The Serpent

Celtic Serpent

The serpent represents the sexual fire of the Third Logos. The serpentine fire, sleeps coiled three and a half times inside the chakra Muladhara, which is situated in the coccygeal bone – Woer

The archaic symbolism of the world-Religions.

“The mysteries of the faith (are) not to be divulged to all…It is requisite to hide in a mystery the wisdom spoken.” – Clem. Alex

The serpent, as Mark Amaru states, is a most ancient and primordial symbol in human consciousness. Mythologies throughout the world abound with stories about snakes and their relations with humans.

In Genesis the serpent tempted Eve to taste the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge. Which drove her and Adam forever out of paradise. Interestingly, the Gnostic Christians held a different view of the serpent.

The Gnostics believed in direct contact with a divine without need for an intercessory. Thus they were not particularly popular with the Church of Rome.

To the Gnostics, the serpent was a hero, not a villain. By persuading Eve to partake of the fruit of knowledge the serpent led mankind to the path of spiritual autonomy. This requires man to leave paradise where all his needs are met but at the cost of subservience and unconsciousness.

The quest for understanding that the serpent of Eden symbolically represents is attained by leaving the “blessed” ignorance” of unconsciousness for the “hard won” fruit of increased awareness.

According to the Gnostic esoteric interpretation of the Garden of Eden. The serpent on the tree is symbolic of the serpent kundalini that moves upon the inner Tree of Life, the human spine.

This esoteric perspective derives from the Hindu yogis. The perspective explains how the serpent on the tree could have taught Adam and Eve that they were divine.

The yogis know from direct experience (gnosis) that the serpent kundalini teaches an initiate not by whispering in their ears. By ascending up the back and giving rise to the inner intuitive revelation of “I AM Divine; I AM the Infinite Spirit in a Physical Form.

The Kundalini, for those not familiar, refers to a kind of magnetic energy coiled up at the base of the spine. This “subtle field of energy” is represented in Hinduism as a serpent.

The serpent is feminine and is sometimes referred to as “Kundalini Shakti.” According to the ancient yogis, this feminine power ascends upwards through the sushumna, a subtle etheric pathway into the brain.

As she enters the brain, she moves upwards to the crown chakra there to meet Shiva, Lord of the Universe. The merging of the electric (Shiva) and the magnetic (Shakti) energies rapidly expands the awareness of the yogi.

This cosmic merging of the male and female energies of an individual is called the Sacred Marriage. The Scared Marriage a potent symbol used in alchemy.

As Samuel Aun Weor stated in reference to the serpent (Kundalini):

“The kundalini is the sexual fire. The kundalini is the fire of the Holy Spirit. The Kundalini is the flaming sword of the Cherubim that guards the entrance to Eden.

The secret to awakening the kundalini is within the miracle that Christ performed at the wedding of Cana.

The transformation of water into wine is accomplished within the nuptials. The water (semen) will be transmuted into wine of the alchemical light by refrained effort sexual magic”.

We will cover sexual magic in our semen retention and sexual alchemy tab on our home page.

Anodea Judith stated her book Eastern Body Western Mind that in Hindu mythology, Kundalini is a serpent goddess who lies asleep at the base of the spine, coiled three and a half times around the first chakra.

Her full name is Kundalini-Shakti, and she represents the unfolding of the divine Shakti energy. The energizing potential of life itself, a living goddess who enlivens all things.

Under certain circumstances, the Kundalini energy awakens and begins to rise through the body. It pierces and opening the chakras as she moves in her undulating, snakelike fashion.

As she releases stored and blocked energies. Her movement can be quite intense, sometimes painful, and often leads to mental states that seem out of this world. Kundalini is a condensed, primal force, similar to the potential energy found in matter.

When released, it creates a vertical connection between the chakras by opening the subtle channels known as nadis. Most specifically, the central channel that moves up the spine, called sushumna.

If we put water through a small hose at very high pressure, the end of the hose will undulate like a snake. Similarly, the intense energy of Kundalini undulates in the body as it rises through the chakras.

Kundalini can also be seen as the result, rather than the cause, of the chakras connecting with each other. Theoretically, as the chakras enlarge, the spinning of one can enhance the spinning of the one above or below it.

Any energy spinning along the edge of a chakra could get swept upward (or downward) in a serpentine motion by the chakras, as their spinning changes direction from clockwise to counterclockwise.

As one opens the door with a key, so the yogi should open the gate to liberation with Kundalini. She gives liberation to the yogi and bondage of the fool. – Hatha Yoga Pradipika

Celtic Serpent

The ancient Egyptians referred to the pathway for the ascent of the serpent power as “the djed.” And the path of initiation began when the initiate raised his or her life force up the spine.

The myth of the Resurrection of Osiris is not only a myth, but also an alchemical treatise on how to attain alchemical union of male and female.

The roots of Djedhi and Uadjet, “Dj” and Djed,” denoted serpent and column respectively. Thus designated a Djedhi as one who had raised the inner serpent (the Kundalini) up the human vertebral column to the spiritual centers within the head and thus became a Serpent of Wisdom or a Quetzalcoatl, the precious feathered serpent from Azetic Mysticism.

It was the Egyptian Order of Djedhi that inspired George Lucas’s Jedi in Star Wars.

The ancient Djedhi of Egypt were just one of many mystic groups who were awakened to the power of the serpent. In our blog articles we will cover more in detal of the Djedhi. The Nagas of India. Lung Dragons of China. Amaurs of Peru and the Kukucans of Mesoamerica. The Serpent Clans and Tribes of North America. The Greek and Aegean Children of the Serpent Goddess. The Levites of Palestine and the Possessors of Fire. Naaseni and Ophite Gnostics, and the Druid Adders of Britain.

The theme of Quetzalcoatl is transcendental and deserves to be reflected upon. Along with the serpent, the eagle is a recurring motif throughout many of the ancient civilizations.

The eagle symbolizes the pineal gland. A small, pinecone shaped neuroendocrine organ located in the brain behind the third cerebral ventricle in the midline and between the two cerebral hemispheres.

The serpent (kundalini) on the other hand, represents sexual energy. Samael Aun Weor states, that the two witnesses from the Christian book Revelation are two subtle channels of energy in the body.

These two witnesses that are entwined around the spinal medulla form the holy eight. These two witnesses, entwined around the dorsal spine, form the Caduceus of Mercury.

The two sympathetic cords are situated on the right and left sides of the spinal medulla. The two witnesses rise, alternating from left to right, until reaching the nostrils. The sympathetic cord from right side rises and ends on the left side and vice versa.

The cord that comes the left side is cold; the cord that comes from the right side is hot. Cold is lunar; hot is solar. The solar and lunar atoms of our seminal system rise through these two sympathetic cords until they reach the brain.

When the solar and lunar atoms come into contact within the coccyx, the serpent (kundalini) inevitably awakens. The medullar canal has an interior orifice that is normally closed among ordinary people.

The seminal steam uncovers this orifice in order for the serpent (kundalini) to enter through it. When the serpent (kundalini) rises from chakra to chakra, it unites the knots and impediments that oppose its ascension.

Referring back to the eagle (pineal gland). When the serpent (kundalini) reaches the base of the skull upon its ascension it causes the eagle to open its wings for the third eye to awaken.

When the eagle absorbs the serpent (sexual energy) it gives birth or transformation to a new creature. This creature is known as Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent. According to Woer, this Quetzalcoatl is also Mithra and Hermes Trismegistus, the three times great God Ibis of Thoth. Quezalcoatl is indeed the Spiritual Sun.

Quetzalcoatl is the feathered serpent, the mystic serpent of the Orphic mysteries, the mysteries of Egypt, the mysteries of Kabirim, the mysteries of the glorious, ancient, and archaic Mexico. Quezalcoatl is in itself the same Platonic Logos, the Herbraic Chrestos, and the Hindustani Vishnu.

In Aztec Civilization, Quezalcoatl was personified as half eagle and half serpent, in other words, a dragon.

When the pineal gland (eagle) absorbs the sexual energy (serpent) you become a new being. You become your higher self. You have transcended the lower nature of your being symbolized by the serpent into your full potential with your higher chakras activated symbolized by the eagle, your higher self full awakened.

All the ancient knowledge, philosophies, and mystery schools taught self-empowerment and the awakening of the serpent within thru symbolism.

In esoteric buddhism, the Bodhi Tree, also known as the Mahabodhi Tree or Bo Tree is a sacred fig tree located in Bodhi Gaya, India. It is widely known as the tree under which Siddhartha Gautama, the spiritual teacher who became known as the Buddha, attained enlightenment.

Although the original tree under which Buddha sat is no longer living. The term “bodhi tree” is also applied to existing sacred fig trees. This tree under which Buddha sat when he found enlightenment was his spine.

The fig blossoms inward just as we will blossom inwardly once we raise the serpent up our tree (spine).

The story of Moses raising the bronze serpent is an allegory that when we are tempted and have no self control over our lower nature. The sexual energy becomes a poison to us as symbolized by the serpents biting and poisoning the Israelites in the wilderness.

These poisonous serpents symbolize the sexual energy being depleted. Your body lacking these resources begins to consume these nutrients and resources from your organs such as the liver, a vicious cycle commences and your health deteriorates.

Moses raising the bronze serpent on the staff (spine) symbolizes the raising of our sexual energy (serpent). Sexual energy is healing energy when conserved. This was symbolized by the Israelites being healed once Moses raised his bronze serpent staff.

“Samadhi, Yoga (Union), Nirvana, Mukti, Salvation, Enlightenment, Self-Realization, whatever name we wish to give to the ultimate state of consciousness, it always requires the awakening of Kundalini” – Snatata Gamana

Celtic Serpent

As C.J. Van Vliet stated, “The serpent is the monster to be overcome.” If the man but wills he can reduce its power. He can brace himself against the pressure of the uncanny coils.

He can in fact subdue the unwieldy and unruly reptile even yet by opposing its depraved desires. By will he can reduce it to servility again. And then its valuable hidden power will aid him in his ascent of evolution’s path. Indeed, “when conquered, the serpent becomes a means of life.”

Instead of appropriating the life force of man. It will then supply him with the greatest factor that can lead to a higher human existence. The turbulent serpent of Sex will then be transformed into the docile serpent of wisdom. Which will show the way of the human toward the superhuman state.

The symbol of a snake encoiling the body of humanity occurs in the mythology of various peoples. And Oriental literature mentions a serpent coiled up in a mysterious center of force inside the human body.

The uncoiling of this serpent within the body, as of the entwining monster, is held to be man’s evolutionary task.

Records of a serpent symbolism in some form or another have been found in all parts of the world. Especially of universal occurrence are the legends about heroes who conquer an evil serpent or dragon.

And there can be no doubt that these legends symbolize the necessity of man’s victory over the domineering influence of sex. From the earliest times, folk-lore seems to have connected the serpent with the sexual function.

Erudite investigators have come to the conclusion that “the serpent always has a phallic signification.” But what usually mystifies the student of symbolism is that “though the serpent is exhibited as the representative of the evil principle. It is considered also in the opposite light.”

However, where the symbolism has not suffered in transition there is a notable difference between the two portrayals. While the evil serpent is coiled, “the serpent of good is always represented as upright.”

This upright serpent is the transformed serpent. Not any more coiled but standing on its tail, its body slightly curved. Reminiscent of the human spine which plays such an important part in the actual uncoiling of the serpent. It is still the phallic serpent, but conquered, tamed, and thereby changed into the most valuable adjunct of man.

Reflective inquiry into various forms of serpent symbolism shows that they contain a principle of supreme importance. Namely, that every effort to resist the demands of the sexual urge will gradually lead to an uncoiling of the serpent. And therewith to spiritual freedom and untrammeled evolutionary growth.

But this ultimate result cannot be attained without a conscious realization of ideal purification. “Tremendous purity is the one secret of spirituality”. The factor of evolutionary attainment which must follow the acquisition of intellect, but which has almost entirely been neglected by mankind.

In conclusion, the most powerful emotion a human can feel is sexual desire. The serpent symbolizes sexual energy which is the kundalini flowing upwards into the channels known as the Ida and Pingala which go up from the base of the spine to the brain.

The tree of the knowledge of good and evil is the spine. The two hemispheres of the brain are the masculine and feminine principles. The serpent is the kundalini sexual energy.

The serpent is tempting you to release your sacred energy. Which is the forbidden fruit that the serpent tempted Eve to eat.

The resurrection of the Christ is the raising of the sexual energy from the base of the spine to the brain and into the pineal gland symbolized by the eagle thus transforming one from their lower nature (hell) into their higher nature (heaven).

This new being symbolizes a fully spiritually awakened feathered serpent (Quetzalcoatl) or otherwise known as a dragon. Conquering this serpent within is the foundation of our philosophy of self mastery. This is why we call it the Serpent’s Way.

“Through arduous spiritual disciplines, these Masters had successfully united the male and female principles within themselves, raised the inner transformative fire serpent from its seat at the base of the spine, and awakened the consciousness of love within their hearts”

“As fully conscious Spirit inhabiting a physical form, the Serpents of Wisdom wield unlimited “Serpent Wisdom and Powers,” including the ability to materialize any physical object at will. They dwell within immutable, physical bodies which can survive for hundreds of years, although they experience the world primarily out of an immortal, fourth dimensional “Dragon Body,” and etheric sheath which surrounds the physical body”

“Contained within the Dragon Body are the “supernatural” senses of clairvoyance, clairaudience, telepathy, omniscience, and omnipresence, which allow the Serpents to remain in continual communication with the subtle realms which surround and interpenetrate the physical plane. If they so desire they can extricate the Dragon Body from its physical sheath and travel within it to distant locations throughout the universe” – Mark Amaru Pinkham



Recommended Books

Anodea Judith Eastern body, western mind – Psychology and the Chakra System as a path to the self

Santata Gamana Kundalini Exposed

Pinkham, Amaru, Mark. 1997. The return of the Serpents Wisdom

Pinkham, Amaru, Mark. 2018. An Initiate’s Guide to the Path of the Dragon

Weor, Aun Samael. 2018. The Yellow Book – The Divine Mother, Kundalini and Spiritual Powers

Weor, Aun Samael. 2018. Aztec Christic Magic

Vliet, Van, C.J. 1939. The Coiled Serpent. A Philosophy of Conservation and Transmutation of Reproductive Energy

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