of self-mastery and Kundalini awakening.


Solitude In Nature

Spending time alone in nature enables a deep connection with the natural world and the creatures that inhabit the forest. The healing power of nature is essential for the spirit and plays a significant role in The Serpent’s Way. The most profound meditations and self-discoveries often occur when surrounded by the beauty of nature.


Solitude Is The Condition for Self-Mastery

Knowing all eleven benefits of solitude and being aware of the areas that make up The Serpent’s Way, solitude becomes the perfect environment for self-mastery.

For more details on solitude and the concept of spiritual fasting, please refer to the information provided here:

Path of The Hermit
Image from Nirwest Official

The SR Manucript –

The Way of the Lonely Ones –

Images from Nirwest Official

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