Category: Serpent

  • The Greek And Aegean Children Of The Serpent Goddess

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    The Greek And Aegean Children Of The Serpent Goddess “Pluto, the lord of the underworld, represents the body of intelligence of man; and the rape of Persephone is symbolic of the divine nature assaulted and defiled by the animal soul and dragged downward into the somber darkness of Hades, which is here used as a… Read more

  • The Djedhi of Egypt

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    The Djedhi of Egypt “Once the Spiritual Kundalini is awakened within a person, it rises up the spine to the top of the head and eventually merges with the Crown Chakra, the seat of Spirit in the body. Along the way, this high frequency fire serpent fully activates all the chakras, destroys limitations on all… Read more

  • Regeneration & Uncoiling The Serpent

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    Regeneration & Uncoiling The Serpent “When you have conquered entirely all sex desires then the regenerate body becomes a vessel to hold spirit” – Hiram Butler INTRODUCTION In numerous instances within this blog, we have stressed the significance of sexual energy as the foundation of mystical and spiritual practices. It was a shared belief among… Read more

  • Healing Power of The Serpent

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    Healing Power of The Serpent “It is possible that the product of the serpent may be everything needed for the healing of man” – James Taylor Kent, Physician and Homeopathist Introduction It is important for mainstream Christians to recognize the presence of a serpent within themselves. Without a doubt, the serpent reigns supreme as the… Read more

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