Inner Suns / Chakras

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Inner Suns / Chakras

Everything is energy, unseen or seen/materialized. Whenever people begin to explore the immense world of energy they tend to get stars in their eyes around the heart chakra. Quite a few New age practices are about operating from the heart center. Even though this can be useful it is somehow limited. The heart center has so many layers going on.

Some of the layers are hate, despair, depression, sadness, grief and resentment. All these layers suppress or cover the core of the heart which is LOVE. I’m speaking metaphorically and not anatomically here. The heart is one of the main seven energy centers. When you anchor your full awareness in your heart neglecting the other energy centers or chakras, overwhelms you. Is like working constantly and hard on fixing a raised bed in your garden and neglecting the other 6 raised beds.

In the 6 beds, weeds will grow or whatever is planted there might wilt.  You should work daily on all of them. The same applies for you energy centers. Your solar plexus is a better place to begin anchor your full awareness, instead of beginning with the heart. Unless the heart center is the last one left to be unblocked/balanced, assuming you have already worked on the other chakras/energy centers. The solar plexus deals with willpower, personal responsibility and self-esteem. When you develop personal responsibility  (as an example) you also develop self-awareness, you are conscious of your choices therefore, you think for yourself.

What good is going to do if you only focus on your heart if you cannot think for yourself. The world doesn’t get destroyed by evil people but by good hearted people that are naïve and cannot think for themselves. When you have this energy imbalanced, then you will have low-self esteem (not thinking for yourself), you will have manipulative tendencies which means that your heart cannot fully open if you have tendencies to lie and deceive for personal gain. You will misuse your powers.

Since everything is energy, and energy is neutral, you are the only one responsible what you do with the energy, you can use it to build and heal or harm and destroy. All energy is divine from the same source. All energy is neutral, neither positive not negative. Well, the electromagnetic field which is energy has both masculine and feminine (positive and negative) aspects to it but I am talking about the energy in relation to your actions. Your actions are what determine if energy is transmuted in negativity or positivity. The divine consciousness or energy gets expressed as the full spectrum of overall existence. Everything that is possible can be expressed. What you think is possible and what is possible is not the same thing.

Your energy centers are your inner suns or chakras. These inner suns are whirls of energy in the form of torus which connects consciousness with the existence. There is only one consciousness, the complete, absolute one that we all are part of. The word chakra means whirl of wheel because these energy centers spin or in circles like a wheel. These energy centers cannot be seen with the naked eye, but they can bee seen when you attune yourself to the spiritual void, when you vibrate very high in frequency you can see (with your third eye) things you cannot see with your physical eyes.

. The more you associate with your inner suns, the more you end up in the flow of your natural course or life path. When you energy centers begin to open or unblock, your digestive fire is stronger, your mind becomes clearer, your intentions become stronger and you feel loved and you will emit love back to the world. Your heart is your central sun. Your heart is the fourth energy center/chakra whether you begin counting from the bottom or the top. Your heart is in the middle, there are three chakras (or inner suns) above the heart chakra and three below. Starting from the bottom the order of the inner suns are the Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye and Crown.

Chakras have their own individual colors which are in agreement/accordance/unity with the basic colors of the spectrum of sunlight. These energy centers (chakras or inner suns) are on the exact location of the glands in the human body which determine all the hormonal functions as well as functioning of all the vital organs. We are much more complicated than we think we are. We are not just our physical body.  Technically we have a body but we are not it. It is imperative to balance the inner suns. In some books or online you may have read/heard “activating the chakras”. Without activated chakras we wouldn’t be able to exist. I’m sure the authors meant “balancing the chakras”.

We all have them since birth, but with time our body ended up in disharmony from a myriad of external poisons/influences. It is very important what you think, say and do daily for an optimal healthy existence. Everything you hear and see, affects your glands, organs, chakras and everything that makes you, “YOU”. Your body receives sunlight through the eyes at most. The chakras, sunlight, colors and the functioning of the vital organs interconnect in one union which gives life.

These energy centers play a crucial role in our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Understanding their significance can help you identify any blockages or imbalances, allowing you to take steps towards healing and balance.

  • ROOT chakra deals with Survival. This chakra is blocked by fear.
  • SACRAL chakra deals with Pleasure, it is blocked by guilt.
  • SOLAR PLEXUS chakra deals with Willpower, it is blocked by shame.
  • HEART chakra deals with Love and it is blocked by grief.
  • THROAT chakra deals with Truth, it is blocked by lies.
  • THIRD EYE chakra deals with Insight and it is blocked by illusion.
  • CROWN chakra deals with Cosmic Energy, it is blocked by ego.

Now let’s look at each individual chakra.

Inner Suns / Chakras

WHAT IS? The root chakra is the first chakra. Its energy is based on the earth element. It’s associated with the feeling of safety and grounding. It’s at the base of the chakra system and lays the foundation for expansion in your life. The root energy center connects us to the pure energy of nature, with the energy of PLANEt Earth. Our body receives all the vital energy for life from this chakra in the most elementary sense, whole and unpolarized. Our survival instinct derives from this raw energy base/root chakra.

Inner Suns / Chakras

LOCATION The first chakra or root chakra is located at the base of the spine. The corresponding body locations are the perineum, along the first three vertebrae, at the pelvic plexus. This chakra is often represented as a cone of energy starting at the base of the spine and going downward and then slightly bent up.

CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ROOT SUN/CHAKRA The first chakra is associated with the following functions or behavioral characteristics:

  • Security, safety
  • Survival
  • Basic needs (food, sleep, shelter, self-preservation, etc.)
  • Physicality, physical identity and aspects of self
  • Grounding
  • Support and foundation for living our lives

The root chakra provides the foundation on which we build our life. It supports us in growing and feeling safe into exploring all the aspects of life. It is related to our feeling of safety and security, whether it’s physical or regarding our bodily needs or metaphorical regarding housing and financial safety. To sum it up, the first chakra questions are around the idea of survival and safety. The root chakra is where we ground ourselves into the earth and anchor our energy into the manifest world.

IMBALANCED ROOT CHAKRA  At the emotional level, the deficiencies or imbalance in the first chakra are related to:

  • Excessive negativity, cynicism
  • Eating disorders
  • Greed, avarice
  • Illusion
  • Excessive feeling of insecurity, living on survival mode constantly

For a person who has imbalance in the first chakra, it might be hard to feel safe in the world and everything looks like a potential risk. The desire for security dominates and can translate into concerns over the job situation, physical safety, shelter, health. A blocked root chakra may turn into behaviours ruled mainly by fear. Your chakras might be blocked (the better term would be “imbalanced”) if you feel stuck, tired, or emotionally out of balance. These energy centers in your body can get “clogged” with negative feelings or life stress. Maybe you have trouble speaking your mind? That could mean your throat chakra (which you will read later) needs help.

Or perhaps money worries throw you off? Your root chakra may need some attention. Discovering your chakra system can be a thrilling step in your spiritual journey. Each of the seven chakras is tied to different parts of your being. They range from the root chakra, which connects to stability and survival, up to the crown chakra that links you with the universe and higher states of consciousness.

Feeling curious or out-of-sync might signal it’s time for a personal exploration. Knowing which specific chakra matches your energetic balance will help guide you. You may resonate more with one over others due to unique life experiences or current challenges faced.

Engaging with this self-awareness empowers you on a path filled with wisdom, healing, and growth. You might feel off or stuck in life if your chakras are not balanced. To find out which chakra may be imbalanced, pay attention to your body and emotions. Think about areas where you face issues.

Feeling anxious a lot? Your heart chakra might need some care. Trouble speaking up for yourself could mean your throat chakra is blocked. Take a moment each day to check in with yourself. Notice any strange feelings in different parts of your body. Do you have pain or tightness somewhere? This can signal an imbalance too.

Listening to what’s going on inside can help point out which chakras are asking for attention so that you can focus on healing them. Healing your chakras begins with identifying which one needs attention. By understanding the specific chakra that requires healing, you can focus on targeted practices like meditation, affirmations, or using healing stones to restore balance and vitality to that area of your life.

OPENING THE ROOT CHAKRA There are many ways to open the root chakra. For example, you can engage more in grounding and earth-related activities (for example, connection with nature, gardening, cooking healthy, hiking).

The main idea is to work at growing your ”roots” in a safe and comfortable environment (i.e., surround yourself with earth colors/colours, objects reminding you of nature, stability; or on the contrary, if you wish to feel less stuck, do the opposite).

Yoga for the root chakra can be a more physical way to bridge the body and mind and restore a more balanced energy flow.

WHAT’S IN THE MULADHARA OR ROOT CHAKRA NAME? -The first chakra is referred to as:

  • Root chakra
  • Muladhara
  • Adhara

Its Sanskrit name is ”Muladhara” can signify “base”, ‘foundation”, “root support”.

The first chakra is associated with the Earth element.

CHAKRA COLORS: THE RED CHAKRA -The typical color used to represent the root chakra is a rich vermilion red. This is the color used on its symbol to fill its petals. Traditionally, it is also associated with the color yellow or gold (this is the color of its element as opposed to its petals). In the spectrum of chakra colors, red symbolizes strength, vitality, and stimulates our instinctual tendencies.

ROOT CHAKRA SYMBOL -The symbol of the root chakra is composed of a four-petaled lotus flower, often stylized as a circle with four petals with a downward-pointing triangle.

The downward-pointing triangle is a symbol of spirit connecting with matter, grounding on the earth and our earthly existence, in our bodies. It’s seen as the center of our vital life force and is the seat where kundalini stays coiled, dormant, until is wakes up to distribute its energy through all the other chakras.

Inner Suns / Chakras

For the rest of the chakras/inner suns and much more check our (this website’s admins’) upcoming book by J.J and Tamo. Title of the book is not yet finalized. See our dragon consciousness section for a basic overview on the chakras:

(not titled/published yet) by J.J. and Tamo

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