
“The Dragons have played part in the history of the universe since the beginning. We see them sprinkled throughout ancient traditions, religions, and philosophies. What we are coming to realize is that our ‘ascension’ process during this time of great transition for the planet is indelibly linked to the dragons” – Araya Anra


As Araya AnRa stated in her book, “The Dragon WIthin,” we are in an era of shift. There is a massive awakening buzzing around the planet in circles of all kinds. “Lightworker” has become a fairly common term, as have DNA activations, sound healing, channeling, connection with other dimensions and interdimensional beings.

There is a resurfacing of the Divine Feminine in new, powerful, balanced ways. And it is all focused on the “Ascension” process, which is really the “Descension” of our Light-bodies into the physical plane.

We use sound, breath and color to heal, clear, activate…we become aware of our vast selves as co-creators of our reality with these practices. We focus on tantra and breathwork to open channels in the body to move us along our evolutionary path.

These practices are actually in most cases, ancient knowledge resurfacing in new ways, with new terminology to fit the 21st century and yet, in the days of old, the terminology was that of dragons: dragon breath, dragon mantras, dragon movement, dragon symbols.

The ancient civilizations we have been a part of were much closer to the Earth and nature and thus were still aware of and able to connect to these energies. There was not a layer of fear surrounding them.

The dragons have played a part in the history of the universe since the beginning. Some of the ancient traditions have held dragons in high esteem and import.

The Nagas, for example, held a place in the Hindu and Buddhist teachings. Depicted as water dragons or serpents, the Nagas were known as the Guardians or Keepers of secret knowledge. They only shared this knowledge wth devotees or initiates, such as Nagarjuna, one of the most important Buddhist philosophies in history.

The Tibetan Buddhist monks, as another example, had a regular practice of overtoning near waterfalls specifically to be assisted by Water and Air Dragons to refine their sound and use of breath.

Seen as the activators of the life force, the tantra Nagas of the Hindu teachings were an essential component of a student’s quest to attain enlightenment. Even the Buddha was often pictured with serpent’s and dragons surrounding him.

The Christian tradition, rather than revering these beings, feared them and the unbridled, wild feminine energies they represented. With the inability to control them, they chose instead to wipe them out completely.

The pagan nature worshipers, druids, priestesses, witches…anything associated with the Divine Feminine, Earth and Dragons was burned in an effort at repression. They were left to exist only in the legends and stories of myth until the time was right of resurgence, brought forth by the dragons themselves.

This resurgence comes at a time when the return of the Divine Feminine is also ripe because they are inextricably linked one to the other. It is through our connection to the dragon energies becoming available once again that our Light-bodies can be fully grounded into the physical.

This is why the dragons are resurfacing, and play such a crucial role at this time. It is through the dragon lines of energies that all the energies between our human body (DNA), our Light-body (Soul) and Gaia (Nature) can be connected.

These dragons exist within us on an unseen metaphysical and interdimensional level by the chakra system. Each of the chakras is symbolized by a certain color mirroring the colors of the rainbow, primary colors that manifest in our reality.

There are 8 forms of the dragon, that not only reside in our own chakra system but also reside in the chakra system of the planet.


The Muladhara Dragon represents foundation, grounding, survival instincts and materialism. The root chakra is your body’s primordial energy center. Its focus is the comfort and care of your physical embodiment. The Muladhara taps into your intentionality – your awareness of your physical being.

When the Muladhara consciousness is open, you’ll fee secure, safe, stable, fearless, trusting, and connected to Earth. The Muladhara consciousness carries a fire energy often associated with sex, yet it also carries a childlike innocence.

The feet and legs are included in this base energy center, as they carry you from place to place and support your forward-moving actions and activities. There are two main energy channels, or nadis, that run down your legs called the ida and pingala.

The ida corresponds to the left (or yin) side of the body and leg and is considered the introverted lunar nadi, which carries feminine aspects. The pingala runs down the right (or yang) side of the body and leg and is considered the extroverted solar nadi, which carries masculine aspects. The ida governs mental processes and is controlled by the left brain.

The sushumna is the final nadi, which can by considered the body’s “great river.” Located along the spinal column, it is the main channel for your chakras, or your ascension pillar. The sushumna flows from the crown to the root, where it is said to drop from the base of the spine into the ground below (and likely into your Earth star chakra).

This energetic channel supports your Kundalini (serpent/dragon) or shakti flow as it rises from your root to your crown, sensitizing and activating you toward higher levels of consciousness.

The color associated with the Muladhara Dragon is a vibrant ruby red. This frequency on the color band oozes juicy passion, power, and energy. Red is the color of fire, blood, rage, desire, and love. It carries intensity closely linked to Kundalini (serpent/dragon within) and shakti energy.

Known to raise metabolic and respiration rates, this color demands attention and turns on your primal instincts. The root chakra is specifically located at an area at the base of the spine, which is also home to the dormat Kundalini (serpent/dragon within), between the reproductive organs and the perineum.

Its orientation is at the intersection of the three vital channels: ida (on the left side), pingala (on the right side), and sushumna (along the spinal column. This energy point is closet to the nerve bundle of the sacrum and coocyx (the sacroccyeal nerve plexus) and can be located beneath the kanda, and energetic organ between the perineum and the genitals.

The Muladhara Dragon represents your consciousness in its most concentrated form of incarnated matter. Because of this density, it is where your heaviest and most powerful emotions live (fear, anger, sadness, disgust) and it is the storehouse of your primal instincts.

Because the muladhara Dragon represents your most primal and base survival instincts too include accumulation of material wealth, this is greatly shown of Smaug, the red dragon in the Hobbit where Smaug, a red dragon hoards massive amounts of treasure meaning the unbalanced nature of the red dragon consciousness is that of greed, fight, and flight mentality.


The Svadhisthana Dragon represents sexuality, pleasure, fertility, and prosperity. The orange dragon consciousness is the sexual and material pleasures. Since the dawn of time, the Creator – an archetype of this chakra – has flourished.

In the feminine essence, the Creatrix gives of her bountiful womb, nurtures, and receives. In the masculine essence, the Creator makes things happen. Understanding around this zone centers on the knowledge of creation.

What you feel generates thoughts and behaviors, which then create your manifestations. Your sacral connection is about stepping fully into your creatorship, fully arriving in your feeling state of beingness, and recognizing that all experiences mirror back the inner landscape your have constructed.

This energy center’s focal point is passion, and it’s one of the things that almost all the Eastern chakra systems agree on. Situated at you sacrum, or the small of your back, the lines to the brain and kidneys join up in your sacral and connect to the sushumna.

Your sex organs, composing your endocrine system, make a direct link to your pituitary gland and hypothalamus in your brain. Signals here release hormones, mark the onset of puberty, menopause and andropause, and regulate body temperature.

Some of the sex gland functions of the svadhisthana dragon consciousness also support the adrenal glands, and all these (adrenals, sex organs, pituitary, and hypothalamus) link to your kidney meridian line in traditional Chinese medicine.

The color associated with the Svadhisthana Dragon consciousness is orange, and it evokes a bright and creative state of being. Combining the intensity of red and the joy of yellow, orange is vibrant, stimulating, fascinating, and encouraging.

This color frequency elicits creativity in all forms and gives birth to sensuality, playfulness, and innovation. The warmth of orange is a symbol of strength and endurance, as well as abundance and happiness.

The sacral chakra is found about one to two inches below your navel, between the coccyx (tailbone) and the sacrum (the flat, tiny triangle at the small of your back). Its nerve plexus lies in the pelvis. This area of your spinal column is wedged between your hip bones, or about halfway between your navel and sex organs.

Its location in general is the womb space (for woman), the lower abdomen, the genitalia, the sacrum, and just below the navel. Appropriately, the energy centers are fluid, just like the element that presides over your sacral region.

As empathy is a gift of this orange dragon consciousness, empaths must be careful here. They can often by tempted to focus their attention on the needs of others rather than on their own. By training mind through simple, mindful awareness, this can be easily corrected over time with practice.

The unbalanced nature of the orange dragon consciousness can lead to lust, meaning sexual attraction connected to the individual one is sexually attracted to which can result in uncontrolled sexual energy that one needs to harness in order to reach the next level.


The Manipura Dragon represents power, control, and confidence. The yellow dragon consciousness is where one’s self esteem and confidence lies. The solar plexus chakra is your central chakra, and like the sun in our system, its fiery energy is the center of your personal power.

It maintains your vital energy and connects you to your purpose and sense of of self. A major player in forming your identity, this chakra also helps you develop integrity, leadership, sovereignty, strength, and as stated, confidence.

The yellow dragon energy center critically supports your digestive functions and regulates your body’s stress levels. Your digestion here supports your physical processes, which contribute to your overall health.

It should be remembered that you are a being of light living and operating in a physical body. As a light being, your are constantly assimilating new information in the form of energy into your body. This mind-body connection to your subconscious mind happens in your solar plexus chakra.

When you integrate these energies, you expand and connect more deeply into your greater purpose as a spiritual being, and more spiritual energy becomes available to you. Through this spiritual empowerment, you’re better able to hear your physical body and align to right relationship in the outer world.

Yellow is the invigorating frequency of the manipura dragon consciousness, and its no surprise as this is the color of happiness, joy, optimism, and inspirational action. Sometimes the color can be a bright yellow-gold, fiery like the sun’s rays. This vibration awakens inner vitality and exudes confidence, strength, and power.

The solar plexus can be found at the base of the sternum (or the curve of the upper rib cage) and above the navel. This location correlates most closely most closely with your belly area and midback.

Think about the center of your body as your core. Just as the core of Earth contains the most dense and vital energies on the planet, so does your solar core. The belly is the area most associated with this chakra.

This chakra is also referred to as your “lower third eye” because we tend to feel things as a gut reaction in the pit of the stomach as our first instinctual vison into what’s happening in or around us.

When the solar plexus is in alignment it gives you mastery and power over one’s self. However, when unbalanced it gives the individual desire to try to control and dominate others. The yellow dragon also known as the golden dragon is prevalent in the far east, especially China where ancient Chinese emperors claim their linage from.


The Anahata Dragon represents love, compassion, and inner peace. The green dragon is where one is able to find their inner core which results in one having true love for one’s own self then which externally manifests into love and compassion for others.

The doorway to the sacred is found within the heart. This gateway houses your anatomical heart and thus named the heart chakra. It is a path to the alchemical and miraculous and a means by which negative patterns are reversed and cleared.

The green dragon consciousness is about dropping all judgements and embracing beauty that is your innate spiritual perfection. By surrendering to the green dragon, you will be able to tap into wells of compassion, restoration, purity, grace, and acceptance for all that is.

Strengthening the heart space creates a beautiful unified field around you, allowing you access to wisdom beyond intellect and words. This is the wisdom of the Divine.

The heart chakra is responsible for the physical systems governing circulation and respiration as well as for the subtle emotional and spiritual connections we experience. The heart functions like a brain.

This emotional brain (your heart) secretes hormones like oxytocin, the “love-bonding hormone,” which contributes to your romantic bonds. The heart and the green dragon consciousness is the most important energy center.

When you breathe, your heart, the Earth, and the Universe pulsates. The Earth/nature is green. Green is also the center of the seven primary colors in the color spectrum. Earth is the anagram or “heart”.

The heart center is the center of the torus field which is the heart chakra for us. The heart is an electromagnetic field generator, it is the center of the torus field. Your body is a self aware spaceship, your third eye is the steering wheel and the key to a powerful functioning spaceship lies in the heart.

The heart is also connected to your sushumna and the vagus nerve (part of your parasympathetic nervous system), which runs along the spinal column in the back of the heart space. These central avenues for the nervous system form an intricate network with the web of blood vessels streaming into this fist-size muscle in your chest.

In modern times, the focus is on the higher function of the heart, and the ability to access the intelligence of the heart relies on heart coherence. Coherence is a state in which your heart, mind, and emotions communicate in alignment.

To change how your feel, you need a doorway to the heart to alter the ascending information moving from it to the brain. By using meditation and other heart-centering techniques, you can use the rhythms of the heart to send different neural messages to your brain, when you feel stressed.

You need to send different messages to the brain if you want to establish a new baseline and sustain positive changes. When your heart and brain are aligned, your inner guidance system turns on, and your heart coherence goes up!

As opposed to your anatomical heart, which located in the left side of the chest, the ethereal heart chakra is located directly in the center of the chest, between the breast-bone in the rib cage and between the lungs.

The sushumna is aligned with your heart chakra, which corresponds with the cardiac plexus, a never bundle at base of your heart. This vortex hold the space of neutrality as it drives your body into hemispheres, with the lower half of your chakras performing primal functions and the upper half sustaining interaction with higher forms of spirituality and consciousness.

In alignment, your green dragon is able to cut boundaries around yourself for who you give your love and compassion towards. Underbalanced, it can result in desperately seeking love from others or giving love to people who do not deserve your love. The green dragon is a positive symbol as opposed to the red dragon.


The Visuddha Dragon represents communication, expression, and truth telling. The blue dragon is where we express and communicate our thoughts and emotions. Thru speech, we are able to create and manipulate reality.

The throat chakra is about expression in all forms: verbal, nonverbal, internal, and external. The blue dragon’s element is ether, as it begins to connect you to realms of higher consciousness and more subtle spiritual levels.

It is this center that projects your creations into the world, giving structure to and maintaining your reality through expressive vibration. Vibration is an oscillation of energy waves – in this case, verbally spoken sound that creates correspondence with your environment.

Your word is your wand – that is how much magic your throat chakra holds. The blue dragon is so special because it has the power to speak your entire world into existence. Since everything is energy, it is vitally important to be aware of what you speak aloud in order to consciously co-create your life.

In essence, you are casting spells with your words in each moment (that’s why it’s called spelling). The blue dragon is your center of expression and allows your truth and desires to be told. To feel connection with others, we all need to feel heard and understood. We need to take responsibility over what we are communicating and how we are communicating it.

To place your order with the universe, you need to get clear and focus your message. The universe is always listening, and it is your job to be flexible and trust that what you are creating will come to you with no expectation about how or when it will do so.

Besides manifesting your reality, the blue dragon is home to your thyroid and parathyroid, which are important endocrine glands in your body that are responsible for metabolic function and hormone production. This chakra is also responsible for the entire area around your shoulders, neck, upper back, and clavicle.

When you think of yourself as being burdened or weighed down, focus healing efforts on relieving tension in this area. When you take the weight of your own stories off your shoulders, you can move mountains. It all starts with finding your inner truth, which happens in your throat chakra.

In Sanskrit, shuddi means “pure,” vi is a root word that intensifies the world to which it is adjoined. This chakra is a place to purify your truth through verbal expression.

The blue dragon and its sky or royal blue color is often associated with depth, stability, balance, healing, loyalty, sincerity, and intelligence. This frequency is calm and tranquil and invokes security, integrity, and trust.

The throat chakra is aligned at the base of the throat, along the sushumna. It is associated with the carotid plexus (nerves that run parallel to the carotid artery) and the laryngeal nerves. Your carotid arteries are major arteries that supply blood to the brain, face, and neck.

Your laryngeal artery lies beneath your thyroid and is responsible for the muscles, mucous membranes, and glands of your neck. The focal point of this dragon is at the center of your throat, which is located a few inches below the Adam’s apple.

When one speaks in alignment with truth, it ignites the blue flame within. An unbalanced throat chakra it can give way to the individual not being able to control their own speech causing imbalance within their thoughts and emotions. In addition, the unbalance will make one shy, withdrawn/passive, and arrogant.


The Anja Dragon represents intuition, vision and psychic awareness. The indigo dragon is where we have the ability to expand our visual consciousness and increase our psychic awareness in alignment with our inner knowing.

This energy center is known as mystical center, your third eye chakra transmits important visual information from both your sensory and psychic sight. Psychic sight, as known as subtle information on your sixth-sense knowledge, goes beyond normal sensory inputs to the paranormal or metaphysical.

Essentially, the gift of sight belongs to the indigo dragon – both inner and outer vision. The third eye chakra allows you to experience self-reflection as well as spiritual thought. You can only receive messages from your higher self and the Divine after you have opened yourself up to receiving and cleared through your higher physical gateways.

Your third eye offers higher perspective and allows you to receive alternate answers and solutions so that you can translate higher consciousness information. This gateway allows you to internalize the outside world and externalize your inner multidimensional self.

Your ida (lunar nadi) and pingala (solar nadi), or energy lines, come together in your third eye zone, behind your pineal gland. There, these lines represent your feminine and masculine energies coming together and meeting your sushumna, initiating an opening of your third eye.

In ancient Egyptian alchemy, this point was used in sex magic to enhance the ka body and build up energy through subtle channels to help reach immortality. Historically, this spot in important in Hinduism as well.

The three of consciousness join together here: higher mind (buddha), ego (ahamkara), and the thinking mind (manas). The latter helps you move beyond right and wrong into a unified field of oneness, transcending duality as we know it.

Located in the center of your forehead, the sixth chakra contains a small gland the size of a grain of rice in the shape of a pine cone called the pineal gland. The pineal gland can accumulate calcium over time, which can block important subtle streams of information coming in.

This calcification process is why a raw food diet is so critically important when walking the spiritual path. Processed food, meat, and any other non-natural products adds to this calcification process. Fluoride, commonly found in most water, toothpaste, and pesticides accumulates in the pineal gland more than any other part of the body.

This accumulation of fluoride forms phosphate crystals, creating a hard-shell around the pineal gland called calcification. We will provide a link in the sources at the bottom of page by Scott Jeffrey on how to decalcify your pineal gland.

We will discuss the black magicians running this planet in the shadow dragon consciousness section. This dark consciousness controlling the planet does not want humanity to awaken to our multidimensional self and the spiritual abilities that come with that process. That my friends, is the whole nature of the enslavement agenda which is known as “The Great Reset’ or ‘New World Order’ also known as the Transhumanist Ideal.

The pineal gland is responsible for your psychic sight and holds the power to cut through any illusions in your way. This area of the mind is where you get to observe the perceptions that form your reality.

This space is considered the seat of your consciousness, and it has delightful mystical quality to it. Most of your chakras have elements tied to them in their metaphysical organization, your third eye combines all the elements (matter) into its next evolutionary phase of light.

This light element is the least dense of the other elements associated with the lower chakras. As you travel up the consciousness ladder, the vibrational states of your chakras buzz higher and higher with excitement, whirling and spinning as fast as the speed of light.

Anja is the Sanskrit name for the indigo dragon, meaning “summoning,” “command,” “authority,” and “unlimited power.” Anja conjures the notion that this chakra directs your other chakras, especially in the realms of the unseen.

The colors associated with the third eye chakra are indigo with shades of violet. These colors invoke spirituality, self-awareness, and reflection. Your third eye chakra is located in your brain, an inch above the center point between your eyebrows.

This location is a focal point when meditating and conducting yoga practices. Staring at a candle in the darkness of your room for five to ten minutes is a warm-up practice for beginning meditation session.

The indigo dragon is all about transcending duality through correspondence of opposites. Correspondence in the third eye means that everything you have within you, you create outside of you. One way you can see who you truly are is through another.

You hold both polarities inside you (feminine/masculine, positive/negative charges, light/dark). You are even built symmetrically (two eyes, two ears, two nostrils) to highlight your need for balance.

Bringing the mysterious realms of the feminine into the light, the Mystic is a seeker and dreamer who aims to share lunar energies through illumination and integration. The Mystic’s critical role is transmuting darkness into light and offering medicine to society.


The Sahasrara Dragon represents our connection to the higher thoughts along with our inner and outer beauty. The violet dragon is where we are able to communicate with our higher self which then connects us with the greater source.

The violet dragon is the pinnacle point of physical chakra system and the seventh energetic gateway of transcendence. This elevated chakra is known as the abode of truth, or satya loka, and here it is possible to achieve attainment of nirvana and samadhi.

In these final meditative stages of a true eight-limbed yogic practice, enlightenment is gained through the higher channels downloading their ultimate knowledge into your consciousness. Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and yogic schools all regard the crown chakra as a place to break through the anandamaya kosha (the “bliss-illusion sheath”), or causal body.

The violet dragon consciousness is an energy vortex that acts as a bridge between the Universe and you. Breakthroughs here will happen when it opens up to the transpersonal chakras, linking you to different supraconscious states.

While you may have an open crown chakra, there are still more layers for you to go through to fully open up and use your crown as it was intended. The seventh chakra is where your nervous system begins to stretch down the brain and spinal cord.

This area of your body not only produces hormones and neurotransmitters responsible for most your voluntary and involuntary actions and thoughts, it also enables a host of your behavioral and psychological characteristics as well.

Your consciousness rests in your upper sixth and seventh chakras, as do your master glands. Energetically, your crown and root chakra are linked in that they bookend your physical chakras and represent poles of your body’s gateway.

When we explore the crown chakra, we take a look at the law of creation called mentalism (this first cosmic law states, “all is mind; the universe is mental”) If you are operating from this consciousness, you understand that everything you are living is your creation.

You operate in a world of vibrations that are constantly adjusting to show you different perspectives, and this creates your reality. With this inherent knowledge, you are able to tune in to new realities at will.

You hold the power and courage to break free from all limiting beliefs and abusive or manipulative relationships. Think of stripping away reality to its core truth of unconditional love – that is what your crown chakra is for.

Sahasrara is the Sanskrit name for the crown chakra, meaning “thousand.” This is based on the Hindu lotus chakra system, where the crown is represented by a thousand-petaled white lotus.

The lcoation of the crown chakra is at the very top of your head. Many sacred texts describe this exact location as inside your cerebral cavity, near your choroid plexus, a group of nerves that produce spinal fluid in your brain.

In Hinduism, it is the site of the supreme bindu visarga, or “where the soul enters the body and exits the body during astral travels.” Some ancient texts have this chakra an inch to two inches above the very top of your head.

The brain is divided into two hemispheres: the left, your verbal and analytical brain, and the right, your visual, artistic, and intuitive brain. The left brain being masculine and the right side being feminine.

(In Gnostic esoteric philosophy, the left side of the brain is Adam and the right side equating to Eve. The spinal cord is the tree of life and the kundalini relating to the serpent. This is what the creators of this blog hold as the truth since all ancient religions and philosophies speak the same language. The narratives of all doctrines are its cloak as stated in the Zohar).

It is here above the pineal gland where the amrita (immortal nectar) of life begins to flow, an energetic liquid which symbolizes enlightened immortality. The crown chakra is the place where your kundalini (serpent) sits on top of your head once it has made its long journey from your root chakra and up your spine. This is the crown of enlightenment.

This chakra is your center for ultimate realization. Spiritually, this means forming connections with the formless as you lift higher into limitlessness and communion with elevated states of consciousness.

You’ll be able to access a state of neutrality and energies into your physical body and mind, including information from your multidimensional higher chakras. These states are not governed by space or time, and the quality of awareness you feel here is transcendent clarity.


As you can see every energy center governs certain parts of your body’s personality characteristics. Billions of people have problems with their health, most of them think they can fix it by just eating healthy. There is much more to the health than what you eat and what you don’t.

If you lack any area in life, refer to the chakras and you’ll know which one you have to work on. For example, if you lack courage or if you have problems with the stomach, look into the solar plexus energy center. These centers are roots. If you do not address the roots you will keep watering only the leaves of the tree of life. You are the tree of life.

You may be healed (but not fully) in six chakras but if you lack on one of them, the kundalini will not be raised. Early on in human history, our ancestors figured out that more subtle dimensions of energy existed within and outside of their own physical bodies.

They worked with this subtle energy to heal the body directly, and this type of energy can be found referenced across many civilizations and ancient cultures. Subtle energy is also called qi or chi in Chinese. It is vital life-force energy that moves through and animates all things. This energy is also referred to as ki in Japanese or prana in Sanskrit.

The body’s meridians, auric layers, and chakra system are the three main subtle energy systems of the body. If we were to compare subtle energy to physical energy, subtle would feel solid like earth. Subtle energy is present everywhere, and it can be harnessed and channeled.

In closing, the chakras can be described as spinning, whirlpool-like wheels of light on both the front and back sides of your being, and when you keep them balanced, they channel energy optimally to keep your body at peak performance. The chakras are the seven churches referred to in the book of revelation:

The seven churches of the spinal medulla are united to the seven chakras or plexuses of the grand sympathetic nervous system by means of fine nerves. The seven churches are similar to lotus flowers that are suspended from the famous Chitra Nadi.

The canal of Sushumna exists within the medullar canal. The canal of Chitra Nadi is within this canal of Sushumna. The seven beautiful and divine churches are suspended from this precious medullar canal. The spinal medulla is the candelabra.

The two olive trees of the temple are situated upon the right and left sides. These are the two olive branches through which “the two golden pipes empty the golden oil out of themselves.” That golden oil is the “ens seminis.”

These are the two witnesses, Ida and Pingala. These are the two sympathetic nerves that are entwined like two serpents around the spinal medulla and through which the oil of pure gold rises to the chalice (the brain).

When the serpent (kundalin) awakens, it then enters through the “centralis canalis” (central canal) of the spinal medulla and rises very slowly and with difficulty through the medullar canal, which is known in India as Brahmanadi.

The seven churches (chakras/dragons) shine with the blazing fire of the Holy Spirit. While this scared fire rises, the seven churches open and turn upwards. The chakras (dragons) or sympathetic plexuses awaken in accordance with the opening of the seven churches.

The candlestick has seven lamps, which are the seven churches, and seven canals for the lamps which are upon it. These seven canals correspond to the seven degrees of the power of fire.

7 – Crown chakra is blocked by EGO

6 – Third eye chakra is blocked by Illusion

5 – Throat chakra is blocked by Lies

4 – Heart chakra is blocked by Grief

3 – Solar Plexus chakra is blocked by Shame

2 – Sacral chakra is blocked by Guilt

1 – Root chakra is blocked by Fear

Dragon Sources


THE DRAGON WITHINhttps://amzn.to/3V3q6VU


THE AQUARIAN AGEhttps://amzn.to/49THbqd

ScottJeffrey.com – How to Decalcify the Pineal Gland Guide

Falcon Eye Coven You tube Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@Falconeyecoven

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