

Manly P. Hall stated in his book The Occult Anatomy of Man, that according to the Mystery Schools the human body is divided into three major parts, and in analogy with this the universe without is said to be composed of three worlds: heaven, earth, and hell.

Heaven is the superior world and for some unknown reason is supposed to be above, although Ingersoll proved conclusively that owning to the rotation of the earth, up and down are always changing places.

Nearly all religions teach that God dwells in the heavens. Their members are taught to believe that God is above them. They raise their hands in prayer and lift their eyes to the heavens when they implore or petition him.

Among some nations he is supposed to dwell on the tops of mountains. Wherever he is and whatever he is, his place of domicile is above, overshadowing the world below.

Between heaven above and hell beneath is the earth which the Scandinavians called Midgard, or the middle garden. It is suspended in space and forms the dwelling place of men and other living creatures.

It is connected to the heavens by a rainbow bridge down which the gods descend. Its volcanic craters and fissures are said to connect it with hell, the land of darkness and oblivion. Here, “twixt heaven and earth dominion wielding,” as Goethe said, exists nature.

The green grass, the flowing rivers, the might ocean, exist only in the middle world, which is a sort of neutral ground where the hosts of good and evil fight the eternal battle of Armageddon.

Below, in darkness and flames, torment and suffering, is the world of Hel, which we have interpreted as hell. It is the great beneath: for as surely as we think of heaven as up, we think of hell as down, while this middle place (earth) seems to be (the dividing line them.)

In hell are the forces of evil, the tearing, rending, destroying powers which are always bringing sorrow to the earth and which struggle untiringly to overthrow the throne of gods in heaven.

The entire system is an anatomical myth, for the heaven-world of the ancients – the domed temple on the top of the mountain – was the skull with its divine contents. This is the home of the gods in man.

It is termed up because it occupies the northern end of the human spine. The temple of the gods who rule the earth is said to be at the North Pole, which also, by the way, is the home of Santa Claus, because the North Pole represents the positive end of the spinal column of the planetary lord.

Santa Claus, coming down the chimney with his sprig of evergreen (the Christmas) at the season of the year when nature is dead.

The same is true of the manna that descended to feed the Children of Israel in the wilderness, for this manna is a substance which comes down the spinal cord from the brain. The Hindus symbolized the spine as the stem of the sacred lotus; therefore the skull and contents are symbolized by the flower.

The Spinal column is Jacob’s ladder connecting heaven and earth, while its 33 segments are the degrees of Masonry and the number of years of the life of Christ. Up these segments the candidate ascends in consciousness to reach the temple of initiation located on the top of the mountain.

It is in this domed room with a hole in the floor (foramen magnum) that the great mystery initiations are given. The Himalaya mountains rise above the earth, representing the shoulders and upper half of the body.

They are the highest mountains of the world. Somewhere upon their summit stands the temple, resting (like the heavens of the Greeks) upon the shoulders of Atlas. It is interesting to to note that the atlas is the upper vertebra of the human spine upon which the condyles of the skull rest.

In the brain there are a number of caves (ventricles and folds), and in them (according to Eastern legends) live the wise men – the yogis and hermits. The caves of the yogis are said to be located at the head of the Ganges river.

Every religion has its sacred river. To the Christians it is the Jordan; to the Egyptians it is the Nile; while to the Hindus it is the Ganges. The sacred river is the spinal canal, which as its source among the peaks of the mountains.

They holy men in their retreats represent the spiritual sight in the human brain and are the seven sleepers of the Koran who must remain in the darkness of their caves unit caves until the spirit vitalizes them.

The brain is the upper room referred to in the Gospels where Jesus met with his disciples, and it is said that the disciples themselves represent the twelve convolutions of the brain.

It is these twelve convolutions which later send their messages by means of the nerves into the body below to convert the gentiles, or preach the Gospel in the middle earth.

These twelve convolutions gather around the central opening in the brain (the third ventricle), which is the Holy of Holies – the Mercy Seat – where between the spreading wings of the angles Jehovah talks with the high priest, and where both day and night the Shekinah’s glory hovers.

From this point also the spirit finally ascends from Golgotha, the place in the skull. It is a clairvoyant fact that the spirit not only leaves but also enters the body through the crown of the head, probably giving rise to the story of Santa Claus and his chimney.


The trinity in man lives in the three great chambers of the human body, from which they radiate their power throughout the three worlds. These centers are the brain, the heart, and the reproductive system, these are the three chambers of the pyramid.

In these three chambers dwell the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, who are symbolized by the three-lettered word, Aum. The transmutation, regeneration, and unfoldment of these three great centers result in the sounding of the Lost Word. From the spinal nerves come impulses and life forces which make this possible.

In the cerebellum, or posterior brain – which has charge of the motive system of human body and is the only brain developed in the animal – is to be found a little tree like growth which has long been symbolized by a sprig of acacia.

The two loves of cerebrum were called by the ancients Cain and Abel, and have much to do with the legend of the curse of Cain, which is literally the curse of unbalance. For the murder of the spirit of equilibrium, Cain is sent forth a wanderer upon the face of the earth.

The right half of the brain is under the control of Mercury – the planet of intelligence – and as a result of the crossing of the brain nerves at the base of the skull it rules the left side of the body.

The left half of the brain, under the control of Mars – the spirit of anger and impulse – rules the right side of the body and likewise the strong right arm.

In the skull is the switchboard which controls the activities of the body. Every function of man below the neck is controlled by a center of consciousness in the brain. Proof of this is the fact that injury to certain centers of the brain results in paralysis of various parts of the body.

Medical science now knows that the spinal cord is an elongation of the brain, and some authorities even claim the cord to be capable of intelligence throughout its entire length.

This cord is the flaming sword which is supposed to have stood at the gates of the Garden of Eden. However, in Esoteric Gnosticism, the flaming sword is said to be an awakened Kundalini. The Garden of Eden is in the skull, within which is a tree bearing twelve fruit.

The brain is filled with vaulted chambers and passageways which have their correspondence in the spans and arches of the temples, while the third ventricle is undoubtedly the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid.

The spinal cord is the serpent of the ancients. Manly P. Hall is writing based off occult knowledge of the ancient mystery schools. The creators of this blog stand behind the position of esotericism of the ancients, which held that the serpent is the Kundalini. The spinal cord being the Tree of Life.

The brain is filled with vaulted chambers and passageways which have their correspondence in the spans and arches of the temples, while the third ventricle is undoubtedly the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid.

The spinal cord is the serpent of the ancients. Again, we stand behind the esoteric view of the ancients that the serpent is the Kundalini. However, this doesn’t discredit Manly P. Hall’s interpretation, as he is one of the most influential occult philosophers of the century.

In Central and South America the Savior God is called Quetzalcoatl. His name means a feathered serpent, and this has always been his symbol. This is the brazen serpent raised by Moses in the wilderness.

The nine rattles on the tail of the serpent are called the number of man, and they represent the sacral and coccygeal bones within whose centers the secret of human evolution is contained (Kundalini is the secret of human evolution).

Every organ of the physical body is reproduced in the brain, where it can be traced by the law of analogy. There are two embryonic human forms, one male and the other female, twisted together in the brain.

These are the Yin and the Yang of China, the black and white dragons biting each other. One of these figures has as its organ of expression in the pineal gland, and the other in the pituitary body. These two ductless glands are well worth consideration, for they are very important factors in the unfolding of human consciousness.

It is known that these glands are larger and more active in higher grades of mentality than those of lower quality, and in certain congenital idiots they are very small. These two little glands are called the head and the tail of the dragon of wisdom. They are the copper and zinc poles of an electric circuit which has the entire body as a battery.

The pituitary body (which rests in the sella turcica of the sphenoid bone directly behind and just a little below the bridge of the nose and connected to the third ventricle by a tiny tube called infundibulum) is the feminine pole, or negative center, which has charge of expressions of the physical energy.

Its activity also regulates to a large degree the size and weight of the body. It is also a thermometer revealing disorder in any other of the chain of ductless glands. Endocrinology (the study of the ductless glands and their secretions) is still in its experimental state, but some day it will be revealed as the most important of all medical sciences.

The pituitary body is known under the following symbols by the ancient world: The alchemical retort, the mouth of the dragon, the Virgin Mary, the Holy Grail, the lunar crescent, the laver of purification, one of the cherubim of the Arch, the Isis of Egypt, the Radha of India, and the fish’s mouth.

It may well be called the hope of glory of the physical man. At the opposite end of the third ventricle and a little higher is the pineal gland, which looks not unlike a pine cone (from which it secured its name).

Sir Ernest Alfred Budge, keeper of the Egyptian antiquities in the British Museum, mentions in one of his works the Egyptian custom of tying pine cones on the tops of their heads. He stated that in the papyrus rolls these cones are fastened to the tops of the heads of the dead when taken into the presence of Osiris, Lord of the Underworld.

Undoubtedly this symbol referred to the pineal gland. It was also the custom of certain African tribes to fasten pieces of fat to the tops of their heads, and allow them to melt in the sun and run down over them, as part of their religious observances.

It is interesting that the American Indian should wear his feather – which was originally symbolical of spiritual perception – in the same place where the Christian monk shaves his head.

The Hindus teach that the pineal gland is the third eye, call the Eye of Dangma. It is called by the Buddhists the all-seeing eye, and is spoken of in Christianity as the eye single.

We are told that ages ago the pineal gland was an organ of sense orientation by which man cognized the spiritual world, but that with the coming of the material senses and the two objective eyes it ceased to be used, and during the time of the Lemurian race, retreated to its present position in the brain.

Is is said that children, recapitulating their previous periods of evolution, have a limited use of the third eye up to their seventh year, at which time the skull bones grow together. This accounts for the semi-clairvoyant condition of children, who far more sensitive than adults along psychic lines.

The pineal gland is supposed to secrete an oil, which is called resin, the life of the pine tree. This word is said to be involved in the origin of the Rosicruians, who were working with the secretions of the pineal gland and seeking to open the eye single; for it is said in Scripture:

The pineal gland is the tail of the dragon and has a tiny finger-like protuberance at one end. This gland is called Joseph for it is the father of the God-man. The finger-like protuberance is called the staff of God, sometimes the holy spear. Its shape is like the evaporating vessel of the alchemists.

It is a spiritual organ which is later destined to be what it once was, namely, a connecting link between the human and divine. The vibrating finger on the end of this gland is the rod of Jesse and the scepter of the high priest.

Certain exercises as given in Eastern and the Western Mystery Schools cause this little finger to vibrate, resulting in buzzing, droning sound in the brain. This is sometimes very distressing, especially when the individual who experiences the phenomenon, in all too many cases, knows nothing about the experience through which he is passing.

In the middle of the brain and surrounded by the convolutions is the third ventricle, a vaulted chamber of initiation. Around it sit three kings, three great centers of life and power – the pituitary body, the pineal gland, and the optic thalamus.

In this chamber also is a small gritty seed which undoubtedly connected with the king’s coffer in the Great Pyramid. The third ventricle is supposed to be the seat of the soul, and the aura radiating from the heads of saints and sages is said to represent the golden glow from this third ventricle.

Between the eyes and just above the root of the nose is a spreading in the frontal bone of the skull which is called the frontal sinus. The slight bulge caused by the spreading of this bone is known to phrenology as the seat of individuality.

It is here that the jewels are placed on the foreheads of the Buddhas, and it is also from this point that the serpent rose from the crown of the ancient Egyptians. Several of the Mystery Schools teach that this is the seat of Jehovah in the human body.

While his function is through the generative system, his center of consciousness as a part of the spirit of man is supposed to be located in a sea of blue ether called the veil of Isis, in the center of the frontal sinus. When clairvoyantly studying the body of man that little point always shows up as a black dot and cannot be analyzed.

The Palatine hill of the ancients, upon which were built the temples of Jupiter and Juno, also has its place in the human body. The palate bone is a sort of hill-shaped structure, and right above it are the orbital cavities containing the two eyes, which are the Jupiter and Juno of the ancient world.

The cross, of course, represents the human body. The upper limb of it is the head of man rising above the horizontal line of his outstretched arms. As already stated, the great churches and cathedrals of the world have been built in the form of a cross, and contain (where the head should be) the altar upon which are burning lighted candles.

These candles are symbolic of spiritual sense centers in the brain, while the custom of placing a rose window over the altar suggests the soft place in the top of the skull.

The winged bone, which medical science knows as the sphenoid, is the Egyptian scarab carrying in its claws the pituitary body and also bearing aloft the gleaming spark of immortality located in the frontal sinus.

We are told in ancient mythologies that the gods came down from heaven and walked with men, instructing them in the arts and sciences. In a similar way the godlike powers in man descend from heaven world of his brain to carry on work of constructing and reconstructing natural substances.

We are told that in the ultimate of evolution of man’s body will slowly be dissolved back again into the brain (which was its origin) until nothing remains but seven globular centers radiating seven perfect sense perceptions, which are the spirits before the throne and the saviors which he is bringing into the world to redeem it through the seven periods of his growth.

Man is an inverted plant, gaining his nourishment from the sun as the plant does from the earth. As the life of the plant ascends its stem to nourish its leaves and branches, so the life of man (rooted in the brain) descends to produce the same result.

This life descending is symbolized as the world saviors who come down into the world to die for men. Later these lives are returned again to the brain, where they glorify man before all the worlds creation. So much for the story of the brain.

Connecting the two worlds (heaven above and the sphere of darkness below) is the spinal column, a chain of 33 segments protecting within them the spinal cord. This ladder of bones plays a very important part in the religious symbolism of the ancients.

It is often referred to as a winding road or stairway. Sometimes it is called the serpent; at other times, the wand or scepter. The Hindus teach that there are three distinct canals or tubes in the spinal system.

They call them Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna. These tubes connect the lower generative centers of the body with the brain. The Greeks symbolized them by the Caduceus, or winged staff of Hermes.

This consisted of a long rod (the central Sushumna), which ended in a knob or ball (the pons of the medulla oblongata). On each side of this knob are wings arched over, used to represent the two lobes of the cerebrum.

Up this staff and twisted around it wind two serpents, one black and other white.

The ancient Hindus have a legend concerning the goddess Kundalini, in which it is said she descended by means of a ladder or cord from heaven to a little island floating in the great sea.

Connecting this with embryology, it is evident that the ladder is cut away from heaven, the goddess flees while the little island is the solar plexus. When the ladder is cut away from heaven, the goddess flees in terror to a cave (sacral plexus), where she hides far from the sight of men.

Like Amaterasu, the Japanese Goddess of the Shining Lace, she must be lured from her cave, for while she is there and refuses to come forth, the world is in darkness. Kundalini is a Sanskrit word meaning “a serpentine or twisting gas or force”.

This force, so the Eastern sages claim, can be drawn up through the central spinal canal (the Sushumna). When this essence strikes the brain it opens the center of spiritual consciousness and inner perception, bringing with it spiritual illumination.

This system of culture whereby this is made possible is the most secret teaching of the Eastern saints, for they realize that this spiral, twisting force is not only illuminating but, like the serpent which is its symbol, also a deadly poison.

Along the spine are a number of nerve ganglia and plexuses. All of these have their place in religious symbolism. For example, we are told that the early Jews called the sacral plexus and the sacrococcygeal ganglion the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.

There is a small plexus in the region of the kidneys called the sagittarial plexus, which the ancients knew as the city of Tarsus where St. Paul fought with the beasts.

Higher occultism teaches that the lotus blossoms (nerve centers of the spine) are reflections or negative poles bearing witness of seven great positive centers of consciousness located in the brain.

These seven function through the centers on the spine approximately the same way that the seven spirits before the throne function through the planetary bodies. The disciple is warned not to work with the centers upon the spine, but to labor instead with their true rulers – the centers in the brain.

The wanderings of the Children of Israel in the wilderness, the pilgrimage of the Mohammedan to Mecca, the endless pilgrimages of Hindu holy men who spend their lives going from one shrine to another, represent the pilgrimage of the spirit fire (Kundalini) through the never centers along the spine.

By certain specifications, force is turned into these centers one after the other until, when seen clairvoyantly, they are great, flower-like areas from which light rays stream like petals.

Each of these lotus blossoms has a different number of petals according to the number of nerves which branch out from it.

It is said that the Logos, when the time came to create the material universe, entered a state of deep meditation, centralizing his thought power upon the seven flower-like centers of the seven worlds.

Gradually, his life force descended from the brain (which was the great superior world) and striking these flowers one after the other, gave birth to the lower worlds.

When at last his spirit fire struck the lowest center, the physical world was created, and his fire was at the base of the spine.

When the world returns to him again and he once more becomes supreme in consciousness it will be because he withdraws the life from these seven centers, beginning with the lowest, and returns it again to the brain.

Thus the path of evolution for all living things is to raise this fire, whose descent made their manifestation in these lower worlds possible and whose raising brings them into harmony once more with the superior worlds.

Because of the fact that this spinal fire is a twisting, serpentine force, the snake has been used in all parts of the world to represent the world saviors.


The uracus worn by Egyptian priests upon their foreheads was symbolic of Kundalini, the sacred cobra who, when she was raised in the wilderness, save all who gazed upon her (Moses and the brazen serpent).

As the brain is the center of the divine world, so the solar plexus is the center of the human world, for, representing semi-consciousness, it links the unconsciousness below with the consciousness above.

Man is not only capable of thinking with his brain; he is capable of a certain phase of thought through the never centers of the solar plexus. It will probably be wise at this point to describe the difference between a medium and a clairvoyant.

To the average person there is no difference, but to the mystic these two phases of spiritual sight are separated by the entire span of human evolution.

A clairvoyant is one has raised the spinal serpent (Kundalini) into the brain and by his growth earned the right of perceiving the invisible worlds with the aid of the third eye, or pineal gland.

This organ of consciousness, which millions of years connected man with the invisible worlds, closed during the Lemurian period when the objective senses began to develop.

The occultist, however, by the process of development hinted at before, may reopen this eye and by means of it explore the invisible worlds. Clairvoyants are not born; they are made.

Mediums are not made; they are born. The clairvoyant can become such only after years, sometimes lives, of self-preparation; on the other hand, the medium, by sitting in a darkened room, or by other similar practices, may secure results in a few days.

The medium uses the solar plexus as a mirror, and upon its sensitive nerves are reflected pictures recorded in the invisible ethers.

Through the spleen (which is the gateway to the etheric body) the medium permits decarnate intelligences to come into his spiritual constitution, the result being voices and other spirit manifestations.

Automatic writing is gained by permitting the etheric arm of an outside intelligence to control temporarily the physical arm of the medium. This is not possible until the medium removes his own etheric double from the arm, for two things cannot occupy the same place at the same time.

Mediumship is unnatural to man, while clairvoyance is the natural result of growth and unfolding of the spiritual nature.

There are a hundred mediums to one clairvoyant, for the clairvoyant can become such only through self-mastery and the exertion of tremendous power; while the weaker, the more sickly, and the more nervous an individual is, the better medium he makes.

The clairvoyant is unfolding his mind by filling it with useful knowledge, while the first instruction given to the would-be medium is, “Make your mind a blank.”

The difference, therefore between mediumship and clairvoyance is about half the length of the spinal column. It is the difference between negative and positive; it is the difference between the midnight of the seance room and the noonday of the temple.

All of the organs within the body of man have their religious significance. The heart with its chambers is itself a temple standing upon the mountain of the diaphragm.

The spleen with its little umbrella-shaped body collects the sun’s rays and has charge of the etheric body. It is the etheric body coiled within the spleen that injects the white blood corpuscles into the circulatory system.

We know that the human body has been the inspiration for nearly all mechanical contrivances. Hinges are copied from (lie human body; likewise die ball and socket joint.

We are told that the first plumbing was reproduced from the arterial and venous circulatory systems. Hundreds of machines and implements have been inspired by the subtle workings of our own vehicles, for the human body is the most constructed machine that the human mind can study.

The close relationship between the generative system below and the brain above (for the brain is a positive generating system) is of course due to the spine connecting them.

At a certain time a number of little doors which now separate the brain from the generative system are opened, and the Sushumna becomes an open tunnel so that every impulse is carried immediately to both ends of the body.

The tonsils are directly connected with the generative system; in fact they are part of its positive pole in the brain. The customs of vaccinating healthy children and cutting out normal tonsils on general principles, should be reconsidered.

Most tonsils are infected as the result of the child eating too many sweets during the first years of life. The moral is, don’t cut out the tonsils; cut out the sweets. Many parents are responsible for the illness of their children.

Through either ignorance or indulgence they allow the infantile consciousness, as yet uncontrolled by its vehicles, to destroy itself before life fairly begins.

When children are sick during the early years of life, the physician will often find the cause of ailment in the parent, and the father and mother – not the child – should be dosed with pills.

If the stomach is kept in proper condition, the tonsils will give little trouble. The absolute economy exhibited by nature in the building of all its structures should be sufficient proof that the creator was not wasting his time when he made tonsils and appendixes.

He apparently had reason for making them, but these poor, unoffending organs have become a gold mine to medical scientists who remove them at the slightest provocation.

We are told that the vertical position assumed by the human body, which forces the contents of the intestinal tract to travel part of the time uphill, is the reason for the appendix, which is missing in creatures of horizontal carriage.

Every organ not only has its visible purpose, but also an invisible spiritual purpose, and the individual is to be admired who manages to go through life preserving intact as many as possible of his original anatomical parts and members.

While on the subject of the debt of science to the human body, we might add that the decimal system is the result of primitive man’s counting on his fingers, whereby ten became the unit of enumeration.

The ancient cubit also was the distance between the elbow and the end of the second finger, or approximately eighteen inches. So it goes back through the study of things until we find that nearly everything with which man has surrounded himself is an adaptation from the body with which God surrounded his spirit.

Paracelsus, the great Swiss physician, who after many years in the Far East returned to Switzerland to teach medicine, first gave to the European world its concept of the nature spirits.

He taught that the functions of nature were under the control of little creatures who were invisible to the normal senses, but who, working through the kingdoms of life – minerals, plants, animals, and parts of the human body – kept all of these evolving in an intelligent way.

Under control of the great celestial hierarchy of Scorpio which has charge of all body building in nature, these elements are the invisible intelligences governing the human body and its functions.

As a result of man’s ever evolving consciousness, he is acquiring more complete control over the functions of his various organs.

There are two kinds of muscles – voluntary and involuntary – the difference being that the voluntary muscles, which are controlled by the conscious mind of the individual, have fibers running two ways and crossing each other, while those which are involuntary are without cross-fibers.

The heart used to be considered an involuntary muscle, but it is now beginning to show cross-fibers, thus foreshadowing the day when man will consciously and intelligently regulate the beating of his own heart.

The same will be true with respect to all other organs that survive the periodic changes taking place in the constitution of man. Occultism teaches that there is an entire universe within the human body; that is has its worlds, its planes, and its gods and goddesses.

Millions of minute cells are its inhabitants. These tiny creatures are grouped together into kingdoms, nations, and races, and become one thing composed of many parts. The Supreme Ruler and God of this great world is the consciousness in man which says “I am”.

This consciousness picks up its universe and moves to another town. Every time it walks up and down the street, it takes a hundred million solar systems with it, but because they are so infinitesimal, man cannot realize they are actually worlds.

In like manner, we are individual cells in the body of an infinite creation which is hurling itself through infinity at unknown speed. Suns, moons, and stars are merely bones in a great skeleton composed of all the substances of the universe.

Our own little lives are merely part of that infinite life throbbing and coursing through the arteries and veins of space. But all this is so vast as to be beyond the comprehension of this little “I am” in us.

Therefore we may say that both extremes are equally incomprehensible. We live in a middle world between infinite greatness on the one hand and infinite smallness on the other.

As we grow, our world grows also, resulting in a corresponding increase in the scope of our understanding of all these wonders.

We wanted to give a brief occult perspective on the human body and how the ancients perceived it. As stated in the “About Us” section of this blog, the way we are presenting is the way of the ancients.

There is a vast amount of philosophy in this blog, based on personal experience, studying philosophy is critical on the way of self-mastery and the awakening of the serpent within. The human body is a vast subject that could feel pages upon pages within this blog, but we felt an occult perspective was necessary.

We will cover more on the body in our weekly blog articles. We will shift focus to a Taoist perspective on energy, as energy cultivation is a critical key in the serpent’s way.

Manta Chia stated in his book the Taoist Secrets of Love, Cultivating Male Sexual Energy the following regarding “Chi Energy”. Chi, also known as prana, the warm current, Kundalini power, or the electro-magnetic life force, is very difficult to describe because this life energy is invisible and cannot be seen.

However, we can feel it. “Chi” is simply the Chinese word for “breath.” On the physical level it is the raw air we breathe in and out, revitalizing us and keeping us alive. Our life hangs by this thin thread of breath every second of our lives, and that thread is seemingly empty air.

We transform that raw air by mixing it with other nutrients and refining it into a different kind of energy, one that takes a solid form. It becomes our blood, flesh and bones, but never loses an inner rhythm of pulsation that flow through each cell.

Our vital organs – heart, liver, kidney, and glands – in turn refine this energy and send chi power to the higher functions of our brain, thus creating our thoughts, dreams, and emotions.

From this emerges the human will to live and die, the power to love and ponder this breathing planet suspended in the vacuum of space. As this ‘chi” follows a self-perpetuating cycle, its rhythm becomes so natural we hardly every notice it.

The ancient Taoist masters spent a lot of time observing the flow of this “chi”, which they recognized as the breath of the universe that moves through everything.

“Chi” is the glue between our body, mind, and spirit, the link between our perception of the inner and outer worlds. Living close to nature with few of the distractions of modern civilization, the Taoists were able to map in fine detail the workings of the “chi” energy both within the human body and in the world at large.

Later Taoists, made numerous distinctions between the different kinds of “chi” that operate, so that today in China the working heirs to their knowledge – the acupuncturists and herbologists – refer to as many as 32 different functions of “chi” in the human body.

The Chinese never bother trying to analyze exactly what this “chi” is. Whether it is matter or energy or a process of changing between the two is irrelevant. All that matters is how the “chi” functions, in short, what it does.

When you want light in your room you turn on the lamp, the electricity flows and radiates light. You don’t analyze it, you simply flip the switch. When an acupuncturist inserts a needle into a point on a liver meridian, he switches on the liver “chi” so it flows more powerfully.

Modern scientists are beginning to describe the world in much the same fashion that the ancient Taoists described it – as an interplay of positively (yang) and negatively (yin) charged “chi” energies. Here is a recent description of electricity in Time-Life’s science magazine:

“Your entire body is a giant electric machine: body chemistry (like all chemistry) is based on electrical bonds. It even runs on electricity. The energy you need to see these words comes from the egg you ate for breakfast; the egg got its energy from the corn consumed by the hen; the corn extracted that energy directly from the electromagnetic light of the sun through photosynthesis.

What is curious is that even in China today, ordinary people take for granted that the universe is made up of these charged energies. If asked, they would say a garlic has a very hot (chi) energy. It warms the body: therefore the essence of garlic “chi” is hot, or yang.

In the early centuries of China, “chi” was expressed in written Chinese as a blank in the top portion of the Chinese pictogram and as fire in the lower part. This was done so that no “fire” – no single creative energy might be conceived of as defining “chi.”

For the Taoists, sexual energy is called “ching,” or “essence.” It can also be understood as a kind of “human electricity” because like “chi” it is an invisible energy that flows through the body. However in its raw form, it is stored in men in their sperm and women in their ovaries.

Thus it is a kind of chi energy that has been transformed by bodily process into a more potent form. It is raw matter distilled into a powerful essence that has the ability to recreate the entire human organism. For men, their sperm power is the essence of their “yang” or male energy.

The following lists in simplified form some of the major phases of “chi” in humans and their relationship to “ching” essence as well as “shien,” or spirit, the highest stage of refinement. These three: chi, ching and shien, are known as the “three treasures” because their proper cultivation leads one to enlightenment.

Prenatal Energy: Combines “chi” and “ching” inherited from mother and father, expressed in the gene code and visible as the innate vitality that people have.

Breath Energy: Body absorbs cosmic energy from the inhalation and exhalation of air. Those who breathe properly – relaxed, deep breaths to the abdomen – will receive more energy.

Food Energy: The purity of chi received from food will depend on qualitiy of diet and ability of body to digest and assimilate nutrients.

Meridian Energy: Comes from different types of body cells that produce the energy. It courses through the acupuncture channels linking all the vital organs and glands.

Pulsation Energy: The deep rhythm of your body, felt especially in veins and arteries, also seen in biorhythm energy fluctuations that harmonize our emotional, mental and physical bodies.

Sperm (Ovarian) Energy: “Ching” is the sexual essence that exists from birth but grows more powerful when fed by other types of “chi” (food, breath, etc.) Sex essence is the source of all energy available for creative and thinking processes (shien).

Spirit Energy: “Shien” is the light behind our personality, the ability to discriminate, human self-awareness. At its purest level, it is our very being.

Wu Chi: The emptiness, or void from which all “chi” energies originate and must return. (Original “Chi”)


Cultivating the major phases of “chi” in humans and their relationship to “ching” essence as well as “shien,” or spirit is what makes up a large portion of the practices that form the foundation of the serpent’s way. It’s about inner cultivation and alchemizing your inner energies. We will now discuss the importance of some of the practices for walking the way.

Usually we identify ourselves with the BODY. First of all, we must ask ourselves, “Are we the body, the mind or neither?”. You have a body, but you are not it. And yet, you have to carry it everywhere you go. Only through death you can escape the physical body. Are you here to exist or to live your life?


Grounding improves quality of sleep and feelings of restfulness upon waking up. Grounding reduces muscle stiffness and soreness, it also reduces chronic pain. It normalizes secretion of the stress hormone cortisol. It reduces stress and balances your autonomic nervous system.

It reduces the severity of the inflammatory response after intense workouts. When you ground yourself, your heart rate variability gets raised and your wound healing speeds up. Your mood improves, your blood gets thinner and also the structure of the water in your cells increases.

The Woods Resort stated, the Earth is full of wonderful and potent energy and when there is a barefoot contact, free electrons from the Earth can be absorbed by our body. This energy can nourish your body, mind, and soul. Walking barefoot on the grass is an effective to improve eyesight naturally.

There are points under the feet to which the eye nerve system is attached. According to reflexology, applying pressure to those points can energize the eyes. Looking at green also relaxes your eye muscles.

In her book The Complete guide to Chakras, April Pfender stated, the hands and feet have incredibly powerful gateways that greatly impact your entire physical body and energetic system. Home to thousands of nerve endings, temperature and pressure sensors, and meridian lines, these small portals also contain a number of secondary chakras that allow energy to release from the body.

She stated in reflexology, pressure is applied to specific points on the hands and feet to clear “Chi”, or vital energy, cleansing the corresponding organs and parts of the body. The pressure sensors in these areas directly link to zones on the body and, when stimulated, create waves of relaxation and detoxification that affect the intended areas.

Reflexology is used to prevent disease, remove energetic blockages, reduce pain and inflammation as stated above, improve health and well-being, and enhance vitality. Evidence suggests that the practice of reflexology dates back to the ancient Egyptians as well as Chinese medicine.

The spiritual community on average, thinks only of the seven chakra system when associating with the body’s energy system. April Pfender’s book mentioned above discusses the five chakras outside of us, but inside our energetic field known as Arura.

She states, below ground level, at the gateway to Inner Earth, is our Earth star chakra. This portal connects us to the heart of Gaia and her crystalline iron core. The ground spirits, as well as the gem, microbial, and mineral kingdom, hold the wisdom of our ancestors and collective consciousness in this layer.

The particles of the Earth star chakra connect us to many layers of Earth, and the chakra’s entire purpose is to connect us to the wisdom of Mother Earth as a whole. Legend has it, in ancient times (more than 26,000 years ago), Atlantis and Lemuria were the historic civilizations that held fifth-dimensional consciousness gateway on Earth.

These ancient people were far more advanced and possessed higher consciousness because they harnessed the healing capacity Earth naturally provided. They lived in unity with all Gaia’s minerals, plants, elements, and creatures.

Your Earth star chakra also contains entryways to archaic Earth energy, which can provide collective historical context humanity as a whole. Illness and disease aren’t directly correlated with the Earth star chakra; however, since this vortex is under your feet.

It’s important to note that some of the elements that contribute to your health exist right beneath you. Soil contains dense micro-and macronutrients that are filtered into the human body through food or direct absoption.

Since everything is energy, the molecules in your blood pulse to the beat of the Earth, your home star. These molecules carry information and resonate with the center of Earth at her iron core.

When your Earth star chakra is in balance, the frequency of the iron core of Earth syncs with the vibrating iron molecules of information in your blood, binding you to earth and connecting you and every being directly to Gaia’s heart center.

One last note on walking barefoot. According to Sara Fields, walking barefoot increased sensory stimulation, barefoot walking engages all the sensory receptors in our feet, resulting an increase in sensory information sent from our brain.


According to Earth Clinic, sungazing is a practice also known as sun eating, it is a strict regimen of gradually allowing sunlight into your eyes at specific periods of the day. The goal is to look into the sun during periods of the lowest ultraviolet-index, which occur at sunrise and sunset each day.

This practice is also known as the HRM phenomenon, a termed that the practiced received after HIra Ratan Manek submitted himself to NASA for testing. The research suggested that Manek actually did possess the seemingly super-human ability of not eating. With regular practice, following a strict regimen over approximately nine months, many practitioners report losing the need for food and subsisting on energy from the sun.

In essence, sun gazing provides beneficial stimulation to the body through solar energy. The process itself negates the body’s innate need for food and retrains it to run on the energy of the sun. As such, the process helps increase energy, clarity of thinking, and overall health.

NASA research suggested that the process could make an individual maintain a level of health that was far better in comparison to other individuals of the same age. Sungazing has also been shown as an effective treatment for specific conditions. Melanoma, non-hodgkin’s lymphoma, and several other cancers are said to benefit from the treatment. Likewise, the increased vitamin D gained from the process is a known healing agent.

Sungazing improves dream recall, boots energy, increases melatonin and serotonin, fights against fatigue, improves endocrine health, and increases pineal gland size. In his 5 Transformative Methods to Activate You Pineal Gland, Scott Jeffrey stated that a team of physicians from Pennsylvania examined HRM 24/7 for 130 days.

They confirmed his claims that he survives mostly on sunlight with a minimal amount of water. Neuroscientist Andrew Newberg and pineal gland authority George Bernard studied HRM’s brain during this 130-day period. They found that the gray cells in HRM’s brain are regenerating. Further, the pineal gland shrinks in individuals after their mid-fifties.

In HRM’s case, this 64-year-old man’s pineal gland was expanding. The research suggests that the sun can help restore the original size and function of the pineal gland.

Daniel Reid stated in his book The Tao of Health, Sex, and Longevity, Taoist adepts realized the medical benefits of sunlight thousands of years ago. The Tao Tsang (Treasury of Tao), compiled more than 2,000 years ago, contains numerous references to heliotherapy, which refers to as “the method of administering sunbeams.”

It advises exposing both the naked body and the naked eyes directly to sunlight in order to assimilate vital solar energy. It states unequivocally that exposing the eyes to direct sunlight greatly benefits the brain by stimulating secretions of “vital essence” there.


Did you know that the Spartans bathed in ice-cold water on a daily basis because “comfort zone” was not part of their vocabulary? In fact, this technique is also done by world-class athletes because of how effective it is in improving mental toughness. – Ryan Hunt, Self Discipline: The Spartan and Special Operations Way To Mastering Yourself

I have been taking cold showers every day for the last year and I can tell a tremendous difference in my breathing, energy levels, mind clarity, and mood. For men practicing semen retention, cold showers should be priority.

In his book, The Wim Hof Method, Wim Hof stated, when you take a cold shower, all of those little muscles in your vascular system – millions of them – are activated and exercised. Within ten days of taking these showers, you will notice that your heart rate has decreased significantly, as much as fifteen to thirty beats per minute, and that it remains that way twenty-four hours a day.

That translates to a lot less stress. It’s important to understand that your heart rate increases whenever your body experiences stress. That sends a primordial signal to the body to activate adrenaline and cortisol, which sets off a series of biochemical processes that exhaust your adrenal axis, your energy, because you’re in poor vascular condition. Your heart needs to pump more, work hard.

At the same time, while your energy is depleted from the day of life between work and home life. Now, if you go and exercise your vascular system, you can effectively counteract this stress. Once you have trained yourself with exposure to cold, you “snowga,” which is like it sounds, yoga in the snow.

You can go and do exercises outdoors, in the cold while bare-chested and barefoot, just in shorts. Within fifteen minutes, you won’t feel cold, which is an indication that your vascular system has adapted. That’s innate. It was always there, but by constantly seeking comfort, we have become strangers to our natural, optimized vascular condition.

This is unfortunate because it’s our vascular system that delivers blood to the cells and with it, all the nutrients, oxygen, and vitamins our bodies need to thrive. And if your vascular system is exercised and adapted, your heart rate will decrease in turn. It’s the antidote to stress, and it all starts with cold showers.

Cold showers are the gateway to flow, energy, and peace. It’s the entry point from which you will learn the power of mind over the body. If you do just ten days of cold showers after warm showers, meaning that you end your regular, warm showers with a minute or so of cold water, then you will be able to command your vascular system to close up when you go into the cold.

It’s amazing what your body can will, and all it takes is ten days of these showers to regain your optimal vascular tone and achieve this control. As your vascular system awakens and its muscles begin to tone up, it forges a connection with your brain, with your will.


Going into the ice water can be quite shocking, so you’d better learn to prepare your body if you want to try it. But how do you do that? We wear clothes all the time, which de-stimulates our bodies, leaving our vascular systems in poor condition.

So what can we do to reduce the impact of the shock and instead allow the ice water to optimize our cardiovascular system? Most of us who live in the West take showers every day, and most of those are warm or hot showers, because we don’t like the cold.

But if you end your warm or hot shower with just thirty seconds of cold water – just thirty seconds – you will begin to see results. Anybody is able to endure thirty seconds of cold water, especially after spending several minutes under the warm or hot water, collecting heat.

The warm water opens your veins, aiding your blood flow. While the cold water might cause you some discomfort at first, thirty seconds is not great hardship. What happens inside your body when you shift the temperature from warm to cold is that all the little muscles in your vascular system begin to awaken.

They close up and then open, close up and open, and this repetitive process establishes the vascular muscle tone that, with repeated exposure, develops into its optimal condition. Wim Hof instructs to start slowly at the beginning, with just fifteen seconds at the end of your shower every day. In a week, you will feel able to endure thirty seconds, or more,

Once you are able to go longer than thirty seconds, you begin to develop an ability to consciously resist the shock of the cold water. You suppress the shiver response, the grasp. Suddenly, the water’s not cold anymore. Instead, it’s a force, and you, standing there, are a counterforce. You’re in control. You’re awakening to the physiological power and neural activity of your own body.

Week 1: thirty seconds of cold water at the end of a warm shower

Week 2: One minute of cold water at the end of a warm shower

Week 3: A minute and a half of cold water at the end of a warm shower

Week 4: Two minutes of cold water at the end of a warm shower

I personally never started with warm showers followed by cold at the end. I immediately started with cold. When I washed, stepped out of the water, then when it was time to rinse, I stepped back into the cold water for as long as I could handle it.

Cold showers strengthen the immune system. Improves blood circulation. Reduces blood pressure. Improves lymphatic circulation. Strengthen nervous system. Detoxifies the body. Improves hormonal activity. Reduces recovery time. Instant mood lift. Greatly assists men on semen retention.


Tai Chi or Nei Gong is the same practice. We will discuss this internal art more in detail in our blog articles too include an entire thirty to forty minute routines. Damo Mitchell in his book Daoist Nei Gong, stated that Qi Gong (Chi Kung) is ‘Energy Skill’.

Through a combination of controlled breathing, slow gentle movements and a calm mind, practitioners of Qi Gong enable their internal energy (Chi) to flow more efficiently through the various internal pathways of the human energy system. This leads to increased health, stronger immune system and lower stress levels, amongst other benefits.

In China are three main spiritual traditions: Confucianism, Buddhism and Daoism. These three great philosophies have dictated Chinese culture and their arts for centuries. For the most part these three traditions have managed to live and flourish alongside each other and this has resulted in a pooling of methods and philosophies.

It is for this reason that it is impossible to say that any of the Chinese arts is born from any one of the three. Qi Gong, Tai-Chi, and Nei Gong are no exception; although primarily Daoist in nature, they also have elements of Confucianism and Buddhism contained within them.

Nei Gong can be translated as ‘Internal Skill’. Defined simply it is: “The process by which a person may condition their physical body, cultivate their internal universe and elevate their consciousness.’

Nei Gong is not a specific set of exercises or movements. Rather it is a series of stages that a person may move through in their practice given the correct instruction.

Practising the movements of Qi Gong on their own will give you good health and mental clarity but they will not take you any further than this unless you understand the principles of Nei Gong and how to implement them into your training.

Nei Gong first serves to condition the physical body and then the energy system. These two stages serve to provide the foundation for the third step which is direct work with the very elements which make up our consciousness.

During the practice of Nei Gong you will go through various changes and stages in your development. The first change you will begin to notice is an improvement in your overall health and well-being. From here you will begin to notice differences in your personality and outlook on life.

The higher stages of training begin to alter the way your mind works and perceives existence. It is at this stage that Daoist meditative practices for internal alchemy become entwined within Nei Gong.

As stated above, we will cover more detail of these practices in our blog articles.


Yoga is another important practice we do every day while walking on the serpents way due to the importance in chakra healing and Kundalini awakening. In their book Yoga Manual for Beginners, Dr. Freedom and Leela stated that Yoga literally means ‘to unite with the self’ or ‘become one’.

The root word of yoga is ‘yui’, which means to yolk or go within the center. In the simplest terms, yoga is a practice of uniting the body, thought, and breath for living in the present without ‘suffering’. There are three fundamental components in journey of yoga:

Asana – the practice of static and dynamic body movements to align and balance the physical components; Prana – the practice coordinating all body and mind activities with the breath; Dhayana – the practice of focusing thoughts inward, awakening creative awareness, and relaxing the mind.

Yoga is an ancient art which gives a wealth of knowledge on how to exercise the mind and body to unlock the full human potential. Asana practice is one way to achieve this. Regular practice of yoga unites the body, mind, and breath in a synchronous flow.

There are many other dimensions to the discipline of yoga, some of which include: spiritual undertakings, dietary rules, sound and mantra techniques, awareness of subtle energy levels, etc.

All these practices, including those discussed in this book, are aimed at bringing consciousness to a state of ‘awakened contentment’. Yoga is the mother of all physical exercises.

The systems in the body work in a harmonious unit where a change in one system manifests a complimentary change in all others.

There are many different types of yoga ranging from the most popular to the most demanding. In terms of personal experience and this blog, we are mostly concerned with Kundalini yoga.

According to, Kundalini Yoga’s main goal is to create physical vitality and generate more consciousness about ourselves, our bodies, our feelings, and what surrounds us.

As the name suggest, Kundalini Yoga leverages the Kundalini energy. When our chakras become obstructed, the energy cannot flow freely. Practising Kundalini Yoga helps to remove blockages from the chakras, thus opening the pathways to higher frequencies.

We will dedicate more in depth information on Kundalini and other types of yoga in our blog articles. As with Nei Gong, yoga is an internal art both of which lead to better health, unblocked energy, and higher consciousness.


Any form of cardiovascular exercise, be it running, cycling, swimming, walking, jump-roping, or backpacking is not only essential on the path of self-mastery but it’s critical for raising your vibration. I personally, prefer mountain bike riding and backpacking due to the nature aspect. As stated elsewhere in this blog, nature is nourishing for your soul and great for your chakras especially, our third eye chakra.

In terms of kundalini awakening or any spiritual path with the intent of reaching higher consciousness, cardiovascular training is imperative. Jafree Ozwald from the website Enlightenedbeings stated, that physical exercise is essential key to tapping into our hidden spiritual resources.

Interestingly, it can become a catalyst for opening up to the most spiritually enlightening journeys we’ve ever encountered. When we are following an exercise routine at least six days a week, a shift happens in our brain where we find a deeper devotion to our selves and our life mission.

When we are pushing our bodies to the point of exertion, sweating at our brow, heart-pounding, breath pumping, we are forced to empty out all of our mental and emotional neurosis. In this emptiness, we open our being up to finding a connection with the Divine within us and all around us.

Jafree further stated, when we learn how to move our bodies with pure intention, holding a specific goal or vision in mind, it’s as if this entire divine machine starts working towards manifestation of the experience we desire.

The perpetual exertion of the breath hypnotizes us to expel all of our minds garbage, releasing it and surrendering into a deeper alignment with our cosmic nature. It naturally happens after 45 minutes or so, that the mind simply expands and we start seeing and feeling into our life purpose, knowing that is much bigger and more amazing than we will ever know.

Jafree stated and we agree based on experience that exercise used as a method in expanding consciousness is perhaps one of the most fundamental health secrets of the 21st century.

The endorphins that flood our brain create the most authentic sensations of gratitude and appreciation for the simple things we have once overlooked. Divine inspiration becomes a constant river behind our every desire, and the great source of creative energy fuels the fire behind our every thought. We seem to step aside, and witness the spiritual being living its life through us.

I’ve found that one of the greatest unknown benefits of daily exercise is that it forces fear (which blocks the root chakra) to have less grip on our minds and hearts. Exercise, he stated, almost acts a protection agency that blocks the dark intruders from tormenting our soul.

The more often we flood our brains with these happy feel-good chemicals that one workout provides, the harder it becomes for the feeling of lack, negativity, and poverty consciousness to sneak it’s way inside.

Negative thinking simply cannot get it’s foot in the back door of the mind while our sweet golden heart is pounding with aliveness, feeling the new energy blossoming within our soul. There just comes a point in one’s spiritual journey through life Jafree stated, where perpetually resting in lotus pose just cannot reap all the amazing rewards that the ancient yogic textbooks once portrayed.

The valiant meditator within us needs something catalyzing and invigorating to balance out the overly mantrafied mind or some half yogic lazy lifestyle. Our soul chose to live in a body because it needs movement, oxygen, energy, and a breath of fresh air to open up the cosmic valves and reach into the next dimension.

One of the greatest things I love about exercising is how amazing I feel after it is done! The jubilant elated feelings from our natural chemical releasing endorphins catapults our perception of reality into a higher dimension of consciousness. From this higher state of mind, it’s easy to know the answers to life’s hardest questions and how to manifest everything we want in life with joy and effortless ease.

Another great thing about exercising is that it strengthens our ability to control the mind. Which enhances our focus and concentration when meditating. Exercising is the means to tap into a “super energy source” because, after a week of working out, the body begins to believe you truly require more than the usual amount to get hill and start looking for these connections to extra energy reserves.

The more energy we burn the more octane the body seeks to burn. We naturally open ourselves up to finding that abundant resource of energy we never knew we had. The more consistent we exercise, the more we’ll feel the increase in energy and expansion of consciousness.

Any form of cardiovascular activity combined with a raw food diet, daily meditation, yoga or nei gong, monthly fasting, reading philosophy, cold showers, sungazing, grounding, and for men practicing semen retention will make you feel superhuman. It feels as if your soul is about to burst out of the confines of it’s bodily prison. We wanted to cover cardiovascular exercising from a spiritual perspective which is why we incorporated Jafree Ozwald from the website Enlightenedbeings.

Besides a higher conscious purpose, there are many other important benefits to any cardiovascular activity. Fat burning, better sleep, expanded lung capacity, improves sex life, easier to control ejaculation for men practicing sexual alchemy, increase bone density, low stress levels, relieves depression, enhanced mind control, extreme confidence, reduction in heart attack risk, lower blood pressure, high cholesterol reduction, and unblocks energy in the chakras.

We believe that movement equates to life; stagnation is death.


With fifteen years of weight lifting experience, I can tell you there is deep exhilarating vigor that flows through your body and soul after an intense lifting session. During the session, the music vibrating through your headphones during each set or in between sets, puts the mind into an intense flow state.

This state of mind is where everything around you in that moment doesn’t exit. It’s you, the weights, and the music. It’s an intense meditative state of concentration, focus, and determination. Besides the mind and body benefits, weight training ignites a burning fire in your soul. On every return visit to the weight room; you feel brand-new, stronger, and a internal conflagration is blazing.

In regards to the serpent’s way, weight training builds and improves the body for Kundalini and higher conscious awakening. Everything we present in this blog is for the way one must walk to awaken the inner serpent, to improve your mind, body, and soul. Weight training is no different than soul training.

Thomas Merton stated, “Souls are like athletes that need opponents worthy of them, if they are to be tried and extended and pushed to the full use of their powers.”

Brett and Kate McKay from their website the Art of Manliness, in their article Training the Soul, state that physical training is essentially the act of intentionally breaking down the body with stress in order that it can be rebuilt stronger and better than before. Without this stress, no improvement can take place.

In weightlifting, the stressor is the weight to be lifted. A lifter essentially pits himself against gravity as he tries to move a barbell off the floor, or raise himself up when it’s sitting on his shoulders. Gravity is the opponent to be overcome; the lifter must struggle to resist its force — hence the name, “resistance training.”

Just as the body needs to confront an opposing force in order to grow, so does the soul. In this case, the antagonists are internal: our sins and weaknesses. It’s Soul vs. Lust. Soul vs. Selfishness. Soul vs. Self-Pity. Soul vs. Envy. It’s a contest between the best parts of ourselves and the worst.

Our souls also grapple with external combatants in the form of events and circumstances beyond our control — hardships and difficulties we are forced to face. The mere existence of these obstacles does not necessarily strengthen the soul or incur automatic benefits, however. Rather, the attitude we take towards hardships matters, and determines their effect.

In the same way, if you want to know if the soul is improving, you cannot look to the mere presence of difficulties in your life, but how you are facing them, using them. You can know if you’re making progress by the ways you can flex your spiritual muscles, “how you exercise pursuit and avoidance, desire and aversion, how you design and purpose and prepare yourself, whether conformably to nature or not.”

Fitness is an encompassing lifestyle choice. It takes time. It takes effort. It takes dedication. You’ve got to structure your schedule, and say no to other activities, to prioritize getting your workouts in. You’ve got to follow special rules regarding what you eat, and sometimes how and when you eat. You’ve got to be keenly conscious about the decisions you make regarding your diet and training.

There’s effort required in the actual workouts too, of course. And pain. The stress that makes your muscles grow is not a pleasant thing. Sometimes working out is enjoyable in the midst of it, and sometimes in the afterglow.

But if it also doesn’t hurt a little, sometimes a lot — if your legs don’t burn at the bottom of a squat, if your lungs don’t ache at the end of a sprint — you’re not getting better. You’re not getting any faster or stronger. The stress of physical training in fact creates tiny tears in your muscles. When these tears heal, the muscle is rebuilt stronger than it was before.

What emerges from the struggle against inner and outer demons, from the stress of pushing back against our flaws and frailties, is the development of character. The more we resist the gravitational force of our appetites, the stronger and more iron-clad our character becomes.

Training the soul requires the same kind of encompassing commitment and the same submission to the tearing and repairing of your spiritual muscles.

Forsaking the path of least resistance requires strenuous effort. It requires greater consciousness of your principles and your decisions. You must follow certain rules, some of which appear arbitrary to outsiders, and sometimes even to yourself.

You must deliberately prioritize the practice of spiritual disciplines and look for opportunities to serve that the untrained and unprepared soul would miss, or spurn. And you must embrace a certain level of pain.

Denying a lower appetite to fulfill a nobler aim is painful. Re-ordering your priorities to do more for others, and less for yourself, hurts. You must kill your native laziness. You must check your pride and learn to be humble. For virtue to live, you must die to the self. The process of striving for ideals, failing, and getting back up again — of ever trying to be a better man — creates endless tears in the tissue of the ego.

No matter the lies one tells oneself in the heat of crisis, at the height of temptation, the truth is that nothing can be sculpted without pressure, nothing can be changed and rebuilt without effort and pain. Progress — whether physical or spiritual — can only be found on the other side of five seconds of grind.

In delineating the many parallels between training the body and training the soul, we have also implicitly laid out the benefits of both kinds of exercise.

Physical training develops bodily health and strength, providing a man with hardness and toughness of physique, greater mobility and agility, wider opportunities for activity, the ability to perform day-to-day tasks, and the capacity to survive and thrive in a crisis. Truly, every man should be physically strong.

Spiritual training develops the health and strength of the soul, increasing its ability to delay gratification and deny lower impulses in favor of higher ones, conquer weaknesses and temptations, act as an autonomous moral agent, make weighty decisions with dexterous wisdom, and, willingly serve other people.

For, ideally, training both body and soul leads to a greater desire and capacity to help others along the way, so that we may say, along with 19th century physical culturist Georges Hebert, we have become strong, to be useful.

The ultimate effects of both kinds of training can be summed up in one word: power. The man with a well-trained body and soul possesses the power to do more, and be more.

The power to maintain his equilibrium despite life’s ups and downs. The power to transcend the petty status grabs and superficial entertainments of modern culture. The power to sidestep the snares of lust, greed, and pride. The power to attain a virtuous, flourishing, happy life in this world, and, if one so believes, an eternal life in the world to come.

Brett and Kate McKay close with, the most compelling reason of all may be this: in the modern world, the conquest of self constitutes man’s last, best contest.

Weight lifting increases strength, burns more calories, builds and tones your body, strengthens your bones, improves mood, reduces risk of cancer, strengthened mental health, aids in lower blood pressure, builds character, increases self-confidence, and makes you fearless.


First of all, you may be wondering what does this subject have to do with the body. After you read this whole thing, it should make sense. Whether you beLIEve to be your body or not, you have to carry your body everywhere you go.

Your body is abused by working long hours in enriching the corporations, your body is abused through sex with the wrong people since you (most people) get married.

To get married you need a permission and to get a permission you have to use the legal man-made fictional documents that you’ve been carrying all life. All life you have been paying the debts of someone that never existed.

You need permissions to fish, drive etc. All that is an illusion. Only a dead person needs permissions, a free soul/spirit does not. The dark magicians masterminds captured your soul by capturing your body. You can undo the damage if you arm yourself with knowledge of SELF. The truth will always set you free.

You were fertilized and became a single cell within a box (membrane) grown in a box/uterus, after half of you is born, you were placed in a BOX/crib. Later on, you get indoctrinated in a BOX/school.

After you finish school you are ready to be an obedient member of society by spending countless of hours throughout your lifetime being/working in a BOX/job. You drive in a BOX/car to go to that BOX/job.

After being exhausted at work for many hours, you don’t have energy to think for yourself, so you entertain yourself in a BOX/computer and/or cellphone. You spend all your life in a box, and when you die (physically) you are put in a BOX/coffin. Is that what life is about? Of course NOT.

Don’t you think it’s time to live and think outside of the BOX? In the above writing the word box is negative, but is has the positive side to it when you think about the origin of how you came out to be and also your mind is a box, an infinite box of possibilities.

Let’s find out what kept you in a box all life and what to do to get out of the box and realize how much freedom there is outside of the box. We had a plan, a life path, a soul contract so to speak but we forgot when we were born. Whether the forgetting was by design or not, that’s debatable.

Biologically, there is only one beginning. What is that beginning? That is the fertilization. The fertilization is the origin of the species. When does the fertilization happens? 40 weeks (about 9 months) before the birth of the baby.

You go throughout your entire life claiming/celebrating a birthday, completely ignoring the first 40 weeks of your existence which is the real beginning of your life. That 40 weeks of your existence that you didn’t know/that you have been cut off from, has become a bounty for bounty hunters.

Meaning that our inheritable position, our fathers’ name, the founding father in our life, everything we thought was our property, has been held in a trust and it has become subject to a bounty for those that know that this property is available for them to find and take.

It all begins with one simple act. The act of clumping and cutting of the cord. This act is the beginning of the end for us because once the clumping and cutting of the cord happens it becomes a matter of fact.

And that’s the facts that all the court rooms are using to separate us from our property. We claim a birthday, we claim the very fact that separates us from our property. By claiming Jesus (or any other savior of other religions) as our savior, we claim the  fact that separates us from our property.

People become intellectually lazy to the point that they don’t even want the truth at this point. First you must innerstand the biological fundamental of our existence before  trying to innerstand and give merit to the esoteric sides of it. You must first know the biology or the act of creation itself.

When your parents laid together about 9 months before you were born as a baby (as per the Gregorian Calendar) what was the biological process that occurred? Your father dropped off building materials at a job site, in form of DNA and 23 chromosomes through his sperm. That was his donation. Your mom dropped building materials at the job site in a form of 23 chromosomes oval.

Those building materials are sitting there, waiting for something to occur. If nothing occurs, blood washes out those building materials and nothing happens. But if an act of creation (act of God) occurs, which is called “fertilization”, that act of creation results in a single cell, singularity known as “ZYGOTE”.

That zygote then becomes the origin of the species for all of us. Zygote is the beginning of life, biologically, that’s your real birthday. That single cell has all 46 chromosomes. It’s a unique format which means nobody else on the planet will ever have those same 46 chromosomes which means the single cell evidences the entirety of your biological estate in one moment in time and space.

Interesting so far, isn’t it? That zygote identifies everything in one single cell. The neat thing about that one cell is, it has a membrane around that cell called the “pellucid membrane” which is like a fence.

The pellucid membrane around the zygote on the outside of that zygote is like a fence that identifies the scope or limits of your biological estate. Nothing outside the fence is yours and everything inside the fence/membrane is yours, forever.

There is no dispute over there’s no property dispute. There is no potential for any potential problems if you know your Godly origin.

The birth certificated Gregorian calendar character (strawman) is so damaging because when we come out of the womb, after mother and father drop those building materials, after forming the new ark of the covenant so to speak the ZYGOTE, after that zygote begins its evolutionary journey in the womb upon the waters of mother, after that vessel beaches into the wall of the uterus, after the embryo evolves to baby, after baby then exits the womb/vagina itself, here is what people don’t innerstand:

—-The baby, the umbilical cord and the extra embryonic manner of the baby are all one unit. When they clamp the cord and cut it, baby is outside in this world. The rest of baby is left behind in the old world or in the garden of Eden (metaphorically), still in the waters of mother and now there’s a duality that’s created.

The baby gets wrapped in his swaddling clothes and goes home with the mother and the father. When the extra embryonic manner (the rest of the embryo, the rest of the baby), comes out as after birth, that’s the material that gives rise to a BIRTH CERTIFICATE. The baby doesn’t have a birth certificate.

That’s where the confusion comes in. Everyone wants to claim/celebrate a birthday, everyone wants to claim a birth certificate, but that birth certificate is for the matter that was cut off you.

It does not apply to you at all. It applies for the fetal maternal organ known as the placenta, it does not apply to a baby/living being. It applies to the after birth. Now, you know why they keep the placenta after you give birth to a child.

It is a misconception that we beLIEve that the birth certificate is for us. The birth certificate is for the rest of the baby that was cut off. You mistakenly celebrate a birthday every year.

Why would a 20, 30, or 60 years of age human celebrate infancy? Does that make sense to you? It does not make any sense to me. Why continuing to make a pilgrimage back to your infancy and reclaim infancy every year, by claiming the birth certificated character/persona (the STRAWMAN)?

The birth certificate is not for you but for the material that came after you. The word placenta in Greek means “cake”. So, the placenta is the original birthday cake and that’s the thing that gets celebrated. We celebrate the cake, not the baby.

As long as we keep celebrating the birthday cake/the placenta, we will always be punished because that material dies within a couple of days and that biology becomes a decedent estate that requires a trust, a trust fund, fiduciaries to manage it. The decedent estate requires administrative process by the courts. The man, the living soul (you) does not.

As long as we keep celebrating the erroneous birthday cake, which is already dead biologically, then we’re going to always remain (be viewed) at war with reality. “At war” is the key here. Because only a mentally handy capped person  would continue to make the same mistake over and over and over again every year until the last breath.

You should live to benefit from life and not be punished by it. This is mind blowing isn’t it? They chopped the baby, created a fictional character (strawman) which is the umbilical cord/placenta, and they got living beings/souls to become slaves taking on the debts of a fictional character that doesn’t even exist.

Paying taxes, fines, parking/speeding tickets all life on behalf of the dead fictional character. The truth of all our suffering, the foundation of our existence, this (Zygote/fertilization) is the beginning of our life, way before the baby is born.

All your legal documents are a fraud. That is not you, that is someone else (a fictional entity) that was created to look and sound similar like you to trick you into believing that is you. This way you took on the debts of someone that was always dead.

Among other deceptions, the STARWMAN one has enslaved your body. You cannot even go abroad without a passport. The sooner you realize this and practice freedom the better for you and humanity.

Jesus  said in Luke 5:31 “They that are whole need not a physician; but they that are sick”. This is already an answer, but an answer to which question? Let’s look at Luke 5:30 The scribes and pharisees asking Jesus this question: “Why do ye eat and drink with publicans and sinners?”

So, Jesus answers with that statement from Luke 5:31. What many people miss from all the allegorical Bible is that it has to do with this legal fiction/fraudulent system and the NATURAL LAW/LAW OF NATURE. Also, the declaration of independence was specifically created to separate Natural law from legal fiction/ROME.

The only way they could do it is to identify Rome’s claim and then somehow set it aside through the laws of nature. And it’s how they became independent of Rome (Roman Empire). They became independent of Rome by knowing the laws of nature.

Which is something that only a small numbers of people know what Natural Law is. Most people are confused thinking/believing that something that is legal or illegal defines right from wrong.

Going back again at Jesus when he said that “They who are whole, do not need him”. This blew my mind. So, millions upon millions of people awaiting for the return of Jesus, are not whole, they are sick, children, irresponsible.

Do you get it now, how generations upon generations of suffering simply by awaiting a savior? If you were WHOLE you wouldn’t need a savior/physician, only if you were sick/mentally, ill/dead on arrival/lifeless/fictional character.

According to pretty much all religions, everybody needs their savior, meaning their physician. When do you ask for a physician? When you’re sick of course. The entire corporate structure of Vatican depends on a historical Messiah/Savior that the pope can be the inheritor as a CEO of Christ Corporation.

If you’re whole you are not at fault. But if you are not whole (by subscribing to the legal system) then you are at fault and you get punished and live a life full of struggle and suffering. In Luke 5:31 Jesus is saying two things:

1-That if you are whole you don’t need me

2-He is also claiming to be a physician

By being also a physician implies pre-script-ion, a prescription. Jesus, the idea or the piece that is missing, Jesus the missing biology, the missing 40 weeks, Jesus the lamb of God also known as the “Amnion” biologically is missing. He says: “When you know the biology, when you’re whole, you don’t need me because you already have me”, only the sick need me.

This is so simple and brilliant. Sickness comes in many forms, be it foods, drinks or thoughts. When you think that the remedy is external then you will continue to be sick. The remedy is within yourself.

Body Sources










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