Semen Retention & Sexual Alchemy

Semen Retention & Sexual Alchemy

Semen Retention & Sexual Alchemy

According to C.J . Van Vliet, no mythological system has yet been discovered which can entirely be separated from all dependence on noble ideas. Even the most phantastic of myths are expressions of an inner reality. These truths are invested in the myths.

The highest truth contained in the myths of every country with out a doubt is that human passion must be overcome before spirituality can be developed. Mythologically expressed, inner development proceeds well if the hero defeats the dragon.

In mythology “the dragon is equivalent to the serpent.” The Chaldean account of creation, a dragon that leads man to sin. Just as the serpent does in the biblical presentation. In many myths and legends “the dragon is merely the idealized serpent.”

Generally and unquestionably “the serpent is the treasure-guarding dragon of myth.” “The fruit of a perfect life life is guarded by the dragon of man’s lower nature”. The dragon does not want humanity to obtain that fruit. Consisting in valuable spiritual unfoldment, because then its own power over man comes to an end.

Only over the animal’s dead body can that treasure be acquired. Man must slay the dragon by means of his divine power of will. Which is usually symbolically represented by sword or spear. In some myths the treasure guarded by the dragon is a spring of magic water. The source and fountain-head of spiritual refreshment and rejuvenation.

Most of the narratives about treasure-guarding dragons have come down through the ages. In such embellished and modified forms that the true meaning hardly can be recognized. The fact that the struggle-with-a-dragon episode occurs in the myths of many nations indicates a universal symbol for one single truth.

In India “the deed which won Indra his high place was the feat of slaying the dragon emphatically lying on the waters which Indra thus released.” “Trita, this mighty hero was likewise the slayer of a dragon.” According to Hindu tradition “Krishna’s first great war was with a mighty serpent.”

Highly significant are “the two sculptures of Krishna’s suffering and of Krishna’s triumphant. In the former a youthful figure shown enfolded by the coils of an enormous serpent. In the latter, Krishna is represented as trampling upon the serpent’s head.”

Semen Retention & Sexual Alchemy

Not only Krishna and Buddha in India, but everywhere else “all of those called saviors are said to have crushed the serpent’s head, in other words: to have conquered the sensual nature.” It is but natural that the same accomplishment has been ascribed to many saints.

However “it would be tedious to enumerate the number of saints who figure as dragon-slayers.” To give only a single instance, Saint “Michael…fought against the dragon. The great dragon, that old serpent which deceives the whole world, was cast out.”

In China “Thienhoang…softened the ferocity of man…after the great dragon which disturbed the whole world had been slain.” Persia’s “Thraetona smote AziDahaka (‘literally: the fiendish snake’)…which Angra Mainyu created to destroy the world of the good principle.” At Assyria “it was with a flaming sword…that Merodach overthrew the dragon.”

Phoenicia’s “Cadmus, drawing his sword, rushed at the dragon…which had been set to guard the fountain of enchanted water, so that no mortal might quench his thirst there” – at least not until having overcome the dragon “which devoured Cadmus’s men as passion still does devour people.”

In Mexico one finds a description of “the serpent…crushed by the great Teotl.” Primitive Mexican paintings the figure of a man contending with a dragon is often seen; and there are also representations of a human figure encoiled by a serpent, undoubtedly symbolizing humanity in the power of passion.

In Egypt “Typhon is the part of the soul that is subjected to the passions.” He “was figured under the symbol of a serpent”; and “the destruction of the serpent by Horus who pierces its head with a spear…frequently occurs in the sculptures.” It was also in Egypt that Hermes released the Princess Lo by overcoming the monster Argus with his sword, and that “Anubis is represented as slaying a dragon.”

In Grecian mythology “Apollo killed the Python, a monstrous serpent produced by the earth”, the embodiment of humanity’s earthly passions. “Perseus…went forth to fight against the dragon of the sea at Joppa”; “he slew the monster before celebrating his union with Andromeda”, the king’s daughter, symbolizing the soul.

And Hercules had contests with serpents and dragons.” “His consummating glory was the conquest of the dragon which guarded the golden fruit in the garden of the Hesperides.” Thereby he obtained that fruit, “the true gold of life, consisting in the mastery of the passions.”

In Scandinavian countries “the dragon is the greedy withholder of good things from men; and the slaying of a dragon is the crowning achievement of heroes”, of men as near perfection as the popular mind can imagine.

For example “Thor fought with the Midgard serpent.” “This serpent seems to have been intended as an emblem of corruption.” It “had grown so greatly that it encompassed all the land”, presenting a striking picture of passion’s grasp on humanity. In having its greatest hero slay the serpent “Scandinavian mythology exhibits a clear sentiment on the subject of purity.”

Elsewhere in a renowned epic one reads about “a certain dragon which kept watch over a treasure.” But “Beowulf smote the hideous-gleaming foe with his weighty sword.” “The horrid earth-dragon was bereft of life. No longer could the coiled serpent rule over the treasure hoards.” That is to say, after passion had been killed the spiritual treasure became available for the hero.

England’s patron Saint “George drove his sword into the dragon’s throat”; then he “pinned the mighty bulk of the dragon to the earth with his spear.” A Sussex legend relates how “Saint Leonard saw the dragon Sin and crushed the monster.” Celtic lore contains a story about Gray Lad who “clutched his sword and cut off the dragon’s head”, whereupon “the king’s daughter came out to meet him” – that is again, he was united with his spiritual nature.

In Germany the most famous dragon slayer is Siegfried. With Wotan’s sword which he reestablishes “from the stubborn splinters” (in others: with the divine will which he restores out of human stubbornness and willfulness), he kills the dragon that guards the Rhinegold, which “only he who passion’s power forswears and from delights of love forbears” can mould.

After killing the dragon, Siegfried understands the language of the woodbird, the voice of intuition, which leads him to Brunhilde, his higher self. Clearer than any other legend does the story of Siegfried show that the treasure of spiritual consciousness remains a useless trinket until the truly human entity acquires it after slaying the dragon of sensuality.

“The central object of all self-mastery is first to overcome the serpent”, or its equivalent, the dragon. “When the dragon is conquered a valuable treasure, namely an enormous psychic energy is, is liberated.” With this energy it becomes possible to climb toward highest peaks of human and of superhuman attainment.

Semen Retention & Sexual Alchemy

The mystery of the mastery of man over himself, “of suppressing the ‘old man’ and of vitalizing the spiritual principle”, has been the central idea around which have been built most of the religious, metaphysical and ritualistic systems.

The definite purpose of every such system has always been to help mankind to lift itself above the miseries and limitations of merely material existence by teaching it how to reach up to wider ranges of experience and insight.

A characteristic of the Mysteries was the careful graduation of their adherents according to the degree of purification actually attained. Thus, although all “initiate’s must submit to a cathartic process whereby the defilements of the flesh were removed”. “The preparatory purification was of a liberal character, adapted to candidates of every level of spirituality.

These grades of development with their ever more stringent requirements truly reflect the degrees of evolutionary attainment as they exist in the human world always and everywhere.

In our days, without the Mysteries to guide the classification, each person must decide for himself in which grade he belongs, and work his way to that next higher one. But he must never forget that in order to reach a higher existence “chastity is a requisite of the life of an aspirant.”

That great stress was laid in the Mysteries (whether of Eleusis, of Demeter, Mithra, Orpheus, Isis, or the Druids) upon the absolute necessity of sexual purification for those who were to be entrusted with the secret wisdom, has been affirmed by many.

It has for instance been specifically stated that “a declaration of virginity was exacted in the Dionysiac solemnities”. That “asceticism was the means by which the true Orphic delivered his soul from the pollution of the body”. That “the hierophant and other ministers of Demeter were celibates”; that “the ancient Druids lived in strict abstinence.”

In the rites of Mithra, “in the second degree the candidate was sent into subterranean pits to fight the beasts of lust and passion.” Those of Isis, she (Isis) is represented as saying to an aspirant: “You shall deserve the protection of my divinity by inviolable chastity.” Also “among the Goths the initiate was prepared to receive the great lessons of all Mysteries by abstinence and chastity.”

Everywhere “the effect of initiation was meant to weaken the empire of the body over the divine portion of man.” “Absolute continence nearly every form of renunciation…these never lost in the estimation of antiquity their purificatory value.”

Since the Mysteries were the institutions in which these qualities were practiced in order to make the candidate receptive to spiritual knowledge. There was good reason for the gnostic exhortation: “Cease not to seek day and night, until you find the purifying Mysteries.”

This same advice still holds for any one who longs for a fuller understanding of life. But the Mysteries to be looked for are not now embodied in publicly known brotherhoods and fraternities. The Ancient Mysteries have disappeared as readily accessible human organizations, for lack of a sufficient number of worthy aspirants.

One can still attain the purpose of the Mysteries, “to awaken the spiritual powers, surrounded by the flaming ring of lust and degeneracy, lie asleep within man’s soul.” This purpose can still be attained by not ceasing until one fully understands the secrets of purification and transmutation of sex. Which not only were the subject of Ancient Mysteries but which are confirmed by modern investigation.

Semen Retention & Sexual Alchemy

A mystic is one who in intense devotional contemplation reaches up to union with the divine. “Mysticism is an entirely spiritual activity.” “The business of the mystic is to remake his entire personality in the interest of his spiritual self.” He must become spiritual; and for this purpose he must attain an uncommon purity of life.

“The self must be purged of its devotion to sense. Only when the senses are stilled can the eternal wisdom be revealed to the one who seeks mystic communion.” Therefore “the purification of the senses is the first stage of mystic life.”

“A life of strict asceticism has seemed the only way by which the carnal self could be purged.” For this reason “genuine mysticism cannot exist without asceticism.” In order to still the impulses of the senses the mystic must adopt ascetic practices. Often very rigorously at first, “as the preliminary training for a larger spiritual life.”

He must continue the practices because the spiritual exaltation would be impossible without asceticism. “The highest degrees of spiritual exaltation are hardly conceivable without prolonged mortification of sensual appetites.”

Therefore “all the great mystics observed strict continence.” “True mysticism has nothing whatever to do with sexuality.” “The true mystic has risen above sex to the planes where sex is not.”

“The mystical manuals show that for spiritual education the sexual libido must be withdrawn from its original use.” All the writings by mystics bring out the necessity of sexual purity in their quest. Like most of the literature of their time, the language of their dissertations is usually dull and involved. But some of the clearest of their own statements follow.

“No one can be enlightened unless he be first purified.” And “purity is this: that a man withdraws from all unchaste deeds in whatever manner they be.” For “unchastity in actions takes away the purity of the body…unchastity in thoughts takes away the purity of the soul.”

“Chastity is the power which…opens the soul to the things of heaven.” “Fleshly likings take a man far from the clear sight of spiritual things.”

“Animal-man merely gratifies an animal desire and knows nothing of the delight of spiritual essences.” “Only by annihilating and subduing the passions can the understanding become divine.”

“People think that we are in pain and great penance. But we have more true delight in a day than others have in the world all their lives.” “Spiritual comforts exceed all the delights of the world and all pleasures of the flesh.”

Although abstinences give some pain to the body. They so lessen the power of bodily appetites and passions. Increasing our taste for spiritual joys, that even these severities add to the enjoyment of our lives.”

No bodily and fleshly pleasure can ever take place without spiritual loss. Even a longing after sensual pleasures is unapt for spiritual enjoyments. We must purify ourselves from the affections which we have to venial acts. These affections weaken the powers of the spirit.

“Perfection cannot be attained until all passions and fleshly lusts are burnt out.” Those who fight against their own passions may conquer and obtain perfection.

The mystics have existed in every religion, and also independent of established forms of religion. The similarity of their experiences is one of the most convincing indications that all forms of religion and of spiritual philosophy are based on a single truth. On one reality, which the mystic in his highest state of contemplation seeks to approach.

Quotations from other mystics, will supply additional proof that there is one requirement unanimously acknowledged to be indispensable for their work, and which no true mystic has ever failed to fulfill. “They have transcended the sense-world in order to live on high levels the spiritual life.”

The mystics often may have been one-sided in their concentrated effort to reach a spiritualized consciousness. Others who have aspired to spiritual heights they “have recognized the great transmutability of the sexual libido”. They have exemplified it as the most essential need for spiritual development.

Not only to mystics but to all who seek to acquire greater and lasting happiness through higher evolutionary attainment. They must apply the rule that within oneself “animal-man must be killed to make room for spiritual man.”

Semen Retention & Sexual Alchemy

Where science ends magic begins. Magical operations are the exercise of a power which is superior to the ordinary forces of nature. That is to say to the objective forces which are used by physical science. Magic deals with a subjective power latent within man.

“The magical power sleeps in man since the knowledge of the apple was assimilated. So long as this knowledge dominates, the noble magical power is lying dormant.” What has here been called knowledge of the apple quite evidently refers to the abuse of sex for self-gratification.

Since that abuse is said to keep the power of magic in abeyance. It then follows that the functioning of “this power is achieved through continence.” At least “continence is regarded as one of the conditions required for the successful carrying out of magical operations.”

Certainly “not without reason have the magicians in all lands and times insisted on chastity.” For the magus has to employ forces which nature usually keeps hidden. There is no other way of penetrating into the deeper secrets of nature than the development of the higher nature of man.”

Hence in every respect “the theurgist must imperatively be one of high morality.” He “must be impassable and chaste…most important is the attainment of this rare preeminence.”

Magic is the performance of the miraculous. Only an “abstemious mode of living can produce such an acuteness of the senses that the greatest and most remarkable things may be performed.” “In order to work miracles we must be above all passions.” It was a very excellent opinion of the ancient magicians that we ought to decline the impulses of the flesh.”

The statements made so far refer particularly to white magic, so called in contradistinction of black magic or sorcery. White magic works impersonally with the powers of the spirit to help and to uplift others. Never for the promotion of selfish interests, never in any way for the aggrandize of the personality. But such unselfish “spiritual operations require the greatest purity.”

“Only when man has outgrown his animality can his organism become a fit instrument for the exercise of spiritual powers.” Therefore the white magician seeks to transmute the poles of the beast within himself into higher and finer qualities.”

Every attempt to utilize spiritual powers to indulge the personality constitutes black magic. Whether the purpose be to satisfy feelings of hatred and revenge by hurting others. Or to acquire private benefits in the form of health or prosperity or other wish-fulfillments. It is the far from white magic and must be classed with the black art.

This takes in the widespread selfish use of affirmations, of concentration and suggestion. Though not always evil, such use of the spiritual powers of unity for the sake of the separated self against natural law. It is dangerous, if only because it reinforces self-centeredness. This, thereby retards one’s spiritual evolution which calls for the gradual dissolution of the feeling of separateness.

Except for the lowest forms of sorcery sexual purity has been considered an asset for any kind of magical performance.

Even many “savages are perfectly well aware how valuable sexual continence is to acquire the aptitude for abnormal powers.” “Almost universal among primitive peoples are certain forms of ascetic practices inspired by motives magical. Thus “we hear of celibate wizards and of virgin witches.”

In regard to the office of medicine-man, which is found among aborigines in every part of the globe. Continence was often required throughout the whole novitiate of individuals in training for the office.”

Afterwards in their healing work, caution of not admitting polluted persons to visit any of the patients, lest the defilement should retard the cure.” The emanations of any one who shortly before who had sexual intercourse were considered to be detrimental to the convalescent.

In the magical tradition of all ages, it has been surmised that “the chaste individual was the abode of super-natural power.” Also, sexual purity insured protection against evil influences. For instance “a person cannot be bewitched if he extinguished all the surgings of carnal concupiscence.” It was believed that “sexual intercourse removed the magical efficacy of a charm”, which otherwise would exert a shielding power.

In the study of magic lore, one comes across evidence that sexual purity has always been held to be of enormous value in many ways. Those subjects may seem of little practical value. Hardly any one cares to become either a magician or a psychic or a yogi or a mystic. Yet each subject contributes its little share to the central idea that there exists an innate power in chastity.

In the course of evolution, magic powers beyond present humanity’s wildest dreams are waiting to be developed. As long as one remains subject to the slightest stir of self and sex the faculty to use such powers to any measurable extent may be injurious and calamitous.

It is therefore fortunate that “the schools of white magic conceal these powers from man. Until through purification and unfoldment he gains the proper incentive for using them.”

Semen Retention & Sexual Alchemy

Slowly winding to the top of the Mountain of Perfection leads the road of gradual evolution. From this road the top is rarely visible. The view being cut off by mystifying thickets and by luxurious groves, tempt the wanderer to pause and straggle and to forget the goal. Occasionally a jubilant cry is heard from those who took a shortcut to the summit.

The shortcut is the steep and narrow path which is known to many but which few are inclined to follow. It is “the path which leads from sense to soul”. The straight “way to the land concealed by the dazzling phantasmagoric show of the senses”. “The short though difficult way by which man evolves more rapidly than in the ordinary course of human evolution.”

Throughout the centuries that short path has been known. All “the great faiths have taught that in a certain personal austerity was a gate to the eternal way.” “That way, the highest way, goes he who shuts the door to all his senses.”

“This path Hermes, indeed described.” “It is the path that leads to truth. Difficult to tread for soul while still in body”. “It is possible for one who has the mind to free himself from passion.” It is that path which the teachers of the Veda call never failing. The path which persons of conquered passions enter, and desirous of knowing which they live the life of purity.”

It is the path, the Way of the Taoist. “He who treads the Way is a superior man”; and “the superior man guards against lust.” It is the Buddhist’s “noble eightfold path which leads to peace of mind, to the higher wisdom, to full enlightenment.” “The wise are those who follow the noble path and avoid the pools of lust.” It is the path of holiness of which the Bible states that “the unclean shall not pass over it.”

It is the path of the Mohammedan Sufis. Whom “the celibate ideal was realized as invaluable for all who sought to follow the mystic way.” Only “when cleansed from the lusts of the flesh the soul could enter on the path.”

For mystics everywhere it is the path of “purification, illumination and perfection, the three great stages of ascent.” “The first stage is known as the purgative life, the stage of purification from the fetters of sensuality.” “The end of the path is attained by transmutation.”

To modern students of metaphysics it is the path which, through probation and discipleship, leads to initiation. “The pilgrim who ventures upon it is made first to shut out every human passion.” During the probationary stage, the wish to be emancipated from the senses should be ever present in the mind.

“If the higher levels of spiritual attainment are to be reached, the disciple must sacrifice and transcend the desires of the body.” “The desire for sensual gratification must be crushed” before initiation can be reached. For “initiation is the victory of the spirit over the animal nature of man.” “Whosoever is the slave of his passions can never be initiated.”

The opportunity to choose the shortcut is the same for all. The universal rule, that mastery of the sex force forms the initial step on that path of quickened evolution. “The victor’s crown is only for him who conquers the demon of lust.”

Semen Retention & Sexual Alchemy

According to Hsi Lai in his book The Sexual Teachings of the Jade Dragon as in all Taoist self-cultivation practices for achieving immortality, the three energies.

Or Three Treasures – of ching (sexual and physical energy), qi (vital and breath energy), and shen (mental and spiritual energy) must be restored and refined to their optimum condition. The main difference in these practices is whether the male Taoist chooses to use celibacy or sexual activity in refining the ching energy.

Both celibate and sexual methods have their pros and cons. Celibacy can efficiently restore a man’s ching but can also cause various health problems.

The practices of Taoist philosophy make use of a balanced interchange. Brief periods of celibacy, revitalization of sexual energy and functions, sexual activity without ejaculation, and internal energy work with the Three Treasures (normally called Taoist alchemy or forming the Elixir of Immortality).

The strengthening of the ching through these practices is paramount to the production of qi and the development of the shen. So in the end, a male seeking optimum health and immortality can follow either the celibate or the sexual path.

Keeping in mind that the two most harmful missteps are sexual overindulgence and sexual denial. Both dissipate the ching at an accelerated rate and thus shorten a man’s life span, as both over-and-under indulgence damage physical and mental health.

Semen Retention & Sexual Alchemy

Daniel Reid stated in his book The Tao of Health, Sex, and Longevity that the essential difference between the sexual nature of man and woman lies in the different nature of male and female orgasm. When a man ejaculates, he ejects his semen-essence from his body.

When a woman reaches orgasm, she too “ejaculates” all sorts of sexual secretions internally. But These are retained within her body. For both men and woman, sexual essence is an important storage battery for vital energy. Also, major source of resistance and immunity.

In conventional sexual relations, a man ejaculates every time he has intercourse, regardless of whether or not his partner reaches orgasm and regardless of his own age or condition.

This habit gradually robs him of his primary source of vitality and immunity, leaving him weak and vulnerable to disease and shortening of his life span. Meanwhile, the woman gets stronger and stronger, from both her own orgasmic secretions and her assimilation of potent male semen-essence.

The different nature of male and female orgasm is reflected in the various slang terms to describe that magic moment. The most common Chinese term for female orgasm is gao-chao, literally “high tide,” a graphic and poetic image drawn from nature.

When man ejaculates, the Chinese say that he has “lost his essence,” “thrown it away,” “leaked semen,” or “surrendered.” If a man ejaculates before his partner reaches orgasm, the Chinese say that she has “killed” him. The French refer to ejaculation as petit mort, or “little death.”

By patterning their sexual relations on the models of heaven and earth and conforming to the nature of Yin and Yang, men may derive life-giving benefits from the sexual forces, rather than being forever at their mercy.

Instead of depleting precious stores of essence and energy, sex may be used to replenish them. Classically, appropriate analogies were drawn between human nature and Mother Nature, which illuminated the basic qualities of man and woman. Principles drawn from those analogies were then applied to regulate human sexual relations. As the Han Dynasty adept Wu Hsien put it,

The male belongs to Yang. Yang’s nature is such that the male is easily aroused but also quick to retreat. The female belongs to Yin. Yin’s nature is such that the female is slow to be aroused and also slow to be satiated.

Throughout the animal insect worlds, nature has fashioned the female as a superior specimen uniquely equipped for the survival and propagation of the species.

According to the “law of the jungle,” the male exists only to provide the seed for future generations and to protect the nest while the female nurses the young to maturity. Sexual intercourse occurs seasonally, and although all females in heat get fertilized, only a small fraction of the strongest males perform the task.

Even among primates, only the strong, dominate males are permitted to fertilize the females; weaker male specimens are either discarded or kept at a distance from the herd.

Among many orders of insect, such as black widow spider and praying mantis, nature gives the male even shorter shrift: The moment he deposits his seed in the female, she promptly kills and devours him as a postcoital snack.

Only humans (and a few higher primates such as orangutans) engage in sexual intercourse in sexual intercourse all year long, day and night, in any season or weather, and only humans do it primarily for pleasure rather than procreation. Yet the human male, despite his inflated ego, is subject to the same inherent limitations that nature has imposed on his gender in all species.

The depressing phenomenon of “postcoital blues” that sometimes follows conventional intercourse does not occur at all when men retain semen. Taoist sex is a barter arrangement between Yin and Yang: The man sacrifices a small measure of short-term pleasure (while retaining his semen). In return for the long-term benefits of health and longevity, while the woman enjoys complete unrestricted sexual pleasure in exchange for a measure of her abundant supplies of life-prolonging essence and energy.

The contrasting nature of male and female orgasm has important implications for two types of sexual activity that have aroused a lot of controversy over the ages and appear to be gaining in popularity today: masturbation and homosexuality. Viewed from the angle of Yin and Yang, the results of these two activities are very different indeed for men and women.

For men, masturbation represents an irretrievable and uncompensated loss of Yang semen-essence.

While healthy males between the ages of 16 and 21 are veritable “fountains of semen” for whom masturbation is relatively harmless, by the time they reach 25 or so, all the old shibboleths regarding male masturbation come true: weakness in thighs and knees, numbness in lumbar region, loss of vitality, depression, etc.

By the time they reach 30, men should entirely give up this self-defeating habit and start conserving semen exclusively for intercourse with women. Men who continue masturbating habitually into their 30s, 40s, and 50s rob themselves of the very essence and energy that fuel their lives and protect their health. A woman, by contrast, may masturbate to her heart’s content without damaging her stores of essence and energy.

The foregoing observations on the nature of Yin and Yang make it clear that man and woman are not created equal. Yin is abundant and enduring. Yang is limited and vulnerable, and this is reflected in the fact that throughout the world women tend to outlive men by 5 to 10 years. The key to redressing this inequity is properly regulated relations between “fire” and “water.” As the Taoist alchemist Ko Hung wrote in the 4th century AD,

Semen Retention & Sexual Alchemy

The way of Yin and Yang is of paramount importance in the Taoist system of health and longevity. It is also one of the most ancient elements of Chinese thought on record.

The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine and invaluable Classic of the Plain Girl, both of which date from the fourth-third centuries BC, are based on materials handed down through ancient China’s Imperial Archives ever since the time of the Yellow Emperor and his visions Taoist advisers. As with the Tao itself, the essential elements in the Tao of Yin and Yang are balance, harmony, and union of opposites:

For a man to nurture his male powers, he must nourish his Yang essence by absorbing Yin essence. When men and women indulge freely in sex, exchanging their bodily fluids and breathing each other’s breath, it is like fire and water meeting in such perfect proportions that neither one defeats the other. Man and woman should ebb and flow in intercourse like the waves and currents of the sea, first one way, then another, but always in harmony with the Great Tide.

In this manner, they may continue all night long. Constantly nourishing and preserving their precious vital essence, curing all ailments, and promoting long life. Without this basic harmony of Yin and Yang, neither medicines refined from the five minerals, nor the most potent aphrodisiacs, will be of any use. If the vital essences are dried up due to excessive emission or complete neglect, they can never be revived. – Su-Nu Ching

When sex is performed according to the Way, it becomes an inexhaustible source of energy. However, sex can also “drown” you if you don’t know how to stay “afloat” during intercourse. Preserving semen lies at the very heart of Taoist bedroom arts, as illustrated in Dynastic History of the Later Han:

The art of bedroom consists of suppressing emissions, absorbing the woman’s fluids, and making semen return to strengthen the brain, thereby attaining longevity.

Thus, a man must treasure and conserve his semen during intercourse; whenever he does emit it, the loss must be compensated by absorbing the “essence” of the woman’s secretions. That is why ejaculations through masturbation or homosexual relations are regarded as being especially harmful to the Yang-essence and energy.

By now, male readers must be wondering how there can be pleasure in sex without ejaculation. This question also occurred to the Yellow Emperor after his advisors encouraged him to start regulating his ejaculations. The emperor’s inquiry on this matter sparked the following exchange between two of his closet counselors, Peng Tze and the Rainbow Girl, recorded in Secrets of the Jade Bedroom:

Rainbow Girl: It is generally assumed that a man gains great pleasure from ejaculation. But when he learns the Tao of Yin and Yang, he will ejaculate less and less. Will this not diminish his pleasure as well?

Peng Tze: Not at all! After ejaculating, a man feels tired, his ears buzz, his eyes get heavy, and he longs for sleep. He is thirsty and his limbs feel weak and stiff. By ejaculating, he enjoys a brief moment of sensation but suffers long hours of weariness as a result. This is no true pleasure! However, if a man regulates his ejaculations to an absolute minimum and retains his semen, his body will grow strong, his mind will be clear, and his vision and hearing will improve. While the man must occasionally (always deny ejaculation) deny himself the fleeting sensation of ejaculation, his love for his woman will greatly increase. He will feel as if he could never get enough of her.

The last point is particularly subtle and significant: A man who maintains consistently high levels of testosterone, sperm, semen, and other male-essence by practicing ejaculation control will experience an overwhelming enhancement in his love and affection for his woman. He will also gain the capacity to act upon that loving urge over and over again.

Semen Retention & Sexual Alchemy

The following paragraphs summarize the principles of Taoist Cultivation of male sexual energy from Mantak Chia’s book Taoist Secrets of Love.

The universe is filled with different kinds of dynamic energy, or “chi.” The Tao, or “way,” for each man is to creatively transform his energy over a course of a lifetime back to its original state of harmonious balance. Sexual essence, or “ching,” is a powerful, vital energy that is generated continuously within the human body.

Sexual drive propels the course of man’s evolution biologically by transmitting the genetic lineage. Emotionally it harmonizes the love between man and woman, and spiritually provides a tangible link between the “ordinary” creative powers of man and the eternal creative process of the cosmos. Refining one’s awareness of sexual energy – with or without a partner – is one of the simplest ways of humans to return to pure consciousness and experience the deepest rhythms of life.

Sperm is the storehouse of male sexual energy. A single ejaculation has 200 to 500 million sperm cells, each a potential human being. There are enough spermotozoa lost in a single orgasm to populate the entire United States if each cell was to fertilize an egg. The manufacture of a sperm fluid capable of such psychic super potency consumes up to a third of a man’s daily energy output and is especially taxing on the male glandular/immunological system.

In a very real sense every man can create a stockpile of sex energy literally more potent than the atomic bomb. If this immense reservoir of psychic energy were to be redirected towards love and spiritual harmony, the possibilities for a peaceful existence seem unlimited. By gathering this life-generating force within oneself, one collects tremendous energy.

Every organ pays heavy tribute to the glands that produce the sexual seed. Because a single drop semen houses such prodigious life energies, frequent loss of fluid depletes the body systems of their most precious nutrients and speeds the inevitable physical decline into old age. Retaining the seed within the body is the first step to reversing this cycle in which the male pays an unnecessarily stiff price for sexual satisfaction.

Conservation of sexual energy is the first principle of cultivation. Ejaculation of the male seed for purposes other than having children is a wasteful loss of an extremely precious treasure.

The energy loss over long periods of time weakens the physical health of the male, can lead to unconscious emotional anger towards women and gradually robs the male higher mind/spirit of it’s power to rejuvenate itself. For this reason many traditional spiritual orders in the world require male celibacy.

Taoists accept sexual love as natural and healthy, but know the momentary pleasure of genital orgasm with ejaculation is superficial compared to the profound ecstasy possible when love is enjoyed without the loss of the powerful male seed.

It’s every man’s birthright to have full control over his bodily functions and prevent this loss. We will teach the secret Taoist methods of sealing the penis in order to conserve “ching” within our weekly blog articles.

Transformation of sex energy is the second principle of cultivation. During sexual arousal, the “ching” or sexual essence stored in the testicles expands rapidly and causes some energy to naturally rise to higher centers in the heart, brain, glands, and nervous system. This upward movement is cut short by ejaculation outward, so most men never become aware of the full power of their sexuality.

The Taoist method perfects this upward transformation of sex energy by opening subtle channels from the genitals up the spine to the head and back down the spine to the navel. The expanding sexual energy is channeled into this “microcosmic orbit” so it flows past all major vital organs and harmonizes the etheric energy complexes in the body, called “Tan Tiens” by the Taoists (or chakras by the Hindus).

Semen Retention & Sexual Alchemy

Balancng the polarity of female-male (yin-yang) forces is the third principle of Taoist cultivation. Once the sex energy has been conserved and transformed up, a single man can use meditation to balance the male and female pole which exist inside every male body.

In the practice of “dual” cultivation, a couple balances this field of energy between them by sharing and circulating their subtle energies. The relationship becomes a springboard to transform the sexual attraction into personal love and then into spiritual awareness and service.

The power struggle between the sexes gradually diminishes and balancing their differences over work, family, love and the purpose of existence leads them into deeper harmony. Balancing this core sexual polarity in a couple is true depth psychology, as it nourishes man and woman at their innermost root. In the blog articles, we will teach the method of exchanging the yin and yang energy during intercourse.

Don’t over-emphasize physical sex in your daily practice, as it is easy to get stuck on pleasure without experiencing higher subtle energies. Proper sexual refinement is only one small part of the vast and all-encompassing Tao.

If the mixture of your chi (general vital energy), ching (sex essence) and shien (spirit) is imbalanced, it will be difficult to unite yourself and feel whole and peaceful.

Cultivating sex energy is important in nourishing your spirit, but without proper diet, exercise, meditation, virtuous moral behavior and love, true cultivation is impossible. Likewise, don’t ignore sex and focus excessively on the higher spiritual centers; the roof will easily fall without a strong foundation below. Tao is the wholeness of Heaven and Earth, true harmony for man is the middle way between them, found in the balanced integration of their subtle energies.

Avoid sex without love. (emphasis on spiritual loving sex; kill the lust and animal aspect; the focus is on energy cultivation) It creates imbalances in your physical, mental and spiritual bodies and will slow your real growth. The Taoist techniques are meant to be practical, not mechanical. A woman seeks tenderness of feeling in her lovers and will resent a man who is overly compulsive or preoccupied with his mechanical mastery of esoteric love methods.

Dual cultivation is impossible without the full participation of the woman, who must transform up her yin essence stored in her ovaries. Regard the woman you love as more than a powerful generator of yin energy; she is foremost a human being worthy of your full love and respect.

Daniel Reid states the importance of the man retaining the semen during sexual intercourse is emphasized over and over again Taoist literature.

The basic purpose is to increases as much as possible the quantity of life-giving, age-retarding hormones secreted in a man’s body during sexual excitement, while at the same time decreasing as much as possible the loss of semen and its related hormones through ejaculation. Called huan-jing bu-nau in Chinese (literally “return the semen to nourish the brain”).

It means that the essential elements of retained semen are reabsorbed within the man’s body, especially in the soft tissues of the prostate and the spongy portion of the urethra, whereby they naturally enter the bloodstream and circulate throughout the body, “nourishing” all tissues and organs, including the brain.

It’s a well-known medical fact that semen and cerebrospinal fluids consist of the same basic ingredients, so preserving semen nourishes the brain by making more essential nutrients available to it. Women accomplish this naturally because they retain their sexual secretions during intercourse.

The reabsorption and general circulation of retained semen-essence may be greatly enhanced in both men and women by performing some deep abdominal breathing immediately after withdrawing from intercourse.

In men, the deep rhythmic massage of the prostate that occurs during deep breathing facilitates absorption of essential elements from retained semen into the bloodstream, and in women, deep breathing serves the same purpose for the secretions retained in the vagina.

In both men and women, postcoital deep breathing helps reestablish equilibrium after the intense excitement of sex, and, due to the heightened sensitivity of the body’s energy systems, it greatly enhances the balance and distribution of chi.

Semen Retention & Sexual Alchemy

Indeed, whosoever finds the synthesis and afterwards leaves the center and returns to the complicated corridors of theories (which form the labyrinth of the mind) commits the greatest foolishness. Christ and Sexual Magic represent religious synthesis.

If we make a comparative study of religions, we shall then discover phallicism at the foundation of all schools, religions and esoteric sects.  Let us remember Peristera, the nymph of Venus’ entourage, who was transformed into a dove by love. Remember the virtuous Venus. 

Recognize the processions of the God Priapus from the august ancient Rome of the Caesars when the priestesses of the temple, filled with ecstasy, majestically carried an enormous phallus made out of sacred wood.  Hence, Freud (the founder of psychoanalysis) correctly stated that religions have a sexual origin.

The mysteries of fire are contained within the Perfect Matrimony. All the cults to the fire are totally sexual. The vestals were true priestesses of love. With them, the celibate priests reached adepthood. 

It is unfortunate that the modern vestals (nuns) do not know the key of Sexual Magic. It is unfortunate that the priests of this day and age have forgotten the secret key of sex. We feel profound pain when we see so many yogis ignoring the supreme key of yoga, which is Sexual Magic, the supreme synthesis of all systems of yoga.

People are filled with horror when they hear about Sexual Magic; however, they are not filled with horror when they give in to all kinds of sexual perversion and carnal passion. Powerful civilizations and grandiose mysteries existed there within the profound night of the centuries.

Then, the priestesses of love were never absent from the temples. Those who became masters of the White Lodge practiced Sexual Magic with them.  The master must be born within us by means of Sexual Magic.

In the sunny land of Khem, there in the ancient Egypt of the Pharaohs, whosoever dared to reveal the great Arcanum (Sexual Magic) was condemned to death.  His head was cut off, his heart was torn out, and his ashes were tossed to the four winds.

In the land of the Aztecs, the men and women who aspired to become adepts, caressed each other, loved each other and practiced Sexual Magic for long periods of time within the courtyards of the Temple. Whosoever spilled the Cup of Hermes during these practices in the temple was beheaded for having profaned the temple.

All systems of intimate self-education have Sexual Magic as their ultimate practical synthesis. Every religion, every esoteric cult, has as its synthesis Sexual Magic (the Arcanum A.Z.F.). Naked dancing and ineffable things existed within the mysteries of Eleusis. 

Sexual Magic was the fundamental basis of those mysteries. At that time, no one thought of perversities, because sex was profoundly venerated. Initiates know that the Third Logos works within sex.

We aspire towards only one thing, only one goal, only one objective: Christification. It is necessary for each human being to Christify himself. It is necessary to incarnate the Christ.

The teachings of the Zend Avesta contain the Christ-principle and are in accordance with the doctrinal principles contained in the Egyptian Book of the Dead. The Iliad of Homer, the Hebrew Bible, the Germanic Edda and the Sibylline Books of the Romans contain the same Christ-principle. 

All these are sufficient in order to demonstrate that Christ precedes Jesus of Nazareth. Christ is not one individual alone. Christ is a cosmic principle that we must assimilate within our own physical, psychic, somatic, and spiritual nature through Sexual Magic.

Among the Persians, Christ is Ormuz, Ahura Mazda, the terrible enemy of Ahriman (Satan), which we carry within us. Amongst the Hindus, Krishna is Christ; thus, the gospel of Krishna is very similar to that of Jesus of Nazareth. 

In Egypt, Christ is Osiris and whosoever incarnated him was in fact an Osirified One. In China, the Cosmic Christ is Fu Xi, who composed the I-Ching (The Book of Laws) and who dubbed the Dragon Ministers. 

Among the Greeks, Christ is called Zeus, Jupiter, the Father of the Gods. Among the Aztecs, Christ is Quetzalcoatl, the Mexican Christ. In the Germanic Edda, Baldur is the Christ who was assassinated by Hodur, God of War, with an arrow made from a twig of mistletoe, etc. 

We can cite the Cosmic Christ within thousands of ancient texts and old traditions which hail millions of years before Jesus. This invites us to embrace that Christ is a cosmic principle contained within the essential principles of all religions.

Indeed, only one unique and cosmic religion truly exists. This religion assumes different forms according to the times and the needs of humanity. Therefore, religious conflicts are an absurdity, because at their base all religions are only modifications of the universal cosmic religion.

We recognize Jesus-Iesus-Zeus-Jupiter as the new Super-Man who totally assimilated the Christ-principle, and became for that reason, a God-Man. We consider that we must imitate him. Jesus was a complete man, a true man in the full sense of the word. He attained the absolute assimilation of the Universal Cosmic Christ-principle through Sexual Magic. 

Those few devotees who understand must rightly study the Gospel of John, chapter 3, verses 1 to 21. In that chapter, the devotee of the Perfect Matrimony will find pure and legitimate Sexual Magic as taught by Jesus. Obviously, the teaching is written in code; however, the one who has understanding will intuitively understand it.

Modern humanity has committed the mistake of separating the great Master Jesus from all his predecessors who, like him, Christified themselves. This is what has damaged this present humanity. We need to progressively comprehend that all religions are only one religion.

Mary, the mother of Jesus, as well as Isis, Juno, Demeter, Ceres, Maia, etc., correspondingly represent the Cosmic Mother or Kundalini (sexual fire) from whom the Cosmic Christ is always born. Mary Magdalene, as well as Salambo, Matres, Ishtar, Astarte, Aphrodite, and Venus all represent the priestess-wife with whom we must practice Sexual Magic in order to awaken the Fire.

The Martyrs, Saints, Virgins, Angels, and Cherubim are the same Gods, Demigods, Titans, Goddesses, Sylphs, Cyclops, and Messengers of the Gods from Pagan mythology. All the religious principles of Christianity are Pagan.

It is necessary to comprehend what the immaculate conceptions are. That only with the Perfect Matrimony can Christ be born within the heart of the human being. We must place urgency to awaken the fire of Kundalini (the fire of the Holy Spirit) in order to incarnate the Christ. 

Whosoever awakens the Kundalini transforms himself (like Ganymede) into the eagle of the Spirit in order to soar to Olympus, to become a cup-bearer for the ineffable Gods.

It is lamentable that the Catholic priests have destroyed so many documents and so many valuable treasures of antiquity. Fortunately, they could not destroy them all. During the Renaissance, some marvelous books were discovered by brave priests. 

Thus, despite the persecutions of the clergy, Dante Alighieri, Boccacio, Petrarch, Erasmus, etc., were able to translate famous books like The Iliad and The Odyssey of Homer, true books of occult science and Sexual Magic. 

They also translated The Aeneid of Virgil, The Theogony, The Works and Days of Hesiod, The Metamorphoses of Ovid, and other writings of Lucretius, Horace, Tibullus, Titus Livius, Tacitus, Apulius, Cicero, etc. All of this is pure Gnosticism. It is really unfortunate, how some ignorant people abandon Gnosis in order to follow systems and methods that ignore Sexual Magic and the Perfect Matrimony.

We have investigated all the great Gnostic treasures, and we have delved into the basis of all the archaic religions; thus, we have found the supreme key of Sexual Magic at the base of all cults. We teach the synthesis of all religions, schools, orders, lodges, and beliefs.  Our doctrine is the Doctrine of the Synthesis.

Sexual Magic is practiced in esoteric Christianity.  It is practiced in Zen Buddhism.  Practiced amongst the initiated Yogis.  Sexual Magic is practiced amongst the Mohammedan Sufis and in the Initiatic Colleges of Troy, Egypt, Rome, Carthage, Eleusis.  The ancient art was also practiced by the mysterious Maya, Aztec, Inca, Druids, etc.

Therefore, Sexual Magic and the Cosmic Christ are the synthesis of all religions, schools, and sects. We teach the Doctrine of the Synthesis. 

This doctrine could never be contrary to the diverse religious forms. Our teachings are found within all religions, schools, and beliefs. If the reader makes a serious study of all the religions of the world, he will discover the phallus and uterus as the synthesis of all mysteries. 

There has never been any authentic religion or school of mysteries where the Cosmic Christ and the mysteries of sex were absent. The Doctrine of the Synthesis cannot harm anyone, because it is the synthesis of all.

Semen Retention & Sexual Alchemy

1. The overseer of the palace, Nu, triumphant, saith: “That which is an abomination unto me, that which is an abomination unto me, let me not eat. That which is an abomination unto me, that which is an abomination unto me, is filth; let me not eat it in the place of the sepulchral cakes which are offered unto the Kas. Let me not be destroyed thereby; let me not be compelled to take it into my hands; and let me not be compelled to walk thereon in my sandals.” —Papyrus of Nu: The Egyptian Book of the Dead, Chapter 51

2. The overseer of the palace, the chancellor-in-chief, Nu, triumphant, saith: “That which is an abomination unto me, that which is an abomination unto me, let me not eat. That which is an abomination unto me, that which is an abomination unto me is filth; let me not eat it [in the place of] the sepulchral cakes [which are offered unto] the Kas. Let it not light upon my body; let me not be obliged to take it into my hands; and let me not be obliged to walk thereon in my sandals.

What, now, wilt thou live upon the presence of the Gods? [Let food] come unto me from the place whither thou wilt bring food, and let me live upon the seven loaves of bread which shall be brought as food before Horus, and upon the bread which is brought before Thoth. The gods shall say unto me: ‘What manner of food wouldst thou have given unto thee?’

[And I reply:] Let me eat my food under the sycamore tree of my lady, the goddess Hathor, and let my times be among the divine beings who have alighted thereon. Let me have the power to order my own fields in Tattu [Mendes] and my own growing crops in Annu [Heliopolis]. To live upon bread made of white barley, and that my beer be [made] with red grain, and may the persons of my father and mother be given unto me as guardians of my door and for the ordering of my territory. Let me be sound and strong, let me have a large room, and let me be able to sit wheresoever I please.” —Papyrus of Nu: The Egyptian Book of the Dead, Chapter 52

3. My sibling, you must not eat of the filthiness offered to people.

4. The Kas are the doubles of the dead.

5. All human beings are pillars of the underworld.

6. All human beings are living dead, eating filthiness from theories, schools, etc.

7. Therefore, my sibling, nourish yourself with the seven loaves of bread that are brought as food before Horus, and eat from the bread that is brought before Thoth.

8. The seven loaves of bread are the wisdom of our seven serpents.

9. We have seven serpents: two groups of three, with the sublime coronation of the seventh tongue of fire that unites us with the One, with the Law, with the Father.

10. These are the seven loaves of bread that are brought as food before Horus, the Child of Gold, the Intimate Christ of sexual alchemy.

11. Let us eat under the sycamore tree of our lady, the priestess of our alchemical laboratory.

12. The sycamore tree is the sexual force that we must transmute in our alchemical laboratory.

13. All the sacred books of the world are elaborated with the wisdom of the seven loaves of bread.

14. Let us bow before the Holy Bible, and let us make a respectable bow before The Book of the Dead, the Zend Avesta, the Koran, the Bhagavad Gita, and the Vedas.

15. These are eternal books…

16. The wisdom of the prophets is the wisdom of the seven loaves of bread.

17. Let us eat under the sycamore tree of our priestess spouse, to elaborate the Child of Gold of sexual alchemy.

18. Let us eat from the bread that is brought before Thoth, the bread of the Christ-mind, so that we may liberate ourselves from the four bodies of sin and enter the room of the double Maat.

Semen Retention & Sexual Alchemy

1. The principles of all the metals are Salt, Mercury, and Sulfur.

2. Mercury, Sulfur, or Salt alone cannot give origin to metals. However, when united, they give birth to diverse mineral metals.

3. Therefore, it is logical that our Philosophical Stone must inevitably have these three principles.

4. Sulfur is the fire of alchemy, Mercury is the Spirit of alchemy, and Salt is the Mastery of alchemy.

5. In order to elaborate the red elixir and the white elixir, we inevitably need a substance in which Salt, Sulfur, and Mercury are found completely pure and perfect. This is because the impurity and the imperfection of the alloy is again found in the amalgam.

6. However, nothing can be aggregated to the metals except for the substances that are extracted from them. It is logical that a strange substance cannot serve us. Therefore, the crude matter of the Great Work must be found within ourselves.

7. We perfect the substance (the crude matter) according to the art. This substance is the sacred fire of our organic laboratory.

8. This substance, being semi-solid and semi-liquid, has a pure, clear, white and red Mercury, and a similar Sulfur.

9. Moreover, this substance has two types of Salt: one fixed and the other volatile.

10. This crude matter of the Great Work is the semen of our sexual glands.

11. With our science and by means of the fire, we transform this marvelous substance in order for it to be millions of times more perfect at the end of the work.

12. We elaborate the red elixir and the white elixir with this marvelous substance. 

Semen Retention & Sexual Alchemy

1. We must work with the matter of our blessed stone, with the goal of perfecting our internal bodies.

2. In the mines, we see how the crude elements are transformed by heat until they are converted into Mercury.

3. In the mines, we see the fire transforming the grease of the Earth into Sulfur.

4. The heat acting upon these two principles engenders all the metals of the Earth according to their purity or impurity.

5. Nature produces and perfects all the metals of our planet Earth by means of incessant baking.

6. Roger Bacon stated the following, “Oh, infinite madness, who asked for this; who forced us to want to make the same thing with the help of rare and fantastic procedures?”

7. Certainly, beloved brothers and sisters, the following phrase of Roger Bacon is very true, “Nature, contains nature: Nature overcomes nature: and Nature meeting with her nature, exceedingly rejoices, and is changed into other natures.”

8. Angels are not made with theories of men.

9. Angels are natural, not artificial.

10. Nature contains nature, and the blessed stone is our sexual nature with which we can work in our magisterium of fire.

11. It is necessary to bake, bake, and re-bake, and to not become tired of it.

12. The ancient alchemists stated, “Let your fire be tranquil and gentle, let it be kept as this each day, always uniform, without being weak; if this is not so, it will cause great damage.”

13. The fire becomes weak and even extinguished when the alchemist ejaculates the semen.

14. The alchemist then fails in the Great Work.

15. Our magisterium is first of all submitted to a gentle and soft fire, but in the work of the Great Work, it is necessary to intensify the fire, degree by degree, until reaching the goal. 

Semen Retention & Sexual Alchemy

1. In Light of Lights, Aristotle stated, “Mercury must be baked in a triple receptacle of very hard glass.”

2. The receptacle must be round with a very small neck.

3. This receptacle is the virile member. The semen is within our sexual organs. It is the crude matter of the Great Work.

4. The receptacle must be hermetically sealed with one cover, which means it is necessary to cover our sexual organs very well in order to avoid the spilling of the crude matter of the Great Work.

5. Our glass must be placed in another vessel, hermetically sealed like the first, in such a way that the heat acts upon the crude matter of the Great Work from above, below, and from all sides.

6. This is the formula: Introduce the virile member into the female vagina without ejaculating the semen (without reaching the orgasm).

7. Thus, the phallus, which is the receptacle that contains the crude matter of the Great Work, is surrounded by the walls of the vagina and is submitted to heat, equal on every side.

8. Our disciples will now comprehend why Aristotle states in Light of Lights that, “the Mercury must be baked in a triple receptacle of very hard glass.”

9. Nature bakes the metals in the mines with the help of fire, however it needs receptacles that are adequate for baking.

10. It is noticeable that within the mines the heat is always constant. The mountains filled with mines are completely closed in order for the heat to not escape, because without fire the metals of the Earth cannot be elaborated.

11. We must do the same with the phallus and the uterus. Man and woman must withdraw without spilling even a single drop of semen.

12. In the beginning, “Let your fire be tranquil and gentle, let it be kept as this every day, always uniform, without being weak; otherwise, it will cause great damage.”

13. However, brothers and sisters, you can intensify the fire, little by little.

14. In the beginning, the practices of Sexual Magic must be short, but later you can prolong them little by little, making them more intense each time, in order to intensify the fire.

15. Knead seven times, sibling of mine.

16. There are seven serpents that you most raise upon the reed, until the King appears, crowned with the red diadem.

17. The work is analogous to the creation of the human being, because, “Nature, contains nature: Nature overcomes nature: and Nature meeting with her nature, exceedingly rejoices, and is changed into other natures.”

18. The furnace of our laboratory is the virile member and the vulva, sexually connected.

Semen Retention & Sexual Alchemy

1. “The overseer of the house of the overseer of the seal, Nu, triumphant, saith, ‘Hail, ye who bring along the boat over the evil back of [Apepi], grant that I may bring the boat along, and coil up [its] ropes in peace, in peace. Come, come, hasten, hasten for I have come to see my father Osiris, the lord of the ansi garment, who hath gained the mastery with joy of heart. Hail lord of the rain-storm, thou Male, thou Sailor! Giveth that dost sail over the evil back of Apep!

Hail thou that dost bind up heads and doth stablish the bones of the neck when thou comest forth from the knives. Hail, thou who art in charge of the hidden boat, who dost fetter Apep, grant that I may bring along the boat, and that I may coil up the ropes and that I may sail forth therein. This land is baleful, and the stars have over-balanced themselves and have fallen upon their faces therein, and they have not found anything which will help them to ascend again:

their path is blocked by the tongue of Ra. Antebu [is] the guide of the two lands. Seb is established [through] their rudders. The power which openeth the Disk. The prince of the red beings. I am brought along like him that hath suffered shipwreck; grant that my Khu, my brother, may come to me, and that [I] may set out for the place whereof thou knowest.”

“Tell me my name”, saith the Wood whereat I would anchor; “Lord of the two lands who dwellest in the Shrine,” is thy name. “Tell me my name,” saith the Rudder; “Leg of Hapiu” is thy name. “Tell me my name,” saith the Rope; “Hair with which Anpu (Anubis) finisheth the work of my embalmment” is thy name. “Tell us our name,” say the Oar-rests; “Pillars of the underworld” is your name. “Tell me my name,” saith the Hold; “Aker” is thy name. “Tell me my name,” saith the Mast; “He who bringeth back the great lady after- she hath gone away” is thy name. “Tell me my name,” saith the Lower Deck; “Standard of Ap-uat” is thy name. “Tell me my name,” saith the Upper Post; “Throat of Mestha” is thy name.

“Tell me my name,” saith the Sail; “Nut” is thy name. “Tell us our name,” say the Pieces of Leather. “Ye who are made from the hide of the Mnevis Bull, which was burned by Suti,” is your name. “Tell us our name,” say the Paddles; “Fingers of Horus the first-born” is your name. “Tell me my name,” saith the Matchabet; “The hand of Isis, which wipeth away the blood from the Eye of Horus,” is thy name. “Tell us our names,” say the Planks which are in its hulk; “Mestha, Hapi, Tuamautef, Qebh-sennuf, Haqau (i.e., he who leadeth away captive), Thet-em-aua (i.e., he who seizeth by violence), Maa-an-tef (i.e. , he who seeth what the father bringeth), and Ari-nef-tchesef (i.e., he who made himself),” are your names.

“Tell us our names,” say the Bows; “He who is at the head of his nomes” is your name. “Tell me my name,” saith the Hull; “Mert” is thy name. “Tell me my name,” saith the Rudder. “Aqa” (i.e., true one) is thy , name, O thou who shinest from the water, hidden beam is thy name. “Tell me my name” saith the Keel; “Thing (or Leg) of Isis, which Ra cut off with the knife to bring blood into the Sektet boat,” is thy name. “Tell me my name,” saith the Sailor; “Traveller” is thy name. “Tell me my name,” saith the Wind by which thou art borne along; “The North Wind which cometh from Tem to the nostrils of Khenti- Amenti” is thy name.

“Tell me my name,” saith the River, “if thou wouldst travel upon me”; “Those which can be seen” is thy name. “Tell us our name,” say the River Banks; “Destroyer of the god Au-a (i.e., he of the spacious hand) in the water house” is thy name. “Tell me my, name,” saith the Ground, “if thou wouldst walk upon me”; “The Nose of heaven which proceedeth from the god Utu, who dwelleth in the Sekhet-Aarru, and who cometh forth with rejoicing therefrom,” is thy name.


“Hail to you, O ye divine beings with beautiful Kas, ye divine lords of things, who exist and who live for ever and [whose] double period of an illimitable number of years is eternity, I have made a way unto you, grant ye my food and sepulchral meals for my mouth, [and grant that] I may speak therewith, and that the goddess Isis [may give me] loaves and cakes in the presence of the great god. I know the great god before whose nostrils ye place celestial food, and his name is Thekem; both when he maketh his way from the eastern horizon of heaven and when he journeyeth into the western horizon of heaven may his journey be my journey, and his going forth my going forth.

Let me not be destroyed at the Mesqet chamber, and let not the devils gain dominion over my members. I have my cakes in the city of Pe, and I have my ale in the city of Tepu, and let the offerings [which are given unto you] be given unto me this day. Let my offerings be wheat and barley. Let my offerings be anti unguent and linen, garments; let my offerings be for life, strength, and health; let my offerings be a coming forth by day in any form whatsoever in which it may please me to appear in Sekhet-Aarru.” – The Book of the Dead, Chapter 99

1. All of our laboratory work is found enclosed in this chapter of the Book of the Dead that we have transcribed.

2. First of all, the stone is black, because the alchemist must enter the underworld in order to pull the light away from the darkness.

3. The immaculate whiteness of the light is hidden within the blackness of the stone.

4. This first phase belongs to the state of putrefaction.

5. The stone then reddens, liquefies, and thickens before gaining its true whiteness.

6. The stone passes through true alchemical transformations.

7. It blackens, it whitens, it is purified, it is adorned with red and white. It passes innumerable transformations during the entire process of initiation.

8. It is necessary to bake, bake, and re-bake until the Child of Gold appears.

9. This Child of Gold is the intimate Christ.

10. “Except ye be converted and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the Kingdom of heaven.”

11. Innumerable colors appear in our Philosophical Stone before it shines.

12. “After the whiteness, you cannot deceive yourself, because you will reach a grayish color by increasing the fire.”

13. This is the Ash.

14. This is the Salt of alchemy. The Salt is divided into fixed Salt and volatile Salt.

15. Later, after seven distillations of the vessel, the King appears, crowned with the red diadem.

16. Behold all the processes of initiation that we must perform in our alchemical laboratory.

17. “Hail, ye who bring along the boat over the evil back of Apep.”

18. Hail, oh warrior, you who bring along the boat of your existence over the evil back of Apep, the tempting serpent of Eden!

19. You must pull the light from the darkness in the underworld so that you may reach your Father Osiris, the Innermost, your real Being, the Lord of the Ansi garment.

20. The alchemist must plough the malignant back of Apep, the tempting serpent of Eden.

21. The alchemist must pull the fire from the devil.

22. The alchemist must pull the immaculate whiteness from the darkness.

23. You must practice Sexual Magic with your spouse in order for your black stone to shine with the fire and for it to then become white, immaculate, and pure.

24. It is necessary to bake, bake, and re-bake, and to not become tired of it.

25. Thus, we would like to state that it is necessary to intensely practice Sexual Magic with your spouse, in order to awaken the Kundalini and to achieve the union with the Innermost.

26. The Kundalini rises vertebra by vertebra, canyon by canyon, degree by degree, little by little.

27. The sacred fire is the Sulfur.

28. The ascension of the Kundalini is slow and difficult.

29. When the alchemist spills the crude matter of the Great Work, the fire descends one or more canyons in accordance with the magnitude of the fault.

30. Our Lord, the Christ told me:

31. “The disciple must not allow himself to fall, because the disciple who allows himself to fall then has to fight very much in order to recover what has been lost.”

32. The tenebrous ones attack you within the darkness in order to impede you from entering the chambers of your spinal column.

33. Each degree that you gain in your spinal column is a cup that you steal from the tenebrous ones of the underworld.

34. You eat the esoteric wisdom of the seven loaves of bread in the chamber of your spinal column.

35. Nourish yourself, sibling of mine, with the seven loaves of bread that are brought as food before Horus, and eat of the sepulchral cakes that are offered unto the Kas.

36. “Hail, lord of the rain-storm, thou Male, thou Sailor.”

37. Whosoever crosses the path of initiation must live the drama of the Cross. The initiate must tolerate the rainstorm of great bitterness.

38. “Hail, thou that dost bind up heads and doth stablish the bones of the neck when thou comest forth from the knives.”

39. We must raise seven serpents upon our reed, until the King appears, crowned with the red diadem.

40. We must pass through the decapitation of John the Baptist seven times.

41. We pass through the decapitation of St. John the Baptist, each time in a very refined form, as the seven serpents pass in successive order from the vertebrae of the neck to the head.

42. “Hail, thou that dost bind up heads and doth stablish the bones of the neck when thou comest forth from the knives.”

43. The naked Salome, drunk with lust and passion and dancing with the head of Saint John the Baptist in her lecherous arms before King Herod, symbolizes the great human harlot dancing before the world with our earthly head (initiates).

44. Each time the initiate comes out from the knives, he leaves his vulgar and earthly mind to the world.

45. “Hail, thou that dost bind up heads and doth stablish the bones or the neck when thou (initiates) comest forth from the knives.”

46. It is necessary to bake, bake, and re-bake and to not become tired of it.

47. The Philosophical Stone turns red, turns white, it thickens, it dissolves, it brightens, it sparkles, and it shines within the underworld.

48. “Hail, thou who art in charge of the hidden boat, who dost fetter Apep!”

49. “Grant that I may bring along the boat, and that I may coil up the ropes and that I may sail forth therein.”

50. Hail, warrior, you who victoriously defeats the temptations and steals the cups of your spinal vertebrae from the inhabitants of the underworld.

51. Work in your laboratory until you succeed in reaching your Father, Osiris.

52. You are an inhabitant of the underworld, and you must depart from the country of darkness in order to enter the kingdom of the Light.

53. It is necessary to bake, bake, and re-bake and to not become tired of it.

54. The underworld is terrible.

55. “This land is baleful, and the stars have over-balanced themselves and have fallen upon their faces therein, and they have not found anything which will help them to ascend again.”

56. “Their path is blocked by the tongue of Ra.”

57. All human beings are fallen stars in the dark land of the underworld.

58. The road of this dark land is blocked by the tongue of Ra, by the longing for the light, by the path of initiation that leads us from death to life, from darkness to light.

59. “Antebu is the guide of the two lands.”

60. Antebu is the God of the Theban ascension.

61. The ascension of the Lord is performed after our crucifixion, death, and resurrection.

62. “Seb is stablished through their rudders.”

63. This means that Atman, the ineffable One, constitutes the kingdom of the Gods, thanks to his rudders, the ineffable Beings. They are the ones who have departed from the underworld. They have passed from darkness to light, because they knew how to extract the whiteness from the black stone, according to the art.

64. These are the Princes of the Red Beings, these are the Princes of the Fire.

65. These are the Masters of metallic transmutations.

66. “ …grant that my Khu, my brother, may come to me, and that I may set out for the place whereof thou knowest.”

67. This signifies: Cover yourself with your brilliant cape, sibling of mine, with your translucent cape, and with your spiritual cape, so that you may depart from this dark land and you may enter into the Region of the Light.

68. You are a Lord of the darkness and a Lord of the light.

69. “Lord of the two lands who dwellest in the Shrine.”

70. “Leg of Hapiu is thy name, because you are a descendent of the third race.”

71. “Hair with which Anpu (Anubis) finisheth the work of my embalmment, is thy name.”

72. Such is your name, which reminds us that before his crucifixion Mary Magdelene embalmed the body of the Master with a precious ointment.

73. After his death, the holy women embalmed and shrouded the body of Christ.

74. You must be embalmed for death.

75. In each initiation, something dies within us and something is born within us.

76. Sibling of mine, your body must be embalmed for death.

77. You must be shrouded in the underworld so that you may resurrect from among the dead.

78. It is sad to say, but you are the pillars of the underworld.

79. You are AKER, the Lion with two heads, the God of the Earth.

80. You are submitted to the Lords of Karma, to the Lions of the Law.

81. You now need to be, “He who bringeth back the lady after she hath gone away.”

82. You need to return to the bosom of the Mother Goddess of the world.

83. You are called Standard of Ap-uat, because you are advancing on the path of the initiation, obeying the law.

84. You are called Throat of Mestha, because you have a human’s head.

85. You are called Nut, because you came out from the waters of the Abyss.

86. You came out from the profound waters of the Chaos.

87. The water (semen) must be transmuted into the wine of the light of the alchemist.

88. “Ye who are made from the hide of the Mnevis Bull, which was burned by Suti.”

89. The Gods are sons of Neith, the woman.

90. This is why you are made from the hide of the Mnevis Bull that was burned by Suti.

91. You are the fingers of Horus, the first-born, the Green Child, the Child of Gold, the intimate Christ who is the result of the work of your blessed stone.

92. Do not forget, sibling of mine, that Isis wipes away the blood from the Eye of Horus.

93. Our intimate Christ is caressed by the soft hand of the blessed Goddess Mother of the world.

94. This is how we heal our wounds.

95. Initiation is the painful drama of the Cross.

96. You have a human’s head and descend from a divine race. You are one of the divine creatures and have the wings of an eagle, but you have remained captive in this underworld.

97. You have been violently taken by the tenebrous ones of the underworld.

98. Do you see what the PARSE is bringing? He brings you the Light.

99. It is necessary to bake, bake, and re-bake and to never become tired of it.

100. The one who formed himself is a Master of metallic transmutations.

101. You are before your gnomes, the infernal creatures of the underworld, who incessantly attack you.

102. Take very good care of your receptacle so that not even a single drop of your crude matter of the Great Work escapes.

103. Terrible temptations besiege you in the underworld.

104. The black magicians send you voluptuous temptations, seductive flesh that smiles at you in the baleful land, where “the stars have over-balanced themselves and have fallen upon their faces.”

105. You are the son of Mert.

106. “Aqa is thy name, O thou who shinest from the water, hidden beam is thy name.”

107. The hidden ray is within the water.

108. The terrific fire of the seven serpents that frightfully revolves among terrible flashes of lightning, flashes within the semen.

109. You are a leg of Isis that has been cut by Ra, and you must now return to the Goddess Mother, who awaits you in the room of Maat.

110. You are a traveller of the cosmos.

111. Advance, traveller, advance. You are the north wind that comes from Tern. You are the breath of Ra, the Father, the eternal Atman.

112. You are those who can be seen.

113. You are a destroyer of the God Au-a in the water-house, because this water, or christonic semen of your sexual organs, is transformed into fire.

114. Your two Uraeus—your two serpents, one from the South and one from the North—shine upon your forehead.

115. These two serpents are two ganglionic cords through which the seminal energy rises to the head.

116. The water is transformed into the wine of light, and this sacred wine rises through the two ganglionic cords and shines between the brows.

117. The ancient kings had two crowns upon their heads, and the sacred serpent between the brows.

118. You are in the field of the reeds, and you must intensely practice Sexual Magic with your spouse in order to make the fire rise through the reed.

119. We are before the Divine Beings, the splendid Kas.

120. You must eat sepulchral meals and words of the Gods in order to die.

121. However, you will eat sepulchral cakes offered to the Gods, but you will not eat theories, religions, schools, etc., because these are abominable.

122. You must eat food and words in order to die and resurrect.

123. “Ah! your death will be sweet, and whosoever witnesses it will feel truly happy.”

124. “Thy death will be the seal of the oath of our eternal love.”

125. “Death is the crown of everyone.”

126. May the Goddess Isis give us the loaves of bread in the presence of the great God.

127. May the Goddess Isis nourish us with the seven loaves of bread that are brought as food before Horus.

128. “Let me not be destroyed at the Mesqet chamber, and let not the devils gain dominion over my members.”

129. We are reborn as gods within the cradle of skin.

130. This is the underworld. Here, the tempting demons attack us. Here, we must perform the Great Work.

131. This is why when we find the blackness of the stone, we must extract the hidden and immaculate whiteness.

132. When you see the whiteness appearing, you must not forget that the red is hidden within the whiteness. We must extract the red by baking, baking, and re-baking, without ever becoming tired of it.

133. The tenebrous ones attack us within the black abysses of the underworlds, and we must courageously pull the fire from them.

134. Later, this fire shines in the spinal column with an immaculate whiteness.

135. “After the whiteness, you cannot deceive yourself, because you will reach a grayish color by increasing the fire.”

136. The grayish color is the Salt of the alchemist.

137. The volatile Salt is diffused throughout the entire body and it passes to the larynx of the woman.

138. The volatile Salt of the woman passes to the larynx of the man.

139. This is how our larynx becomes hermaphroditic, and it is converted into a creative organ of the Master of metallic transmutations.

140. The fixed Salt serves as a base and a foundation.

141. First of all, the Stone is black, because we must enter the underworld in order to steal the torch of fire from Baphomet.

142. It is then red, because we pull the fire from the spinal chambers.

143. It is then white, because it shines in the candlestick of our spinal column with the splendorous whiteness of the Master of metallic transmutations.

144. Then come the changing phases as we bake, bake, and re-bake the crude matter of the Great Work.

145. There are seven distillations, which means there are seven serpents that we must raise upon the reed until the king appears, crowned with the red diadem.

146. In other words, we must raise them until we convert ourselves into Masters of the Mahamanvantara.

147. “I have my cakes in the city of Pe, and I have my ale in the city of Tepu, and let the offerings which are given unto you be given unto me this day.

148. “Let my offerings be wheat and barley; let my offerings be antiunguent and linen garments; let my offerings be for life, strength, and health; let my offerings be a coming forth by day in any form whatsoever in which it may please me to appear in Sekhet-Aarru.”

149. Our alchemical food is in the city of Pe, which means in lower Egypt, our sexual organs.

150. The seven loaves of bread, our sacred cakes, and our ale are in the city in which Thoth makes the Innermost triumph.

151. Thoth is the Christ-Mind. The God Thoth is the God of the Christ-Mind.

152. When the human being liberates himself from the four bodies of sin, he is converted into a Dragon of the Four Truths, into a Buddha.

153. When we have performed the Great Work, we are ineffable Gods in the field of the reeds. 

Semen Retention & Sexual Alchemy

1. The white elixir and the red elixir are the Tree of the Science of Good and Evil and the Tree of Life.

2. The red elixir is the pure Gold of the spirit. It is the Tree of Life.

3. The white elixir is the sexual force of Eden.

4. “The red Elixir turns into a citrine color infinitely, and changes all metals into pure gold.

5. “And the white Elixir does infinitely whiten, and brings every metal to perfect whiteness.

6. “But we know that one metal is farther off from perfection then another, and one more near then another. And although every metal may by Elixir be reduced to perfection, nevertheless the nearest are more easily, speedily, and perfectly reduced, then those which are far distant,

7. “And when we meet with a metal that is near to perfection, we are thereby excused from many that are far off.” — Roger Bacon, Mirror of Alchemy

8. This is the blessed magistery of the great work of the Father.

9. It is important to learn how to project the red and white elixirs upon the metals to transmute them into pure Gold.

10. The formula consists of mixing one part of the elixir with one thousand of the metal closest to perfection.

11. All contents are enclosed within the receptacle, which is then placed in the furnace so that the fire, after three days, makes a perfect union.

12. The same process must be repeated with other metals that are closest to perfection. Thus, we succeed, little by little, in transmuting all the metals into pure Gold.

13. This Gold is purer than all the Gold of the mines of the Earth.

14. The metals are our internal bodies that must be Christified with the white and red elixirs.

15. The first metal that we must transmute into Gold is the physical body.

16. We project our white and red elixirs upon this metal to transmute it into the pure Gold of the spirit.

17. This work is performed when we have raised our first serpent upon the reed.

18. After three days, that is to say, after the first serpent has passed through the three highest chambers of the head, the buddhic body or body of consciousness is integrally fused with the Innermost.

19. This is how the closest metal is transformed into pure Gold when this integral fusion with the real Being is achieved.

20. A new master, who is the result of this fusion, emerges from the living profundity of the consciousness.

21. This internal master is the authentic master of metallic transmutations.

22. Later, the master of metallic transmutations must do the projections upon the remainder of his metals in order to transmute them, by extracting from them the pure Gold.

23. It is necessary to “…boil, boil, boil, and be not weary.”

24. In the beginning, the fire can be low, but later it must be very intense to achieve the perfect transmutation.

25. The second metal that must be transmuted is the ethereal body.

26. We perform this work by projecting our white and red elixirs over this body.

27. The spirit and the fire of the second serpent, which are the two elixirs, transmute the ethereal body into To Soma Psuchikon, the body of Gold.

28. The third metal that we must transmute is the astral body.

29. We perform this work with the third serpent that belongs to the astral body.

30. We extract a superior astral body, which is the Intimate Christ, from the astral body.

31. This Child of Gold is Horus.

32. We then transmute the mental body to extract the Christ-mind from this metal.

33. Thus, we enter the room of the double Maat and we liberate ourselves from the four bodies of sin.

34. When we achieve a perfect metallic transmutation, the four bodies of sin give us the four bodies of Gold.

35. The four bodies of sin are replaced by four heavenly bodies that serve as a temple for the three-unit immortal spirit.

36. We extract the body of liberation from the physical body.

37. This body is made with flesh, but flesh that does not come from Adam.

38. It is a body filled with millenarian perfections. It is elaborated with the most evolved atoms of our physical body.

39. The body of Gold that interpenetrates the body of liberation is extracted from the ethereal body.

40. The Child of Gold of alchemy that replaces the astral body is extracted from the astral body.

41. The Christ-mind that replaces the mental body is extracted from the mental body.

42. This is how we achieve the metallic transmutation.

43. This is how the four bodies of sin are replaced by the four bodies of glory.

44. This is how we transmute the metals with the white and red elixirs.

45. This is how the inferior quaternary reinforces the divine triad.

46. The gods of nirvana are dressed in four bodies of glory.

47. The gods of nirvana do not use the four bodies of sin.

48. Only we, masters of nirvana, who are accomplishing a mission here in the physical world, must keep our four bodies of sin to express ourselves through them.

49. However, when we are liberated from the four bodies of sin, we enliven them in the form of hypostasis or by hypostasy.

50. The same eternal and spiritual triad must pass through gigantic alchemical transmutations to reach the union with the One, with the Law, with the Father.

51. There are seven serpents that we must raise upon the reed to convert ourselves into the king crowned with the red diadem.

52. The fifth serpent gives us Christ-will. The sixth serpent gives us Christ-consciousness. The seventh serpent unites us with the One, with the Law, with the Father.

53. It is necessary to “…boil, boil, boil, and be not weary.”

54. The receptacle must be hermetically sealed to impede the spilling of the raw matter of the great work.

55. In this work of alchemy, spiritual substances are converted into corporeal substances and the corporeal substances are converted into spiritual substances.

56. This is our sacred magistery of fire.

Semen Retention & Sexual Alchemy

1. “THE CHAPTER OF DRIVING AWAY THE SLAUGHTERINGS THAT ARE PERFORMED IN THE UNDERWORLD. “Nebseni, the scribe and the designer in the temples of Upper and Lower Egypt, he to whom fair venerations is paid, the son of the scribe and artist Thena, triumphant, saith: “Hail, Tem, I have become glorious (or a Khu) in the presence of the double Lion-god, the great god, therefore open thou unto me the gate of the god Seb. I smell the earth ( i.e., I bow down so that my nose toucheth the ground ) of the great god who dwelleth in the underworld, and I advance into the presence of the company of the gods who dwell with the beings who are in the underworld.

Hail, thou guardian of the divine door of the city of Beta, thou Neti who dwellest in Amantet. I eat food, and I have life through the air, and the god Atch-ur leadeth me with [him] to the mighty boat of Khepera. I hold converse with the divine mariners at eventide, I enter in, I go forth, and I see the being who is there; I lift him up, and I say what I have to say unto him whose throat stinketh [for lack of air]. I have life, and I am delivered, having lain down in death. Hail, thou that bringeth offerings and oblations, bring forward thy mouth and make to draw nigh the writings (or lists) of offerings and oblations.

“Set thou Right and Truth firmly upon their throne, make thou the writings to draw nigh, and set thou up the goddesses in the presence of Osiris, the mighty god, the Prince of everlastingness, who counteth his years, who hearkeneth unto those who are in the islands (or pools), who raiseth his right shoulder, who judgeth the divine princes, and who sendeth [the deceased] into the presence of the great sovereign princes who live in the underworld.” – The Book of the Dead, Chapter 41

1. When we have achieved glory before the double Lion-god, which means before the Law, then the Law opens the door of the Divine Seb for us.

2. The Divine Seb is Atman, the Universal Spirit of Life, before whom we bow reverently.

3. We then present ourselves before the assembly of the Gods who dwell with the beings who are in the underworld.

4. We give thanks to the air, and the Immortal One conduces us towards the mighty boat of Khepera.

5. Khepera is the creative Deity of the Gods, the sacred scarab, Ra within ourselves, the Seity.

6. “I hold converse with the divine mariners at eventide, I enter in, I go forth, and I see the being who is there.”

7. This Being is my Being, my Father, who is in secret.

8. He is the One whom I converse with when I have perfected myself.

9. This is how I acquired the Elixir of Long Life after having drawn near the writings (or lists) of offerings and oblations. This is how I am delivered and how I have life after having lain down in death.

10. The Body of Liberation is subjected neither to sickness nor to death.

11. The Body of Liberation is made with flesh and bones, but it is flesh that does not come from Adam. It is flesh from the Cosmic Christ.

12. The Body of Liberation is similar to the Divine Rabbi of Galilee.

13. The Body of Liberation is the body of gods.

14. With this body, we sit upon the throne of justice and truth, and thus we are exalted as immortals in the presence of Osiris and Horus.

15. Osiris is the Innermost, “the mighty god, the Prince of everlastingness, who counteth his years, who hearkeneth unto those who are in the islands (or pools), who raiseth his right shoulder, who judgeth the divine princes, and who sendeth the deceased into the presence of the great sovereign princes who live in the underworld.”

16. The entire Elixir of Long Life is found in the phallus of Osiris.

17. With the Elixir of Long Life, we can preserve even the physical body for long aeons of time.

18. Master Mejnour lived seven times seven centuries.

19. The Master Zanoni preserved his physical body for thousands of years.

20. The Count of Saint Germain still possesses the same physical body with which he presented himself in the courts of Europe during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.

21. With the white and red elixirs, we enter the kingdom of Super-men, and we convert ourselves into omnipotent gods of the universe. 

Semen Retention & Sexual Alchemy

“Saith Nu, triumphant, ‘I am the Jackal of jackals, I am Shu, and [I] draw air from the presence of the god of Light [Khu] to the bounds of heaven, and to the bounds of earth, and to the bounds of the uttermost limits of the flight of the Nebeh bird. May air be given unto these young divine beings.’” – The Book of the Dead, Chapter 55

1. The Jackal of jackals is the chief of the rulers of destiny, Anubis, the god with head of a jackal.

2. Anubis is in charge of the books of the underworld.

3. The temple of Anubis is the temple of the Lords of Karma.

4. Each human being has his book of business.

5. Those who learn how to control their Ka (Astral body) can visit the temple of the Jackal of jackals in order to consult their book and to make their negotiations.

6. Whosoever has capital to pay, pays and does well in his negotiations.

7. Whosoever does not have capital to pay must pay with pain.

8. Perform good deeds so that you may pay your debts.

9. Credits can also be given upon request to the Lords of Karma.

10. Every credit must be paid.

11. When the Logos of the solar system delivered the tunic and mantle of a Hierophant of Major Mysteries to me, he told me, “Here, I pay you what I owe you for the practices that you have taught.”

12. Whosoever wants light must give light in order to receive his payment.

13. The Jackal of jackals conduces light through all the limits of the firmament and arrives to the frontiers of the Nebeh bird, the huge serpent, one of the forty-two judges of Maat in judgment.

14. This great judge is the Logos of the solar system.

15. The Jackal of jackals works under the orders of this great judge.

16. These young, divine beings who work with Anubis are the Lords of Karma.

17. The alchemist must learn how to control his Ka in order to visit the temple of the Jackal of jackals and to settle his negotiations.

18. In our work with the blessed stone, it is indispensable to learn how to consciously handle our negotiations.

Semen Retention & Sexual Alchemy

1. The Red Lion is the drinkable gold.

2. The drinkable gold is the Kundalini.

3. The Kundalini is the fire of the semen.

4. It is necessary to separate the Red Lion from all types of waste.

5. These wastes and impurities are separated from the Red Lion by a kneading process.

6. Sexual Magic and the strength of willpower are what we understand to be the kneading process.

7. This drinkable gold must be mixed with the alcohol of the wine in order to be washed and then distilled in a very good distiller, until the sourness of the royal water completely disappears.

8. The alcohol of the wine is nothing more than the wine of light, with which the semen is mixed during the processes of sexual transmutation.

9. This wine of light is transmuted semen.

10. It is necessary to distill, which means to totally transmute the semen.

11. This is how the sourness disappears from the royal water. This is how it is referred to in alchemy.

12. The Red Lion is the sacred fire.

13. It is necessary to place this drinkable gold into a very well-sealed receptacle.

14. It is necessary to bake and re-bake three times, until the perfect tincture of the Sun is obtained.

15. The perfect tincture of the Sun gives us the power to resurrect from the dead.

16. Christ resurrected from the dead on the third day.

17. The perfect tincture of the Sun is the Kundalini of the Astral body.

18. When the initiate conduces his third serpent to the heart, he then passes through the symbolic resurrection and the ascension of Jesus Christ. 

Semen Retention & Sexual Alchemy

1. The Green Lion is the Innermost of everyone.

2. This work is performed with the Vitriol of Venus.

3. V.I.T.R.I.O.L.

4. “Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultul Lapidem.”

5. Visit the interior of the earth, which by rectifying, you will find the occult stone.

6. It is necessary to visit our own interior Earth in order to find our blessed stone.

7. This blessed stone is the semen.

8. Vitriol:

9. Liquid glass, flexible and moldable. By rectifying this liquid, we find the tincture of gold, the Green Lion of alchemy, the Innermost.

10. The Vitriol has two colors, one red and the other white.

11. The red color reddens everything; it even dyes the white bodies with red.

12. This is the color of passion.

13. The white color whitens everything; it even whitens the red bodies of the abyss.

14. We enter into the world of passion through the doors of eroticism, in order to steal the cups of the spinal column from the devil. This is how we are stealing the fire from the devil.

15. The tempting demons then attack us in the underworld and we must fight great battles with them in order to steal the cups of our spinal column.

16. Each cup stolen from the underworld shines with immaculate whiteness in its corresponding vertebra of the medulla.

17. This is how the whiteness of the Vitriol whitens all of the red bodies.

18. We must descend to the abyss many times, and ascend again, to search for the Red and Green Lions.

19. Carnal passion is the door to enter into the abyss.

20. What is important is to dominate the beast in order to steal the fire from the devil.

21. Hermes Trismegistus stated in his Emerald Tablet:

22. “Separate that spirituous earth from the dense or crude by means of gentle heat, with much attention. In great measure it ascends from the earth up to heaven, and descends again, newborn, on the earth, and the superior and the inferior are increased in power.

23. “By this thou wilt partake of the honors of the whole world, and darkness will fly from thee.

24. “This is the strength of all powers, with this thou wilt be able to overcome all things, and to transmute all what is fine and what is coarse. In this manner the world was created.” – The Emerald Tablet

25. Air and water must be added to the Vitriol, and it must be purified for one month.

26. The white and red colors will appear when the putrefaction is completed.

27. Concerning this, we would like to state that by practicing sexual magic, the fire of Kundalini awakens after a certain period of time.

28. The awakening of this fire does not present any dangers because it is performed with the direction of a specialist in the invisible world.

29. The red tincture of the Vitriol is the fire.

30. Paracelsus stated, “Work with this tincture in a retort and you will see the blackness emerging from it.”

31. In alchemy, this retort is our sexual organs.

32. When we are working with the tincture of the Green Lion, the tenebrous ones of the abyss attack us. This is why we see blackness emerging from the retort.

33. But in the end, we will find the white liquid by distilling in the retort.

34. This white liquid represents all of our esoteric degrees of our spinal column.

35. It is necessary to incessantly rectify our tincture in order to obtain the Green Lion.

36. This Green Lion is the natural balsam of all the celestial planets, and it has the power to heal all sicknesses.

37. The Green Lion is our internal Angel, our Innermost. 

Semen Retention & Sexual Alchemy

1. In our work of metallic transmutations, we must elaborate astral tinctures in order to work in the Great Work.

2. Four parts of metallic water and two parts of soil of red sun; this is the mother tincture of alchemy.

3. Everything must be placed in a receptacle. The contents must solidify and must desegregate three times.

4. This is the mother tincture of alchemy, because we elaborate all the seven tinctures of sexual alchemy with it.

5. The metallic water is the semen. The soil of the red sun is our sexual organs, and the Sun Sulfur is the Kundalini that we must awaken by practicing Sexual Magic with our spouse.

6. It is clear that it is necessary to solidify it three times, because we are a trio of body, soul, and Spirit.

7. We can dye one thousand ounces with the Sun only with one ounce of Sun tincture.

8. We can dye the body of Mercury with only one ounce of Mercury tincture, etc.

9. We can transmute the Vital body into a perfect metal with the Lunar tincture.

10. We can transmute our Buddhic body into a metal of perfection with the tincture of Mercury.

11. We can transmute our vehicle of willpower into a body of perfection with the tincture of Venus.

12. We can transmute our Astral body or Cosmic Chrestos into a perfect metal with the Solar tincture.

13. We can transmute our Mental body into a perfect metal with the tincture of Saturn, etc.

14. We transmute the Conscious Soul of our physical body into a metal of perfection with the tincture of Mars, and we give all of our metals the strength of iron.

15. However, the tincture of gold will unite us with the One, with the Law, with the Father. 16. Our seven bodies are influenced by the seven planets.

17. Our seven serpents synthesize all the wisdom of the seven Cosmocreators.

18. Each one of our seven bodies must synthesize the perfection of each one of the seven Cosmocreators.

19. We must work with our blessed stone in the retort of our sexual laboratory until obtaining the phoenix of the philosophers.

20. This is how we resurrect after having died, just as the phoenix bird of philosophy.

21. In our depths, each of us is a star. We return to the bosom of the Father after having worked with the astral tinctures that transmute our seven bodies into vehicles of perfection.

22. Just as the flames expand themselves, the seven ordaining Beings, the seven planetary Logoi of our solar system also expanded themselves in the dawn of life. The millions of divine particles evolving through the Mahamanvantara were the result of this expansion.

23. Each divine particle must self-realize as a Master of metallic transmutations, and return to the Father.

24. Every spark must return to the flame from which it departed, yet keeping its individuality.

25. Chapter 61 of The Book of the Dead, “Of Coming Forth by Day,” verse 17, states,

26. “Behold, the god of one Face is with me. Hail, ye Seven Beings who make decrees, who support the Scales on the night of the judgment of the Utchat, who cut off heads, who hack necks in pieces, who take possession of hearts by violence and rend the places where hearts are fixed, who make slaughterings in the Lake of Fire, I know you and I know your names, therefore know ye me even as I know your names.

I come forth to you therefore come ye forth to me, for ye live in me and I would live in you. Make ye me to be vigorous by means of that which is in your hands, that is to say, by the rod of power which is in your hands.

Decree ye for my life by [your] speech year by year; give me multitudes of years over and above my years of life, and multitudes of months over and above my months of life, and multitudes of days over and above my days of life, and multitudes of nights over and above my nights of life; and grant that I may come forth and shine upon my statue; and [grant me] air for my nose, and let my eyes have the power to see among those divine beings who dwell in the horizon on the day when evil-doing and wrong are justly assessed.”

27. The God of one Face, which is within ourselves, is the Innermost.

28. The seven beings support the scale of judgment, and they decapitate and slaughter the alchemists in order to self-realize them as Masters of metallic transmutations.

29. Each time that one of our seven serpents rises from the vertebrae of the neck to the head, we pass through the symbolic slaughter.

30. The seven planetary Genii take possession of the hearts and tear the chests in order to liberate the souls of the underworld, to take them to the place of light.

31. The seven Logoi perpetrate killings in the Lake of Fire.

32. It is necessary to die in order to live. It is necessary to die to the world in order to live for the Father. We must die and resurrect as the phoenix bird of sexual alchemy, in the magisterium of the fire.

33. The immortal Gods give us vigor with the staff of command that they hold in their dexterous hands.

34. This staff is our spinal column, our bamboo reed with seven knots, through which the seven ardent serpents rise.

35. With the red and white elixirs we acquire the Elixir of Long Life, and although we are incarnated in our statue—that is to say, in our physical body—the internal worlds are open and we can see the young, divine beings who dwell in the horizon and control the account books of the world.

36. With the Astral tinctures we return to the bosom of the Father and we hear ineffable words.

37. All the power is found enclosed in the wisdom of the serpent.

38. The Book of the Dead states the following:

39. “I am the serpent Sata whose years are many. I die and I am born again each day. I am the serpent Sata which dwelleth in the uttermost parts of the earth. I die, and I am born again, and I renew myself, and I grow young each day.” – The Book of the Dead, Chapter 87, “Of Making the Transformation into the Serpent Sata”.

40. The Lunar tincture is of a violet color. The tincture of Mercury is yellow. The tincture of Venus is indigo. The Solar tincture is intense blue and golden. The tincture of Mars is red. Of Jupiter it is blue and purple. Saturn it is green, gray, and black.

41. The alchemist must elaborate the seven tinctures in order to transmute all his metals.

Semen Retention & Sexual Alchemy

1. “And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth. “These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth. And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies: and if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed. “These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophesy: and have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will.” – Revelation: 11: 3-6

2. The two witnesses of the Apocalypse (Revelation) are our two ganglionic cords through which the semen rises towards the chalice of our head.

3. When the virile member is withdrawn from the vagina, without spilling the semen (without reaching the orgasm), the semen then rises through the two ganglionic cords to the chalice (the brain).

4. These two ganglionic cords are known in the Orient as Ida and Pingala.

5. Ida is the ganglionic cord of the right. Pingala is the ganglionic cord of the left.

6. The semen rises to the head through these two nerve channels when we restrain the animal impulse.

7. These are the two witnesses, the two olive trees, and “the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth.”

8. These are the two Uraeus from the South and from the North that shine on the forehead.

9. This is why the ancient kings had two crowns upon their heads and the sacred serpent upon the mid-brow.

10. The solar atoms of our seminal system rise through the right ganglionic channel.

11. The lunar atoms of our seminal system rise through the left ganglionic channel.

12. The right ganglionic cord is related with the left nasal cavity.

13. The left ganglionic cord is related with the right nasal cavity.

14. When the solar and lunar atoms of our seminal system make contact near the Triveni, which is in the chakra Muladhara situated in the coccyx, the Kundalini awakens and enters through the inferior orifice of the spinal medulla.

15. The ascension of the Kundalini depends on the merits of the heart.

16. The solar and lunar atoms of our seminal system make contact with the coccygeal bone when we learn to withdraw from our spouse without spilling the semen (without reaching the orgasm).

17. In the temples of Lemuria, men and women entered sexual contact in order to reproduce the species, but none of them spilled the semen (reached the orgasm).

18. The divine hierarchies utilized one sperm in order to fertilize the womb. One sperm easily escapes from the hormonal vessels.

19. There is no need to fornicate to reproduce the species.

20. Seminal ejaculation is an exclusive property of the animal species, but not of the human species.

21. The human being must make his semen rise through the two ganglionic cords to the chalice (the brain).

22. The black magicians were the ones who taught the human being how to ejaculate semen like the animals.

23. The black magicians of the opposite pole of the sanctuary of Vulcan taught the human being black Sexual Magic. This was their treason to the mysteries of Vulcan.

24. The mysteries of sex are from the sanctuary of Vulcan.

25. The guardians of that sanctuary committed the crime of betraying the mysteries when they allowed themselves to be seduced by those brothers of darkness.

26. Black magicians ejaculate the semen during the acts of negative Sexual Magic.

27. The serpent then descends towards the infernos of the human being.

28. The tail with which Satan is represented is the Kundabuffer of black magicians. That tailis directed downwards towards the infernos of the human being.

29. When the serpent ascends, it represents the bronze serpent (Kundalini) that healed the Israelites in the wilderness.

30. When the serpent descends it signifies the tail of Satan (Kundabuffer). That tail is the tempting serpent of Eden, the horrible Python serpent with seven heads that the enraged Apollo wounded with his darts.


34. He saith, “O Serpent! I am the flame which shineth upon the Opener of hundreds of thousands of years, and the standard of the god Tempu,” or (as others say) “the standard of young plants and flowers. Depart ye from me, for I am the divine Maftet.”

35. We must reject the tempting serpent of Eden and we must not spill the semen.

36. “Osiris Ani, triumphant, saith, “I am the great One, son of the great One; I am Fire, the son of Fire, to whom was given his head after it had been cut off. The head of Osiris was not taken away from him, let not the head of Osiris Ani be taken away from him. I have knit myself together; I have made myself whole and complete; I have renewed my youth; I am Osiris, the lord of eternity.” – The Book of the Dead, Chapter 43, “Of not letting the head of a man be cut off from him in the underworld”

37. The spark that dwells within us is the daughter of the flame, the Great One, Son of the Great One.

38. After being slaughtered, the head is delivered to the Osiris of the Master.

39. We pass through the slaughter of John the Baptist when the sacred serpent passes from the vertebrae of the neck to the head.

40. No one cuts the head of the Innermost, however, we must avoid falling into the abyss.

41. We become complete and we become owners of eternity, filled with eternal youth, when we have raised our Kundalini upon the staff, as Moses did in the desert.

42. We must transform ourselves into divine crocodiles.

43. “The overseer of the house of the overseer of the seal, Nu, triumphant, saith, “I am the divine crocodile which dwelleth in his terror, I am the divine crocodile, and I seize my prey like a ravening beast. I am the great and mighty Fish which is in the city of Qem-ur. I am the lord to whom bowing and prostrations are made in the city of Sekhem.” – The Book of the Dead, Chapter 88, “of making the transformation into a crocodile”

44. This divine crocodile is the Innermost.

45. It is the divine crocodile that seizes its prey like a ravenous beast.

46. These prey are the psychic extractions of all the vehicles of the Innermost that He assimilates.

42. We must transform ourselves into divine crocodiles.

43. “The overseer of the house of the overseer of the seal, Nu, triumphant, saith, “I am the divine crocodile which dwelleth in his terror, I am the divine crocodile, and I seize my prey like a ravening beast. I am the great and mighty Fish which is in the city of Qem-ur. I am the lord to whom bowing and prostrations are made in the city of Sekhem.” – The Book of the Dead, Chapter 88, “of making the transformation into a crocodile”

44. This divine crocodile is the Innermost.

45. It is the divine crocodile that seizes its prey like a ravenous beast.

46. These prey are the psychic extractions of all the vehicles of the Innermost that He assimilates in order to self-realize Himself as a Master of the Mahamanvantara.

47. The Innermost is the great and mighty fish that emerges from the waters of life in order to create the interior universe.

48. He is the Lord who lives within us, and before whom we bow and prostate.

49. “Nu, the overseer of the house of the overseer of the seal, triumphant, saith: “Hail, thou serpent Rerek, advance not hither. Behold Seb and Shu. Stand still now, and thou shalt eat the rat which is an abominable thing unto Ra, and thou shalt crunch the bones of the filthy cat.” – The Book of the Dead, Chapter 33, “of repulsing serpents”

50. The serpent Rerek is the serpent of fornication that trembles before the living God and that crunches the bones of the filthy cat, by sinking it into the abyss of desperation.

51. “I am the divine crocodile Sebek. I am the flame of three wicks, and my wicks are immortal. I enter in the region of Sekhem. I enter in the region of the flames that have defeated my adversaries.” – The Book of the Dead

52. The divine crocodile Sebek is the Innermost.

53. The Innermost is the flame with three small wicks.

54. These three wicks are the Divine Soul, the Human Soul, and the Christ-Mind.

55. We enter Nirvana when we have defeated our adversaries, when we have defeated the tempting serpent of Eden, when we have defeated the four bodies of sin.

56. It is necessary to not spill even a single drop of semen.

57. It is necessary to make our seminal energy rise to our brain through the two ganglionic cords, in order to make the sacred serpent Kundalini rise up the spinal medulla, through the thirty-three medullar vertebrae.

58. Terrific powers exist within each one of the thirty-three vertebrae.

59. As we enter each one of the thirty-three holy chambers, we learn divine wisdom.

60. These are the seven loaves of bread brought as food to Horus.

61. We must eat from these seven loaves of bread.

62. We must not eat filthiness. We must not eat anything abominable.

63. Anything filthy or abominable is known as fornication, adultery, hatred, selfishness, desire, envy, pseudo-spiritualist doctrines, etc.

64. All of this is abominable food. All of this is filthiness.

65. Let us eat from the seven loaves of bread. Let us be nourished with divine wisdom.

66. We must make our seminal energy rise through the two witnesses.

67. These are the two olive trees of the temple.

68. These are “the two candlesticks that are standing before the God of the earth.” 

Semen Retention & Sexual Alchemy

1. “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. “And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. “And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. “And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. “And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night And the evening and the morning were the first day.

“And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. “And God made the firmament, and divided the waters that were under the firmament from the waters that were above the firmament: and it was so. “And God called the firmament Heaven, And the evening and the morning were the second day. “And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so. And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good.” – Genesis 1:1-10

2. If a human being wishes to create his bodies of liberation in order to self-realize as a Master of the Mahamanvantara, he must then create as God did, by fecundating his seminal system in order for the interior universe to emerge from it.

3. The Chaos is the semen. If we wish to create like the gods, we must fecundate the Chaos with the vivifying fire in order for our bodies of perfection—with which we realize ourselves as Masters of the Mahamanvantara—to emerge from it.

4. The Chaos is a mixture of water and fire.

5. The Chaos holds the seeds of the cosmos.

6. The water of the Chaos is the receptacle of the fire.

7. The earth is reduced to water, and the water is the receptacle of the fire.

8. Our material body, which is our individual earth, is reduced to the water of the semen. Thus, if we fecundate the Chaos of the semen with the fire of the Spirit, the Child of Gold of sexual alchemy emerges. He is the intimate Christ who ascends to the Father and who makes us kings and queens, priests and priestesses of the universe.

9. Genesis is a book of alchemy.

10. Hence, if we wish to create our interior universe, we must create as God did when He created the universe.

11. It is necessary to divide the waters from the waters in order to place these (the waters) above, in our divine heaven (firmament), where the glory of the Innermost (Spirit) shines. This is achieved by placing what is material and crude into the profundity of the abyss, and by raising our christic force by sublimating our seminal energy.

12. This is a work of sexual alchemy.

13. This is why Hermes Trismegistus stated, “Separate that Spirituous earth from the dense or crude by means of a gentle heat, with much attention. In great measure it ascends from the earth up to heaven, and descends again, newborn, on the earth, and the superior and the inferior are increased in power.” – The Emerald Tablet

14. This is our blessed work of the Great Work.

15. It is necessary to work over our Chaos in order to separate the darkness from the light and to give to the darkness the abode of our God.

16. We must make Genesis within ourselves.

17. Hermes Trismegistus stated, “…the superior agrees with the inferior, and the inferior with the superior, to effect that one truly wonderful work.” – The Emerald Tablet

18. The Chaos of the universe resides here and now in our seminal system. If God had to fecundate the waters of the Chaos with the fire in order to create the universe, we must do the same by fecundating the waters of our Chaos, which is our semen, with the fire of the Kundalini. This is done in order to make our interior universe emerge and to convert ourselves into ineffable gods. This is known as sexual alchemy.

19. The supra-celestial waters of the Chaos are pure semen, and from this semen the universe emerged.

20. This supra-celestial water of Genesis is a very pure, flexible, and inflamed substance, but it never consumes itself.

21. This is the Paradise where Adam lived before the downfall.

22. Let us fecundate the Chaos (semen). Let us divide the waters from the waters, by placing what is material and crude into the abyss and by placing the divine and sublime within our interior firmament. This is how we can convert ourselves into gods of the universe.

23. Our seminal system, our earth, is now void and entirely without form. The darkness is now upon the face of the abyss and the spirit of God is moving upon the face of our seminal waters.

24. Let us create light, brothers and sisters, let us create it by extracting the light from the darkness by means of Sexual Magic.

25. The light is good; let us depart from the darkness.

26. Let us divide the waters from the waters—in other words, the light from the darkness—and let us gather the tenebrous waters in the abyss in order to discover the dry matter, which is a rich interior universe, the bodies of perfection. Thus, we self-realize as Masters of the interior and the delicate Eden, where the lights of heaven shine and from where every living creature emerges.

27. Let us perform Genesis within ourselves, by means of sexual alchemy.

28. The book of Genesis is a treatise of sexual alchemy.

29. The superior agrees with the inferior.

30. The macrocosmic Chaos is also in the microcosms.

31. The waters of the Chaos are in our sexual glands.

32. These waters are the semen.

33. If God had to fecundate the waters in order to create the universe, then we must do the same within ourselves.

34. These waters are the semen of our sexual organs.

35. So, we have then found the key of perpetual movement.

36. Thus, when we will be gods, we will make majestic universes emerge from within the terrific profundity of our superlative consciousness, by fecundating the semen with the fire.

37. When the disciples and Masters want to enter a new initiation, they must then ask to the Logos of the solar system.

38. However, when the Master is liberated from the four bodies of sin, he does not need to ask to enter because he has entered the worlds of the gods, and he is also a god.

39. The Master who has reached these heights knows that in order to enter a higher initiation he must fecundate his Chaos in order to make new internal creations. This signifies new responsibilities before the karmic laws.

40. We, the Masters, are incessantly fecundating our Chaos, in order to create internal universes, each time more grandiose, each time more perfect.

41. The more grandiose these internal universes are, the more karmic responsibilities the creators have.

42. This is why we, the Buddhas, do not need to ask the Logos in order to enter new initiations.

43. We, the Buddhas, now have a sufficient age in order to comprehend the solemn responsibility of any interior creation.

44. The Logos, who is now capable of creating a solar system and crystallizing it with the tattvas, has a very grave karmic responsibility, immensely more grave than that of the Arhat.

45. A Logos creates when fecundating his own sexual seminal Chaos.

46. Therefore, we convert ourselves into ineffable gods, into Solar Logos, into Constellar Logos, etc., by fecundating our Chaos. 47. The book of Genesis encloses the key of continuous movement.

48. The book of Genesis is a book of palpitating actualities.

49. The book of Genesis is a treatise of sexual alchemy.

50. We have now found the key of perpetual movement, the Elixir of Long Life, and the Philosophical Stone.

51. We must now enter the world of the gods.

52. There is the necessity to enter the kingdom of the Super-man.

53. We must elevate ourselves to the supra-human kingdom.

54. We must convert ourselves into hierarchs of the fire. 

Semen Retention & Sexual Alchemy

1. The invisible stars that palpitate within the profundities of the infinite are ineffable flames.

2. We are detached sparks from these eternal flames.

3. Before the spark is unfastened from the flame, it is the very flame itself.

4. We were those flames.

5. We were those ineffable Logoi, who in the dawn of life fecundated the Chaos with our sacred fire, so that the seed plot of the cosmos could sprout from within the waters of life.

6. These supra-celestial waters are pure semen.

7. Those waters are enclosed within our sexual glands.

8. The air and the fire of these waters are the ineffable Eden, which resides within us, in the depths of our consciousness.

9. The Holy Bible reveals these waters in the first chapter of the book of Genesis.

10. The book of Daniel, chapter 3, verse 6 also reveals these waters. Psalm 104:3 narrates to us about the supra-celestial waters from the universal Chaos.

11. This Chaos is our Christonic semen.

12. Such a flexible and malleable liquid is an inflamed substance that constitutes the abode of the Angels, Seraphim, Thrones, Virtues, Potencies, etc.

13. This Christic substance is the Chaos, and life sprouts from within it.

14. This Chaos is Christ in substance, the liquid Christ who abides within our sexual glands.

15. The supra-celestial waters are interpenetrated by the supra-celestial air and by the divine fire, where the divine gods of the unalterable infinite abide.

16. If we spill those waters during the trance of Sexual Magic, then we also spill the supra-celestial air and the divine fire that lives within those waters.

17. This is how we sank into our own atomic infernos and into worlds of darkness, where nothing but the weeping and gnashing of teeth are heard.

18. The fire and the air are superior elements.

19. The fire in its absolute simplicity is the summum of all perfections.

20. The air cannot enter into the very essence of the fire, neither can it be fused with it, because of being less pure. However, when it has been purified in an absolute way, the air can do it.

21. Elemental fire is concentrated within the luminaries of Heaven.

22. Those luminaries are the ineffable stars, the planetary Logoi, who send their rays in order to help us in our cosmic evolution.

23. The fire purifies all things by

transmuting them into ineffable perfections. 24. The fire acts in the center of each planet and within the heart of all life.

25. The fire has its habitat within the water. Thus, if we spill the water, then we also spill the fire. Consequently, we remain in darkness.

26. Sexual movement provokes emotion. Emotion puts respiration or air into motion. Then, the air insufflates life upon the fire when the solar and lunar atoms make contact in the coccyx.

27. This is how the Kundalini is awakened, and this is how we achieve fusion with the Innermost.

28. The fire cannot tolerate the crude water, but it must transmute it into subtle steam by means of heat.

29. When the steam is transmuted into solar and lunar currents, the water is then sufficiently transmuted and purified in order to be eternally fused with the fire of the Kundalini.

30. This work is sexual alchemy.

31. The fire purifies the air, the air purifies the water, and the water purifies the earth with the continuous movement of the fire.

32. This is how the elements, one with the other, are being purified.

33. The water—semen—acts upon the fire by confining it in our sexual organs, in order to elevate it upwards through our spinal column.

34. The fire works upon our four bodies of sin, in order to elevate them towards their own degree of perfection.

35. By means of the fire we extract the pure oil of the Spirit from our four bodies of sin.

36. This oil is lit when it is deprived of its impurities. Then, it burns as an ineffable flame.

37. This is how it acts in the planet human being, by removing the unevenness of the elements and carrying all of them to perfection, in order to convert them into living fire.

38. This is how the fire purifies the elements before totally assimilating them.

39. In Nature, we see the earth reduced to water, the water transmuted into air—such as into clouds—and finally into fire, such as thunder and flashes of lightning.

40. This fire of Heaven provokes rain, and the rain gives life to the wombs of the seeds in order for life to sprout.

41. These repeated irrigations work on the seeds of the earth, where the fire of strong and active life is enclosed.

42. When the waters of Heaven act upon the seeds in order to make the fire of life sprout from them, it is pure sexual alchemy.

43. When the fire of Kundalini acts upon our seminal seeds, it makes an interior atomic universe sprout from within our interior life. This universe is filled with ineffable perfections.

44. This is how the planet human being, clean of impurities, consubstantiates himself with the fire of the Spirit. Thus, he becomes an eternal flame.

45. Within its rebel eagle’s nest, the ancient phoenix nourishes itself with the sacred fire, and its fledglings pull out its eyes. This produces the immaculate whiteness of the ineffable Spirit, who shines in all the corners of the universe.

46. This is how we transmute all of our metals into the pure gold of the Spirit.

47. This is the Great Arcanum.

48. All the initiates who wanted to spread the Great Arcanum prior to me have died.

49. In the Middle Ages, all the initiates who tried to divulge the Great Arcanum were killed. Some were killed by means of the shirts of Nessus, some were poisoned by perfumed bouquets, some died by the dagger, or by the scaffold.

50. In the ancient Egypt of the Pharaohs, those who intended to divulge the Great Arcanum were sentenced to the death penalty.

51. Their heads were cut off, their hearts were torn out, and their ashes were thrown into the four winds.

Semen Retention & Sexual Alchemy

1. Let us now enter into alchemical spagyrics.

2. Spagyria or spagyric medicine comes from the Greek “spao,” to extract, and “ageiro,” to reunite.

3. Therefore, spagyrics means “to extract and reunite.”

4. All the great arcana of occult medicine are found in Eden, and Eden is sex itself.

5. The Chaos is within all plants, and the Tattvas are inside the Chaos.

6. The Chaos of every plant is the semen.

7. The same occurs with the plant human being.

8. The Chaos of the human being resides within his sexual glands.

9. We transmute the Tattvas when we fecundate the Chaos.

10. The chaotic semen is the Christonic substance of the Solar Logos. All the faculties of the human being are based upon it.

11. Plants become beautiful, they flourish and fill with fruits, when their semen enters into activity.

12. However, plants become filled with sadness, they wither and die when their vegetal semen weakens or dries.

13. The same occurs with human beings; they become filled with beauty, life, and happiness when they transmute their seminal energy. However, when they waste their semen in animal passions, they then fill themselves with darkness and death.

14. The spagyrists crushed the plants in order to squeeze the juice from them.

15. They then deposited the juice into a very well closed container and placed it in a fresh place until achieving a complete fermentation.

16. When the fermentation process was completed, then they placed the container on a furnace with the goal of making the alcohol ascend.

17. It is necessary to bake, bake, and re-bake and to not ever tire of it.

18. Alcohol raises itself in the form of striae. It is necessary to boil the fermentation and distill it seven times.

19. In the seventh distillation, all mucosity or phlegm has completely disappeared.

20. The phlegm is separated from the alcohol in every distillation.

21. In the seventh distillation, the alcohol is pure, and it is pure wine of light.

22. The extraction of the alcohol or pure essence of vegetables is obtained by crushing a great quantity of plants and gathering their juices in order to ferment them and to distill them seven times.

23. What is important is to separate the spirit from the phlegm or mucosity.

24. However, the phlegm also has to be distilled by means of alchemical methods, because it is a substance which has notable virtues.

25. The tartar remains fastened to the barrel. It is the salt of the vegetable, which can be wisely extracted for medicinal use.

26. This salt has two aspects: fixed salt and volatile salt.

27. In accordance with the spagiric doctrine, the very precious arcanum that we must extract from plants is the Christic substance, the immortal Logos who sleeps huddled in the profundity of the temple.

28. Here, rhythm, planet, zodiac, and Tattvas are combined.

29. Nevertheless, we have to warn the Gnostic students that when the medieval spagyrists referred to plants, they were not referring to vegetation, but to the plant human being.

30. Therefore, the entire spagyrics of Philipus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim (Aureolus Paracelsus) and his disciples is absolutely sexual.

31. It is necessary to gather our Christonic semen in order to extract the fire from it.

32. We gather all our sexual juices and we store them in a fresh place by means of chastity.

33. That place is our sexual glands.

34. It is necessary to distill by intensely practicing Sexual Magic with our spouse.

35. This is how the striae are evaporated in each distillation. Thus, we attain the King crowned with the red diadem, the Sun King, the triumphant Magi of the serpent.

36. The salt from the semen is fixed and volatile.

37. The volatile salt of the man is transferred into the larynx of the woman, and the volatile salt of the woman is transferred into the larynx of the man.

38. This is how we prepare our larynx in order to utter the verb of Gold.

39. During the practices of Sexual Magic, the glandular biorhythm is in all of its euphoria.

40. The seven planets of our solar system are intimately related with the seven snakes.

41. With sexual alchemy, we develop ourselves within the zodiacal uterus.

42. Sexual transmutation provokes Tattvic transmutations, because the Tattvas are within the semen.

43. With each alchemical distillation, we make the snake rise up.

44. In the seventh distillation, the seven snakes are upon the reed of our spinal column.

45. Our Father Star is the planet that directs us.

46. Thus, Gnostic spagyria is simply sexual alchemy.

47. The singular thing that is important for us, the Gnostics, is to make our seven serpents rise.

48. In ancient times, our seven serpents were upon the reed. That was when we were vegetal elementals.

49. However, when we fell, those seven serpents descended from our spinal column. Consequently, they remained enclosed inside the chakra Muladhara, which is in the coccygeal bone.

50. What is natural and normal is to have the seven serpents upon the reed.

51. What is unnatural, abnormal, and absurd is to have the seven serpents fallen and enclosed within the chakra Muladhara.

52. Therefore, we the Gnostics want to be normal humans, Super-men, Supra-human beings, and this is why we work with sexual alchemy in order to fecundate our Chaos and to convert ourselves into gods.

53. The seven serpents are the seven distillations of spagyrics.

54. The seven serpents are the seven days of creation.

55. The seven serpents are the seven great Initiations of Major Mysteries.

56. In seven days—which means, in seven great Initiations of Major Mysteries—we create our interior universe. This occurs when we fecundate our sexual Chaos by intensely practicing Sexual Magic with our spouse.

57. When we raise the seven serpents upon the reed, we then become normal beings, as we were before the downfall.

58. The huge multitudes of supra-human beings are happy when a human being ceases to be an abnormal being and raises the seven serpents upon the reed.

59. The Holy Bible, which is a sacred book of the Gnostics, speaks to us of the seven distillations when it describes the young Jews who were unhurt in the fiery furnace.

60. “Nebuchadnezzar the king made an image of gold, whose height was threescore cubits, and the breadth thereof six cubits: he set it up in the plain Dura, in the province of Babylon.

61. “Then Nebuchadnezzar the king sent to gather together the princes, the governors, and the captains, the judges, the treasurers, the counsellors, the sheriffs, and all the rulers of the provinces, to come to the dedication of the image which Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up.

62. “Then the princes, the governors, and captains, the judges, the treasurers, the counsellors, the sheriffs, and all the rulers of the provinces, were gathered together unto the dedication of the image that Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up, and they stood before the image that Nebuchadnezzar had set up.

63. “Then an herald cried aloud, To you it is commanded, O people, nations, and languages.

64. “That at what time ye hear the sound of the cornet, flute, harp, sackbut, psaltery, dulcimer, and all kinds of musick, ye fall down and worship the golden image that Nebuchadnezzar the king hath set up:

65. “And whoso falleth not down and worshippeth shall the same hour be cast into the midst of a burning fiery furnace.

66. “Therefore at that time, when all the people heard the sound of the cornet, flute, harp, sackbut, psaltery, and all kinds of musick, all the people, the nations, and the languages, fell down and worshiped the golden image that Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up.

67. “Wherefore at that time certain Chaldeans came near, and accused the Jews. 68. “They spake and said to the king Nebuchadnezzar, O king, live forever. 69. “Thou, O king, hast made a decree, that every man that shall hear the sound of the cornet, flute, harp, sackbut, psaltery, and dulcimer, and all kinds of musick, shall fall down and worship the golden image: 70. “And whoso falleth not down and worshippeth, that he should be cast into the midst of a burning fiery furnace. 71. “There are certain Jews whom thou hast set over the affairs of the province of Babylon, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego; these men, O king, have not regarded thee: they serve not thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up.

72. “Then Nebuchadnezzar in his rage and fury commanded to bring Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego. Then they brought these men before the king.

73. “Nebuchadnezzar spake and said unto them, Is it true, O Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego, do not ye serve my gods, nor worship the golden image which I have set up?

74. “Now if ye be ready that at what time ye hear the sound of the cornet, flute, harp, sackbut, psaltery, and dulcimer, and all kinds of musick, ye fall down and worship the image which I have made; well: but if ye worship not, ye shall be cast the same hour into the midst of a burning fiery furnace; and who is that God that shall deliver you out of my hands?

75. “Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego, answered and said to the king, O Nebuchadnezzar we are not careful to answer thee in this matter.

76. “If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king.

77. “But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up.

78. “Then was Nebuchadnezzar full of fury and the form of his visage was changed against Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego: Therefore he spake, and commanded that they should heat the furnace one seven times more than it was wont to be heated.

79. “And he commanded the most mighty men that were in his army to bind Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego, and to) cast them Into the burning fiery furnace.

80. “Then these men were bound in their coats, their hosen, and their hats, and their other garments, and were cast into the midst of the burning fiery furnace.

81. “Therefore because the king’s commandment was urgent, and the furnace exceeding hot, the flame of the fire slew those men that took up Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego.

82. “And these three men Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego, fell down bound into the midst of the burning fiery furnace.

83. “Then Nebuchadnezzar the king was astonished, and rose up in haste, and spake, and said unto his counsellors. Did not we cast three men bound into the midst of the fire? They answered and said unto the king, True, O king.

84. “He answered and said, Lo, I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire, and they have no hurt, and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God.

85. “Then Nebuchadnezzar came near to the mouth of the burning fiery furnace, and spake and said, Shadrach Meshach and Abed-nego, ye servants of the most high God come forth, and come hither. Then Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego, came forth of the midst of the fire.

86. “And the princes, governors, and captains, and the king’s counsellors, being gathered together, saw these men, upon whose bodies the fire had no power, nor was a hair of their head singed, neither were their coats changed, nor the smell of fire had passed on them.

87. “Then Nebuchadnezzar spake, and said, Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego, who hath sent his angel, and delivered his servants that trusted in him, and have changed the king’s word, and yielded their bodies, that they might not serve nor worship any god, except their own God.

88. “Therefore I make a decree, that every people, nation, and language, which speak anything, amiss against the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego, shall be cut in pieces, and their house shall be made a dunghill; because there is no other God that can deliver after this sort.

89. “Then the king promoted Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego, in the province of Babylon.” – Daniel 3

90. The statue of gold that the unhurt young Jews did not worship is the abominable food, the filthy food of Theosophy, Spiritism, pseudo-Rosicrucianism, Ferrierism, politics, and other food offered unto idols.

91. That abominable food on Jezebel’s table is the statue of gold that the young unhurt men did not worship.

92. The furnace was lit seven times.

93. These are the seven distillations of alchemy.

94. These are the seven serpents that we must raise upon the reed. These are the seven days of our profound creation.

95. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego are the physical, Vital and Astral bodies.

96. The fourth young man who was like the Son of God is the Christ-Mind of anyone who is liberated from the four bodies of sin.

97. Therefore, it is necessary to ignite the fiery furnace seven times, in order to convert ourselves into kings and queens, into lords of the universe.

Sexual alchemy is an hermetic art. The hermetic art is highly scientific, highly philosophical, and highly mystical. The whole science and philosophy of the Great Work is found enclosed within the Twelfth Arcanum. (This is the formula:  Inducere membrum virile in vaginam foeminam sine ejiciendo semen – Introduce the virile member into the female vagina without ejaculating the semen). “Sexual connection without spilling the semen, without the ejaculation of the Ens Seminis.” This is how creative energy is transmuted. When the Alchemist spills the Cup of Hermes, the fire of the laboratory burner is turned off and all work is lost. The one who causes the Kundalini to rise up to the head awakens the crown chakra. This chakra is the seventh seal of the apocalypse. The kundalini only descends when the lets himself fall. The initiate falls when he spills the semen – Samael Aun Weor

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