Raw Food Diet & Fasting

Raw Food Diet & Fasting

Raw Food Diet & Fasting

Are you one of the thousands of present age persons- discouraged and disheartened because of ill-health; is your faith in so-called cures shattered after having tried them without results; are you only able to use a small percent of the vitality that good Mother Nature endows her beloved ones with?

Probably you have been told that only an operation will save you. Somehow, when we suffer organic trouble we fail to think clearly and permit ourselves to be easily persuaded into operation. If you are one of these unfortunates DON’T GIVE UP HOPE. For “he that hath health hath hope, and he that hath hope, hath everything.

“Since man degenerated through civilization, he no longer knows what to do when he becomes sick”. The genuine principles of healing are simple and few. Our very lack of appetite which occurs when we are sick is Nature’s method of teaching her children. One might properly call this a “forced fast”.

Our greatest possession is health. You don’t truly realize the value of something until it’s lost. Good health is paramount, and its absence leaves you with a profound void. Illness often strikes unexpectedly, creeping up and overwhelming you like a sudden deluge. Turn back to Mother Nature, and discover her natural treasure. Honor her laws and she will honor you in return with a wealth of good health.

Samael Aun Weor in his book Introduction to Gnosis stated the following in reference to a vegetarian diet. The majority of people believe that food without meat is incomplete. Nothing is more erroneous, because science has demonstrated that nutrition obtained from vegetables has a greater sustaining power.

All animals he stated, carry within the poisons of putrefaction. The venous blood is full of carbonic acid and other noxious substances. These harmful and repugnant substances are found everywhere in the meat, and when we eat these foods we fill our bodies with these toxins.

Abundant proofs exist that demonstrate that a carnivorous diet stimulates ferocity, Let us observe the ferocity of the beasts of prey and the cruelty of cannibals, and compare them with the prodigious strength and docility of cattle, of the elephant, of the horse.

However, let us not jump to the conclusion that everyone should give up eating meat once and for all and dedicate themselves to vegetarian eating. It would be crazy for a person to change the ordinary diet that he has been using for years and that is nourishing him adequately. To the people accustomed to it would completely undermine their health. The only sure way to proceed is by first experimenting and studying things.

You should be very careful with your nutrition. We do not ask you to give up meat once and for all, but we do warn you that meat, when consumed in large quantities (for example, everyday), are like poison for the body. Dr. Arnold Krumm-Heller, Professor of Medicine of the University of Berlin and great Gnostic doctor, sustained that man should consume twenty percent of his food as meat.

Weor further stated that we have verified that some foods such as wheat, eggs, avocados, etc. can substitute meat. Cereals, in general, are great nutritive value. The protein of cow milk is marvelous. Milk from soybeans is very nutritious and its chemical composition is similar to that of cow milk.

Foods should be used in a balanced manner so as to obtain the best nutrition. Avoid eating white bread. White flour is harmful and does not contain any nourishment. Eat many vegetables; remember that vegetables are fountains of great nourishment. Vitamins are found in vegetables.

I will be direct based on knowledge and six year’s experience as a raw food vegan. In terms of the serpent’s way, which is the way we have been walking, if you want clean high vibratory energy to awaken the Kundalini, you must convert to a raw food vegan diet. All of us humans are built different, when I started walking the path of the serpent’s way six years go, I started with a 7-day vegan challenge.

After the 7-day vegan challenge, my body, mind, and energy went thru changes I never experienced. My energy levels sky rocketed, my body felt lighter, my bowel movements were cleaner, and my mind was clear. I never looked backed after I completed the 7-day vegan challenge. I converted instantly to a raw food diet.

At 46 years old, in all aspects of my being, I feel 26 years old. I haven’t been to a doctor in the last six years. I take no pharmaceutical products. My raw food diet combined with fitness, yoga, and semen retention I feel superhuman. If you are a man who is a semen retention practitioner you need to eat from what nature provides. Food is vibrational energy.

When you consume from Earth, you consume pure energy and life. Consuming anything else is lower vibrational, which means death. If you are not eating from Earth then let me ask, why are you retaining your seed if you consume low vibrational death? Let us shift back to raising the serpent within.

Raw Food Diet & Fasting

Her her book Biology of Kundalini: Exploring The Fire of Life, Jana Dixon stated the following in reference to Kundalini and diet. Adopting a raw diet often brings on a Kundalini awakening through derepression of vital energy and improved integrity/integration of tissues. Whereas the cooked diet usually usurps most our energy in the digestion and detoxification processes, and so we have little energy and materials for repair, optimization and for building the spiritual-body.

When we go raw this suppression is lifted and nature suddenly brings us up to the speed of our more Universal Self. Since we often use food as an escape mechanism to reduce the vividness of reality, returning suddenly to our full physical and spiritual senses can be extremely disorientation. It can take many years to integrate greater aliveness and to embody our full Presence and full senses.

Because a Kundalini awakening is already destabilizing I would not advise people to suddenly adopt a 100% raw diet during a full-on awakening…the adjustment would be too great for most people and negative coping mechanisms or digestive imbalances might result. Metamorphosis must indeed be the highest energy function in human experience.

Because metamorphosis demands energy and enzymes and because the body’s elimination channels must be free to enable a high degree of detoxification during the changes, it is advisable to not weigh the body down with a lot of heavy cooked food or substance addictions. A “quality” light, raw-sproutarian type diet with superfoods instead of “quantity” is advisable.

Raw food promotes the fastest evolution, however you may find winter to be a challenge on raw, especially for the first two years. Sensation really increases, and that includes the sensation of pain as we emerge from the numbness most of us live under. A good all round book is Living Food For Optimum Health by Brain Clement of the Hippocrates Institute. A companion book to that for actually creating sumptuous raw meals is Raw: The Uncook Book: New Vegetarian Food for Life by Juliano Brotman and Erika Lenkert.

The quantity of food one consumes need not return to normal until the anabolic or building phase of substantiation. In fact the transfiguring body needs less food because the senses are fulfilled with bliss, higher energy and consciousness is conveyed and the body is catabolically recycling its own tissues. It is advisable to maximize metamorphosis and assist purification by eating a diet of high nutritional and life force value.

If we are in fear and resistance there maybe a tendency to try and maintain continuity with one’s former self, and to put the reigns on the transmutation process by overeating. Over filling the stomach to may tend to dampen the intensity of awakening, but it will also create dullness, unresponsiveness and generally make one ill equipped to handle the alchemy and one’s life.

Also belly breathing is one of the best adaptive tools to use when Kundalini is heightened and a full stomach prevents this deep and natural breathing. Because metamorphosis assumes precedence over other life processes it it will continue by drawing energy from other functions. Thus we are our own worst enemy if we try and put reigns on the process by eating heavily and using up our energy in excessive sex etc.

The ego will tempt us with these consolations and comforts, because the alchemy can threaten the ego’s sense of control and the known. Until the ground of the Self is will established, the ego feels threatened by the sense of groundlessness that emerges as the dissolution of former conditioning proceeds.


Jana Dixon further states that Kundalini is an amplification of metabolism so all the normal processes of oxidation, inflammation, glycation and mineral exhaustion are increased, thus we need a Superfood diet. After 10 years of awakening I realized I had lost the nutritional reserves necessary to fuel metamorphosis, she stated.

For an extended period I noticed that around full moon my arms would get weak, my glut muscles sore and I would be hit by fatigue. Because the heart was literally pulling amino acids out of my skeletal muscles in order to feed its expansion. So I decided to start using smoothies to build up skeletal muscle reserves of glucose, and protein (amino acids – arginine and glutamine etc…).

Food sources of the amino acid arginine include spinach, spirulina, sesame, sunflower nuts, chocolate (raw cacao), alfalfa, wolfberry, and papaya. Food sources of glutamine include cabbage, beets, beans, and dairy products. Since cooking tends to destroy much of the glutamine in foods, “raw” spinach and parsley are better food sources.

Glutamine is muscle building (anabolic); the higher the level of free glutamine inside ones muscle, the faster the muscle grows, because water, ions and amino acids enter the cell under conditions of high serum glutamine. Fruits and vegetables may be a better source of antioxidants than supplements, since the antioxidant compounds are bound into tough, fibrous material they hang around in the stomach and colon, where they can neutralize free radicals.

Just because a food with a certain compound in it is beneficial, it does not mean a nutraceutical of the same compound is. I tend to be adverse to high tech expensive supplementation because it is not a cosmically sustainable approach, it breeds narcissism and can inhibit the resourcefulness necessary to plant ones own superfoods.

Since there are over a thousand known phytochemicals it doesn’t serve to get myopically focused on one (such as resveratrol) and break your bank on that, when you would be better off creating a berry cocktail, eating raw diet of fruits and vegetables and harvesting phytochemically rich foods from the wild.

During an awakening (and during pregnancy) it is important to add herbs and foods collected from the wild to our diet. If you are lucky you can get most of your phytochemical superfood needs by harvesting wild foods from nature.

The term “biophilia” means “love of life or living systems.” It was first coined by Erich Fromm to describe the instinctive orientation of being attracted to all that is alive and vital.

Raw Food Diet & Fasting


Jana Dixon further states that all matter and energy, everything in the universe has a signature vibration, frequency of oscillation or harmonic. Life is an electrodynamic continuum that feeds on life by incorporating biophilic (life-enhancing) vibrations into itself as food in order to live, reproduce and evolve.

Because raw food represents the highest biophilic life-energy and the most coherent harmonics, it is obviously more life giving than food which as had the spark of life taken out of it by cooking, freezing or otherwise processing. Also food grown by permaculture or biodynamic methods increases the biophilic potential of the food.

Thus the saying “we are what we eat,” can be expanded upon to reflect the unavoidable fact that our health and indeed our spiritual realization is a direct product of the biological fecundity of our soil. The uroboric circle of consequence from soil to soul reveals the degree of spiritual realization and care attained by individuals or cultures. In this sense you could say that “we are our soils.”

Respecting the pyramid of manifestation and attempting the maximization of its organic foundations is not an act of reductionism, but is in fact the pragmatism and sanity of avoiding unnecessary hell, and is the mark of a truly cosmic spirituality. When we heat our food beyond a certain temperature this changes the ionic charge of the molecules so they cannot be conveyed through the ion exchange system of the cellular membranes.

This means that cooked molecules have a tendency to remain extra-cellular unless they have been re-ionized through enzyme action or bacterial action in the gut. Thus our own body’s stores of enzymes are used up in an effort to re-animate the cooked food that we eat. Since the body’s electrical energy is reliant on ionic electron exchange to establish a current and if cooked food thwarts the availability of these ions then it is obvious from a physics stand point that cooked food radically diminishes life force by “depolarization”. Food molecules find their respective homes in the body by virtue of their atomic resonance. The “frequency” of the atomic oscillation of a food molecules is how the body knows to convey this molecule to bone and that molecule to heart muscle.

But once food is cooked its electromagnetic signature is changed so that the body has no knowledge of what to do with these damaged molecules – they do not compute with our biophilic cellular intelligence that seeks vital life force in all things. In a valiant attempt to protect “life” the unnatural molecules are conveyed to positions of the least immediate interference and are bound in fat and mucus to protect the body from further damage.

This residual waste from cooked food clogs up our system and acts to reduce the elimination of toxins, even those produced from normal metabolism. If we consistently eat cooked food our bodies do not have the energy or enzymes necessary to escort this offending waste completely out of the body.

Thus metabolic chaos occurs as the toxic waste accumulates on cell membranes reducing cellular exchange and suffocation receptors. It builds up on vascular walls and on the intestines. Cysts, arthritis, cataracts, arteriosclerosis and cancer are the accumulation of waste material which the devitalized body has failed to get rid of. Only living foods contain the frequencies, life-energy, enzymes, oxygen and nutrients necessary to maintain and regenerate our cells.


Jana Dixon states the only overburden the digestive system during Kundalini if you are not interested in spiritually transforming. For those not ready to adopt a raw diet, a combination of the anti-inflammatory Zone Diet plus the timing and principles of the Provita Plan will provide a great basis for balanced nutrition.

But even for rawfoodists to adopt the principles of these diets would be advantageous, as active Kundalini necessitates optimum nutrition and a balanced diet is all the more important. You can do much of it in the city, but harvesting wild plants from the local environs is the premo way to build up your nutrient and mineral base; such as adding spring dandelions to salads or carrot juice.

The Rave Diet recommends a 100% plant based diet with only 10% calories from fat. This is the ultimate disease prevention diet that strengthens the immune system and lengthens lifespan. Whereas animal based diets are proinflammatory due to increased Arachidonic Acid, they raise serum estrogen and testosterone increasing the risk of cancer and have cholesterol levels thereby blocking receptors.

There is no problem with getting adequate protein on this diet. According to growing methods the protein ratio of spinach is 30%, brussel sprouts are 19%, boiled green beans 13%, romaine lettuce 18%, raw cabbage 15%, raw Spanish peanuts 16%, almonds 13% quinoa 12% buckwheat 13%, kidney beans 24%, sprouted soybeans 26% tofu 38%, sprouted alfalfa 34%, Swiss chard 23%, wheat grass juice 27%, and mushrooms 37%.

The China Study is THE nutrition book of the century if people really want to get serious. The RDA for protein is 10% of the calories of the diet, which is equivalent to 50-60 grams. T. Colin Campbell, PhD, in his book The China Study said that his research proved that when rats were given only 5% protein (milk protein-casein), cancer initiation and growth was greatly reduced or suspended. He also found “plant” protein did not promote cancer growth even when fed at higher levels (20%).

Thus he concludes that it is animal protein in the diet that feeds cancer growth irrespective of the dosage of initial carcinogen exposure. Because Kundalini cannibalizes the body tissues collagen and L-Lysine is important to include, perhaps in your smoothie mix, along with spirulina and other protein rich vegan powders. L-Lysine blocks the enzymes that break down collagen and acts as glue that connects collagen fibers together.

Mail order food companies like Jaffe Brothers are really worthwhile using because most of the nuts, grains and seeds are old and rancid. When you buy pumpkin seeds from Jaffe Bros they are as green as wheatgrass. There is no point eating OLD food. They also have the cheapest apricot seeds. https://organicfruitsandnuts.com/

I highly recommend Rainbow Green Live-Food Cuisine and Conscious Eating by Gabriel Cousens, and his Spiritual Nutrition. Food Enzymes for Health Longevity by Dr. Edward Howell. The ProVita Plan, You Foundation For Optimal Nutrition by Dr. Jack Tips. All of these books are provided in our source section.

Raw Food Diet & Fasting

Assimilating Food into the Human Body

Dr. Gabriel Cousens, in his book Spiritual Nutrition, stated when cosmic energy is sufficiently condensed, it arrives on our plates as food. To develop a new paradigm of the process of food assimilation into the human body requires the understanding of assimilation on both the physical and the energetic levels.

We can see that the relationship of food to the human system is more than just adding up calories, vitamins, and minerals to be materially accumulated as building blocks in our bodies. On a general level, each vegetable and animal substance radiates a unique, species-specific, subtle vibration from its energy field.

As solid, whole, organic, live food it maintains its Subtle Organizing Energy Field (SOEF). Although this is true for both plants and animals, for the rest of this discussion we will refer only to plant foods, as they exist on a more primary level in the food chain than animals. One of the tasks of assimilation is the conversion of food as a foreign body into a likeness with our own body chemistry and vibration, especially on the levels of physical, etheric, and astral bodies.

It is the relationship between the energy fields of the human system and of the substance being ingested that is important to assimilation. To assimilate food successfully, we must completely absorb the total forces of the food into our own forces. Rudolf Steiner alluded to this in 1924 when he said we should not concern ourselves with the quantity of food in metabolism, but rather with whether we can assimilate the vitality from food in the most effective way.

On one level, assimilation is overcoming the foreign nature or individualized SOEFs of our food. It is through the process of assimilation that we enter into a very intimate relationship with our food. Assimilating food is a major interface between ourselves and our physical environment. Assimilating food is a way of extracting energy from the environment.

One of the tasks of assimilation is the conversion of food as a foreign body into a likeness with our own body chemistry and vibration, especially on the levels of physical, etheric, and astral bodies. It is the relationship between the energy fields of the human system and of the substance being ingested that is important to assimilation. 

To assimilate food successfully, we must completely absorb the total forces of the food into our own forces. Rudolf Steiner alluded to this in 1924 when he said we should not concern ourselves with the quantity of food in metabolism, but rather with whether we can assimilate the vitality from food in the most effective way.

On one level, assimilation is overcoming the foreign nature or individualized SOEFs of our food. It is through the process of assimilation that we enter into a very intimate relationship with our food. Assimilating food is a major interface between ourselves and our physical environment. Assimilating food is a way of extracting energy from the environment.

One of the tasks of assimilation is the conversion of food as a foreign body into a likeness with our own body chemistry and vibration, especially on the levels of physical, etheric, and astral bodies. It is the relationship between the energy fields of the human system and of the substance being ingested that is important to assimilation.

To assimilate food successfully, we must completely absorb the total forces of the food into our own forces. Rudolf Steiner alluded to this in 1924 when he said we should not concern ourselves with the quantity of food in metabolism, but rather with whether we can assimilate the vitality from food in the most effective way.

On one level, assimilation is overcoming the foreign nature or individualized SOEFs of our food. It is through the process of assimilation that we enter into a very intimate relationship with our food. Assimilating food is a major interface between ourselves and our physical environment. Assimilating food is a way of extracting energy from the environment.

Not only are we affected by the environment in which food is grown, we are also affected by the consciousness of the people who prepare our food. In Muktanandas ashrams, food was always prepared with Love so the people eating the food would receive that Love. Marcel Vogel has shown that water infused with the thought form of Love has a different taste and a different subtle vibration.

Live food is filled with the highest degree of structured water which best holds the vibration of our blessings. As we eat this blessed food, we eat our blessings on this subtle level. We are interacting with food on subtle energy levels as well as on the material level of assimilation. Gerhard Schmidt, M.D., points out, in The Dynamics of Nutrition, that nutrition is concerned with the assimilation of different levels of energy, which increase in quality the closer they are to sun or light energy.

Eating allows the forces of food to penetrate us, and without proper assimilation and digestion, these foreign forces can make us ill. For example, foods injected directly into our physical bodies will typically cause an inflammation, but if taken in orally they will not, because they undergo a normal assimilation process. An old Arab proverb, that “one eats oneself sick and digests oneself back to health,” illustrates this point.

Digestion involves overcoming and assimilating the energetic forces in our foods, stimulating our own inner forces, and strengthening us in the overcoming of entropy. If this sounds like too much work, just think of it this way: If we are not walking around strengthening ourselves by overcoming the force of gravity, our muscles and bones begin to weaken and deteriorate, just as astronauts, in a gravity-free environment, begin to lose bone mass.

To further elucidate this point, a study in Europe was done in an effort to find easier ways to feed mentally disadvantaged, institutionalized children. They were fed a synthetic mixture of vitamins, minerals, calories, and proteins that was the calculated equivalent of what they had been getting on the material level from their three meals a day. After a period of time on this liquid, synthetic diet, researchers were amazed to find that the organs of taste and digestion in the children began to atrophy.

One implication of this is that without the stimulating forces of the raw foods, the organs of assimilation are not energized or exercised, and therefore begin to atrophy just like bone mass in a gravity-free environment. These experiments may make us think about the long-term results caused by the consumption of high-potency synthetic vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and proteins currently practiced.

This is not a statement against the use of nutritional supplements. The author suggests that synthetic supplements should be used with the awareness that assimilation involves the interaction of dynamic forces between us and the food and not just the mechanical absorption of nutrients, and that the indiscriminate use of synthetic supplements is something to be aware of. Wholistic digestion, then, involves an intimate relationship with the nutrients we take in.

It involves the liberation of the cosmic forces that are at the core of the material food. On a more subtle level, Sri Nirsargadatta, the late seer from Bombay, has pointed out that consciousness is the very essence of the food that has been assimilated. Our model for nutrition and assimilation must also account for the truth of this concept.

Raw Food Diet & Fasting

Crystalline Bone Structure and Energy Assimilation

Dr. Cousens stated, in the process of assimilation, the crystalline vibration of food interacts with our total oscillating crystalline system. Anyone familiar with the science of kinesiology (muscle testing) knows that when a specific food substance is brought within the body’s vibratory field, it may immediately weaken, strengthen, or not appreciably affect the person.

Within the plant structure, there are different crystal-like substructures, similar to the multiple oscillating crystal-like subsystems in our own bodies. These resonate with the bone and other crystal-like structures in our bodies, amplifying and transmitting resonant energy to the body as a whole. Because bone is the only rigid crystal system in the body, it is the major “antenna” for receiving information into the body and transferring it through its crystalline properties to the rest of the body.

In this process, the bone transforms the vibration of the plant into a resonant frequency that is compatible with our living system. Our crystalline bone structure acts like the crystal in a radio, which picks up radio waves and translates them into audio signals. The sound vibrations resonate with the bone structures in our ears, transmitting these vibrations as electrical vibrations or impulses to our auditory nerves.

Through the bones resonance vibration plant EMFs are transformed into specific vibrations that are similar to and hence are ability to communicate information and energy to the resonating substructures in the body. In this way, specific vibrational properties of the plant energize and nurture specific organ, glandular, and cellular systems. 

For example, the dandelion root primarily affects the liver, while the leaf has much less effect on the liver and is best used in salads as a light cleansing tonic. At another level of awareness, it may be that only organs in a state of well-being that will draw the right nutrients to themselves and reject inappropriate nutrients.

When cells and organs are diseased, their resonant EMF fields are different from those of healthy cells, so they may not draw the proper nutrients to themselves to create and maintain health. It is documented that the crystal structure and EMF field generated by arthritic bone are different than in normal bone.

Interplay of Our Tri-System and Crystalline Bone Structure

On another level stated Dr. Cousens, plant energy is also assimilated through a dynamic interplay of the crystalline bone structure with the tri-system of our circulatory, nervous, and meridian systems. The Chinese have been familiar with this tri-system relationship for thousands of years. By use of pulse diagnosis on the vascular system, they explain the condition of the various meridians, organs, glands, nerves, and bone systems.

A theoretical explanation for how vibrational remedies are taken into the body – in Gem Elixirs and Vibrational Healing, Volume 1 , by Gurudas – also discusses the interplay of this synchronous tri-system. It helps us understand how energy can be transferred from the physical level to the etheric system of the chakras.

In this transfer, meridians act as a bi-directional resonant transfer system between the two levels. The meridian system also has a direct link with the nervous and circulatory systems, as it is a template for them and the whole physical body. It is the most physical templating energy system organized by the SOEFs, carrying more of the body’s life force in its crystal-like structures. In Genesis 4:10, we read of Abel’s blood speaking to God from the Earth. This can be understood as the crystalline life force sending out its message.

The most important of these resonating forces are the hemoglobin structures in the red blood cells and the minerals in plasma. The nervous system carries more of the mental consciousness forces through the electromagnetic fields. It helps stimulate and direct cellular growth, including the direction and growth of the blood vessels in the system.

Our bone structure is also penetrated by the nervous system. C-fibers and knob-like nerve receptors are found in different types of bone tissue. When the nerve tissues conduct nerve impulses, the physiological changes associated with these pulses create an external EMF. These EMFs may interact with bone EMFs.

Although still theory, there is some evidence suggesting that the meridian, nervous, and circulatory systems form a stable overall system that transmits the transformed and amplified energy of the bone to the rest of the body subsystems, down to the cellular level. Vibrations from the bone also help to stabilize and energize the meridian system.

It is well known that the piezoelectric energies stimulated in the bone by walking create an EMF that programs the maintenance of the bone structure. The pulsating of the heart and blood vessels creates a piezoelectric response in bone that may create a stabilizing maintenance EMF in the bone.

Dr. Bassett points out that the EMFs from the cardiovascular system might play a major role as some sort of stabilizing signal as they interact with locally generated piezoelectric and streaming potentials. Although the evidence for this sort of relationship is not conclusive, it supports our hypothesis.

Raw Food Diet & Fasting

Theory of Assimilation

The first step, states Dr. Cousens in our assimilation theory starts with the sun activating the chlorophyll in plant cells. Energized chlorophyll, which contains a holographic vibration of the whole plant, transfers its resonant energy and information into the electromagnetic field of the iron in red blood cells.

Chlorophyll and hemoglobin only differ by one atom: Chlorophyll has magnesium in its structure, while hemoglobin has iron. The red blood cells, newly energized and programmed from their interaction with the chlorophyll, circulate back through the bone system. Red blood cells transmit their new EMF energy and information to the bone via direct resonance and the streaming potential, or electrical fluidium effect.

The bone amplifies and transmits it to the rest of the system. The red blood cell and hemoglobin systems also transfer resonant plant energy directly to cells and tissues through the resonant transfer of their own EMFs. In addition to the red blood cell EMFs, the blood plasma, charged by plant and body cell EMFs and other input EMFs, also transmits electromagnetic fields, which are carried by mineral compounds.

These plasma crystalline EMFs are transferred to bone, and at the same time charged and reprogrammed by the new bone pattern. They leave the bone structure with the information needed to be drawn by their own EMFs to the appropriate location in the system. The red blood cells and plasma help to stabilize the general patterns of the body. When their charge becomes fatigued, circulation through the bone recharges them.

In essence, red blood cells and plasma are both programmers of the bone crystal and programmed by it. The programmed ionic EMFs of the plasma also help to stabilize the meridian system, which in turn helps to program and balance the neurological system (see the second figure). The bone then sends out a pattern harmonic with the whole body.

The red blood cells and plasma also leave the bone and carry specific patterns to specific locations in the body and help to stabilize the general EMFs of the body. This tri-system and the crystal energies of the bone are a multiple-feedback, self-stabilizing, energy-conducting system. These three systems and the crystalline bone structure interact synchronistically and simultaneously.

Energy Transfer from and Absorption of Molecular Structures

Energy and material are transferred from food into our system in another way as well. This transfer is through the individual simple sugars from complex carbohydrates, crystal-like proteins, free amino acids, and negatively charged fatty acid formations. These nutrients are crystalline formations that carry specific energies and EMF patterns. They are drawn to areas like a particular gland, organ, or cell that have energy field patterns that attract the specifically programmed nutrient by like resonance.

These nutrients resonantly and molecularly link into the larger resonating molecular field, releasing their energy into this larger field to re-energize it. This is how the energy of the templating SOEF is recharged. This is one way SOEFs draw nutrients into their templates to build the physical structure. It explains how nutrients get to where they are needed in the body.

Micronutrients and Cell EMFs

Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., professor of anatomy at St. Georges University School of Medicine in Grenada states Dr. Cousens, has developed a beautiful theory, thoroughly based on current scientific data in the field of cellular biology. It explains in more detail how specifically charged micronutrients, as carriers of energy patterns of a specific food we have ingested, are resonantly attracted to a particular cell’s EMF, and actually interface with, transfer their energetic patterns to, and incorporate their material forms into the cell.

His theory clarifies how nutrients, which are not specifically programmed for a particular cell but are being transported in proximity to the cell by the extracellular fluids, are drawn into the cell. Certain facts are the basis of this understanding. One is that when a protein is exposed to an energy source such as light or radio wave sound, EMFs of the same frequency or a harmonic frequency of the crystal-like protein, the protein molecule will resonate sympathetically with it.

This new resonance vibration has the power to create an electromagnetic energy shift in the protein that can change its physical shape. This change may activate a new function for the protein, or it may temporarily inhibit an ongoing function. Proteins that can change shape like this are called allosteric proteins. In short, proteins, as crystal-like structures, are able to take in EMF energies and transform them into a biologically active signal.

One familiar example of this is rhodopsin, the crystal-like protein energy receptor for light found in pigments in the rods of the eye. It takes in the energy of light and transforms it into nerve pulses that transfer this energy to the brains vision centers. Another common example is melanin, a crystal-like protein able to absorb light energy and transform it into sound and electromagnetic energy.

The next step that Dr. Lipton adds in his theory is based on evidence that proteins are able to integrate themselves into the cell membrane. There are several different functions for these proteins in the cell membrane. There are receptor proteins involved with reception and detection of incoming electromagnetic frequencies, including EMFs of various nutrients, hormones, ions in solution, neurotransmitters, glucose molecules, free amino acids, free fatty acids, or any other nutrients needed for cellular function that are brought to the cell via the extracellular fluids.

These crystal-like proteins are sensitive to very low levels of energy such as input from single ions, electrons, photons, and protons. On receiving these incoming EMF energies, these receptor proteins convert them into specific biological signals that modulate the cell membrane functioning. These signals directly affect the three other functional protein types in the cell membrane.

Receptor proteins may transfer the incoming energy to enzyme proteins, which may then become activated to perform enzymatic reactions intracellularly or extracellularly. The receptor proteins may also transfer this energy to transport proteins, which transform it into electrochemical activities that regulate some of the gates and channel systems that let in specific nutrients knocking on the outside of the cell membrane doors.

The receptor proteins also act in a direct physical linkage to structural proteins within the cell walls. As the receptor proteins change shape, they create a change in the physical configuration of the structural protein to which they are linked. When the configuration of the structural protein changes, it may also open or shut a particular cell membrane door.

In summary, the receptor proteins are crystal-like energy transducers that take in the information energy of the multitudinous EMFs impinging on the cell system and convert them into energy message signals to which the cell can respond. These receptor proteins are yet another system that tunes us into the energy of nutrients, as well as the more subtle geomagnetic, Earth atmospheric vibrations such as the Schuman resonance and lunar, solar, and cosmic resonance fields that affect biological life on this planet.

The cell membrane as a total unit vibrates in sympathetic resonance with incoming EMFs. Its resonant vibration is able to induce a harmonic resonance in the intracellular crystalline membranes and protein complexes like RNA and DNA. This transfer of harmonic, resonant energy is how the cell membrane sends information to the intracellular structures, and therefore has a regulatory effect on them.

It is the author’s theory that the cosmic, earth, food, and bone resonant information energy can also directly transmit energy to the core intracellular structures such as the RNA and DNA. This is particularly true as we develop spiritually through proper nutrition and meditation. We become better and better superconductors of the cosmic energy as we evolve spiritually.

As we become better and better superconductors of energy, there is less and less impeded resonance between the microcosm and macrocosm, resulting in the experience of awareness. There is another piece to this system. The intracellular crystalline vibratory structures can resonantly transmit their energy information to the cell membrane and therefore can influence the cell membrane function as well. It is a two-way system.

In harmonic resonance with its intracellular structures, the cell membrane sends out EMFs into the extracellular fluids, which attract the specific nutrients they need. This completes the multiple feedback cycles in the overall system of multilevel, vibrating, crystal-like systems in the body. Several mechanisms of information energy transfer in the system have been outlined. None are contradictory. Our complex system of energy information assimilation has many checks and balances to keep us attuned.

Raw Food Diet & Fasting

Living Field

Dr. Cousens added that an additional insight into the role of energy transfer in the health of the human body is to understand this from the perspective of the quantum physics viewpoint of the living field. The concept of intracellular communication via electromagnetic fields has a much larger implication. This is a microcosmic expression of how the macrocosmic living field functions.

As Albert Einstein once said, “The field is the only reality.” What is meant by field is that we are part of the larger zero point energy. It can be jokingly referred to as the “zero point mothership,” which is a source of energy, as the author has pointed out, of a million times a million tons of the uranium, at a minimum, per one cubic centimeter of space. The living field represents a picture of an interconnected universe.

The whole theory of the living field means, in essence, that we are part of something much bigger in which we are connected to All and that we are indivisible from everything. In this living field, the memory of whatever Was, Is, and Will Be exists. This perceptual understanding gives us the explanation of clairvoyance, and all psychic phenomena.

In essence, everything becomes transported into an electrical charge that interacts with the zero point mothership. The waves, or bio-photons, which are both particles and waves, are, in essence, energy communicators that transmit energy. The concept of non-locality which essentially means that all subatomic particles are in contact with each other whether they are one mile apart or ten thousand miles apart, becomes the basis of intuition.

Researchers have clearly shown that the subatomic panicles know about each other and are indeed in constant communication with each other. In essence, when we are seeing each other, we are seeing each other as frequency composites. The essence of the non-locality “discoveries” that people are making is that the mind vibrates through the mechanism of the brain and extends out indefinitely. The real question is where do we end or begin.

The fact is there is no end or beginning; there is only THAT. This is the physics explanation of the experience of Liberation or Self-realization. It is nice to know from a pure quantum physics perspective that we are only THAT. Once we understand these basic principles, we can begin to understand Dr. Fritz Albert Popps work, which has become a bit more popular over the last thirty years.

The author discovered his research in 1984. Dr. Popp’s research basically shows that humans, and the light in our cells, vibrate with quantum frequencies. The body, the cells within the body, and the DNA within the cells within the body, are all resonators working like a two-way radio. Each cell gives off a particular frequency. According to Dr. Popp, the frequencies are in an optical range between 200 and 800 nanometers.

He pointed out in 2001, at a conference on the living field, that cells act as resonators for sunlight, that even the ancient one-celled organisms were evolutionarily developed by resonating with sunlight and so have gifted this basic physiology through evolution into human cells. Electromagnetic wave patterns in the cells act as a guidance or force for what happens physiologically in the cell.

When you change a field pattern, you change matter. When you change matter, you change afield pattern. What is more important is that the field pattern is much more predominant in organizing the matter than vice versa. The point is that all living systems have a bio-photon emission and this is always changing because the field patterns are being influenced constantly by all of creation.

We as human resonators, or as human oscillating crystals, are affected by these electromagnetic wave patterns. In essence, living systems are open systems. They are affected by the electromagnetic wave patterns within themselves and externally. One of the concepts of this study (from Dr. Popp’s work, which he doesn’t claim as his own but which comes from the field of study called bio-photonics, which has been going on for about thirty years) is that bio-photons are coherent.

This is an important concept. What coherence means in this context is that even small emissions can affect a greater whole because a small change can change the coherence of the greater whole. Dr. Popp points out that there are over a hundred thousand reactions in a cell in one second. One single photon is enough to trigger ten-to-the-ninth reactions (109, or 10,000,000,000).

Then the photon itself is not used up but returned to the living field. This is slightly amazing. He points out something the author agrees with, that DNA is the most important crystalline field in the interaction with matter, and that most bio-photon emissions come from DNA. From the authors point of view, DNA is a crystalline structure. The first research to prove the existence of the structure of DNA came from crystalline radiography.

As we take this a little further, we begin to understand that consciousness is a high order of coherence of field patterns in the body. When the consciousness is healthy, we remain healthy. When consciousness is entropic and unbalanced, we become entropic and unbalanced. This takes us to another understanding of disease, which is that disease in essence is a rogue frequency and is chaos in the field.

Aging is an increasing level of chaos in the field. Anti-aging is the restoration of coherence in the field. The work at the Tree of Life is to bring people back into the higher spiritual frequencies of coherent consciousness. The first level of coherence rests on the idea that all subatomic particles are in communication with each other so that when you change one, you in effect change all the other subatomic particles.

This is because they are in constant and instantaneous communication with each other. Dr. Popp, in a 1984 paper called “Bio-Photon Emissions: New Evidence for Coherence in DNA,” points out the existence of bio-photons and the energetic phenomena of ultra-weak photon emissions from living systems. Because of the principle of coherence, these bio-photon emissions are very, very weak.

With cancer cells it is just the opposite because the cancer cells are no longer in coherent communication with all the other cells – the result being that the bio-photon emission of a cancer cell is greatly enhanced, and therefore pathological. Dr. Popp was able to measure this bio-photon emission with a device he created and called a “biophoton meter.”

He found that 97 percent of the DNA was associated with bio-photon transmission, and only 3 percent was associated with genetic information. These ultra-weak photon emissions from living cells are different than the phenomena of bio-illuminescence. which has to do with aura. It also fits into the model of the importance of the spiritual food, or manna (the manna given to the people in the Exodus in Genesis is linked with the monatomic element iridium [see Chapter 28Y) which seems to increase the electron energy of the superconductor ability of a great deal of the “‘junk DNA.”

Meaning the DNA which is not used for genetic information. What Dr. Popp found was that the healthiest people have the highest amount of bio-photon emission, while the people who are the sickest have the lowest amount. In other words, as we give off light we are in a sense communicating with each other and within and between all of our cells. When people are sick, the light fades and the amount of coherent communication diminishes.

Dr. Popp and his research seem to support this finding. The existence of bio-photon emission is an important aspect of understanding why one should eat live foods, because bio-photon emissions are given off by the DNA, RNA, and other forms of macro-molecules, including enzymes, chlorophyll, and hemoglobin. Dr. Popp found that wild, organic foods give off twice as much bio-photon energy as cultivated organic crops.

He also found that cultivated organic foods give off five times as much bio-photon energy as commercially grown food. Dr. Popp’s research also showed that cooked and irradiated foods gave off no biophoton energy. The message here should be obvious. In terms of communication. Dr. Popp’s work fills in some of the theoretical pieces that were not quite available in the first edition of Spiritual Nutrition, where the author clearly points out the importance of the electromagnetic field and the communication between the cells.

The DNA communication of bio-photons communicates with the cells and sets the electromagnetic field for the cell to communicate with the rest of the body, with all the other cells, along with the intracellular communication. This is the key to how the cells know to obtain those nutrients they need. As the author explained a little earlier, once the cells have their set electromagnetic fields, they will draw the nutrients that have the proper electromagnetic fields to them.

The key is the communication from the DNA to the cell wall, which then communicates through proper electromagnetic fields. This is the exciting thing. Biophoton emission has to do with intercellular communication. When we are unhealthy, our ability for intercellular communication diminishes, and we have increasingly less of a coherent field.

This, in a sense, is the physics behind the subtle organizing energy field (SOEF) because, when our coherence diminishes, that is, when the entropy of the field increases, our ability to protect ourselves from rogue fields, therefore disease and disorganization, diminishes. Now we have a comprehensive theory of how this whole system begins to work together.

Raw Food Diet & Fasting

The Role of the Pineal

As was established earlier stated Dr. Cousens, the body is a resonating crystal, giving off and receiving frequencies from all of creation. Perhaps the master gland (and the author says “perhaps” because this is still theory) is the pineal gland, also known as the third eye. But the authors feeling is that it is also connected with the crown chakra, somewhere in the interface between the sixth and seventh chakras.

This pineal gland regulates our sleep cycle, affects all the glands of the body as the master regulator, and it could be the master gland as a human antenna for the electromagnetic field of the cosmos. Research has shown that the pineal gland has piezoelectric properties as well. But the bottom line is that the pineal gland could be the master antenna that picks up the fields from the entire universe and then transmits energy through its bio-photon emission ability to the rest of the body.

It is, again, interesting to note that the manna thought by some to be the mineral iridium is thought, according to ancient teaching, to stimulate the activity of the pineal gland as the master communicator, which will then enhance our communication as a superconductor to the entire universe.

Please understand that this is theory, but it is backed by an increasing amount of science of a living field we are all part of, as an interconnected One. It gives us the understanding that as we become superconductors, we can have the potential to be not only disease-free, but in a sense, immortal. We simply need to be able to maintain the free and unblocked superconductor communication with the living field. The potential of this understanding is infinite and awesome.

Importance of Living Nutrients

Dr. Cousens stated, another collary of Dr. Popp’s work, pointed out in Chapter 9 on The Human Crystal, is that every single cell is a living crystal with an optimal cellular resonance. The only thing that can sustain or regain ideal cellular resonance and health is material at that optimal frequency. Nutrients from a non-living source do not recreate this optimal living frequency.

Synthetics, by definition from a non-living source, are therefore suboptimal entropy-producing substances. These entropic substances also include additives, pesticides, and so on. Dr. Popp points out that what accesses the DNA is critical, and especially what accesses the mitochondria, the high-energy center of the cell.

Alpha-lipoic acid, Co-Q-10, and B-vitamins from a non-living source, although theoretically supplying anti-oxidant support for the mitochondria, may damage the DNA because they do not present or add a body of light, that is, the biophoton energy. The energetic and quantum physics definition of life and nutrition by Dr. Popp is that the foods we eat must add light (as biophotons) to our bioenergetic systems and especially to our DNA structures.

In every molecule of a living substance, there is at least one atom that is pure light or bio-photon energy and that upgrades the DNA, and sustains and repairs the DNA over time. The synthetics may look good and may help in the short run, but not necessarily in the long term. Theoretically, synthetic nutrients may be creating a dissonant, entropic field and may degrade the DNA.

Living materials and herb complexes are needed that restore the energetic resonance of the organs, glands, and cells. The best supplements are those that match the optimal cell resonance, and therefore are aligned with Popp’s work and the message of Spiritual Nutrition. If a product has any radiation, pesticides, herbicides, organophosphates, heavy metals, talcum powder, magnesium stearate, titanium dioxide, or other synthetic materials, it may potentially disrupt the energetic field.

These toxins have access to the interior of the cell and may potentially damage the mitochondrial DNA in a disproportionate amount. This concept is based on the principle of coherence, described earlier in this chapter. This means that a little disturbance of the field may cause a disproportionate entropic shift in the field because it shifts the coherence.

If not 100 percent organic, living, and free of toxic “tag-a-longs” (non-live source contaminants), it has the potential to disorganize both sets of the mitochondrial and nuclear DNA. According to Robert Marshal, PhD., the mitochondrial DNA is at least four times as vulnerable as the nuclear DNA. This quantum physics understanding gives an additional insight into the great importance of taking pure, organic foods and supplements on every level.

Raw Food Diet & Fasting

The Sattvic Diet

To understand the sattvic diet stated Dr. Cousens, it is first helpful to look at the classical descriptions of a sattvic diet. Hatha Yoga Pradipika (section 58), the main classical Hatha Yoga textbook, recommends avoiding “alcohol, fish, meat, curds, buttermilk, berries, oil, cakes, asafetida (hing), and garlic.” It lists good foods for Yoga: grains, wheat, rice, barley, milk, ghee, butter, honey, dry ginger, cucumber, fine leafy vegetables, green garam (an Indian seasoning), and pure water.

Sattvic food, according to the Bhagavad-Gita XSLL.8, is food liked by sattvic people, which promotes longevity, goodness, strength, health, happiness, and pleasure, and is juicy, rich, nourishing, and agreeable. Elsewhere in the Mahabharata, which is where the Gita comes from, the importance of not eating meat is emphasized. Due to the quality of food production and preparation techniques in modern times, it is important to extend our definition of sattvic food.

The equivalent of a traditional sattvic diet today consists of organic, whole natural fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and grains. A modern sattvic diet emphasizes foods grown in harmony with nature by organic farmers, on good soils, ripened naturally, and prepared with an attitude of Love. Such foods carry the highest prana and consciousness.

A modern sattvic diet does not include junk food, excessively spicy or salty foods, fried food, white flour, white sugar, and other forms of food that unnaturally stimulate your blood sugar or your mind. It avoids meat, fish, eggs, alcohol, highly caffeinated beverages, and often garlic and onion as well. It is careful about, but not necessarily exclusive of, dairy.

It does not include genetically engineered foods, irradiated foods, microwaved foods, foods that have been cooked more than twenty-four hours previously, or stale foods. Most restaurant-prepared and fast food would be excluded. The best is natural, organic food home-cooked or home-prepared with love and consciousness or from organic restaurants based on such ideas.

Diet and the Mind

In Ayurveda continues Dr. Cousens, it is established that certain foods affect the qualities of the mind in particular ways. These qualities or states of mind are latent in everyone. In Ayurveda they are divided into three categories, called gunas. Anyone who is in the physical body is subject to the subtle forces of the three gunas, which are called sattvic, rajasic, and tamasic.

A sattvic state of mind is clear, peaceful, and harmonious. It is typified by the pure-living spiritual aspirant. The rajasic state is active, restless, worldly, and aggressive – the mental state of warriors and corporate executives. The tamasic state is lethargic, impulsive, cruel, and morally and physically degenerate. It is typified by our stereotype of the drug addict or thief.

Diet influences the state of mind, and the state of mind influences the diet choice. Members of the traditional warrior class would eat the rajasic diet because it stimulated their minds and bodies into a war-like state. Spiritual aspirants normally choose the sattvic diet and way of life. Consciously or unconsciously, people tend to choose the diet that reinforces and is reflective of their own mental and spiritual state of awareness.

The choice of a sattvic diet may either reflect a persons state of harmony or may reflect a persons desire to influence themselves into that state by choosing sattvic foods. The pitfall of pursuing a sattvic diet to create a desired mental state is that it can become a self-righteous religion that traps the aspirants in their own concepts. The object of spiritual life is not to fit a certain conceptual form or way of life. It is simply to Be.

In that Beingness, we create a healthy space for evolution into an individualized diet that is spiritually best for that time. In Ayurveda foods are also thought to have three qualities of density: a fine subtle quality that builds the mind, a less fine quality that builds the body, and a coarse quality that is primarily waste matter.

Raw Food Diet & Fasting

Sattvic Foods

Foods that have high amounts of this most refined subtle quality are called sattvic, states Dr. Cousens. These are considered pure foods because they keep the body-mind-spirit complex balanced, clear, harmonious, and strong. A sattvic diet helps one go inward to the Self. They are easy to digest, and their intake does not result in the accumulation of toxins in the system. The intake of these foods helps to keep the mind at peace.

These sattvic foods add energy to the SOEFs, rather than draining energy from them for assimilation. Their inherent balanced, harmonious energy is transmitted to us. The experience of a sattvic diet is that of inner strength, harmony, peace, and balance. In the Ayurvedic system, these traditional sattvic foods include all fruits, vegetables, edible greens, grains, grasses, beans, milk, buttermilk, honey, and small quantities of rice or bread preparations. In our present time it is completely vegan.

For our Western bodies, a sattvic diet means at least 80 percent biogenic and bioactive foods (see Chapter 20) and 20 percent cooked or biostatic foods, with a minimum of stimulating condiments. The diet has an abundance of different sprouts of greens, legumes, and grains, immature greens and grasses, fresh fruits and vegetables, raw soaked or un-soaked nuts and seeds, and coconuts. It should be 100 percent organic, grown and prepared with Love.

Rajasic Foods

Rajasic foods, states Dr. Cousens, are more stimulating to the nervous system. One will often feel some immediate increased energy from eating them. Coffee, tea, tobacco, fresh meats, and large amounts of stimulating spices such as garlic and onions are examples of rajasic foods. These foods will energize us for our worldly activities, but this energization does not always happen in the clearest and most balanced way A rajasic diet makes the mind go outward.

These foods stimulate us to be busy and active, but activity can turn into agitation and restlessness. They tend to push our mind and body beyond its limits. If this is done long enough, we eventually go into imbalance, and disease begins to manifest. An example of this is the coffee addict who needs more and more coffee to keep pumping up to do work. Eventually, the addict becomes more and more physically exhausted until even the coffee will not help.

Hypoglycemia, is a typical result of rajasic imbalance, especially with the overuse of coffee and sugar. Rajasic foods tend to stimulate the body and mind toward a more competitive, war-like, sensual, and pleasure-seeking way of life. In the traditional caste system, the Brahmins, who were the priests, teachers, and spiritual seekers, were forbidden to have rajasic foods.

A rajasic diet was considered the diet for kings and warriors. Rajasic foods include some biogenic and bioactive foods, but they also include flesh foods and many spicy, cooked foods with rich, oily sauces. This diet includes butter, cheese, oils, fried foods, cakes, sugar, and eggs. The taste stimulation of these foods tends to lead us away from our inner cues, moving us easily toward imbalances such as overeating and coffee and sugar addictions. This diet eventually leads to ill health and chronic degenerative imbalances.

Tamasic Foods

Tamasic foods are stale, decayed, decomposed, spoiled, overcooked, recooked leftovers, Genetically Modified Organics (GMOs), irradiated, microwaved, and other forms of processed foods. These processed foods are chemicalized with preservatives, pesticides, fungicides, sweeteners, artificial colors, sulfites, nitrites, and similar chemicals.

I mentioned in Shadow Dragon page, that these black magicians coming to power and controlling humanity since the fall of Atlantis. In addition, I stated these black magicians are trying to keep humanity from activating the Kundalini and our Multidimensional Self. I used the example of the porn industry, that this industry was their most strategic tactic due the power of sexual energy and it’s relation to the Kundalini. I also stated in the Dragon Consciousness, about fluoride and the calcification of the pineal gland. GMOs are one of many tactics these black magicians use. Yes, they are purposely poisoning us, GMOs are one of many ways. In an interview with TGE News, Dr. Bob DeMaria stated the following:

I suggest you do further research on the dangers of GMOs if you are not familiar with this subject. The following website has plenty information regarding GMOs. This website presents the entire agenda of these black magicians if you are not aware of the spiritual war being orchestrated against the human race. https://theglobalelite.org/?s=GMOs

Dr. Cousens continued that tamasic foods create a veil of ignorance and an energy of sloth and decadence. All the fast foods that are so popular today fall into the tamasic category, as does alcohol, which is a fermented, decomposed food, and all other drugs. Any flesh foods that are not freshly killed are considered tamasic; this includes most meat we find in the supermarket.

Only freshly killed wild game and fish are considered rajasic. Tamasic foods have no life force left in them. Their SOEFs have been severely disrupted. These foods have only minimal quality left in them, and maximum waste. These foods supply us with toxic chemical breakdown products that affect the functioning of our mind and irritate our nervous system.

Because they steal energy from our SOEFs to digest and assimilate, they diminish our life force. These foods lead more quickly than rajasic foods to chronic, degenerative disease. They tend to bring out the worst psychological characteristics because of the irritable, lethargic, degenerate state they create in us. At some time, most of us have overeaten some tamasic food and have felt raunchy and toxic.

This is the tamasic state, a state in which it is extremely difficult to meditate or to be in harmony with Self or environment. A quick assessment of the popular American diet makes it obvious that it is a strong tamasic diet, the results of which are that the U.S. rates twenty-first in life expectancy among the industrialized nations. The tamasic diet may also be contributing to the degenerating moral fiber of our society.

Raw Food Diet & Fasting

Diet and Culture

The Greek historian Herodotus stated Dr. Cousens, often called the father of history, reported that grain-eating vegetarian cultures surpassed meat-eating cultures in art, science, and spiritual development. He observed that meat-eating nations tended to be war-like and to relate to one another through anger, alienation, and sensual passions. He also commented that meat eaters possessed bravery, courage, and boldness.

Rudolf Steiner felt that spiritual progress for humanity depends on a progressive increase in the number of people who follow vegetarian nutrition. He felt that an overemphasis on animal nutrition would eventually pull people away from an interest in spiritual life. There is an implication that one contributing factor to the fall of the Roman empire was the decadent practice of gluttony. Perhaps this was also true in France before the Revolution.

An aristocratic dinner served the night before the French Revolution was reported to have nine courses made from one kind of meat that was prepared in twenty-two different ways. When one realizes that an estimated 34 million adult Americans are considered obese, there is some real concern for the spiritual state of our country.

There are some hints that in ancient times those involved in the various priesthoods (the black magicians, my emphasis) knew about the effects of certain diets on spiritual development and kept these as secrets to maintain their own power over the populations. A remnant of this may be found in India, where the Brahmin priests eat separately from people of other castes. The implication is that the diet of a social group affects the spiritual consciousness of that group.

Veganism Is the Key

From a Biblical perspective, veganism (a diet free of flesh, dairy, and eggs) was given as the dietary key to spiritual life right at the beginning of the Torah in Genesis 1:29: “Then God said, I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole Earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.” Ten generations later, when Noah was leaving the ark after the great flood and there was no plant food that Noah could find immediately to eat, God said, “Every swarming creature that lives shall be yours to eat; like grass vegetation I have given you all” (Genesis 9:3).

This was not a command to eat meat, but a dispensation for the immediate situation. In Leviticus 3:17, the commandment is given that “it is a statute to time indefinite for your generations, in all your dwelling places; you must not eat any fat or any blood at all.” This is particularly good advice today, since fat from flesh foods has been implicated in so many degenerative diseases and is a major storage site for pesticides, herbicides, and other environmental toxins that enter the food chain.

Before Noah, the first ten patriarchs lived an average of 912 years. In the ten generations between Shem (Noah’s son) and Abraham, the average life span dropped to 317 years. Eating flesh cut their life spans by two-thirds. God’s message to Adam was a clear commandment not to kill and eat the animals. At the giving of the Ten Speakings, “Thou shalt not kill” was interpreted by some to mean that one should not kill animals for food. This is certainly what is implied in the teachings of the Essenes and of Jesus, cited in the Essene Gospel of Peace, Book One.

However, because of the direction given to Noah, we cannot dogmatically claim that the Torah message gives a totally clear moral direction from God about whether or not to be a vegetarian. The original message of the most complete harmony is in Genesis 1:29. It is the guide for understanding the commandment “Thou shalt not kill”; however, this may not be an agreeable interpretation for everyone.

In addition, God gave the Hebrews the mysterious raw, high-spiritual-energy food called manna in support of their collective transition to Deveikut. Although cultural practices have not created the pre-conditions to support the Kabbalistic teaching to be fully vegetarian, Rabbi Kook, a profound Kabbalist and First Chief Rabbi in Israel-Palestine, just before the Israeli nationhood, was a vegetarian and taught its importance.

Rabbi Shlomo Goren, the late Ashkenazic Chief Rabbi of Israel, Rabbi Sha’ar Yashuv Cohen Ashkenazic, Chief Rabbi of Haifa, and Rabbi David Rosen, former Chief Rabbi of Ireland, were and are strict vegetarians. The highest percentage of vegetarians outside of India is in Israel. Jesus taught vegetarianism and he and all his disciples, as noted in this authors book Conscious Eating, were vegetarian.

Other major Jewish advocates of vegetarianism include Rabbi Joseph Albo in the fourteenth century and Rabbis Mar Sutra and Elizer ben Azariah, who both lived around the time of Jesus. The Essenes were a Jewish mystical sect who the evidence suggests may have practiced live-food vegetarianism as early as the sixth century B.C.

It was suggested in a biography of Pythagoras, the great Greek spiritual teacher and mathematician, that he studied with the Essenes on Mt. Carmel in the sixth century B.C. and returned Enlightened. After this, although this has not been firmly documented, it was said he taught about live foods, and that he required his students to do a forty-day water fast so their minds would be clear enough to receive his deeper teaching.

Although certain secular Yoga teachers are now saying one does not need to be vegetarian to practice Yoga, the Buddha expressed a clear opinion on this in the Shurangama Sutra: “After my parinirvana (Enlightenment) in the final kalpa (time era), different kinds of ghosts will be encountered everywhere, deceiving people and teaching them that they can eat meat and still attain Enlightenment. . . . How can a bhikshu (seeker) who hopes to become a deliverer of others, himself be living on the flesh of other sentient beings?”

Buddhism was originally vegetarian and, according to the Dalai Lama, it should go back to it. It is interesting to note that the Dalai Lama has publicly declared that he is a vegetarian and suggests vegetarianism to his people. This declaration was broadcast on BBC radio as part of the Dalai Lama’s efforts to prevent a fast-food chain from opening restaurants in Tibet. The Ahaparinirvana Sutra sums it up: “The eating of meat extinguishes the seed of great compassion.”

The science of Ayurveda also teaches that food is the basis of the physical body, which in turn is the support of the mind. Right diet, therefore, is the basis of both physical and mental health and an important foundation for spiritual practice. That is why almost all ashrams, temples, and Yoga centers in India serve only vegetarian food. The key element to the Spiritual Nutrition approach is veganism.

It communicates the energy of destruction to the cells and brings the energy of death into our auric fields, reducing the flow of higher prana into the body. The lives of the creatures we’ve eaten weigh down our astral body with their negative feelings of fear and suffering at their time of death. Some people claim that flesh food is part of their natural diet and so should not interfere with the unfoldment of their higher nature.

Sri Yukteswar, the guru of Paramahansa Yogananda, states in his book Holy Science: “Can flesh be considered the natural food of man, when both his eyes and his nose are so much against it, unless deceived by flavors of spices, salt, and sugar. On the other hand, how delightful do we find the fragrance of fruits, the very sight of which often makes the mouth water.”

Flesh food creates a tamasic (dull and heavy) effect on the physical body and mind. It clogs the channels of the subtle body, the 72,000 nadis through which the Kundalini needs to move freely to do its spiritualizing work, and tends to make the mind insensitive. Even Western historians such as Herodotus have suggested that not only violence and crime, but also religious intolerance, are more common among meat eating groups.

Many spiritual teachings support this. The Manusmriti (5.49), an ancient law code of Hindu society, states: “Having well considered the origin of flesh foods, and the cruelty of fettering and slaying of sentient beings, a person should abstain from eating flesh.” It also states (6.60): “By not killing any living being one becomes fit for Liberation.” The Yajur Veda (12.32) states: “You must not use your God-given body for killing God’s creatures whether a human, animal, or whatever.”

Raw Food Diet & Fasting

Vegan Diet and Ahimsa

A key component for creating a sattvic, holy mind is the practice of ahimsa – non-violence or non-harmfulness states, Dr. Cousens. In the book Ahimsa, by Nathaniel Altman, the Buddha is quoted: “Him I call Brahmin who is free from anger, who gladly endures reproach and even stripes and bonds inflicted upon him without cause. Him I call Brahmin who slays no creatures, who does not kill, or cause to be killed, any living thing.”

The word ahimsa is often translated as non-violence in the West, but the principle, which literally means “non-harming,” has a broader meaning. Ahimsa involves an active stance to reduce the amount of harm going on in the world with a dynamic compassion for all life and, at this point in time, the whole living planet. Ahimsa is acting from an empathetic identification born of a reverence for life that affects every facet of our existence.

It involves a personal responsibility to work for the well-being of all sentient creatures. Ahimsa is a practice that strives for less and less disorder and pain in the world, as we do our best to live with increasing harmony, compassion, and Love. In this way we also decrease the vrittis (thought activity) of the mind.

A vegan way of life (no flesh foods, eggs, dairy, leather, or other animal by-products) actively creates six aspects of ahimsa: (1) compassion and non-cruelty toward animals; (2) preserving the Earth and its ecology; (3) feeding the hungry; (4) preserving human life; (5) preservation of personal health; (6) inspiring peace.

Clearly all living involves some harm to other creatures or the environment. Even eating plants may involve ending the life of the plant (which is why some strict votaries of non-violence like the Jains will not eat root vegetables but only fruit, seeds, and grains). But plants are our natural food and are much lower on the food chain than flesh food, so a vegan diet works to reduce the amount of harm in a dramatic way.

Veganism causes less overall harm to life because the animals raised for consumption have eaten thousands of plants before they themselves are slaughtered. Just think of all the food that a cow must consume for the steak that one eats. When we eat, we are biting into the living planet. What we eat is the consciousness of the living Earth. If our eating process is not based on Love and compassion, all of our other actions are bound to suffer.

Anna, or food, is the first name of God or Brahma in Sanskrit. In the act of eating we are partaking of the entire universe and demonstrating our Oneness with God or Life. Everything in the universe is food, therefore what we eat is God, and therefore feeds our souls. This awareness that food affects our minds is not owned by Yoga alone.

The great Greek mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras once said, “As long as men massacre animals they will kill each other. Indeed, he who sows the seeds of murder and pain cannot reap joy and Love.” The eleventh-century Talmudic Rabbi, Moshe Ben Nachman, said about compassion for animals: “For cruelty expands in a man’s soul, is well known with respect to cattle slaughters.” Isaiah 66:3 states: “He who kills an ox is like he who kills a man.”

The Quaker leader Thomas Tyron (1634-1703) said: “The violence of killing animals for food stems from the same wrath as the killing of humans.” It is hard to believe that we can end crime, war, or hatred in the world as long as we are killing animals for our food, particularly in the modern era of brutal factory farming. The Mahabharata states: “What we eat in this life, eats us in the life after death.”

We must not forget the chain of karma:

• Compassion and non-cruelty toward animals are linked morally and spiritually to world peace. Killing an animal for food, even one that we raise ourselves or hunted, is a violent act, which we forget in consuming its flesh.

• Today, cruelty extends beyond the mass killing of animals to the systematic, anti-life, anti-humane treatment of animals, from the time they are born to the time they are “harvested,” as if they were a cash crop.

• Animals are deprived of their natural habitat and life cycle for the expediency of the meat industry Individual killing of animals for food is the first step in the cruelty process.

• The profit-motivated nature of industrializing animals, as if they are inanimate objects and void of any rights, feelings, or soul is the next step in the expansion of cruelty The way animals, chicken, and fish are treated today is at a level of cruelty that staggers the imagination.

• When eating these animals, we take the vibration of this cruelty and death into our consciousness, often without even thinking of what we are bringing into our own bodies and encouraging in our own environment.

Raw Food Diet & Fasting

Difference Between Plant and Animal Nutrition

Finally, Dr. Cousens stated that plant nutrition, when understood as densified sunlight, is distinctly different from animal nutrition. Sunlight, as a cosmic radiation, stimulates the energetic subtle body of the plant and helps to build its structure out of carbon dioxide (C02 ) and water (H20) to form activated carbonhydrogen bonds through the process of photosynthesis, which stores sunlight energy as excited electrons.

Taken into our systems, plants stimulate a resonant response from the Inner Light of our higher spiritual subtle bodies, which directly receive the pranic transfer of the stored sunlight. In anthroposophical medicine, this relationship of plant light to the stimulation, formation, and maintenance of the nervous system is important for spiritual development.

Rudolf Steiner felt that this outside light was significant because it stimulated the Inner Light as a spiritual process. When animals eat plants, they benefit directly from this release of light energy into the system. This light builds up the force of their nervous system and its related subtle astral or personality body.

When flesh foods are eaten by humans, we not only have to overcome the forces of the animal’s biomolecular system, but also of this stronger astral body nervous system. This puts a strain on our own nervous system development and function. This point becomes increasingly important when people have degenerative nervous system diseases.

Dr. Swank’s diet of low animal fat for the treatment of multiple sclerosis, a degenerative nervous system disease, is an example of the importance of avoiding or minimizing animal food when we are attempting to heal the nervous system. By assimilating the plant energy directly, we stimulate our own Inner Light forces and nervous system.

By taking in plant energy indirectly through animal foods, we lose the benefit of this stimulation on our Inner Light and nervous system. As already pointed out, if we do not exercise a biological system, such as our muscles, they weaken. In the same way, eating animal products weakens the nervous system in this indirect way. This is a major difference between plant and animal nutrition.

By taking in plant nutrition, we go through the whole stimulation and assimilation process, which eating animal foods does not allow us to do. To digest vegetarian foods requires more inner spiritual Light and digestive power. Over generations of heavy meat eating, some individuals have lost some of this power and may have difficulty assimilating the living plant forces of a vegetarian diet.

All Raw Food Fasting (BEGINNER)

Well, this cannot be really considered a fast if you have to eat. But to those that consume heavy food/drinks such as, meat, alcohol, processed unhealthy food (if you want to call it that – “food”), might as well be considered a fast. Animals do not cook food before eating, only humans do and those (Nephilim) that taught humans to.

As a beginner, take this one day at a time, consume only raw food for the whole day. One day a week only raw fruit and vegetables. In the next weeks try two days per week (or keep going at only one day a week for 3-4 weeks and increase incrementally), not consecutive as you are not used to it yet. For example, raw fruit and veggies on Monday and repeat the same thing on Wednesday or Thursday.

This is just a simple guideline. Everyone handles things differently. You may try two consecutive days if you can, or three days a week depending how determined you are, or if you are already on the road to healing. Most people’s bodies are loaded with mucus, puss, and antibiotics, lab made chemicals etc.

Even if you don’t take any antibiotics prescribed by the drug dealers (doctors), it doesn’t mean that you are not consuming any through the regular chemical-filled packaged foods you buy in the store. Depending on the severity of your disease (by just walking and not feeling any pain, does not mean that you don’t have any conditions), do not consume raw fruit and veggies the whole week as a start.

The reason for it is that fruit and veggies are the best natural detoxifiers, and they will detoxify you so fast in a truly short time that your liver will be flooded with toxins, and that is not safe. There are people that get sick after changing their lifestyle from eating mindlessly to eating and thinking mindfully. And that is because a big change happens in the body. The body goes into withdrawal.

We all think we eat healthy because we are accustomed to consuming certain foods regularly. But as soon as we start to change our diet then we have no choice but to realize that we were not eating healthy after all. In my case I did not go back to eating unhealthy food, I kept continuing my healthy diet and after a short period of time of not feeling good, my body adjusted to the new type of diet which was raw fruit and vegetables and occasionally cooked vegetables.

This type of fast (if you choose so) must include raw fruit, raw vegetables, water, and fruit juice (homemade), or organic fruit juice that you buy in the organic store. Pay attention at the back and front of the fruit juice package (assuming that they are being truthful). Some packages say organic juice. Yes, it may be organic, but where does the juice come from? The fruit itself or they add flavor that smells and tastes like the fruit?

There are many ways to deceive customers, so it is better that you make yourself the juice in a blender. It is cheaper (in the long run) and healthier as you would not add any chemicals and also because you will make it with love and not for money. The food you buy in the store is grown for money therefore, no love went toward the product.

Raw Food Diet & Fasting


Before moving onto this next level, you must have tried and been successful at consuming for a whole week all-raw fruit and vegetables. All-fruit fasting is very highly recommended for the simple fact that we are frugivores. This type of fast is harmonious with our physiological and anatomical process.

All fruits are good but the most highly recommended fruit to consume are grapes, melons, and watermelons. They must be organic and seeded. In the case that you cannot afford organic, then non-organic which is a lot better than any other processed food. At least the fruit grows from the ground (Mother Earth), although the soil is depleted of rich nutrients. Make sure to thoroughly wash the non-organic fruits as they have high levels of pesticides and herbicides.

Make sure to eat melons by themselves without combining them with any other fruit as this fruit will just go straight through the small intestine without having to go through digestion. Grape or grape juice fast is a proven remedy for cancer. Proven not by the western medicine of course. Western medicine thrives from sickness of people. Grape juice fasting is normal in Russia. Oh, and in Russia GMO food is not allowed.

Juice Fasting (EXPERT)

Start this after a whole week of consuming only raw fruit and vegetables. Juice fasting is the easiest (between juice and water fasting) as the juice from fruit contains nutrients, fiber, vitamins as opposed to water fasting. You can last longer while juice fasting, but after a while of practicing this level, it will be much easier for you to last long even when water fasting. This is high level fasting which gives your GI (gastrointestinal) tract and digestive tract a rest.

This type of fast is a very high-level energy fast that stimulates much-needed cleansing and lymphatic movement, while keeping your kidneys flushed out throughout all duration of the fast. Juices supply glucose and fructose to cells for energy, that’s why you can last longer and easier while on juice fasting as opposed to just water fasting. You can either fast on vegetable or fruit juice, but the real power is in fruit as we are frugivores.

There are always exceptions of course. If your pancreas is damaged from cancer or otherwise, it will not digest food so whatever you eat it will come out undigested so in this case fruit juice is the best option because there is only little effort for the pancreas to process the fruit juice. After a while, the pancreas will improve, and you can introduce vegetable juice in combination with fruit juice. And you can heal it completely with fasting. Not just the pancreas but any organ can be healed.

Raw Food Diet & Fasting

Water Fasting (HARDCORE)

This is the hardcore fasting. It is difficult if you don’t do it consciously and with intention. For water fasting you should consume only reverse osmosis or distilled water. Your digestive energy is totally given to the immune, lymphatic, and glandular systems as opposed to the juice fasting where the immune and digestive system have to use the energy because the juice still contains very small chunks of fruit which they still must be digested.

A high level or body cleansing and purging is done by fasting only on water. Your body is designed very intelligently, it is full of wisdom and will focus on removing stored toxins, inflammations, and mucus. Water fasting is not recommended for those weakened individuals with depleted energy levels. If you are a very highly depleted (of energy) person, you must not practice this type of fasting as it could lead to death. To be safe, the highest you should go is all fruit fasting.

As a beginner try to water fast for 24h, and then increase the duration of fasting. During a fast the body will use stored fat as energy. Most people have plenty of that. Don’t worry as you will not starve. You may get hungry but not starve. It’s all in the head. You be the boss; the stomach must listen to you. Fasting stimulates new cell growth. It should make you feel younger. Not at first as you are making a big change. When fasting regularly there will be inner unity as water is LIFE.

Dry Fasting (GOD LEVEL)

ATTENTION: I do not recommend this type of fasting yet, unless you have 1st practiced the other ones because it is dangerous. Do not get discouraged by the word dangerous. How many foods, drinks that you have consumed all your life that are dangerous? A lot. You didn’t think (or were clueless as I was a long time ago) them as dangerous because they took your life a little at a time incrementally.

Just like if you put a frog in a pot with water and turn on the stove, the frog will not leave the pot as he will be boiled gradually in it. But if you put a frog in the pot with already hot water in it, then the frog will jump right out. Dry fasting cannot and should not be practiced when you are a beginner. You must have already been practicing water/juice fasting for a while before attempting dry fasting.

Leave your ego and pride aside and do proper research before attempting this kind of fasting. To practice dry fasting means that you have already achieved a mind/body/soul balance that you can nourish yourself just by being in the sun and by just breathing properly the Chee (life force energy) energy that always exists in the Aether/air. It may sound ridiculous to you but yes, it is possible.

You might ask that if I do not recommend this type of fasting, then what’s the point of writing about it? I write about it so that you know that there is more to your amazing body than what you have been led to believe. Plus, I do not know the level of each reader. Many people think that they are living a healthy lifestyle for them to discover that that is not true at all. It also depends on what your purpose in life is (at least on the health side), to live a long and healthy life or to achieve immortality.

It takes 30-48 hours of dry fasting for your intestinal fluids to become completely at equilibrium, meaning that they are full of strength, and this is why you were told by $cience that you will die* by day three without water. WHY? Because after 48 hours (day 3), the intensity of these fluids and their healing and destruction of damaged cells in your body, will feel like death to you if you’ve never experienced it before. You may then not trust yourself and run to the doctor$. The body never harms itself, nor will it do anything to set off harming of the body, ever. When you dry fast, try to only breathe through your nose so that you don’t lose moist/water by breathing out though your mouth.

Some people may die from dry fasting because their mind cannot handle the body’s transition back to pulling most of its H (hydrogen) and O (oxygen) from the air. Do you recall these simple elements (H & O ? It is a simple process. When we push our water-addicted, life-long protocol out by forcing the body back to its natural state of water-deprivation from the air, we feel what is close to death, because the body creates vast autophagy (incineration/destruction of cells).

Due to the intense healing, you initiate with your strong will, and you feel that pain, as autophagy is like cancer, it is a form of cancer. Most do not seem to have the trust and love of their own self, to get past this massive hurdle. But there are some very determined people that do. When the autophagy takes place, the body creates brand new white blood cells which means regeneration.

Which means you become younger and stop aging. Similar effect is felt when you transition from a dense diet (meat, processed food, pasta etc.) to a light diet (raw fruit/vegetables or when you just water fast. You feel like you are dying and that’s because many toxins are purged at a rapid pace and body reacts to the pollution. In a way you could say that the older self is dying and a new YOU is reborn. Don’t practice dry fasting if you ejaculated in the last 3days. Ejaculation robs you of your life force/strength/nutrients/stem cells etc.

Raw Food Diet & Fasting

Raw Food Diet & Fasting Sources

MAN’S HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS – https://amzn.to/3uZNBoh


THE PHOENIX PROTOCOL – https://amzn.to/48FDrqK


NATURAL TREASURE – https://amzn.to/432upTA

RATIONAL FASTING – https://amzn.to/3Iq6Iem










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